{ "Extensions": [ "citext", "hstore", "intarray", "pg_stat_statements", "pg_trgm", "pgcrypto" ], "Enums": [ { "Name": "audit_log_operation", "Labels": [ "create", "modify", "delete" ] }, { "Name": "batch_changes_changeset_ui_publication_state", "Labels": [ "UNPUBLISHED", "DRAFT", "PUBLISHED" ] }, { "Name": "cm_email_priority", "Labels": [ "NORMAL", "CRITICAL" ] }, { "Name": "critical_or_site", "Labels": [ "critical", "site" ] }, { "Name": "feature_flag_type", "Labels": [ "bool", "rollout" ] }, { "Name": "persistmode", "Labels": [ "record", "snapshot" ] } ], "Functions": [ { "Name": "batch_spec_workspace_execution_last_dequeues_upsert", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.batch_spec_workspace_execution_last_dequeues_upsert()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n INSERT INTO\n batch_spec_workspace_execution_last_dequeues\n SELECT\n user_id,\n MAX(started_at) as latest_dequeue\n FROM\n newtab\n GROUP BY\n user_id\n ON CONFLICT (user_id) DO UPDATE SET\n latest_dequeue = GREATEST(batch_spec_workspace_execution_last_dequeues.latest_dequeue, EXCLUDED.latest_dequeue);\n\n RETURN NULL;\nEND $function$\n" }, { "Name": "changesets_computed_state_ensure", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.changesets_computed_state_ensure()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n\n NEW.computed_state = CASE\n WHEN NEW.reconciler_state = 'errored' THEN 'RETRYING'\n WHEN NEW.reconciler_state = 'failed' THEN 'FAILED'\n WHEN NEW.reconciler_state = 'scheduled' THEN 'SCHEDULED'\n WHEN NEW.reconciler_state != 'completed' THEN 'PROCESSING'\n WHEN NEW.publication_state = 'UNPUBLISHED' THEN 'UNPUBLISHED'\n ELSE NEW.external_state\n END AS computed_state;\n\n RETURN NEW;\nEND $function$\n" }, { "Name": "delete_batch_change_reference_on_changesets", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.delete_batch_change_reference_on_changesets()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n UPDATE\n changesets\n SET\n batch_change_ids = changesets.batch_change_ids - OLD.id::text\n WHERE\n changesets.batch_change_ids ? OLD.id::text;\n\n RETURN OLD;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "delete_repo_ref_on_external_service_repos", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.delete_repo_ref_on_external_service_repos()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n -- if a repo is soft-deleted, delete every row that references that repo\n IF (OLD.deleted_at IS NULL AND NEW.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) THEN\n DELETE FROM\n external_service_repos\n WHERE\n repo_id = OLD.id;\n END IF;\n\n RETURN OLD;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "delete_user_repo_permissions_on_external_account_soft_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.delete_user_repo_permissions_on_external_account_soft_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n IF NEW.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND OLD.deleted_at IS NULL THEN\n \tDELETE FROM user_repo_permissions WHERE user_id = OLD.user_id AND user_external_account_id = OLD.id;\n END IF;\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "delete_user_repo_permissions_on_repo_soft_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.delete_user_repo_permissions_on_repo_soft_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n IF NEW.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND OLD.deleted_at IS NULL THEN\n \tDELETE FROM user_repo_permissions WHERE repo_id = NEW.id;\n END IF;\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "delete_user_repo_permissions_on_user_soft_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.delete_user_repo_permissions_on_user_soft_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n IF NEW.deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND OLD.deleted_at IS NULL THEN\n \tDELETE FROM user_repo_permissions WHERE user_id = OLD.id;\n END IF;\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_configuration_policies_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_configuration_policies_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n UPDATE configuration_policies_audit_logs\n SET record_deleted_at = NOW()\n WHERE policy_id IN (\n SELECT id FROM OLD\n );\n\n RETURN NULL;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_configuration_policies_insert", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_configuration_policies_insert()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n INSERT INTO configuration_policies_audit_logs\n (policy_id, operation, transition_columns)\n VALUES (\n NEW.id, 'create',\n func_configuration_policies_transition_columns_diff(\n (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),\n func_row_to_configuration_policies_transition_columns(NEW)\n )\n );\n RETURN NULL;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_configuration_policies_transition_columns_diff", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_configuration_policies_transition_columns_diff(old configuration_policies_transition_columns, new configuration_policies_transition_columns)\n RETURNS hstore[]\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n -- array || NULL should be a noop, but that doesn't seem to be happening\n -- hence array_remove here\n RETURN array_remove(\n ARRAY[]::hstore[] ||\n CASE WHEN old.name IS DISTINCT FROM new.name THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'name', 'old', old.name, 'new', new.name])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.type IS DISTINCT FROM new.type THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'type', 'old', old.type, 'new', new.type])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.pattern IS DISTINCT FROM new.pattern THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'pattern', 'old', old.pattern, 'new', new.pattern])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.retention_enabled IS DISTINCT FROM new.retention_enabled THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'retention_enabled', 'old', old.retention_enabled::text, 'new', new.retention_enabled::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.retention_duration_hours IS DISTINCT FROM new.retention_duration_hours THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'retention_duration_hours', 'old', old.retention_duration_hours::text, 'new', new.retention_duration_hours::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.indexing_enabled IS DISTINCT FROM new.indexing_enabled THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'indexing_enabled', 'old', old.indexing_enabled::text, 'new', new.indexing_enabled::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.index_commit_max_age_hours IS DISTINCT FROM new.index_commit_max_age_hours THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'index_commit_max_age_hours', 'old', old.index_commit_max_age_hours::text, 'new', new.index_commit_max_age_hours::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.index_intermediate_commits IS DISTINCT FROM new.index_intermediate_commits THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'index_intermediate_commits', 'old', old.index_intermediate_commits::text, 'new', new.index_intermediate_commits::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.protected IS DISTINCT FROM new.protected THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'protected', 'old', old.protected::text, 'new', new.protected::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.repository_patterns IS DISTINCT FROM new.repository_patterns THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'repository_patterns', 'old', old.repository_patterns::text, 'new', new.repository_patterns::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END,\n NULL);\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_configuration_policies_update", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_configuration_policies_update()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n DECLARE\n diff hstore[];\n BEGIN\n diff = func_configuration_policies_transition_columns_diff(\n func_row_to_configuration_policies_transition_columns(OLD),\n func_row_to_configuration_policies_transition_columns(NEW)\n );\n\n IF (array_length(diff, 1) \u003e 0) THEN\n INSERT INTO configuration_policies_audit_logs\n (policy_id, operation, transition_columns)\n VALUES (NEW.id, 'modify', diff);\n END IF;\n\n RETURN NEW;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_insert_gitserver_repo", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_insert_gitserver_repo()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\nINSERT INTO gitserver_repos\n(repo_id, shard_id)\nVALUES (NEW.id, '');\nRETURN NULL;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_insert_zoekt_repo", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_insert_zoekt_repo()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n INSERT INTO zoekt_repos (repo_id) VALUES (NEW.id);\n\n RETURN NULL;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_lsif_uploads_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_lsif_uploads_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n UPDATE lsif_uploads_audit_logs\n SET record_deleted_at = NOW()\n WHERE upload_id IN (\n SELECT id FROM OLD\n );\n\n RETURN NULL;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_lsif_uploads_insert", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_lsif_uploads_insert()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n INSERT INTO lsif_uploads_audit_logs\n (upload_id, commit, root, repository_id, uploaded_at,\n indexer, indexer_version, upload_size, associated_index_id,\n content_type,\n operation, transition_columns)\n VALUES (\n NEW.id, NEW.commit, NEW.root, NEW.repository_id, NEW.uploaded_at,\n NEW.indexer, NEW.indexer_version, NEW.upload_size, NEW.associated_index_id,\n NEW.content_type,\n 'create', func_lsif_uploads_transition_columns_diff(\n (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),\n func_row_to_lsif_uploads_transition_columns(NEW)\n )\n );\n RETURN NULL;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_lsif_uploads_transition_columns_diff", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_lsif_uploads_transition_columns_diff(old lsif_uploads_transition_columns, new lsif_uploads_transition_columns)\n RETURNS hstore[]\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n -- array || NULL should be a noop, but that doesn't seem to be happening\n -- hence array_remove here\n RETURN array_remove(\n ARRAY[]::hstore[] ||\n CASE WHEN old.state IS DISTINCT FROM new.state THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'state', 'old', old.state, 'new', new.state])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.expired IS DISTINCT FROM new.expired THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'expired', 'old', old.expired::text, 'new', new.expired::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.num_resets IS DISTINCT FROM new.num_resets THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'num_resets', 'old', old.num_resets::text, 'new', new.num_resets::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.num_failures IS DISTINCT FROM new.num_failures THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'num_failures', 'old', old.num_failures::text, 'new', new.num_failures::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.worker_hostname IS DISTINCT FROM new.worker_hostname THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'worker_hostname', 'old', old.worker_hostname, 'new', new.worker_hostname])\n ELSE NULL\n END ||\n CASE WHEN old.committed_at IS DISTINCT FROM new.committed_at THEN\n hstore(ARRAY['column', 'committed_at', 'old', old.committed_at::text, 'new', new.committed_at::text])\n ELSE NULL\n END,\n NULL);\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_lsif_uploads_update", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_lsif_uploads_update()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n DECLARE\n diff hstore[];\n BEGIN\n diff = func_lsif_uploads_transition_columns_diff(\n func_row_to_lsif_uploads_transition_columns(OLD),\n func_row_to_lsif_uploads_transition_columns(NEW)\n );\n\n IF (array_length(diff, 1) \u003e 0) THEN\n INSERT INTO lsif_uploads_audit_logs\n (reason, upload_id, commit, root, repository_id, uploaded_at,\n indexer, indexer_version, upload_size, associated_index_id,\n content_type,\n operation, transition_columns)\n VALUES (\n COALESCE(current_setting('codeintel.lsif_uploads_audit.reason', true), ''),\n NEW.id, NEW.commit, NEW.root, NEW.repository_id, NEW.uploaded_at,\n NEW.indexer, NEW.indexer_version, NEW.upload_size, NEW.associated_index_id,\n NEW.content_type,\n 'modify', diff\n );\n END IF;\n\n RETURN NEW;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_package_repo_filters_updated_at", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_package_repo_filters_updated_at()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n NEW.updated_at = statement_timestamp();\n RETURN NEW;\nEND $function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_row_to_configuration_policies_transition_columns", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_row_to_configuration_policies_transition_columns(rec record)\n RETURNS configuration_policies_transition_columns\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n RETURN (\n rec.name, rec.type, rec.pattern,\n rec.retention_enabled, rec.retention_duration_hours, rec.retain_intermediate_commits,\n rec.indexing_enabled, rec.index_commit_max_age_hours, rec.index_intermediate_commits,\n rec.protected, rec.repository_patterns);\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "func_row_to_lsif_uploads_transition_columns", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.func_row_to_lsif_uploads_transition_columns(rec record)\n RETURNS lsif_uploads_transition_columns\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n RETURN (rec.state, rec.expired, rec.num_resets, rec.num_failures, rec.worker_hostname, rec.committed_at);\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "invalidate_session_for_userid_on_password_change", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.invalidate_session_for_userid_on_password_change()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\n BEGIN\n IF OLD.passwd != NEW.passwd THEN\n NEW.invalidated_sessions_at = now() + (1 * interval '1 second');\n RETURN NEW;\n END IF;\n RETURN NEW;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "merge_audit_log_transitions", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.merge_audit_log_transitions(internal hstore, arrayhstore hstore[])\n RETURNS hstore\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\n IMMUTABLE\nAS $function$\n DECLARE\n trans hstore;\n BEGIN\n FOREACH trans IN ARRAY arrayhstore\n LOOP\n internal := internal || hstore(trans-\u003e'column', trans-\u003e'new');\n END LOOP;\n\n RETURN internal;\n END;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n UPDATE gitserver_repos_statistics grs\n SET\n total = grs.total - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab WHERE oldtab.shard_id = grs.shard_id),\n not_cloned = grs.not_cloned - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'not_cloned') FROM oldtab WHERE oldtab.shard_id = grs.shard_id),\n cloning = grs.cloning - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloning') FROM oldtab WHERE oldtab.shard_id = grs.shard_id),\n cloned = grs.cloned - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloned') FROM oldtab WHERE oldtab.shard_id = grs.shard_id),\n failed_fetch = grs.cloned - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE last_error IS NOT NULL) FROM oldtab WHERE oldtab.shard_id = grs.shard_id)\n ;\n\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_insert", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_insert()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n INSERT INTO gitserver_repos_statistics AS grs (shard_id, total, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch)\n SELECT\n shard_id,\n COUNT(*) AS total,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'not_cloned') AS not_cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloning') AS cloning,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloned') AS cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE last_error IS NOT NULL) AS failed_fetch\n FROM\n newtab\n GROUP BY shard_id\n ON CONFLICT(shard_id)\n DO UPDATE\n SET\n total = grs.total + excluded.total,\n not_cloned = grs.not_cloned + excluded.not_cloned,\n cloning = grs.cloning + excluded.cloning,\n cloned = grs.cloned + excluded.cloned,\n failed_fetch = grs.failed_fetch + excluded.failed_fetch\n ;\n\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_update", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_update()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n INSERT INTO gitserver_repos_statistics AS grs (shard_id, total, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted)\n SELECT\n newtab.shard_id AS shard_id,\n COUNT(*) AS total,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'not_cloned') AS not_cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloning') AS cloning,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE clone_status = 'cloned') AS cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE last_error IS NOT NULL) AS failed_fetch,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE corrupted_at IS NOT NULL) AS corrupted\n FROM\n newtab\n GROUP BY newtab.shard_id\n ON CONFLICT(shard_id) DO\n UPDATE\n SET\n total = grs.total + (excluded.total - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id)),\n not_cloned = grs.not_cloned + (excluded.not_cloned - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE ot.clone_status = 'not_cloned') FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id)),\n cloning = grs.cloning + (excluded.cloning - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE ot.clone_status = 'cloning') FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id)),\n cloned = grs.cloned + (excluded.cloned - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE ot.clone_status = 'cloned') FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id)),\n failed_fetch = grs.failed_fetch + (excluded.failed_fetch - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE ot.last_error IS NOT NULL) FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id)),\n corrupted = grs.corrupted + (excluded.corrupted - (SELECT COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE ot.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL) FROM oldtab ot WHERE ot.shard_id = excluded.shard_id))\n ;\n\n -------------------------------------------------\n -- IMPORTANT: THIS IS CHANGED TO INCLUDE `corrupted`\n -------------------------------------------------\n WITH moved AS (\n SELECT\n oldtab.shard_id AS shard_id,\n COUNT(*) AS total,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE oldtab.clone_status = 'not_cloned') AS not_cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE oldtab.clone_status = 'cloning') AS cloning,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE oldtab.clone_status = 'cloned') AS cloned,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE oldtab.last_error IS NOT NULL) AS failed_fetch,\n COUNT(*) FILTER(WHERE oldtab.