openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: sovity EDC API Wrapper description: "sovity's EDC API Wrapper contains a selection of APIs for multiple\ \ consumers, e.g. our EDC UI API, our generic Use Case API, our Commercial Edition\ \ APIs, etc. We bundled these APIs, so we can have an easier time generating our\ \ API Client Libraries." contact: name: sovity GmbH url: email: license: name: Apache 2.0 url: version: 0.0.0 externalDocs: description: EDC API Wrapper Project in sovity/edc-ce url: servers: - url: https://my-connector/api/management tags: - name: Enterprise Edition description: sovity Enterprise Edition EDC API Endpoints. Requires our sovity Enterprise Edition EDC Extensions. - name: UI description: EDC UI API Endpoints - name: Use Case description: Generic Use Case Application API Endpoints. paths: /wrapper/ee/connector-limits: get: tags: - Enterprise Edition description: Available and used resources of a connector. operationId: connectorLimits responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ConnectorLimits' /wrapper/ee/file-upload/blobs/{blobId}/asset: post: tags: - Enterprise Edition summary: Create an asset from an uploaded file. description: Creates an asset using the uploaded file as data source. operationId: fileUploadCreateAsset parameters: - name: blobId in: path description: The Blob ID / URL the file was uploaded into. required: true schema: type: string requestBody: description: Metadata for the Asset. File-related metadata might be overridden. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAssetCreateRequest' required: true responses: default: description: default response content: '*/*': {} /wrapper/ee/file-upload/blobs: post: tags: - Enterprise Edition summary: Requests a Blob for file upload. description: Requests a Blob URL with a SAS Token so that the UI can directly upload the file to the Azure Blob Storage. Returns the Blob ID / Token. operationId: fileUploadRequestSasToken responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: type: string /wrapper/ui/pages/asset-page/assets: post: tags: - UI description: Create a new Asset operationId: createAsset requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAssetCreateRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-definition-page/contract-definitions: post: tags: - UI description: Create a new Contract Definition operationId: createContractDefinition requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractDefinitionRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/create-data-offer: post: tags: - UI description: "Create a new asset, contract definition and optional policies.\ \ Uses the same id for the asset, the contract policy, the access policy and\ \ the contract definition" operationId: createDataOffer requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataOfferCreationRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/policy-page/policy-definitions: post: tags: - UI description: "[Deprecated] Create a new Policy Definition from a list of constraints.\ \ Use createPolicyDefinitionV2 instead." operationId: createPolicyDefinition requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyDefinitionCreateRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' deprecated: true /wrapper/ui/v2/pages/policy-page/policy-definitions: post: tags: - UI description: Create a new Policy Definition operationId: createPolicyDefinitionV2 requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyDefinitionCreateDto' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/asset-page/assets/{assetId}: put: tags: - UI description: Updates an Asset's metadata and optionally also the data source. operationId: editAsset parameters: - name: assetId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAssetEditRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' delete: tags: - UI description: Delete an Asset operationId: deleteAsset parameters: - name: assetId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-definition-page/contract-definitions/{contractDefinitionId}: delete: tags: - UI description: Delete a Contract Definition operationId: deleteContractDefinition parameters: - name: contractDefinitionId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/policy-page/policy-definitions/{policyId}: delete: tags: - UI description: Delete a Policy Definition operationId: deletePolicyDefinition parameters: - name: policyId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/asset-page: get: tags: - UI description: Collect all data for Asset Page operationId: getAssetPage responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AssetPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/catalog-page/data-offers: get: tags: - UI description: Fetch a connector's data offers operationId: getCatalogPageDataOffers parameters: - name: connectorEndpoint in: query schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataOffer' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-agreement-page/{contractAgreementId}: get: tags: - UI description: Get a single contract agreement card by its identifier operationId: getContractAgreementCard parameters: - name: contractAgreementId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementCard' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-agreement-page: post: tags: - UI description: Collect filtered data for the Contract Agreement Page operationId: getContractAgreementPage requestBody: description: "If null, returns all the contract agreements." content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementPageQuery' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-definition-page: get: tags: - UI description: Collect all data for Contract Definition Page operationId: getContractDefinitionPage responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractDefinitionPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/catalog-page/contract-negotiations/{contractNegotiationId}: get: tags: - UI description: Get Contract Negotiation