# StrapdownJS Boilerplate [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate)](https://github.com/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate/blob/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate)](https://github.com/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate/network) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate)](https://github.com/sonokamome/StrapdownJS-Boilerplate/stargazers) ![Shield io badge - Build](https://img.shields.io/badge/build-complete--ish-success) ![Static Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-1.0.2-green?style=plastic&label=Version&labelColor=green&color=white) ## What is it? This is a Sublime-Text 2, 3, 4 package designed to help you get started with making HTML files with markdown syntax for writing content via [Strapdown Markdown Preview](https://naereen.github.io/StrapDown.js/)! Works Great with [Strapdown Markdown Preview](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Strapdown%20Markdown%20Preview)! ## Why Make this? I was digging around for snippets for the basic example StrapdownJS boilerplate that is found on the StrapdownJS website itself, but I didn't find any while writing my documentation so I made one myself ## Installation ### Manual *Note: I copied the following from the packagecontro.io website* 1. Just open the *Preferences > Browse Packages* menu 2. Browse up a folder and then into the *Installed Packages/* folder 3. Download *Strapdownjs_boilerplate.sublime-package* and copy it into the *Installed Packages/* directory 4. Restart Sublime Text ### Sublime-Text Package Control ~~(coming soon)~~ ~~*Note (4/4/17): I have to set this up later on and get approval by the good people at Sublime-Text Package Control. So take this section as a placeholder for now.*~~ GOTT'ER DUN! 1. Start Sublime-Text 2, 3, 4 2. Press *Ctrl+Shift+p* (Windows, Linux) or *CMD+Shift+p)* (Mac OS); All Package Control commands begin with *Package Control:*, so start typing *Package*. 3. The command pallete will now show a number of commands. Select *Package Control: Install Package* and then type "StrapdownJS" and select "StrapdownJS BoilerPlate" ## How do I Use It? Start a new HTML file, type on your new html file tab or window ```strapdownjs``` and hit Tab and *voila*, instant StrapdownJS magic! ## License This is all being released under the [WTFPL, Version 2](http://www.wtfpl.net) License.