################################################################################### # DynamoDB Tables # # This template shall create 4 main tables for `sosw` and the `autotest_` copies # # for them in case you are running integration tests. # ################################################################################### AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: "sosw_shared_resources" Resources: SoswTasksDynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "sosw_tasks" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: 'task_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'labourer_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'greenfield' AttributeType: 'N' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'task_id' KeyType: "HASH" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 GlobalSecondaryIndexes: - IndexName: "sosw_tasks_greenfield" KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'labourer_id' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'greenfield' KeyType: "RANGE" Projection: ProjectionType: "ALL" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 Tags: - Key: 'Environment' Value: 'sandbox' # Uncomment this table if you are going to run system/integration tests. # AutotestSoswTasksDynamoTable: # Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" # Properties: # TableName: "autotest_sosw_tasks" # AttributeDefinitions: # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'greenfield' # AttributeType: 'N' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # KeyType: "HASH" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # GlobalSecondaryIndexes: # - # IndexName: "autotest_sosw_tasks_greenfield" # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'greenfield' # KeyType: "RANGE" # Projection: # ProjectionType: "ALL" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # Tags: # - # Key: 'Environment' # Value: 'dev' # SoswClosedTasksDynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "sosw_closed_tasks" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: 'task_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'labourer_id_task_status' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'closed_at' AttributeType: 'N' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'task_id' KeyType: "HASH" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 GlobalSecondaryIndexes: - IndexName: "labourer_task_status_with_time" KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'labourer_id_task_status' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'closed_at' KeyType: "RANGE" Projection: NonKeyAttributes: - 'completed_at' - 'greenfield' - 'attempts' ProjectionType: "INCLUDE" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 Tags: - Key: 'Environment' Value: 'sandbox' # Uncomment this table if you are going to run system/integration tests. # AutotestSoswClosedTasksDynamoTable: # Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" # Properties: # TableName: "autotest_sosw_closed_tasks" # AttributeDefinitions: # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id_task_status' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'closed_at' # AttributeType: 'N' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # KeyType: "HASH" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # GlobalSecondaryIndexes: # - # IndexName: "labourer_task_status_with_time" # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id_task_status' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'closed_at' # KeyType: "RANGE" # # Projection: # NonKeyAttributes: # - 'completed_at' # - 'greenfield' # - 'attempts' # ProjectionType: "INCLUDE" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # Tags: # - # Key: 'Environment' # Value: 'dev' SoswRetryTasksDynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "sosw_retry_tasks" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: 'labourer_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'task_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'desired_launch_time' AttributeType: 'N' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'labourer_id' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'task_id' KeyType: "RANGE" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 LocalSecondaryIndexes: - IndexName: 'labourer_id_greenfield' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'labourer_id' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'desired_launch_time' KeyType: "RANGE" Projection: ProjectionType: "ALL" Tags: - Key: 'Environment' Value: 'sandbox' # Uncomment this table if you are going to run system/integration tests. # AutotestSoswRetryTasksDynamoTable: # Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" # Properties: # TableName: "autotest_sosw_retry_tasks" # AttributeDefinitions: # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'desired_launch_time' # AttributeType: 'N' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'task_id' # KeyType: "RANGE" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # LocalSecondaryIndexes: # - # IndexName: 'labourer_id_greenfield' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'labourer_id' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'desired_launch_time' # KeyType: "RANGE" # Projection: # ProjectionType: "ALL" # # Tags: # - # Key: 'Environment' # Value: 'dev' SoswTasksMetaDynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "sosw_tasks_meta" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: 'task_id' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'created_at' AttributeType: 'N' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'task_id' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'created_at' KeyType: "RANGE" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 3 WriteCapacityUnits: 2 Tags: - Key: 'Environment' Value: 'sandbox' # Configuration Table # MOVED TO A SEPARATE STACK examples/sam/sosw-ddb-config # SoswConfigDynamoTable: # Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" # DeletionPolicy: Retain # Properties: # TableName: "config" # AttributeDefinitions: # - # AttributeName: 'env' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'config_name' # AttributeType: 'S' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'env' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'config_name' # KeyType: "RANGE" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 3 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # Tags: # - # Key: 'Environment' # Value: 'sandbox' ## This is a custom policy the Lambdas should use to be able to READ config. ## Unfortunately there is now way to create resource-based permissions in DynamoDB. ## You can create this policy only after the IAM roles using it will be created. # SoswConfigDynamoTablePolicy: # Type: AWS::IAM::Policy # Properties: # PolicyDocument: # Version: "2012-10-17" # Statement: # - # Sid: "Query" # Effect: "Allow" # Action: # - "dynamodb:Query" # - "dynamodb:DescribeTable" # Resource: !Ref SoswConfigDynamoTable # Roles: # - "lambda_sosw_orchestrator" # - "lambda_sosw_scavenger" ## You can also import the role if you export them from Lambdas ## - Fn::ImportValue: sosw-role-orchestrator # # PolicyName: ReadOnlyConfigTable # This table is the genaral storage of configs for testing and dev environments. Be careful not to drop it. AutotestSoswConfigDynamoTable: Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" Properties: TableName: "autotest_config" AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: 'env' AttributeType: 'S' - AttributeName: 'config_name' AttributeType: 'S' KeySchema: - AttributeName: 'env' KeyType: "HASH" - AttributeName: 'config_name' KeyType: "RANGE" ProvisionedThroughput: ReadCapacityUnits: 1 WriteCapacityUnits: 1 Tags: - Key: 'Environment' Value: 'dev' ## Uncomment this table if you are going to run system/integration tests. # # This table is used for testing behaviour of config components. Can be played with during tests. # AutotestConfigComponentDynamoTable: # Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table" # Properties: # TableName: "autotest_config_component" # AttributeDefinitions: # - # AttributeName: 'env' # AttributeType: 'S' # - # AttributeName: 'config_name' # AttributeType: 'S' # KeySchema: # - # AttributeName: 'env' # KeyType: "HASH" # - # AttributeName: 'config_name' # KeyType: "RANGE" # ProvisionedThroughput: # ReadCapacityUnits: 1 # WriteCapacityUnits: 1 # # Tags: # - # Key: 'Environment' # Value: 'dev' ############################################# # Export Values to CloudFormation Namespace # ############################################# Outputs: SoswTasksDynamoTableName: Description: "Sosw Tasks main table of unfinished tasks" Value: !Ref SoswTasksDynamoTable Export: Name: "sosw-ddb-tasks" # SoswConfigDynamoTableName: # Description: "Sosw Config Table" # Value: !Ref SoswConfigDynamoTable # Export: # Name: "sosw-ddb-config" SoswClosedTasksDynamoTableName: Description: "Sosw Tasks archived table" Value: !Ref SoswClosedTasksDynamoTable Export: Name: "sosw-ddb-tasks-closed" SoswTasksMetaDynamoTableName: Description: "Sosw Tasks Meta Data table" Value: !Ref SoswTasksMetaDynamoTable Export: Name: "sosw-ddb-tasks-meta" SoswRetryTasksDynamoTableName: Description: "Sosw Tasks retry table" Value: !Ref SoswRetryTasksDynamoTable Export: Name: "sosw-ddb-tasks-retry"