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL) AS corrupted\n FROM\n oldtab\n JOIN newtab ON newtab.repo_id = oldtab.repo_id\n WHERE\n oldtab.shard_id != newtab.shard_id\n GROUP BY oldtab.shard_id\n )\n UPDATE gitserver_repos_statistics grs\n SET\n total = grs.total - moved.total,\n not_cloned = grs.not_cloned - moved.not_cloned,\n cloning = grs.cloning - moved.cloning,\n cloned = grs.cloned - moved.cloned,\n failed_fetch = grs.failed_fetch - moved.failed_fetch,\n corrupted = grs.corrupted - moved.corrupted\n FROM moved\n WHERE moved.shard_id = grs.shard_id;\n\n -------------------------------------------------\n -- IMPORTANT: THIS IS CHANGED TO INCLUDE `corrupted`\n -------------------------------------------------\n WITH diff(not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted) AS (\n VALUES (\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN repo r ON newtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND newtab.clone_status = 'not_cloned')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN repo r ON oldtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND oldtab.clone_status = 'not_cloned')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN repo r ON newtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND newtab.clone_status = 'cloning')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN repo r ON oldtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND oldtab.clone_status = 'cloning')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN repo r ON newtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND newtab.clone_status = 'cloned')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN repo r ON oldtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND oldtab.clone_status = 'cloned')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN repo r ON newtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND newtab.last_error IS NOT NULL)\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN repo r ON oldtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND oldtab.last_error IS NOT NULL)\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN repo r ON newtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND newtab.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL)\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN repo r ON oldtab.repo_id = r.id WHERE r.deleted_at is NULL AND r.blocked IS NULL AND oldtab.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL)\n )\n\n )\n )\n INSERT INTO repo_statistics (not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted)\n SELECT not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted\n FROM diff\n WHERE\n not_cloned != 0\n OR cloning != 0\n OR cloned != 0\n OR failed_fetch != 0\n OR corrupted != 0\n ;\n\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_delete", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_delete()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n INSERT INTO\n repo_statistics (total, soft_deleted, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch)\n VALUES (\n -- Insert negative counts\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'not_cloned'),\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloning'),\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloned'),\n (SELECT -COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.last_error IS NOT NULL)\n );\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_insert", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_insert()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n INSERT INTO\n repo_statistics (total, soft_deleted, not_cloned)\n VALUES (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n -- New repositories are always not_cloned by default, so we can count them as not cloned here\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND blocked IS NULL)\n -- New repositories never have last_error set, so we can also ignore those here\n );\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_update", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.recalc_repo_statistics_on_repo_update()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n -- Insert diff of changes\n WITH diff(total, soft_deleted, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted) AS (\n VALUES (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND blocked IS NULL) - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND blocked IS NULL) - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL AND blocked IS NULL),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = newtab.id WHERE newtab.deleted_at is NULL AND newtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'not_cloned')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'not_cloned')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = newtab.id WHERE newtab.deleted_at is NULL AND newtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloning')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloning')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = newtab.id WHERE newtab.deleted_at is NULL AND newtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloned')\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.clone_status = 'cloned')\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = newtab.id WHERE newtab.deleted_at is NULL AND newtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.last_error IS NOT NULL)\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.last_error IS NOT NULL)\n ),\n (\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = newtab.id WHERE newtab.deleted_at is NULL AND newtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL)\n -\n (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM oldtab JOIN gitserver_repos gr ON gr.repo_id = oldtab.id WHERE oldtab.deleted_at is NULL AND oldtab.blocked IS NULL AND gr.corrupted_at IS NOT NULL)\n )\n )\n )\n INSERT INTO\n repo_statistics (total, soft_deleted, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted)\n SELECT total, soft_deleted, not_cloned, cloning, cloned, failed_fetch, corrupted\n FROM diff\n WHERE\n total != 0\n OR soft_deleted != 0\n OR not_cloned != 0\n OR cloning != 0\n OR cloned != 0\n OR failed_fetch != 0\n OR corrupted != 0\n ;\n RETURN NULL;\n END\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "repo_block", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.repo_block(reason text, at timestamp with time zone)\n RETURNS jsonb\n LANGUAGE sql\n IMMUTABLE STRICT\nAS $function$\nSELECT jsonb_build_object(\n 'reason', reason,\n 'at', extract(epoch from timezone('utc', at))::bigint\n);\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "set_repo_stars_null_to_zero", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.set_repo_stars_null_to_zero()\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $procedure$\nDECLARE\n done boolean;\n total integer = 0;\n updated integer = 0;\n\nBEGIN\n SELECT COUNT(*) INTO total FROM repo WHERE stars IS NULL;\n\n RAISE NOTICE 'repo_stars_null_to_zero: updating % rows', total;\n\n done := total = 0;\n\n WHILE NOT done LOOP\n UPDATE repo SET stars = 0\n FROM (\n SELECT id FROM repo\n WHERE stars IS NULL\n LIMIT 10000\n FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED\n ) s\n WHERE repo.id = s.id;\n\n COMMIT;\n\n SELECT COUNT(*) = 0 INTO done FROM repo WHERE stars IS NULL LIMIT 1;\n\n updated := updated + 10000;\n\n RAISE NOTICE 'repo_stars_null_to_zero: updated % of % rows', updated, total;\n END LOOP;\nEND\n$procedure$\n" }, { "Name": "soft_delete_orphan_repo_by_external_service_repos", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.soft_delete_orphan_repo_by_external_service_repos()\n RETURNS void\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n -- When an external service is soft or hard-deleted,\n -- performs a clean up to soft-delete orphan repositories.\n UPDATE\n repo\n SET\n name = soft_deleted_repository_name(name),\n deleted_at = transaction_timestamp()\n WHERE\n deleted_at IS NULL\n AND NOT EXISTS (\n SELECT FROM external_service_repos WHERE repo_id = repo.id\n );\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "soft_delete_user_reference_on_external_service", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.soft_delete_user_reference_on_external_service()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n -- If a user is soft-deleted, delete every row that references that user\n IF (OLD.deleted_at IS NULL AND NEW.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) THEN\n UPDATE external_services\n SET deleted_at = NOW()\n WHERE namespace_user_id = OLD.id;\n END IF;\n\n RETURN OLD;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "soft_deleted_repository_name", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.soft_deleted_repository_name(name text)\n RETURNS text\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n IF name LIKE 'DELETED-%' THEN\n RETURN name;\n ELSE\n RETURN 'DELETED-' || extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()) || '-' || name;\n END IF;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "update_codeintel_path_ranks_statistics_columns", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_codeintel_path_ranks_statistics_columns()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n SELECT\n COUNT(r.v) AS num_paths,\n SUM(LOG(2, r.v::int + 1)) AS refcount_logsum\n INTO\n NEW.num_paths,\n NEW.refcount_logsum\n FROM jsonb_each(\n CASE WHEN NEW.payload::text = 'null'\n THEN '{}'::jsonb\n ELSE COALESCE(NEW.payload, '{}'::jsonb)\n END\n ) r(k, v);\n\n RETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "update_codeintel_path_ranks_updated_at_column", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_codeintel_path_ranks_updated_at_column()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$ BEGIN\n NEW.updated_at = NOW();\n RETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "update_own_aggregate_recent_contribution", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.update_own_aggregate_recent_contribution()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n WITH RECURSIVE ancestors AS (\n SELECT id, parent_id, 1 AS level\n FROM repo_paths\n WHERE id = NEW.changed_file_path_id\n UNION ALL\n SELECT p.id, p.parent_id, a.level + 1\n FROM repo_paths p\n JOIN ancestors a ON p.id = a.parent_id\n )\n UPDATE own_aggregate_recent_contribution\n SET contributions_count = contributions_count + 1\n WHERE commit_author_id = NEW.commit_author_id AND changed_file_path_id IN (\n SELECT id FROM ancestors\n );\n\n WITH RECURSIVE ancestors AS (\n SELECT id, parent_id, 1 AS level\n FROM repo_paths\n WHERE id = NEW.changed_file_path_id\n UNION ALL\n SELECT p.id, p.parent_id, a.level + 1\n FROM repo_paths p\n JOIN ancestors a ON p.id = a.parent_id\n )\n INSERT INTO own_aggregate_recent_contribution (commit_author_id, changed_file_path_id, contributions_count)\n SELECT NEW.commit_author_id, id, 1\n FROM ancestors\n WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n SELECT 1 FROM own_aggregate_recent_contribution\n WHERE commit_author_id = NEW.commit_author_id AND changed_file_path_id = ancestors.id\n );\n\n RETURN NEW;\nEND;\n$function$\n" }, { "Name": "versions_insert_row_trigger", "Definition": "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.versions_insert_row_trigger()\n RETURNS trigger\n LANGUAGE plpgsql\nAS $function$\nBEGIN\n NEW.first_version = NEW.version;\n RETURN NEW;\nEND $function$\n" } ], "Sequences": [ { "Name": "access_requests_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "access_tokens_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "assigned_owners_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "assigned_teams_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_changes_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_changes_site_credentials_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_execution_cache_entries_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_resolution_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_workspace_execution_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_workspace_files_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_workspaces_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "batch_specs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cached_available_indexers_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "changeset_events_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "changeset_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "changeset_specs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "changesets_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_emails_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_monitors_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_queries_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_recipients_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_slack_webhooks_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_trigger_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "cm_webhooks_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "code_hosts_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_autoindex_queue_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_autoindexing_exceptions_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_initial_path_ranks_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_initial_path_ranks_processed_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_langugage_support_requests_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_path_ranks_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_definitions_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_exports_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_graph_keys_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_path_counts_inputs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_progress_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_processed_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeowners_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "codeowners_owners_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "commit_authors_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "configuration_policies_audit_logs_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "context_detection_embedding_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "critical_and_site_config_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "discussion_comments_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "discussion_threads_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "discussion_threads_target_repo_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "event_logs_export_allowlist_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "event_logs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "event_logs_scrape_state_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "event_logs_scrape_state_own_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "executor_heartbeats_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "executor_job_tokens_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "executor_secret_access_logs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "executor_secrets_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "exhaustive_search_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "exhaustive_search_repo_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "exhaustive_search_repo_revision_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "explicit_permissions_bitbucket_projects_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "external_service_sync_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "external_services_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "github_app_installs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "github_apps_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "gitserver_relocator_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "insights_settings_migration_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" 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"Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_references_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_retention_configuration_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_audit_logs_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_id_seq", "TypeName": "bigint", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 9223372036854775807, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "migration_logs_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, "MinimumValue": 1, "MaximumValue": 2147483647, "Increment": 1, "CycleOption": "NO" }, { "Name": "namespace_permissions_id_seq", "TypeName": "integer", "StartValue": 1, 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changesets USING btree (detached_at)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "changesets_external_state_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX changesets_external_state_idx ON changesets USING btree (external_state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "changesets_external_title_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX changesets_external_title_idx ON changesets USING btree (external_title)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "changesets_publication_state_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX changesets_publication_state_idx ON changesets USING btree (publication_state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "changesets_reconciler_state_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX changesets_reconciler_state_idx ON changesets USING btree (reconciler_state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "changesets_batch_change_ids_check", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (jsonb_typeof(batch_change_ids) = 'object'::text)" }, { "Name": "changesets_changeset_spec_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "changeset_specs", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (current_spec_id) REFERENCES changeset_specs(id) DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "changesets_external_id_check", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (external_id \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "changesets_external_service_type_not_blank", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (external_service_type \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "changesets_metadata_check", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (jsonb_typeof(metadata) = 'object'::text)" }, { "Name": "changesets_owned_by_batch_spec_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "batch_changes", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (owned_by_batch_change_id) REFERENCES batch_changes(id) ON DELETE SET NULL DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "changesets_previous_spec_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "changeset_specs", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (previous_spec_id) REFERENCES changeset_specs(id) DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "changesets_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" }, { 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email job. Mutually exclusive with webhook and slack_webhook" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('cm_action_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "log_contents", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 17, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "slack_webhook", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The ID of the cm_slack_webhook action to execute if this is a slack webhook job. 