extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); /********************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2013 Carnegie Mellon University. All Rights Reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following acknowledgments and disclaimers. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names "Carnegie Mellon University," "SEI" and/or "Software Engineering Institute" shall not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact permission@sei.cmu.edu. 4. Products derived from this software may not be called "SEI" nor may "SEI" appear in their names without prior written permission of permission@sei.cmu.edu. 5. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: This material is based upon work funded and supported by the Department of Defense under Contract No. FA8721-05-C-0003 with Carnegie Mellon University for the operation of the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded research and development center. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Department of Defense. NO WARRANTY. THIS CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING INSTITUTE MATERIAL IS FURNISHEDON AN "AS-IS" BASIS. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, EXCLUSIVITY, OR RESULTS OBTAINED FROM USE OF THE MATERIAL. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO FREEDOM FROM PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution. DM-0000575 **********************************************************************/ /* Generated by CIL v. 1.6.0 */ /* print_CIL_Input is true */ char __VERIFIER_nondet_char(void) ; _Bool __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(void) ; typedef char int8_t; typedef int8_t msg_t; typedef int port_t; extern void read(port_t p , msg_t m ) ; extern void write(port_t p , msg_t m ) ; msg_t nomsg = (msg_t )-1; port_t g1v ; int8_t g1v_old ; int8_t g1v_new ; port_t g2v ; int8_t g2v_old ; int8_t g2v_new ; port_t g3v ; int8_t g3v_old ; int8_t g3v_new ; extern _Bool __VERIFIER_nondet_bool() ; extern msg_t __VERIFIER_nondet_char() ; extern void __VERIFIER_assume(int arg ) ; _Bool gate1Failed ; _Bool gate2Failed ; _Bool gate3Failed ; msg_t VALUE1 ; msg_t VALUE2 ; msg_t VALUE3 ; void assert(_Bool arg ) ; _Bool gate1Failed_History_0 ; _Bool gate1Failed_History_1 ; _Bool gate1Failed_History_2 ; _Bool gate2Failed_History_0 ; _Bool gate2Failed_History_1 ; _Bool gate2Failed_History_2 ; _Bool gate3Failed_History_0 ; _Bool gate3Failed_History_1 ; _Bool gate3Failed_History_2 ; int8_t votedValue_History_0 ; int8_t votedValue_History_1 ; int8_t votedValue_History_2 ; _Bool read_history_bool(int history_id , int historyIndex ) ; int8_t read_history_int8(int history_id , int historyIndex ) ; int add_history_type(int history_id ) { _Bool ini_bool ; int8_t ini_int ; int var ; int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; { ini_bool = (_Bool)0; ini_int = (int8_t )-2; var = 0; while (var < 3) { if (history_id == 0) { tmp = (int )read_history_bool(0, 0); if (! (tmp == (int )ini_bool)) { return (0); } } else if (history_id == 1) { tmp___0 = (int )read_history_bool(1, 0); if (! (tmp___0 == (int )ini_bool)) { return (0); } } else if (history_id == 2) { tmp___1 = (int )read_history_bool(2, 0); if (! (tmp___1 == (int )ini_bool)) { return (0); } } else if (history_id == 3) { tmp___2 = (int )read_history_int8(3, 0); if (! (tmp___2 == (int )ini_int)) { return (0); } } var ++; } return (1); } } int8_t read_history_int8(int history_id , int historyIndex ) { { if (history_id == 3) { if (historyIndex == 0) { return (votedValue_History_0); } else if (historyIndex == 1) { return (votedValue_History_1); } else { return (votedValue_History_2); } } else { assert((_Bool)0); } return ((int8_t )-2); } } _Bool read_history_bool(int history_id , int historyIndex ) { { if (history_id == 0) { if (historyIndex == 0) { return (gate1Failed_History_0); } else if (historyIndex == 1) { return (gate1Failed_History_1); } else { return (gate1Failed_History_2); } } else if (history_id == 1) { if (historyIndex == 0) { return (gate2Failed_History_0); } else if (historyIndex == 1) { return (gate2Failed_History_1); } else { return (gate2Failed_History_2); } } else if (history_id == 2) { if (historyIndex == 0) { return (gate3Failed_History_0); } else if (historyIndex == 1) { return (gate3Failed_History_1); } else { return (gate3Failed_History_2); } } else { assert((_Bool)0); } return ((_Bool)0); } } void write_history_int8(int history_id , int8_t buf ) { { if (history_id == 3) { votedValue_History_2 = votedValue_History_1; votedValue_History_1 = votedValue_History_0; votedValue_History_0 = buf; } else { assert((_Bool)0); } return; } } void write_history_bool(int history_id , _Bool buf ) { { if (history_id == 0) { gate1Failed_History_2 = gate1Failed_History_1; gate1Failed_History_1 = gate1Failed_History_0; gate1Failed_History_0 = buf; } else if (history_id == 1) { gate2Failed_History_2 = gate2Failed_History_1; gate2Failed_History_1 = gate2Failed_History_0; gate2Failed_History_0 = buf; } else if (history_id == 2) { gate3Failed_History_2 = gate3Failed_History_1; gate3Failed_History_1 = gate3Failed_History_0; gate3Failed_History_0 = buf; } else { assert((_Bool)0); } return; } } int init(void) { int tmp ; int tmp___0 ; int tmp___1 ; int tmp___2 ; { tmp = add_history_type(0); if (! tmp) { return (0); } tmp___0 = add_history_type(1); if (! tmp___0) { return (0); } tmp___1 = add_history_type(2); if (! tmp___1) { return (0); } tmp___2 = add_history_type(3); if (! tmp___2) { return (0); } return (1); } } int check(void) { int tmp ; int temp_count ; int8_t tmp___0 ; int8_t tmp___1 ; int8_t tmp___2 ; _Bool tmp___3 ; _Bool tmp___4 ; _Bool tmp___5 ; int8_t tmp___6 ; _Bool tmp___7 ; _Bool tmp___8 ; _Bool tmp___9 ; int8_t tmp___10 ; int8_t tmp___11 ; int8_t tmp___12 ; int8_t tmp___13 ; int8_t tmp___14 ; { if (! gate1Failed) { tmp = 1; } else if (! gate2Failed) { tmp = 1; } else if (! gate3Failed) { tmp = 1; } else { tmp = 0; } __VERIFIER_assume((_Bool )tmp); tmp___3 = read_history_bool(0, 1); if (! tmp___3) { tmp___4 = read_history_bool(1, 1); if (! tmp___4) { tmp___5 = read_history_bool(2, 1); if (! tmp___5) { temp_count = 0; tmp___0 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if ((int )VALUE1 == (int )tmp___0) { temp_count ++; } tmp___1 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if ((int )VALUE2 == (int )tmp___1) { temp_count ++; } tmp___2 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if ((int )VALUE3 == (int )tmp___2) { temp_count ++; } if ((int )VALUE1 != (int )VALUE2) { if ((int )VALUE1 != (int )VALUE3) { if ((int )VALUE2 != (int )VALUE3) { if (! (temp_count == 1)) { return (0); } } else { goto _L___0; } } else { goto _L___0; } } else _L___0: /* CIL Label */ if (! (temp_count > 1)) { return (0); } } } } tmp___10 = read_history_int8(3, 1); if ((int )tmp___10 > -2) { tmp___6 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if ((int )tmp___6 == (int )nomsg) { tmp___7 = read_history_bool(0, 1); if (tmp___7) { tmp___8 = read_history_bool(1, 1); if (tmp___8) { tmp___9 = read_history_bool(2, 1); if (! tmp___9) { return (0); } } else { return (0); } } else { return (0); } } } tmp___11 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if ((int )tmp___11 != (int )nomsg) { tmp___12 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if (! ((int )VALUE1 == (int )tmp___12)) { tmp___13 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if (! ((int )VALUE2 == (int )tmp___13)) { tmp___14 = read_history_int8(3, 0); if (! ((int )VALUE3 == (int )tmp___14)) { return (0); } } } } return (1); } } void gate1_each_pals_period(void) { int8_t next_state ; msg_t tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { gate1Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); write_history_bool(0, gate1Failed); if (gate1Failed) { g1v_new = nomsg != nomsg && g1v_new == nomsg ? nomsg : g1v_new; return; } tmp = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); next_state = tmp; if ((int )next_state == 0) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 1) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 2) { tmp___0 = 1; } else { tmp___0 = 0; } __VERIFIER_assume((_Bool )tmp___0); g1v_new = next_state != nomsg && g1v_new == nomsg ? next_state : g1v_new; return; } } void gate2_each_pals_period(void) { int8_t next_state ; msg_t tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { gate2Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); write_history_bool(1, gate2Failed); if (gate2Failed) { g2v_new = nomsg != nomsg && g2v_new == nomsg ? nomsg : g2v_new; return; } tmp = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); next_state = tmp; if ((int )next_state == 0) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 1) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 2) { tmp___0 = 1; } else { tmp___0 = 0; } __VERIFIER_assume((_Bool )tmp___0); g2v_new = next_state != nomsg && g2v_new == nomsg ? next_state : g2v_new; return; } } void gate3_each_pals_period(void) { int8_t next_state ; msg_t tmp ; int tmp___0 ; { gate3Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); write_history_bool(2, gate3Failed); if (gate3Failed) { g3v_new = nomsg != nomsg && g3v_new == nomsg ? nomsg : g3v_new; return; } tmp = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); next_state = tmp; if ((int )next_state == 0) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 1) { tmp___0 = 1; } else if ((int )next_state == 2) { tmp___0 = 1; } else { tmp___0 = 0; } __VERIFIER_assume((_Bool )tmp___0); g3v_new = next_state != nomsg && g3v_new == nomsg ? next_state : g3v_new; return; } } void voter(void) { int8_t voted_value ; { voted_value = nomsg; VALUE1 = g1v_old; g1v_old = nomsg; VALUE2 = g2v_old; g2v_old = nomsg; VALUE3 = g3v_old; g3v_old = nomsg; if ((int )VALUE1 == (int )VALUE2) { if ((int )VALUE1 == (int )nomsg) { voted_value = VALUE3; } else { voted_value = VALUE1; } } else if ((int )VALUE1 == (int )VALUE3) { if ((int )VALUE1 == (int )nomsg) { voted_value = VALUE2; } else { voted_value = VALUE1; } } else if ((int )VALUE1 != (int )nomsg) { voted_value = VALUE1; } else if ((int )VALUE2 != (int )nomsg) { voted_value = VALUE2; } else if ((int )VALUE3 != (int )nomsg) { voted_value = VALUE3; } else { assert((_Bool)0); } write_history_int8(3, voted_value); return; } } void (*nodes[4])(void) = { & gate1_each_pals_period, & gate2_each_pals_period, & gate3_each_pals_period, & voter}; int main(void) { int c1 ; int i2 ; { c1 = 0; gate1Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate2Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate3Failed = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); VALUE1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); VALUE2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); VALUE3 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); gate1Failed_History_0 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate1Failed_History_1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate1Failed_History_2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate2Failed_History_0 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate2Failed_History_1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate2Failed_History_2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate3Failed_History_0 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate3Failed_History_1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); gate3Failed_History_2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_bool(); votedValue_History_0 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); votedValue_History_1 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); votedValue_History_2 = __VERIFIER_nondet_char(); i2 = init(); __VERIFIER_assume(i2); g1v_old = nomsg; g1v_new = nomsg; g2v_old = nomsg; g2v_new = nomsg; g3v_old = nomsg; g3v_new = nomsg; i2 = 0; while (1) { { gate1_each_pals_period(); gate2_each_pals_period(); gate3_each_pals_period(); voter(); g1v_old = g1v_new; g1v_new = nomsg; g2v_old = g2v_new; g2v_new = nomsg; g3v_old = g3v_new; g3v_new = nomsg; c1 = check(); assert(c1); } } } return 0; } void assert(_Bool arg ) { { if (! arg) { { ERROR: __VERIFIER_error(); } } } }