#!/bin/bash # Exit script as soon as a command fails. set -o errexit # Executes cleanup function at script exit. trap cleanup EXIT OPTIMUS_MIN_PRICE="0.01" MASTER_ADDRESS=$1 DEV=$2 github_url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sonm-io/autodeploy' worker_config="worker-default.yaml" node_config="node-default.yaml" cli_config="cli.yaml" optimus_config="optimus-default.yaml" if [ ${SUDO_USER} ]; then actual_user=${SUDO_USER}; else actual_user=$(whoami); fi actual_user_home=$(eval echo ~${actual_user}) cleanup() { rm -f *_template.yaml rm -f variables.txt } validate_master() { if ! [[ ${MASTER_ADDRESS} =~ ^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$ ]]; then echo "Given address: '${MASTER_ADDRESS}' is not a valid ethereum address" exit 1 fi } install_docker() { if ! [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then curl -s https://get.docker.com/ | bash fi } install_dependencies() { apt-get update apt-get install -y software-properties-common if ! [ -z "$(lsb_release -a | grep Ubuntu)" ]; then echo "Ubuntu" add-apt-repository universe apt-get update else echo "Not Ubuntu" fi apt-get install -y gnupg apt-transport-https gawk declare -a deps=("jq" "curl" "wget") for dep in "${deps[@]}" do if ! [ $(which $dep) ]; then to_install="$to_install $dep" fi done if [ -n "$to_install" ]; then apt-get install -y ${to_install} fi } install_sonm_packages() { gpg_key_url="https://packagecloud.io/SONM/core/gpgkey" apt_config_url="https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/SONM/core/config_file.list?os=ubuntu&dist=xenial&source=script" apt_source_path="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/SONM_core.list" curl -sSf "${apt_config_url}" > ${apt_source_path} echo -n "Importing packagecloud gpg key... " # import the gpg key curl -L "${gpg_key_url}" 2> /dev/null | apt-key add - &>/dev/null echo "done." echo -n "Running apt-get update... " apt-get update &> /dev/null echo "done." apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install -y sonm-cli sonm-node sonm-worker sonm-optimus if ! [[ -z $(echo $SONM_VERSION) ]]; then apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" install -y sonm-mon fi echo "Sonm packages installed" } download_templates() { echo "Downloading templates..." wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/worker_template.yaml -O worker_template.yaml wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/node_template.yaml -O node_template.yaml wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/cli_template.yaml -O cli_template.yaml wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/optimus_template.yaml -O optimus_template.yaml wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/variables.txt -O variables.txt echo "Templates downloaded" } load_variables() { echo "Loading variables..." source ./variables.txt export $(cut -d= -f1 variables.txt) echo "Variables loaded" } var_value() { eval echo \$$1 } modify_config() { template="${1}" vars=$(grep -oE '\{\{[A-Za-z0-9_]+\}\}' "${template}" | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/^{{//' -e 's/}}$//') replaces="" vars=$(echo $vars | sort | uniq) for var in ${vars}; do value=$(var_value ${var} | sed -e "s;\&;\\\&;g" -e "s;\ ;\\\ ;g") value=$(echo "$value" | sed 's/\//\\\//g'); replaces="-e \"s|{{$var}}|${value}|g\" $replaces" done escaped_template_path=$(echo ${template} | sed 's/ /\\ /g') eval sed ${replaces} "${escaped_template_path}" > $2 } resolve_gpu() { if [[ $(lsmod | grep amdgpu) ]]; then GPU_TYPE="radeon: {}" GPU_SETTINGS="gpus:" echo detected RADEON GPU elif [[ $(lsmod | grep nvidia) ]]; then GPU_TYPE="nvidia: {}" GPU_SETTINGS="gpus:" echo detected NVIDIA GPU echo check nvidia-modprobe... if ! [ -x "$(command -v nvidia-modprobe)" ]; then apt-get install -y nvidia-modprobe fi else GPU_SETTINGS="" GPU_TYPE="" echo no GPU detected fi } resolve_worker_key() { x=0 while [ "$x" -lt 300 ]; do x=$((x+1)) sleep .1 if [ -d "${WORKER_KEY_PATH}" ]; then if [[ $(ls ${WORKER_KEY_PATH}/) ]]; then keystore_file=$(ls ${WORKER_KEY_PATH}) break fi fi done WORKER_ADDRESS=0x$(cat ${WORKER_KEY_PATH}/$keystore_file | jq '.address' | sed -e 's/"//g') } get_password() { if [ -f "$actual_user_home/.sonm/$cli_config" ] then PASSWORD=$(cat $actual_user_home/.sonm/$cli_config | grep pass_phrase | cut -c16- | awk '{gsub("\x22","\x5C\x5C\x5C\x22");gsub("\x27","\x5C\x5C\x5C\x27"); print}') fi } set_up_cli() { echo setting up cli... get_password modify_config "cli_template.yaml" ${cli_config} mkdir -p ${KEYSTORE} mkdir -p ${actual_user_home}/.sonm/ mv ${cli_config} ${actual_user_home}/.sonm/${cli_config} chown -R ${actual_user}:${actual_user} ${KEYSTORE} chown -R ${actual_user}:${actual_user} ${actual_user_home}/.sonm su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli login --password=sonm" sleep 1 ADMIN_ADDRESS=$(su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli login | grep 'Default key:' | cut -c14-56" | tr -d '\r') chmod -R 755 ${KEYSTORE}/* get_password } set_up_node() { echo setting up node... modify_config "node_template.yaml" ${node_config} mv ${node_config} /etc/sonm/${node_config} } set_up_worker() { echo setting up worker... modify_config "worker_template.yaml" ${worker_config} mv ${worker_config} /etc/sonm/${worker_config} } set_up_optimus() { echo setting up optimus... modify_config "optimus_template.yaml" ${optimus_config} mv ${optimus_config} /etc/sonm/${optimus_config} } set_update_script() { wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/sonm-auto-deploy-supplier.sh -O /usr/bin/sonm-update chmod +x /usr/bin/sonm-update } fix_hive() { if [ -f "/hive/bin/hivex" ]; then echo "Detected Hive OS, installing patch.." wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/hive/sonm-xorg-config.service -O /etc/systemd/system/sonm-xorg-config.service wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/hive/sonm-xorg-config -O /usr/bin/sonm-xorg-config chmod +x /usr/bin/sonm-xorg-config systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable sonm-xorg-config.service enable_standby fi } enable_standby() { echo "Enabling sonm-standby service" wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/hive/sonm-standby.service -O /etc/systemd/system/sonm-standby.service wget -q ${github_url}/${branch}/hive/sonm-standby -O /usr/bin/sonm-standby chmod +x /usr/bin/sonm-standby systemctl enable sonm-standby.service systemctl restart sonm-standby.service CARDS_NUM=`nvidia-smi -L | grep UUID | wc -l` if [ $CARDS_NUM -gt 0 ]; then mv /etc/sonm/optimus-default.yaml /etc/sonm/optimus-backup.yaml if [ -z $GPU_PRICE ]; then GPU_PRICE="0.07" fi SONM_DEAL_PRICE=$(bc -l <<< "scale=2; $CARDS_NUM*$GPU_PRICE") echo "sed 's/min_price: 0.003/min_price: $SONM_DEAL_PRICE/g' /etc/sonm/optimus-backup.yaml > /etc/sonm/optimus-default.yaml" | bash echo "MIN price for deal in Sonm changed to $SONM_DEAL_PRICE USD/h for $CARDS_NUM GPUs" else echo "No Nvidia GPUs detected" fi } install_sonm() { if [ ${DEV} ]; then echo Installing SONM dev packages rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/SONM_core.list branch='dev' download_url='https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/SONM/core-dev/script.deb.sh' else echo Installing SONM packages rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/SONM_core-dev.list branch='master' download_url='https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/SONM/core/script.deb.sh' fi validate_master resolve_gpu install_sonm_packages download_templates load_variables set_up_cli set_up_node set_up_worker echo starting node, worker and optimus systemctl restart sonm-worker sonm-node #confirm worker resolve_worker_key echo "worker address ${WORKER_ADDRESS}" echo "Switching to worker" su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli worker switch ${WORKER_ADDRESS}@" set_up_optimus fix_hive systemctl restart sonm-optimus set_update_script pull_blender } pull_blender() { echo "Pulling sonm/worker-blender image.." docker pull sonm/worker-blender:v1.4.1-3e771da } if [[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]]; then echo "This script must be run as superuser" exit 1 fi if [ -f "/usr/bin/sonmworker" ]; then # Graceful update MASTER_ADDRESS=$(cat /etc/sonm/worker-default.yaml | grep master | grep 0x | awk '{print $2}') echo "Looks like Sonm is already installed (master address is $MASTER_ADDRESS), checking deals.." if ! [[ -z $(pgrep sonmworker) ]]; then if ! [[ $(su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli worker status --json |jq '.uptime'") -eq 0 ]]; then for i in $(su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli worker ask-plan list --json | jq '.askPlans[].duration.nanoseconds'"); do if [[ $i -gt 0 ]]; then echo "WARNING: Forward deal found, you CANNOT perform update at the moment" exit 1 fi done echo "Closing spot deals.." while true; do echo ".. waiting for deal finish .." su ${actual_user} -c "sonmcli worker ask-plan purge --timeout=2m" if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then break; fi sleep 1 done fi else echo "Sonm-worker is not running. Installing SONM Platform updates" fi systemctl stop sonm-worker install_sonm else # Install sonm for supplier install_dependencies install_docker install_sonm fi