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Mutually exclusive with email and slack_webhook" }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cm_action_jobs_pkey ON cm_action_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_state_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX cm_action_jobs_state_idx ON cm_action_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_trigger_event", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX cm_action_jobs_trigger_event ON cm_action_jobs USING btree (trigger_event)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_email_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_emails", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (email) REFERENCES cm_emails(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_only_one_action_type", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK ((\nCASE\n WHEN email IS NULL THEN 0\n ELSE 1\nEND +\nCASE\n WHEN webhook IS NULL THEN 0\n ELSE 1\nEND +\nCASE\n WHEN slack_webhook IS NULL THEN 0\n ELSE 1\nEND) = 1)" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_slack_webhook_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_slack_webhooks", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (slack_webhook) REFERENCES cm_slack_webhooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_trigger_event_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_trigger_jobs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (trigger_event) REFERENCES cm_trigger_jobs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_action_jobs_webhook_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_webhooks", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (webhook) REFERENCES cm_webhooks(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "cm_emails", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "changed_at", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "changed_by", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_by", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "enabled", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "header", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('cm_emails_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "include_results", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "monitor", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "priority", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "cm_email_priority", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "cm_emails_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cm_emails_pkey ON cm_emails USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "cm_emails_changed_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (changed_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_emails_created_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_emails_monitor", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_monitors", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (monitor) REFERENCES cm_monitors(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "cm_last_searched", "Comment": "The last searched commit hashes for the given code monitor and unique set of search arguments", "Columns": [ { "Name": "commit_oids", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The set of commit OIDs that was previously successfully searched and should be excluded on the next run" }, { "Name": "monitor_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "cm_last_searched_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cm_last_searched_pkey ON cm_last_searched USING btree (monitor_id, repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (monitor_id, repo_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "cm_last_searched_monitor_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_monitors", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (monitor_id) REFERENCES cm_monitors(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_last_searched_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "cm_monitors", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "changed_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "changed_by", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_by", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "description", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "enabled", "Index": 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"GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "cm_monitors_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cm_monitors_pkey ON cm_monitors USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "cm_monitors_changed_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (changed_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_monitors_created_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_monitors_org_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (namespace_org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_monitors_user_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (namespace_user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "cm_queries", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "changed_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "changed_by", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": 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"Comment": "" }, { "Name": "next_run", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "query", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "cm_queries_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cm_queries_pkey ON cm_queries USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "cm_triggers_changed_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (changed_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_triggers_created_by_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "cm_triggers_monitor", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "cm_monitors", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (monitor) REFERENCES cm_monitors(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "cm_recipients", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "email", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('cm_recipients_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", 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"IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether this Slack webhook action is enabled. When not enabled, the action will not be run when its code monitor generates events" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('cm_webhooks_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "include_results", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "monitor", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The code monitor that the action is defined on" }, { "Name": "url", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 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"Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The commit date (may be -infinity if unresolvable)." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Identifies a row in the `repo` table." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "codeintel_commit_dates_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeintel_commit_dates_pkey ON codeintel_commit_dates USING btree (repository_id, commit_bytea)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repository_id, commit_bytea)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeintel_inference_scripts", "Comment": "Contains auto-index job inference Lua scripts as an alternative to setting via environment variables.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "insert_timestamp", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "script", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeintel_initial_path_ranks", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "document_path", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", 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"IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX codeintel_ranking_references_exported_upload_id ON codeintel_ranking_references USING btree (exported_upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_graph_key_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX codeintel_ranking_references_graph_key_id ON codeintel_ranking_references USING btree (graph_key, id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_exported_upload_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "codeintel_ranking_exports", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (exported_upload_id) REFERENCES codeintel_ranking_exports(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_processed", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_reference_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "graph_key", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('codeintel_ranking_references_processed_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_processed_graph_key_codeintel_rank", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeintel_ranking_references_processed_graph_key_codeintel_rank ON codeintel_ranking_references_processed USING btree (graph_key, codeintel_ranking_reference_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_processed_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeintel_ranking_references_processed_pkey ON codeintel_ranking_references_processed USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "codeintel_ranking_references_processed_reference_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX codeintel_ranking_references_processed_reference_id ON codeintel_ranking_references_processed USING btree (codeintel_ranking_reference_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "fk_codeintel_ranking_reference", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "codeintel_ranking_references", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (codeintel_ranking_reference_id) REFERENCES codeintel_ranking_references(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeowners", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "contents", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "contents_proto", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('codeowners_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "codeowners_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeowners_pkey ON codeowners USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "codeowners_repo_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeowners_repo_id_key ON codeowners USING btree (repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (repo_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "codeowners_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeowners_individual_stats", "Comment": "Data on how many files in given tree are owned by given owner.\n\nAs opposed to ownership-general `ownership_path_stats` table, the individual \u003cpath x owner\u003e stats\nare stored in CODEOWNERS-specific table `codeowners_individual_stats`. The reason for that is that\nwe are also indexing on owner_id which is CODEOWNERS-specific.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "file_path_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "owner_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "tree_owned_files_count", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Total owned file count by given owner at given file tree." }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "When the last background job updating counts run." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "codeowners_individual_stats_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeowners_individual_stats_pkey ON codeowners_individual_stats USING btree (file_path_id, owner_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (file_path_id, owner_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "codeowners_individual_stats_file_path_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo_paths", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (file_path_id) REFERENCES repo_paths(id)" }, { "Name": "codeowners_individual_stats_owner_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "codeowners_owners", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES codeowners_owners(id)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "codeowners_owners", "Comment": "Text reference in CODEOWNERS entry to use in codeowners_individual_stats. Reference is either email or handle without @ in front.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('codeowners_owners_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "reference", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "We just keep the reference as opposed to splitting it to handle or email\nsince the distinction is not relevant for query, and this makes indexing way easier." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "codeowners_owners_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX codeowners_owners_pkey ON codeowners_owners USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "codeowners_owners_reference", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX codeowners_owners_reference ON codeowners_owners USING btree (reference)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "commit_authors", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "email", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('commit_authors_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "commit_authors_email_name", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX commit_authors_email_name ON commit_authors USING btree (email, name)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "commit_authors_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX commit_authors_pkey ON commit_authors USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "configuration_policies_audit_logs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "log_timestamp", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "clock_timestamp()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Timestamp for this log entry." }, { "Name": "operation", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "audit_log_operation", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "policy_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "record_deleted_at", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Set once the upload this entry is associated with is deleted. Once NOW() - record_deleted_at is above a certain threshold, this log entry will be deleted." }, { "Name": "sequence", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('configuration_policies_audit_logs_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "transition_columns", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "USER-DEFINED[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Array of changes that occurred to the upload for this entry, in the form of {\"column\"=\u003e\"\u003ccolumn name\u003e\", \"old\"=\u003e\"\u003cprevious value\u003e\", \"new\"=\u003e\"\u003cnew value\u003e\"}." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "configuration_policies_audit_logs_policy_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX configuration_policies_audit_logs_policy_id ON configuration_policies_audit_logs USING btree (policy_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "configuration_policies_audit_logs_timestamp", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX configuration_policies_audit_logs_timestamp ON configuration_policies_audit_logs USING brin (log_timestamp)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "context_detection_embedding_jobs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('context_detection_embedding_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "context_detection_embedding_jobs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX context_detection_embedding_jobs_pkey ON context_detection_embedding_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "critical_and_site_config", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "author_user_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A null value indicates that this config was most likely added by code on the start-up path, for example from the SITE_CONFIG_FILE unless the config itself was added before this column existed in which case it could also have been a user." }, { "Name": "contents", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('critical_and_site_config_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "redacted_contents", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "This column stores the contents but redacts all secrets. The redacted form is a sha256 hash of the secret appended to the REDACTED string. This is used to generate diffs between two subsequent changes in a way that allows us to detect changes to any secrets while also ensuring that we do not leak it in the diff. A null value indicates that this config was added before this column was added or redacting the secrets during write failed so we skipped writing to this column instead of a hard failure." }, { "Name": "type", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "critical_or_site", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "critical_and_site_config_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX critical_and_site_config_pkey ON critical_and_site_config USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "critical_and_site_config_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX critical_and_site_config_unique ON critical_and_site_config USING btree (id, type)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "discussion_comments", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "author_user_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "contents", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "deleted_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('discussion_comments_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "reports", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'{}'::text[]", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "thread_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "discussion_comments_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX discussion_comments_pkey ON discussion_comments USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "discussion_comments_author_user_id_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX discussion_comments_author_user_id_idx ON discussion_comments USING btree (author_user_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "discussion_comments_reports_array_length_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX discussion_comments_reports_array_length_idx ON discussion_comments USING btree (array_length(reports, 1))", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "discussion_comments_thread_id_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX discussion_comments_thread_id_idx ON discussion_comments USING btree (thread_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "discussion_comments_author_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (author_user_id) REFERENCES 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false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Bookmarks the maximum most recent successful event_logs.id that was scraped" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('event_logs_scrape_state_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "event_logs_scrape_state_pk", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_logs_scrape_state_pk ON event_logs_scrape_state USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "event_logs_scrape_state_own", "Comment": "Contains state for own jobs that scrape events if enabled.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "bookmark_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Bookmarks the maximum most recent successful event_logs.id that was scraped" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('event_logs_scrape_state_own_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "job_type", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "event_logs_scrape_state_own_pk", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX event_logs_scrape_state_own_pk ON event_logs_scrape_state_own USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "executor_heartbeats", "Comment": "Tracks the most recent activity of executors attached to this Sourcegraph instance.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "architecture", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The machine architure running the executor." }, { "Name": "docker_version", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of Docker used by the executor." }, { "Name": "executor_version", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of the executor." }, { "Name": "first_seen_at", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The first time a heartbeat from the executor was received." }, { "Name": "git_version", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of Git used by the executor." }, { "Name": "hostname", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The uniquely identifying name of the executor." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('executor_heartbeats_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "ignite_version", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of Ignite used by the executor." }, { "Name": "last_seen_at", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time a heartbeat from the executor was received." }, { "Name": "os", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The operating system running the executor." }, { "Name": "queue_name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The queue name that the executor polls for work." }, { "Name": "queue_names", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The list of queue names that the executor polls for work." }, { "Name": "src_cli_version", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", 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"IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX gitserver_repos_last_error_idx ON gitserver_repos USING btree (repo_id) WHERE last_error IS NOT NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "gitserver_repos_not_cloned_status_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX gitserver_repos_not_cloned_status_idx ON gitserver_repos USING btree (repo_id) WHERE clone_status = 'not_cloned'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "gitserver_repos_not_explicitly_cloned_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX gitserver_repos_not_explicitly_cloned_idx ON gitserver_repos USING btree (repo_id) WHERE clone_status \u003c\u003e 'cloned'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "gitserver_repos_shard_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX gitserver_repos_shard_id ON gitserver_repos USING btree (shard_id, repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "gitserver_repos_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [ { "Name": "trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_delete", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON gitserver_repos REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS oldtab FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_delete()" }, { "Name": "trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_insert", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON gitserver_repos REFERENCING NEW TABLE AS newtab FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_insert()" }, { "Name": "trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_update", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trig_recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON gitserver_repos REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS oldtab NEW TABLE AS newtab FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION recalc_gitserver_repos_statistics_on_update()" } ] }, { "Name": "gitserver_repos_statistics", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cloned", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories in gitserver_repos table on this shard that are cloned" }, { "Name": "cloning", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories in gitserver_repos table on this shard that cloning" }, { "Name": "corrupted", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and have corrupted_at set in gitserver_repos table" }, { "Name": "failed_fetch", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories in gitserver_repos table on this shard where last_error is set" }, { "Name": "not_cloned", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories in gitserver_repos table on this shard that are not cloned yet" }, { "Name": "shard_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "ID of this gitserver shard. If an empty string then the repositories havent been assigned a shard." }, { "Name": "total", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories in gitserver_repos table on this shard" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "gitserver_repos_statistics_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX gitserver_repos_statistics_pkey ON gitserver_repos_statistics USING btree (shard_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (shard_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "gitserver_repos_sync_output", "Comment": "Contains the most recent output from gitserver repository sync jobs.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "last_output", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "gitserver_repos_sync_output_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX gitserver_repos_sync_output_pkey ON gitserver_repos_sync_output USING btree (repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repo_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "gitserver_repos_sync_output_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "global_state", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "initialized", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "site_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "uuid", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "global_state_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX global_state_pkey ON global_state USING btree (site_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (site_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs", "Comment": "See [internal/insights/background/queryrunner/worker.go:Job](https://sourcegraph.com/search?q=repo:%5Egithub%5C.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph%24+file:internal/insights/background/queryrunner/worker.go+type+Job\u0026patternType=literal)", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 19, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "cost", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "500", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Integer representing a cost approximation of executing this search query." }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('insights_query_runner_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "persist_mode", "Index": 17, "TypeName": "persistmode", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'record'::persistmode", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The persistence level for this query. This value will determine the lifecycle of the resulting value." }, { "Name": "priority", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "1", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Integer representing a category of priority for this query. Priority in this context is ambiguously defined for consumers to decide an interpretation." }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 18, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "record_time", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "search_query", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "series_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "trace_id", "Index": 20, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_pkey ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "finished_at_insights_query_runner_jobs_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX finished_at_insights_query_runner_jobs_idx ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (finished_at)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_cost_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_cost_idx ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (cost)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_priority_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_priority_idx ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (priority)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_processable_priority_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_processable_priority_id ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (priority, id) WHERE state = 'queued'::text OR state = 'errored'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_series_id_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_series_id_state ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (series_id, state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_state_btree", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_state_btree ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "process_after_insights_query_runner_jobs_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX process_after_insights_query_runner_jobs_idx ON insights_query_runner_jobs USING btree (process_after)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies", "Comment": "Stores data points for a code insight that do not need to be queried directly, but depend on the result of a query at a different point", "Columns": [ { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "job_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Foreign key to the job that owns this record." }, { "Name": "recording_time", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The time for which this dependency should be recorded at using the parents value." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_pkey ON insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_job_id_fk_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_job_id_fk_idx ON insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies USING btree (job_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "insights_query_runner_jobs_dependencies_fk_job_id", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "insights_query_runner_jobs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (job_id) REFERENCES insights_query_runner_jobs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "insights_settings_migration_jobs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "completed_at", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "global", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('insights_settings_migration_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "migrated_dashboards", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "migrated_insights", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "runs", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "settings_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "total_dashboards", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "total_insights", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "embeddings_enabled", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_configuration_policies_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "index_commit_max_age_hours", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The max age of commits indexed by this configuration policy. If null, the age is unbounded." }, { "Name": "index_intermediate_commits", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "If the matching Git object is a branch, setting this value to true will also index all commits on the matching branches. Setting this value to false will only consider the tip of the branch." }, { "Name": "indexing_enabled", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not this configuration policy affects auto-indexing schedules." }, { "Name": "last_resolved_at", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "pattern", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A pattern used to match` names of the associated Git object type." }, { "Name": "protected", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not this configuration policy is protected from modification of its data retention behavior (except for duration)." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the repository to which this configuration policy applies. If absent, this policy is applied globally." }, { "Name": "repository_patterns", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The name pattern matching repositories to which this configuration policy applies. If absent, all repositories are matched." }, { "Name": "retain_intermediate_commits", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "If the matching Git object is a branch, setting this value to true will also retain all data used to resolve queries for any commit on the matching branches. Setting this value to false will only consider the tip of the branch." }, { "Name": "retention_duration_hours", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The max age of data retained by this configuration policy. If null, the age is unbounded." }, { "Name": "retention_enabled", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not this configuration policy affects data retention rules." }, { "Name": "type", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The type of Git object (e.g., COMMIT, BRANCH, TAG)." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_configuration_policies_pkey ON lsif_configuration_policies USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies_repository_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_configuration_policies_repository_id ON lsif_configuration_policies USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [ { "Name": "trigger_configuration_policies_delete", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_configuration_policies_delete AFTER DELETE ON lsif_configuration_policies REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION func_configuration_policies_delete()" }, { "Name": "trigger_configuration_policies_insert", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_configuration_policies_insert AFTER INSERT ON lsif_configuration_policies FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION func_configuration_policies_insert()" }, { "Name": "trigger_configuration_policies_update", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_configuration_policies_update BEFORE UPDATE OF name, pattern, retention_enabled, retention_duration_hours, type, retain_intermediate_commits ON lsif_configuration_policies FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION func_configuration_policies_update()" } ] }, { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup", "Comment": "A lookup table to get all the repository patterns by repository id that apply to a configuration policy.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "policy_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The policy identifier associated with the repository." }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The repository identifier associated with the policy." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup_pkey ON lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup USING btree (policy_id, repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (policy_id, repo_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "external_service_kind", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Filter the external services for this kind to wait to have synced. If empty, external_service_sync is ignored and no external services are polled for their last sync time." }, { "Name": "external_service_sync", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The sync time after which external services of the given kind will have synced/created any repositories referenced by the LSIF upload that are resolvable." }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_id_seq1'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_pkey1", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_pkey1 ON lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_state ON lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_upload_id_fkey1", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "blocked", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_dependency_repos_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_checked_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "scheme", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_pkey ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_unique_scheme_name", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_unique_scheme_name ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (scheme, name)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_blocked", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_blocked ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (blocked)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_last_checked_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_last_checked_at ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (last_checked_at NULLS FIRST)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_name_gin", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_name_gin ON lsif_dependency_repos USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_name_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_name_id ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (name, id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_repos_scheme_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_repos_scheme_id ON lsif_dependency_repos USING btree (scheme, id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs", "Comment": "Tracks jobs that scan imports of indexes to schedule auto-index jobs.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the triggering upload record." }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_pkey ON lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_upload_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_upload_id ON lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs USING btree (upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs_state ON lsif_dependency_syncing_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_dependency_indexing_jobs_upload_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_dirty_repositories", "Comment": "Stores whether or not the nearest upload data for a repository is out of date (when update_token \u003e dirty_token).", "Columns": [ { "Name": "dirty_token", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Set to the value of update_token visible to the transaction that updates the commit graph. Updates of dirty_token during this time will cause a second update." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "set_dirty_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "update_token", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "This value is incremented on each request to update the commit graph for the repository." }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The time the update_token value was last updated." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_dirty_repositories_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_dirty_repositories_pkey ON lsif_dirty_repositories USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repository_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_index_configuration", "Comment": "Stores the configuration used for code intel index jobs for a repository.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "autoindex_enabled", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "true", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not auto-indexing should be attempted on this repo. Index jobs may be inferred from the repository contents if data is empty." }, { "Name": "data", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The raw user-supplied [configuration](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph@3.23/-/blob/enterprise/internal/codeintel/autoindex/config/types.go#L3:6) (encoded in JSONC)." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_index_configuration_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_index_configuration_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_index_configuration_pkey ON lsif_index_configuration USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_index_configuration_repository_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_index_configuration_repository_id_key ON lsif_index_configuration USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (repository_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_index_configuration_repository_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes", "Comment": "Stores metadata about a code intel index job.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 23, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A 40-char revhash. Note that this commit may not be resolvable in the future." }, { "Name": "commit_last_checked_at", "Index": 20, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "docker_steps", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "jsonb[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "An array of pre-index [steps](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph@3.23/-/blob/enterprise/internal/codeintel/stores/dbstore/docker_step.go#L9:6) to run." }, { "Name": "enqueuer_user_id", "Index": 26, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 18, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "An array of [log entries](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph@3.23/-/blob/internal/workerutil/store.go#L48:6) (encoded as JSON) from the most recent execution." }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_indexes_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "indexer", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The docker image used to run the index command (e.g. sourcegraph/lsif-go)." }, { "Name": "indexer_args", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The command run inside the indexer image to produce the index file (e.g. ['lsif-node', '-p', '.'])" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 22, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "local_steps", "Index": 19, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A list of commands to run inside the indexer image prior to running the indexer command." }, { "Name": "log_contents", "Index": 17, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "**Column deprecated in favor of execution_logs.**" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "outfile", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The path to the index file produced by the index command relative to the working directory." }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "requested_envvars", "Index": 25, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "root", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The working directory of the indexer image relative to the repository root." }, { "Name": "should_reindex", "Index": 24, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 21, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_indexes_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_indexes_pkey ON lsif_indexes USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_commit_last_checked_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_indexes_commit_last_checked_at ON lsif_indexes USING btree (commit_last_checked_at) WHERE state \u003c\u003e 'deleted'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_dequeue_order_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_indexes_dequeue_order_idx ON lsif_indexes USING btree ((enqueuer_user_id \u003e 0) DESC, queued_at DESC, id) WHERE state = 'queued'::text OR state = 'errored'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_queued_at_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_indexes_queued_at_id ON lsif_indexes USING btree (queued_at DESC, id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_repository_id_commit", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_indexes_repository_id_commit ON lsif_indexes USING btree (repository_id, commit)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_indexes_state ON lsif_indexes USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_commit_valid_chars", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (commit ~ '^[a-z0-9]{40}$'::text)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_last_index_scan", "Comment": "Tracks the last time repository was checked for auto-indexing job scheduling.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "last_index_scan_at", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time uploads of this repository were considered for auto-indexing job scheduling." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_last_index_scan_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_last_index_scan_pkey ON lsif_last_index_scan USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repository_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_last_retention_scan", "Comment": "Tracks the last time uploads a repository were checked against data retention policies.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "last_retention_scan_at", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time uploads of this repository were checked against data retention policies." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_last_retention_scan_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_last_retention_scan_pkey ON lsif_last_retention_scan USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repository_id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads", "Comment": "Associates commits with the complete set of uploads visible from that commit. Every commit with upload data is present in this table.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "commit_bytea", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A 40-char revhash. Note that this commit may not be resolvable in the future." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "uploads", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "jsonb", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Encodes an {upload_id =\u003e distance} map that includes an entry for every upload visible from the commit. There is always at least one entry with a distance of zero." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads_repository_id_commit_bytea", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_nearest_uploads_repository_id_commit_bytea ON lsif_nearest_uploads USING btree (repository_id, commit_bytea)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads_uploads", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_nearest_uploads_uploads ON lsif_nearest_uploads USING gin (uploads)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads_links", "Comment": "Associates commits with the closest ancestor commit with usable upload data. Together, this table and lsif_nearest_uploads cover all commits with resolvable code intelligence.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "ancestor_commit_bytea", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The 40-char revhash of the ancestor. Note that this commit may not be resolvable in the future." }, { "Name": "commit_bytea", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A 40-char revhash. Note that this commit may not be resolvable in the future." }, { "Name": "distance", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The distance bewteen the commits. Parent = 1, Grandparent = 2, etc." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads_links_repository_id_ancestor_commit_bytea", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_nearest_uploads_links_repository_id_ancestor_commit_bytea ON lsif_nearest_uploads_links USING btree (repository_id, ancestor_commit_bytea)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_nearest_uploads_links_repository_id_commit_bytea", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_nearest_uploads_links_repository_id_commit_bytea ON lsif_nearest_uploads_links USING btree (repository_id, commit_bytea)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_packages", "Comment": "Associates an upload with the set of packages they provide within a given packages management scheme.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "dump_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the upload that provides the package." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_packages_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "manager", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package manager name." }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package name." }, { "Name": "scheme", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The (export) moniker scheme." }, { "Name": "version", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package version." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_packages_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_packages_pkey ON lsif_packages USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_packages_dump_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_packages_dump_id ON lsif_packages USING btree (dump_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_packages_scheme_name_version_dump_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_packages_scheme_name_version_dump_id ON lsif_packages USING btree (scheme, name, version, dump_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_packages_dump_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (dump_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_references", "Comment": "Associates an upload with the set of packages they require within a given packages management scheme.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "dump_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the upload that references the package." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_references_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "manager", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package manager name." }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package name." }, { "Name": "scheme", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The (import) moniker scheme." }, { "Name": "version", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The package version." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_references_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_references_pkey ON lsif_references USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_references_dump_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_references_dump_id ON lsif_references USING btree (dump_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_references_scheme_name_version_dump_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_references_scheme_name_version_dump_id ON lsif_references USING btree (scheme, name, version, dump_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_references_dump_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (dump_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_retention_configuration", "Comment": "Stores the retention policy of code intellience data for a repository.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_retention_configuration_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "max_age_for_non_stale_branches_seconds", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The number of seconds since the last modification of a branch until it is considered stale." }, { "Name": "max_age_for_non_stale_tags_seconds", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The nujmber of seconds since the commit date of a tagged commit until it is considered stale." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_retention_configuration_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_retention_configuration_pkey ON lsif_retention_configuration USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_retention_configuration_repository_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_retention_configuration_repository_id_key ON lsif_retention_configuration USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (repository_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_retention_configuration_repository_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads", "Comment": "Stores metadata about an LSIF index uploaded by a user.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "associated_index_id", "Index": 17, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 29, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A 40-char revhash. Note that this commit may not be resolvable in the future." }, { "Name": "commit_last_checked_at", "Index": 19, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "committed_at", "Index": 18, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "content_type", "Index": 34, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'application/x-ndjson+lsif'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The content type of the upload record. For now, the default value is `application/x-ndjson+lsif` to backfill existing records. This will change as we remove LSIF support." }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 22, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "expired", "Index": 24, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not this upload data is no longer protected by any data retention policy." }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_dumps_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Used as a logical foreign key with the (disjoint) codeintel database." }, { "Name": "indexer", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The name of the indexer that produced the index file. If not supplied by the user it will be pulled from the index metadata." }, { "Name": "indexer_version", "Index": 27, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of the indexer that produced the index file. If not supplied by the user it will be pulled from the index metadata." }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 21, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_reconcile_at", "Index": 33, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_referenced_scan_at", "Index": 31, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time this upload was known to be referenced by another (possibly expired) index." }, { "Name": "last_retention_scan_at", "Index": 25, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time this upload was checked against data retention policies." }, { "Name": "last_traversal_scan_at", "Index": 32, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The last time this upload was known to be reachable by a non-expired index." }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_parts", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The number of parts src-cli split the upload file into." }, { "Name": "num_references", "Index": 23, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Deprecated in favor of reference_count." }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 28, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "reference_count", "Index": 26, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The number of references to this upload data from other upload records (via lsif_references)." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "root", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The path for which the index can resolve code intelligence relative to the repository root." }, { "Name": "should_reindex", "Index": 35, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "state", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'queued'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "uncompressed_size", "Index": 30, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_size", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The size of the index file (in bytes)." }, { "Name": "uploaded_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "uploaded_parts", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "integer[]", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The index of parts that have been successfully uploaded." }, { "Name": "worker_hostname", "Index": 20, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_uploads_pkey ON lsif_uploads USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_repository_id_commit_root_indexer", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_uploads_repository_id_commit_root_indexer ON lsif_uploads USING btree (repository_id, commit, root, indexer) WHERE state = 'completed'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_associated_index_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_associated_index_id ON lsif_uploads USING btree (associated_index_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_commit_last_checked_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_commit_last_checked_at ON lsif_uploads USING btree (commit_last_checked_at) WHERE state \u003c\u003e 'deleted'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_committed_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_committed_at ON lsif_uploads USING btree (committed_at) WHERE state = 'completed'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_last_reconcile_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_last_reconcile_at ON lsif_uploads USING btree (last_reconcile_at, id) WHERE state = 'completed'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_repository_id_commit", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_repository_id_commit ON lsif_uploads USING btree (repository_id, commit)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_state ON lsif_uploads USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_uploaded_at_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_uploaded_at_id ON lsif_uploads USING btree (uploaded_at DESC, id) WHERE state \u003c\u003e 'deleted'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_commit_valid_chars", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (commit ~ '^[a-z0-9]{40}$'::text)" } ], "Triggers": [ { "Name": "trigger_lsif_uploads_delete", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_lsif_uploads_delete AFTER DELETE ON lsif_uploads REFERENCING OLD TABLE AS old FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE FUNCTION func_lsif_uploads_delete()" }, { "Name": "trigger_lsif_uploads_insert", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_lsif_uploads_insert AFTER INSERT ON lsif_uploads FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION func_lsif_uploads_insert()" }, { "Name": "trigger_lsif_uploads_update", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_lsif_uploads_update BEFORE UPDATE OF state, num_resets, num_failures, worker_hostname, expired, committed_at ON lsif_uploads FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION func_lsif_uploads_update()" } ] }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_audit_logs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "associated_index_id", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "content_type", "Index": 17, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'application/x-ndjson+lsif'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "indexer", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "indexer_version", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "log_timestamp", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Timestamp for this log entry." }, { "Name": "operation", "Index": 16, "TypeName": "audit_log_operation", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "reason", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The reason/source for this entry." }, { "Name": "record_deleted_at", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Set once the upload this entry is associated with is deleted. Once NOW() - record_deleted_at is above a certain threshold, this log entry will be deleted." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "root", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "sequence", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_uploads_audit_logs_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "transition_columns", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "USER-DEFINED[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Array of changes that occurred to the upload for this entry, in the form of {\"column\"=\u003e\"\u003ccolumn name\u003e\", \"old\"=\u003e\"\u003cprevious value\u003e\", \"new\"=\u003e\"\u003cnew value\u003e\"}." }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_size", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "uploaded_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_audit_logs_timestamp", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_audit_logs_timestamp ON lsif_uploads_audit_logs USING brin (log_timestamp)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_audit_logs_upload_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_audit_logs_upload_id ON lsif_uploads_audit_logs USING btree (upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_reference_counts", "Comment": "A less hot-path reference count for upload records.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "reference_count", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The number of references to the associated upload from other records (via lsif_references)." }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the referenced upload." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_reference_counts_upload_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_uploads_reference_counts_upload_id_key ON lsif_uploads_reference_counts USING btree (upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (upload_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_reference_counts_upload_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip", "Comment": "Associates a repository with the set of LSIF upload identifiers that can serve intelligence for the tip of the default branch.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "branch_or_tag_name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The name of the branch or tag." }, { "Name": "is_default_branch", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether the specified branch is the default of the repository. Always false for tags." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The identifier of the upload visible from the tip of the specified branch or tag." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip_is_default_branch", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip_is_default_branch ON lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip USING btree (upload_id) WHERE is_default_branch", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip_repository_id_upload_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip_repository_id_upload_id ON lsif_uploads_visible_at_tip USING btree (repository_id, upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_scanned_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "upload_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_pkey ON lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_upload_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan_upload_id ON lsif_uploads_vulnerability_scan USING btree (upload_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "fk_upload_id", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_uploads", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (upload_id) REFERENCES lsif_uploads(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "migration_logs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "backfilled", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "error_message", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('migration_logs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "migration_logs_schema_version", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "schema", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", 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"p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "names", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "name", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "citext", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "team_id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "names_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX names_pkey ON names USING btree (name)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (name)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "names_check", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (user_id IS NOT NULL OR org_id IS NOT NULL OR team_id IS NOT NULL)" }, { "Name": "names_org_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "names_team_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "teams", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES teams(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE" }, 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"ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id)" }, { "Name": "org_invitations_recipient_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (recipient_user_id) REFERENCES users(id)" }, { "Name": "org_invitations_sender_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (sender_user_id) REFERENCES users(id)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "org_members", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": 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false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX org_members_org_id_user_id_key ON org_members USING btree (org_id, user_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (org_id, user_id)" }, { "Name": "org_members_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX org_members_pkey ON org_members USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "org_members_references_orgs", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT" }, { "Name": "org_members_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "org_stats", "Comment": "Business statistics for organizations", "Columns": [ { "Name": "code_host_repo_count", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Count of repositories accessible on all code hosts for this organization." }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Org ID that the stats relate to." }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "org_stats_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX org_stats_pkey ON org_stats USING btree (org_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (org_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "org_stats_org_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "orgs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "deleted_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", 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"GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "orgs_name", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX orgs_name ON orgs USING btree (name) WHERE deleted_at IS NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "orgs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX orgs_pkey ON orgs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "orgs_display_name_max_length", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK 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"Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "uuid", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "gen_random_uuid()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "orgs_open_beta_stats_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX orgs_open_beta_stats_pkey ON orgs_open_beta_stats USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "out_of_band_migrations", "Comment": "Stores metadata and progress about an out-of-band migration routine.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "apply_reverse", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether this migration should run in the opposite direction (to support an upcoming downgrade)." }, { "Name": "component", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The name of the component undergoing a migration." }, { "Name": "created", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The date and time the migration was inserted into the database (via an upgrade)." }, { "Name": "deprecated_version_major", "Index": 13, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The lowest Sourcegraph version (major component) that assumes the migration has completed." }, { "Name": "deprecated_version_minor", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The lowest Sourcegraph version (minor component) that assumes the migration has completed." }, { "Name": "description", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A brief description about the migration." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('out_of_band_migrations_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A globally unique primary key for this migration. The same key is used consistently across all Sourcegraph instances for the same migration." }, { "Name": "introduced_version_major", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The Sourcegraph version (major component) in which this migration was first introduced." }, { "Name": "introduced_version_minor", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The Sourcegraph version (minor component) in which this migration was first introduced." }, { "Name": "is_enterprise", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "When true, these migrations are invisible to OSS mode." }, { "Name": "last_updated", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The date and time the migration was last updated." }, { "Name": "metadata", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "jsonb", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'{}'::jsonb", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "non_destructive", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Whether or not this migration alters data so it can no longer be read by the previous Sourcegraph instance." }, { "Name": "progress", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "double precision", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The percentage progress in the up direction (0=0%, 1=100%)." }, { "Name": "team", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The name of the engineering team responsible for the migration." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "out_of_band_migrations_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX out_of_band_migrations_pkey ON out_of_band_migrations USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": 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"timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The date and time the error occurred." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('out_of_band_migrations_errors_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "A unique identifer." }, { "Name": "message", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The error message." }, { "Name": "migration_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": 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(id)" }, { "Name": "own_background_jobs_repo_id_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX own_background_jobs_repo_id_idx ON own_background_jobs USING btree (repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "own_background_jobs_state_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX own_background_jobs_state_idx ON own_background_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "own_signal_configurations", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "description", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "''::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "enabled", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "excluded_repo_patterns", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('own_signal_configurations_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "own_signal_configurations_name_uidx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX own_signal_configurations_name_uidx ON own_signal_configurations USING btree (name)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "own_signal_configurations_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX own_signal_configurations_pkey ON own_signal_configurations USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "own_signal_recent_contribution", "Comment": "One entry per file changed in every commit that classifies as a contribution signal.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "changed_file_path_id", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit_author_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "commit_timestamp", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('own_signal_recent_contribution_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "own_signal_recent_contribution_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX own_signal_recent_contribution_pkey ON own_signal_recent_contribution USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "own_signal_recent_contribution_changed_file_path_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo_paths", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (changed_file_path_id) REFERENCES repo_paths(id)" }, { "Name": "own_signal_recent_contribution_commit_author_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "commit_authors", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (commit_author_id) REFERENCES commit_authors(id)" } ], "Triggers": [ { "Name": "update_own_aggregate_recent_contribution", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER update_own_aggregate_recent_contribution AFTER INSERT ON own_signal_recent_contribution FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION update_own_aggregate_recent_contribution()" } ] }, { "Name": "ownership_path_stats", "Comment": "Data on how many files in given tree are owned by anyone.\n\nWe choose to have a table for `ownership_path_stats` - more general than for CODEOWNERS,\nwith a specific tree_codeowned_files_count CODEOWNERS column. The reason for that\nis that we aim at expanding path stats by including total owned files (via CODEOWNERS\nor assigned ownership), and perhaps files count by assigned ownership only.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "file_path_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_updated_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "When the last background job updating counts run." }, { "Name": "tree_any_ownership_files_count", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "tree_assigned_ownership_files_count", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "tree_codeowned_files_count", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "ownership_path_stats_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ownership_path_stats_pkey ON ownership_path_stats USING btree (file_path_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (file_path_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "ownership_path_stats_file_path_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo_paths", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (file_path_id) REFERENCES repo_paths(id)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "package_repo_filters", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "behaviour", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "deleted_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('package_repo_filters_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "matcher", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "jsonb", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "scheme", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "statement_timestamp()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "package_repo_filters_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX package_repo_filters_pkey ON package_repo_filters USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "package_repo_filters_unique_matcher_per_scheme", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX package_repo_filters_unique_matcher_per_scheme ON package_repo_filters USING btree (scheme, matcher)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "package_repo_filters_behaviour_is_allow_or_block", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (behaviour = ANY ('{BLOCK,ALLOW}'::text[]))" }, { "Name": "package_repo_filters_is_pkgrepo_scheme", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (scheme = ANY ('{semanticdb,npm,go,python,rust-analyzer,scip-ruby}'::text[]))" }, { "Name": "package_repo_filters_valid_oneof_glob", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (matcher ? 'VersionGlob'::text AND (matcher -\u003e\u003e 'VersionGlob'::text) \u003c\u003e ''::text AND (matcher -\u003e\u003e 'PackageName'::text) \u003c\u003e ''::text AND NOT matcher ? 'PackageGlob'::text OR matcher ? 'PackageGlob'::text AND (matcher -\u003e\u003e 'PackageGlob'::text) \u003c\u003e ''::text AND NOT matcher ? 'VersionGlob'::text)" } ], "Triggers": [ { "Name": "trigger_package_repo_filters_updated_at", "Definition": "CREATE TRIGGER trigger_package_repo_filters_updated_at BEFORE UPDATE ON package_repo_filters FOR EACH ROW WHEN (old.* IS DISTINCT FROM new.*) EXECUTE FUNCTION func_package_repo_filters_updated_at()" } ] }, { "Name": "package_repo_versions", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "blocked", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('package_repo_versions_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_checked_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "package_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "version", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "package_repo_versions_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX package_repo_versions_pkey ON package_repo_versions USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "package_repo_versions_unique_version_per_package", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX package_repo_versions_unique_version_per_package ON package_repo_versions USING btree (package_id, version)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "package_repo_versions_blocked", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX package_repo_versions_blocked ON package_repo_versions USING btree (blocked)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "package_repo_versions_last_checked_at", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX package_repo_versions_last_checked_at ON package_repo_versions USING btree (last_checked_at NULLS FIRST)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "package_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "lsif_dependency_repos", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (package_id) REFERENCES lsif_dependency_repos(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cancel", "Index": 14, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "cancellation_reason", "Index": 20, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Specifies why permissions sync job was cancelled." }, { "Name": "code_host_states", "Index": 25, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "execution_logs", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "json[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "failure_message", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "finished_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('permission_sync_jobs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "invalidate_caches", "Index": 19, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "is_partial_success", "Index": 26, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_heartbeat_at", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "no_perms", "Index": 21, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_failures", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "num_resets", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "permissions_added", "Index": 22, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "permissions_found", "Index": 24, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "permissions_removed", "Index": 23, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "priority", "Index": 18, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Specifies numeric priority for the permissions sync job." }, { "Name": "process_after", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "queued_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "reason", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Specifies why permissions sync job was triggered." }, { "Name": "repository_id", "Index": 15, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "started_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { 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"GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_pkey ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_unique ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (priority, user_id, repository_id, cancel, process_after) WHERE state = 'queued'::text", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_process_after", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_process_after ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (process_after)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_repository_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_repository_id ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (repository_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_state", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_state ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (state)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "permission_sync_jobs_user_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX permission_sync_jobs_user_id ON permission_sync_jobs USING btree (user_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": 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Example: \"a/b/c\". Root directory is empty path \"\"." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('repo_paths_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "parent_id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "tree_files_count", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Total count of files in the file tree rooted at the path. 1 for files." }, { "Name": "tree_files_counts_updated_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp without time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Timestamp of the job that updated the file counts" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "repo_paths_index_absolute_path", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX repo_paths_index_absolute_path ON repo_paths USING btree (repo_id, absolute_path)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "repo_paths_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX repo_paths_pkey ON repo_paths USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", 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"repo_permissions", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "permission", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "synced_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "unrestricted", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", 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false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX repo_permissions_unrestricted_true_idx ON repo_permissions USING btree (unrestricted) WHERE unrestricted", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "repo_statistics", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "cloned", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and cloned by gitserver" }, { "Name": "cloning", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and currently being cloned by gitserver" }, { "Name": "corrupted", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and have corrupted_at set in gitserver_repos table" }, { "Name": "failed_fetch", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and have last_error set in gitserver_repos table" }, { "Name": "not_cloned", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are NOT soft-deleted and not blocked and not cloned by gitserver" }, { "Name": "soft_deleted", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are soft-deleted and not blocked" }, { "Name": "total", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "0", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Number of repositories that are not soft-deleted and not blocked" } ], "Indexes": [], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "role_permissions", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "permission_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "role_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "role_permissions_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX role_permissions_pkey ON role_permissions USING btree (permission_id, role_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (permission_id, role_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "role_permissions_permission_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "permissions", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "role_permissions_role_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "roles", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "roles", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('roles_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "citext", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "system", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "false", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "This is used to indicate whether a role is read-only or can be modified." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "roles_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX roles_pkey ON roles USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "unique_role_name", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_role_name ON roles USING btree (name)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": null, "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "saved_searches", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "description", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('saved_searches_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "notify_owner", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "notify_slack", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "query", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "slack_webhook_url", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "saved_searches_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX saved_searches_pkey ON saved_searches USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "saved_searches_notifications_disabled", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (notify_owner = false AND notify_slack = false)" }, { "Name": "saved_searches_org_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id)" }, { "Name": "saved_searches_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id)" }, { "Name": "user_or_org_id_not_null", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (user_id IS NOT NULL AND org_id IS NULL OR org_id IS NOT NULL AND user_id IS NULL)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "search_context_default", "Comment": "When a user sets a search context as default, a row is inserted into this table. A user can only have one default search context. If the user has not set their default search context, it will fall back to `global`.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "search_context_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "search_context_default_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_context_default_pkey ON search_context_default USING btree (user_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (user_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "search_context_default_search_context_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "search_contexts", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (search_context_id) REFERENCES search_contexts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "search_context_default_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "search_context_repos", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "revision", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "search_context_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "search_context_repos_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_context_repos_unique ON search_context_repos USING btree (repo_id, search_context_id, revision)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (repo_id, search_context_id, revision)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "search_context_repos_repo_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "search_context_repos_search_context_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "search_contexts", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (search_context_id) REFERENCES search_contexts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "search_context_stars", "Comment": "When a user stars a search context, a row is inserted into this table. If the user unstars the search context, the row is deleted. The global context is not in the database, and therefore cannot be starred.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "search_context_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "search_context_stars_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_context_stars_pkey ON search_context_stars USING btree (search_context_id, user_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (search_context_id, user_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "search_context_stars_search_context_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "search_contexts", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (search_context_id) REFERENCES search_contexts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" }, { "Name": "search_context_stars_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": true, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE DEFERRABLE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "search_contexts", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "deleted_at", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "This column is unused as of Sourcegraph 3.34. Do not refer to it anymore. It will be dropped in a future version." }, { "Name": "description", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('search_contexts_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "citext", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "namespace_org_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "namespace_user_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "public", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "boolean", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "query", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "search_contexts_name_namespace_org_id_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_contexts_name_namespace_org_id_unique ON search_contexts USING btree (name, namespace_org_id) WHERE namespace_org_id IS NOT NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_name_namespace_user_id_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_contexts_name_namespace_user_id_unique ON search_contexts USING btree (name, namespace_user_id) WHERE namespace_user_id IS NOT NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_name_without_namespace_unique", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_contexts_name_without_namespace_unique ON search_contexts USING btree (name) WHERE namespace_user_id IS NULL AND namespace_org_id IS NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX search_contexts_pkey ON search_contexts USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_query_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX search_contexts_query_idx ON search_contexts USING btree (query)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "search_contexts_has_one_or_no_namespace", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (namespace_user_id IS NULL OR namespace_org_id IS NULL)" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_namespace_org_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (namespace_org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "search_contexts_namespace_user_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (namespace_user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "security_event_logs", "Comment": "Contains security-relevant events with a long time horizon for storage.", "Columns": [ { "Name": "anonymous_user_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The UUID of the actor associated with the event." }, { "Name": "argument", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "jsonb", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "An arbitrary JSON blob containing event data." }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('security_event_logs_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The event name as a CAPITALIZED_SNAKE_CASE string." }, { "Name": "source", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The site section (WEB, BACKEND, etc.) that generated the event." }, { "Name": "timestamp", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "url", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The URL within the Sourcegraph app which generated the event." }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The ID of the actor associated with the event." }, { "Name": "version", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The version of Sourcegraph which generated the event." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "security_event_logs_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX security_event_logs_pkey ON security_event_logs USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "security_event_logs_timestamp", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX security_event_logs_timestamp ON security_event_logs USING btree (\"timestamp\")", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "security_event_logs_check_has_user", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (user_id = 0 AND anonymous_user_id \u003c\u003e ''::text OR user_id \u003c\u003e 0 AND anonymous_user_id = ''::text OR user_id \u003c\u003e 0 AND anonymous_user_id \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "security_event_logs_check_name_not_empty", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (name \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "security_event_logs_check_source_not_empty", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (source \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "security_event_logs_check_version_not_empty", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (version \u003c\u003e ''::text)" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "settings", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "author_user_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "contents", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'{}'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('settings_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "org_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "settings_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX settings_pkey ON settings USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "settings_global_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX settings_global_id ON settings USING btree (id DESC) WHERE user_id IS NULL AND org_id IS NULL", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "settings_org_id_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX settings_org_id_idx ON settings USING btree (org_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "settings_user_id_idx", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX settings_user_id_idx ON settings USING btree (user_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "settings_author_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (author_user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT" }, { "Name": "settings_no_empty_contents", "ConstraintType": "c", "RefTableName": "", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "CHECK (contents \u003c\u003e ''::text)" }, { "Name": "settings_references_orgs", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "orgs", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (org_id) REFERENCES orgs(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT" }, { "Name": "settings_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "sub_repo_permissions", "Comment": "Responsible for storing permissions at a finer granularity than repo", "Columns": [ { "Name": "paths", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "text[]", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Paths that begin with a minus sign (-) are exclusion paths." }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "version", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "1", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "sub_repo_permissions_repo_id_user_id_version_uindex", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sub_repo_permissions_repo_id_user_id_version_uindex ON sub_repo_permissions USING btree (repo_id, user_id, version)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "sub_repo_perms_user_id", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX sub_repo_perms_user_id ON sub_repo_permissions USING btree (user_id)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "sub_repo_permissions_repo_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "sub_repo_permissions_users_id_fk", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "survey_responses", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "better", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "email", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "bigint", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('survey_responses_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "other_use_case", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", 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"IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "team_members_team_id_user_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX team_members_team_id_user_id_key ON team_members USING btree (team_id, user_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (team_id, user_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "team_members_team_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "teams", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (team_id) REFERENCES teams(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" }, { "Name": "team_members_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "teams", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "creator_id", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "display_name", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", 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"CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "teams_name", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX teams_name ON teams USING btree (name)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" }, { "Name": "teams_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX teams_pkey ON teams USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "teams_creator_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", 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"Columns": [ { "Name": "exported_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "payload_pb", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "bytea", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "timestamp", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], 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"IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('temporary_settings_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "user_id", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "The ID of the user the settings will be saved for." } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "temporary_settings_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temporary_settings_pkey ON temporary_settings USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "temporary_settings_user_id_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX temporary_settings_user_id_key ON temporary_settings USING btree (user_id)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (user_id)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "temporary_settings_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "user_credentials", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 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"CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "URN of a code host. This column maps to external_service_id column of repo table." }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_by_user_id", "Index": 10, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "ID of a user, who created the webhook. If NULL, then the user does not exist (never existed or was deleted)." }, { "Name": "encryption_key_id", "Index": 8, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "nextval('webhooks_id_seq'::regclass)", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "name", "Index": 12, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Descriptive name of a webhook." }, { "Name": "secret", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "Secret used to decrypt webhook payload (if supported by the code host)." }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 7, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_by_user_id", "Index": 11, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "ID of a user, who updated the webhook. If NULL, then the user does not exist (never existed or was deleted)." }, { "Name": "uuid", "Index": 9, "TypeName": "uuid", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "gen_random_uuid()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "webhooks_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX webhooks_pkey ON webhooks USING btree (id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (id)" }, { "Name": "webhooks_uuid_key", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX webhooks_uuid_key ON webhooks USING btree (uuid)", "ConstraintType": "u", "ConstraintDefinition": "UNIQUE (uuid)" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "webhooks_created_by_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (created_by_user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" }, { "Name": "webhooks_updated_by_user_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "users", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (updated_by_user_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" } ], "Triggers": [] }, { "Name": "zoekt_repos", "Comment": "", "Columns": [ { "Name": "branches", "Index": 2, "TypeName": "jsonb", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'[]'::jsonb", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "created_at", "Index": 5, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "index_status", "Index": 3, "TypeName": "text", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "'not_indexed'::text", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "last_indexed_at", "Index": 6, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": true, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "repo_id", "Index": 1, "TypeName": "integer", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" }, { "Name": "updated_at", "Index": 4, "TypeName": "timestamp with time zone", "IsNullable": false, "Default": "now()", "CharacterMaximumLength": 0, "IsIdentity": false, "IdentityGeneration": "", "IsGenerated": "NEVER", "GenerationExpression": "", "Comment": "" } ], "Indexes": [ { "Name": "zoekt_repos_pkey", "IsPrimaryKey": true, "IsUnique": true, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX zoekt_repos_pkey ON zoekt_repos USING btree (repo_id)", "ConstraintType": "p", "ConstraintDefinition": "PRIMARY KEY (repo_id)" }, { "Name": "zoekt_repos_index_status", "IsPrimaryKey": false, "IsUnique": false, "IsExclusion": false, "IsDeferrable": false, "IndexDefinition": "CREATE INDEX zoekt_repos_index_status ON zoekt_repos USING btree (index_status)", "ConstraintType": "", "ConstraintDefinition": "" } ], "Constraints": [ { "Name": "zoekt_repos_repo_id_fkey", "ConstraintType": "f", "RefTableName": "repo", "IsDeferrable": false, "ConstraintDefinition": "FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repo(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" } ], "Triggers": [] } ], "Views": [ { "Name": "batch_spec_workspace_execution_jobs_with_rank", "Definition": " SELECT j.id,\n j.batch_spec_workspace_id,\n j.state,\n j.failure_message,\n j.started_at,\n j.finished_at,\n j.process_after,\n j.num_resets,\n j.num_failures,\n j.execution_logs,\n j.worker_hostname,\n j.last_heartbeat_at,\n j.created_at,\n j.updated_at,\n j.cancel,\n j.queued_at,\n j.user_id,\n j.version,\n q.place_in_global_queue,\n q.place_in_user_queue\n FROM (batch_spec_workspace_execution_jobs j\n LEFT JOIN batch_spec_workspace_execution_queue q ON ((j.id = q.id)));" }, { "Name": "batch_spec_workspace_execution_queue", "Definition": " WITH queue_candidates AS (\n SELECT exec.id,\n rank() OVER (PARTITION BY queue.user_id ORDER BY exec.created_at, exec.id) AS place_in_user_queue\n FROM (batch_spec_workspace_execution_jobs exec\n JOIN batch_spec_workspace_execution_last_dequeues queue ON ((queue.user_id = exec.user_id)))\n WHERE (exec.state = 'queued'::text)\n ORDER BY (rank() OVER (PARTITION BY queue.user_id ORDER BY exec.created_at, exec.id)), queue.latest_dequeue NULLS FIRST\n )\n SELECT queue_candidates.id,\n row_number() OVER () AS place_in_global_queue,\n queue_candidates.place_in_user_queue\n FROM queue_candidates;" }, { "Name": "branch_changeset_specs_and_changesets", "Definition": " SELECT changeset_specs.id AS changeset_spec_id,\n COALESCE(changesets.id, (0)::bigint) AS changeset_id,\n changeset_specs.repo_id,\n changeset_specs.batch_spec_id,\n changesets.owned_by_batch_change_id AS owner_batch_change_id,\n repo.name AS repo_name,\n changeset_specs.title AS changeset_name,\n changesets.external_state,\n changesets.publication_state,\n changesets.reconciler_state,\n changesets.computed_state\n FROM ((changeset_specs\n LEFT JOIN changesets ON (((changesets.repo_id = changeset_specs.repo_id) AND (changesets.current_spec_id IS NOT NULL) AND (EXISTS ( SELECT 1\n FROM changeset_specs changeset_specs_1\n WHERE ((changeset_specs_1.id = changesets.current_spec_id) AND (changeset_specs_1.head_ref = changeset_specs.head_ref)))))))\n JOIN repo ON ((changeset_specs.repo_id = repo.id)))\n WHERE ((changeset_specs.external_id IS NULL) AND (repo.deleted_at IS NULL));" }, { "Name": "codeintel_configuration_policies", "Definition": " SELECT lsif_configuration_policies.id,\n lsif_configuration_policies.repository_id,\n lsif_configuration_policies.name,\n lsif_configuration_policies.type,\n lsif_configuration_policies.pattern,\n lsif_configuration_policies.retention_enabled,\n lsif_configuration_policies.retention_duration_hours,\n lsif_configuration_policies.retain_intermediate_commits,\n lsif_configuration_policies.indexing_enabled,\n lsif_configuration_policies.index_commit_max_age_hours,\n lsif_configuration_policies.index_intermediate_commits,\n lsif_configuration_policies.protected,\n lsif_configuration_policies.repository_patterns,\n lsif_configuration_policies.last_resolved_at,\n lsif_configuration_policies.embeddings_enabled\n FROM lsif_configuration_policies;" }, { "Name": "codeintel_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup", "Definition": " SELECT lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup.policy_id,\n lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup.repo_id\n FROM lsif_configuration_policies_repository_pattern_lookup;" }, { "Name": "external_service_sync_jobs_with_next_sync_at", "Definition": " SELECT j.id,\n j.state,\n j.failure_message,\n j.queued_at,\n j.started_at,\n j.finished_at,\n j.process_after,\n j.num_resets,\n j.num_failures,\n j.execution_logs,\n j.external_service_id,\n e.next_sync_at\n FROM (external_services e\n JOIN external_service_sync_jobs j ON ((e.id = j.external_service_id)));" }, { "Name": "gitserver_relocator_jobs_with_repo_name", "Definition": " SELECT glj.id,\n glj.state,\n glj.queued_at,\n glj.failure_message,\n glj.started_at,\n glj.finished_at,\n glj.process_after,\n glj.num_resets,\n glj.num_failures,\n glj.last_heartbeat_at,\n glj.execution_logs,\n glj.worker_hostname,\n glj.repo_id,\n glj.source_hostname,\n glj.dest_hostname,\n glj.delete_source,\n r.name AS repo_name\n FROM (gitserver_relocator_jobs glj\n JOIN repo r ON ((r.id = glj.repo_id)));" }, { "Name": "lsif_dumps", "Definition": " SELECT u.id,\n u.commit,\n u.root,\n u.queued_at,\n u.uploaded_at,\n u.state,\n u.failure_message,\n u.started_at,\n u.finished_at,\n u.repository_id,\n u.indexer,\n u.indexer_version,\n u.num_parts,\n u.uploaded_parts,\n u.process_after,\n u.num_resets,\n u.upload_size,\n u.num_failures,\n u.associated_index_id,\n u.expired,\n u.last_retention_scan_at,\n u.finished_at AS processed_at\n FROM lsif_uploads u\n WHERE ((u.state = 'completed'::text) OR (u.state = 'deleting'::text));" }, { "Name": "lsif_dumps_with_repository_name", "Definition": " SELECT u.id,\n u.commit,\n u.root,\n u.queued_at,\n u.uploaded_at,\n u.state,\n u.failure_message,\n u.started_at,\n u.finished_at,\n u.repository_id,\n u.indexer,\n u.indexer_version,\n u.num_parts,\n u.uploaded_parts,\n u.process_after,\n u.num_resets,\n u.upload_size,\n u.num_failures,\n u.associated_index_id,\n u.expired,\n u.last_retention_scan_at,\n u.processed_at,\n r.name AS repository_name\n FROM (lsif_dumps u\n JOIN repo r ON ((r.id = u.repository_id)))\n WHERE (r.deleted_at IS NULL);" }, { "Name": "lsif_indexes_with_repository_name", "Definition": " SELECT u.id,\n u.commit,\n u.queued_at,\n u.state,\n u.failure_message,\n u.started_at,\n u.finished_at,\n u.repository_id,\n u.process_after,\n u.num_resets,\n u.num_failures,\n u.docker_steps,\n u.root,\n u.indexer,\n u.indexer_args,\n u.outfile,\n u.log_contents,\n u.execution_logs,\n u.local_steps,\n u.should_reindex,\n u.requested_envvars,\n r.name AS repository_name,\n u.enqueuer_user_id\n FROM (lsif_indexes u\n JOIN repo r ON ((r.id = u.repository_id)))\n WHERE (r.deleted_at IS NULL);" }, { "Name": "lsif_uploads_with_repository_name", "Definition": " SELECT u.id,\n u.commit,\n u.root,\n u.queued_at,\n u.uploaded_at,\n u.state,\n u.failure_message,\n u.started_at,\n u.finished_at,\n u.repository_id,\n u.indexer,\n u.indexer_version,\n u.num_parts,\n u.uploaded_parts,\n u.process_after,\n u.num_resets,\n u.upload_size,\n u.num_failures,\n u.associated_index_id,\n u.content_type,\n u.should_reindex,\n u.expired,\n u.last_retention_scan_at,\n r.name AS repository_name,\n u.uncompressed_size\n FROM (lsif_uploads u\n JOIN repo r ON ((r.id = u.repository_id)))\n WHERE (r.deleted_at IS NULL);" }, { "Name": "outbound_webhooks_with_event_types", "Definition": " SELECT outbound_webhooks.id,\n outbound_webhooks.created_by,\n outbound_webhooks.created_at,\n outbound_webhooks.updated_by,\n outbound_webhooks.updated_at,\n outbound_webhooks.encryption_key_id,\n outbound_webhooks.url,\n outbound_webhooks.secret,\n array_to_json(ARRAY( SELECT json_build_object('id', outbound_webhook_event_types.id, 'outbound_webhook_id', outbound_webhook_event_types.outbound_webhook_id, 'event_type', outbound_webhook_event_types.event_type, 'scope', outbound_webhook_event_types.scope) AS json_build_object\n FROM outbound_webhook_event_types\n WHERE (outbound_webhook_event_types.outbound_webhook_id = outbound_webhooks.id))) AS event_types\n FROM outbound_webhooks;" }, { "Name": "own_background_jobs_config_aware", "Definition": " SELECT obj.id,\n obj.state,\n obj.failure_message,\n obj.queued_at,\n obj.started_at,\n obj.finished_at,\n obj.process_after,\n obj.num_resets,\n obj.num_failures,\n obj.last_heartbeat_at,\n obj.execution_logs,\n obj.worker_hostname,\n obj.cancel,\n obj.repo_id,\n obj.job_type,\n osc.name AS config_name\n FROM (own_background_jobs obj\n JOIN own_signal_configurations osc ON ((obj.job_type = osc.id)))\n WHERE (osc.enabled IS TRUE);" }, { "Name": "reconciler_changesets", "Definition": " SELECT c.id,\n c.batch_change_ids,\n c.repo_id,\n c.queued_at,\n c.created_at,\n c.updated_at,\n c.metadata,\n c.external_id,\n c.external_service_type,\n c.external_deleted_at,\n c.external_branch,\n c.external_updated_at,\n c.external_state,\n c.external_review_state,\n c.external_check_state,\n c.commit_verification,\n c.diff_stat_added,\n c.diff_stat_deleted,\n c.sync_state,\n c.current_spec_id,\n c.previous_spec_id,\n c.publication_state,\n c.owned_by_batch_change_id,\n c.reconciler_state,\n c.computed_state,\n c.failure_message,\n c.started_at,\n c.finished_at,\n c.process_after,\n c.num_resets,\n c.closing,\n c.num_failures,\n c.log_contents,\n c.execution_logs,\n c.syncer_error,\n c.external_title,\n c.worker_hostname,\n c.ui_publication_state,\n c.last_heartbeat_at,\n c.external_fork_name,\n c.external_fork_namespace,\n c.detached_at,\n c.previous_failure_message\n FROM (changesets c\n JOIN repo r ON ((r.id = c.repo_id)))\n WHERE ((r.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (EXISTS ( SELECT 1\n FROM ((batch_changes\n LEFT JOIN users namespace_user ON ((batch_changes.namespace_user_id = namespace_user.id)))\n LEFT JOIN orgs namespace_org ON ((batch_changes.namespace_org_id = namespace_org.id)))\n WHERE ((c.batch_change_ids ? (batch_changes.id)::text) AND (namespace_user.deleted_at IS NULL) AND (namespace_org.deleted_at IS NULL)))));" }, { "Name": "site_config", "Definition": " SELECT global_state.site_id,\n global_state.initialized\n FROM global_state;" }, { "Name": "tracking_changeset_specs_and_changesets", "Definition": " SELECT changeset_specs.id AS changeset_spec_id,\n COALESCE(changesets.id, (0)::bigint) AS changeset_id,\n changeset_specs.repo_id,\n changeset_specs.batch_spec_id,\n repo.name AS repo_name,\n COALESCE((changesets.metadata -\u003e\u003e 'Title'::text), (changesets.metadata -\u003e\u003e 'title'::text)) AS changeset_name,\n changesets.external_state,\n changesets.publication_state,\n changesets.reconciler_state,\n changesets.computed_state\n FROM ((changeset_specs\n LEFT JOIN changesets ON (((changesets.repo_id = changeset_specs.repo_id) AND (changesets.external_id = changeset_specs.external_id))))\n JOIN repo ON ((changeset_specs.repo_id = repo.id)))\n WHERE ((changeset_specs.external_id IS NOT NULL) AND (repo.deleted_at IS NULL));" } ] }