Information operationId: getContractNegotiation parameters: - name: contractNegotiationId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiContractNegotiation' /wrapper/ui/pages/dashboard-page: get: tags: - UI description: Collect all data for the Dashboard Page operationId: getDashboardPage responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/policy-page: get: tags: - UI description: Collect all data for Policy Definition Page operationId: getPolicyDefinitionPage responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyDefinitionPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/transfer-history-page: get: tags: - UI description: Collect all data for the Transfer History Page operationId: getTransferHistoryPage responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferHistoryPage' /wrapper/ui/pages/transfer-history-page/transfer-processes/{transferProcessId}/asset: get: tags: - UI description: Queries a transfer process' asset operationId: getTransferProcessAsset parameters: - name: transferProcessId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAsset' /wrapper/ui/pages/catalog-page/contract-negotiations: post: tags: - UI description: Initiate a new Contract Negotiation operationId: initiateContractNegotiation requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractNegotiationRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiContractNegotiation' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-agreement-page/transfers/custom: post: tags: - UI description: "Initiate a Transfer Process via a custom Transfer Process JSON-LD.\ \ Fields such as connectorId, assetId, providerConnectorId, providerConnectorAddress\ \ will be set automatically." operationId: initiateCustomTransfer requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InitiateCustomTransferRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/contract-agreement-page/transfers: post: tags: - UI description: Initiate a Transfer Process operationId: initiateTransfer requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InitiateTransferRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/ui/pages/data-offer-page/validate-asset-id/{assetId}: get: tags: - UI description: Validates if the provided assetId is already taken operationId: isAssetIdAvailable parameters: - name: assetId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdAvailabilityResponse' /wrapper/ui/pages/data-offer-page/validate-contract-definition-id/{contractDefinitionId}: get: tags: - UI description: Validates if the provided contractDefinitionId is already taken operationId: isContractDefinitionIdAvailable parameters: - name: contractDefinitionId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdAvailabilityResponse' /wrapper/ui/pages/data-offer-page/validate-policy-id/{policyId}: get: tags: - UI description: Validates if the provided policyId is already taken operationId: isPolicyIdAvailable parameters: - name: policyId in: path required: true schema: type: string responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdAvailabilityResponse' /wrapper/ui/pages/content-agreement-page/{contractAgreementId}/terminate: post: tags: - UI description: Terminates a contract agreement designated by its contract agreement id. operationId: terminateContractAgreement parameters: - name: contractAgreementId in: path required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTerminationRequest' responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IdResponseDto' /wrapper/use-case-api/kpis: get: tags: - Use Case description: Basic KPIs about the running EDC Connector. operationId: getKpis responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/KpiResult' /wrapper/use-case-api/supported-policy-functions: get: tags: - Use Case description: "List available functions in policies, prohibitions and obligations." operationId: getSupportedFunctions responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: string /wrapper/use-case-api/catalog: post: tags: - Use Case description: Fetch a connector's data offers operationId: queryCatalog requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CatalogQuery' required: true responses: default: description: default response content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataOffer' components: schemas: ConnectorLimits: required: - numActiveConsumingContractAgreements type: object properties: numActiveConsumingContractAgreements: type: integer description: Current amount of active consuming contract agreements. format: int32 maxActiveConsumingContractAgreements: type: integer description: Maximum amount of active consuming contract agreements. A value of 'null' or a negative value means that there are no limit. format: int32 description: Available and used resources of a connector. DataSourceType: type: string description: Supported Data Source Types by UiDataSource enum: - HTTP_DATA - ON_REQUEST - CUSTOM default: CUSTOM SecretValue: type: object properties: secretName: type: string description: Secret Name / Vault Key Name. example: myApiAuthKey rawValue: type: string description: Raw inline Value. example: description: A value either inlined or to be fetched from the Vault. Raw secret values will land in the database and will be retrievable via the Eclipse EDC Management API. UiAssetCreateRequest: required: - dataSource - id type: object properties: dataSource: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataSource' id: type: string description: Asset Id title: type: string description: Asset Title language: type: string description: Asset Language description: type: string description: Asset Description publisherHomepage: type: string description: Asset Homepage licenseUrl: type: string description: License URL version: type: string description: Version keywords: type: array description: Asset Keywords items: type: string description: Asset Keywords mediaType: type: string description: Asset MediaType landingPageUrl: type: string description: Landing Page URL dataCategory: type: string description: Data Category dataSubcategory: type: string description: Data Subcategory dataModel: type: string description: Data Model geoReferenceMethod: type: string description: Geo-Reference Method transportMode: type: string description: Transport Mode sovereignLegalName: type: string description: The sovereign is distinct from the publisher by being the legal owner of the data. geoLocation: type: string description: Geo location nutsLocations: type: array description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions items: type: string description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions dataSampleUrls: type: array description: Data sample URLs items: type: string description: Data sample URLs referenceFileUrls: type: array description: Reference file/schema URLs items: type: string description: Reference file/schema URLs referenceFilesDescription: type: string description: Additional information on reference files/schemas conditionsForUse: type: string description: Instructions for use that are not legally relevant e.g. information on how to cite the dataset in papers dataUpdateFrequency: type: string description: Data update frequency temporalCoverageFrom: type: string description: Temporal coverage start date format: date temporalCoverageToInclusive: type: string description: Temporal coverage end date (inclusive) format: date customJsonAsString: type: string description: Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON format. customJsonLdAsString: type: string description: "Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON LD format.\ \ Contrary to the customJsonAsString field, this string must represent\ \ a JSON LD object and will be affected by JSON LD compaction and expansion.\ \ Due to a technical limitation, the properties can't be booleans." privateCustomJsonAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. privateCustomJsonLdAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonLdAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. The same limitations apply. description: Type-safe data offer metadata for creating an asset as supported by the sovity product landscape. Contains extension points. UiDataSource: required: - type type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataSourceType' httpData: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataSourceHttpData' onRequest: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataSourceOnRequest' customProperties: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: For all types. Custom Data Address Properties. description: For all types. Custom Data Address Properties. description: Type-safe data source as supported by the sovity product landscape. Contains extension points for using custom data address properties. UiDataSourceHttpData: required: - baseUrl type: object properties: method: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataSourceHttpDataMethod' baseUrl: type: string description: "HTTP Request URL. If parameterized, additional pathParams\ \ will be joined onto existing one." example: queryString: type: string description: HTTP Request Query Params / Query String. example: search=example&limit=10 authHeaderName: type: string description: Auth Header name. The auth header is handled specially by the EDC as its value can be read from a vault. example: Authorization authHeaderValue: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SecretValue' headers: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: HTTP Request Headers. HTTP Header Parameterization is not available. description: HTTP Request Headers. HTTP Header Parameterization is not available. enableMethodParameterization: type: boolean description: "Enable Method Parameterization. This forces consumers to provide\ \ a method, otherwise the transfer will fail." default: false enablePathParameterization: type: boolean description: Enable Path Parameterization. default: false enableQueryParameterization: type: boolean description: Enable Query Parameterization. Any additionally provided queryString will be merged with the existing one. default: false enableBodyParameterization: type: boolean description: "Enable Body Parameterization. Forces the provider to provide\ \ both a request body and a content type. Only Methods POST, PUT and PATCH\ \ allow request bodies." default: false description: HTTP_DATA type Data Source. UiDataSourceHttpDataMethod: type: string description: Supported HTTP Methods by UiDataSource enum: - GET - POST - PUT - PATCH - DELETE - OPTIONS default: GET UiDataSourceOnRequest: required: - contactEmail - contactPreferredEmailSubject type: object properties: contactEmail: type: string description: Contact E-Mail address example: contactPreferredEmailSubject: type: string description: Contact Preferred E-Mail Subject example: "Department XYZ Data Offer Request - My Product, My API" description: ON_REQUEST type Data Source. IdResponseDto: required: - id - lastUpdatedDate type: object properties: id: type: string description: ID lastUpdatedDate: type: string description: Change Date format: date-time description: Marks the operation as successful ContractDefinitionRequest: required: - accessPolicyId - assetSelector - contractDefinitionId - contractPolicyId type: object properties: contractDefinitionId: type: string description: Contract Definition ID contractPolicyId: type: string description: Contract Policy ID accessPolicyId: type: string description: Access Policy ID assetSelector: type: array description: List of Criteria for the contract items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiCriterion' description: Data for creating a Contract Definition UiCriterion: required: - operandLeft - operandRight - operator type: object properties: operandLeft: type: string description: Left Operand operator: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiCriterionOperator' operandRight: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiCriterionLiteral' description: Contract Definition Criterion as supported by the UI UiCriterionLiteral: type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiCriterionLiteralType' value: type: string description: Only for type VALUE. The single value representation. valueList: type: array description: "Only for type VALUE_LIST. List of values, e.g. for the IN-Operator." items: type: string description: "Only for type VALUE_LIST. List of values, e.g. for the IN-Operator." description: Criterion Literal UiCriterionLiteralType: type: string description: Value type of an asset selector criterion right expression value enum: - VALUE - VALUE_LIST UiCriterionOperator: type: string description: Operator for constraints enum: - EQ - IN - LIKE DataOfferCreationRequest: required: - policy - uiAssetCreateRequest type: object properties: uiAssetCreateRequest: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAssetCreateRequest' policy: type: string description: Which policy to apply to this asset creation. enum: - DONT_PUBLISH - PUBLISH_UNRESTRICTED - PUBLISH_RESTRICTED uiPolicyExpression: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyExpression' description: Request to create a data offer OperatorDto: type: string description: Type-Safe ODRL Policy Operator as supported by the sovity product landscape enum: - EQ - NEQ - GT - GEQ - LT - LEQ - IN - HAS_PART - IS_A - IS_ALL_OF - IS_ANY_OF - IS_NONE_OF UiPolicyConstraint: required: - left - operator - right type: object properties: left: type: string description: Left side of the expression. operator: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OperatorDto' right: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyLiteral' description: "ODRL AtomicConstraint as supported by the sovity product landscape.\ \ For example 'a EQ b', 'c IN [d, e, f]'" UiPolicyExpression: required: - type type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyExpressionType' expressions: type: array description: "Only for types AND, OR, XONE. List of sub-expressions to be\ \ evaluated according to the expressionType." items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyExpression' constraint: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyConstraint' description: ODRL constraint as supported by the sovity product landscape UiPolicyExpressionType: type: string description: | Ui Policy Expression types: * `CONSTRAINT` - Expression 'a=b' * `AND` - Conjunction of several expressions. Evaluates to true iff all child expressions are true. * `OR` - Disjunction of several expressions. Evaluates to true iff at least one child expression is true. * `XONE` - XONE operation. Evaluates to true iff exactly one child expression is true. enum: - EMPTY - CONSTRAINT - AND - OR - XONE UiPolicyLiteral: required: - type type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyLiteralType' value: type: string description: Only for types STRING and JSON valueList: type: array description: Only for type STRING_LIST items: type: string description: Only for type STRING_LIST description: "Sum type: A String, a list of Strings or a generic JSON value." UiPolicyLiteralType: type: string description: Supported Types of values for the right hand side of an expression enum: - STRING - STRING_LIST - JSON PolicyDefinitionCreateRequest: required: - policy - policyDefinitionId type: object properties: policyDefinitionId: type: string description: Policy Definition ID policy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyCreateRequest' description: "[Deprecated] Create a Policy Definition. Use PolicyDefinitionCreateDto" deprecated: true UiPolicyCreateRequest: type: object properties: constraints: type: array description: Conjunction of required constraints deprecated: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyConstraint' description: "[Deprecated] Conjunction of constraints (simplified UiPolicyExpression)" deprecated: true PolicyDefinitionCreateDto: required: - expression - policyDefinitionId type: object properties: policyDefinitionId: type: string description: Policy Definition ID expression: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyExpression' description: Create a Policy Definition UiAssetEditRequest: type: object properties: dataSourceOverrideOrNull: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiDataSource' title: type: string description: Asset Title language: type: string description: Asset Language description: type: string description: Asset Description publisherHomepage: type: string description: Asset Homepage licenseUrl: type: string description: License URL version: type: string description: Version keywords: type: array description: Asset Keywords items: type: string description: Asset Keywords mediaType: type: string description: Asset MediaType landingPageUrl: type: string description: Landing Page URL dataCategory: type: string description: Data Category dataSubcategory: type: string description: Data Subcategory dataModel: type: string description: Data Model geoReferenceMethod: type: string description: Geo-Reference Method transportMode: type: string description: Transport Mode sovereignLegalName: type: string description: The sovereign is distinct from the publisher by being the legal owner of the data. geoLocation: type: string description: Geo location nutsLocations: type: array description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions items: type: string description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions dataSampleUrls: type: array description: Data sample URLs items: type: string description: Data sample URLs referenceFileUrls: type: array description: Reference file/schema URLs items: type: string description: Reference file/schema URLs referenceFilesDescription: type: string description: Additional information on reference files/schemas conditionsForUse: type: string description: Instructions for use that are not legally relevant e.g. information on how to cite the dataset in papers dataUpdateFrequency: type: string description: Data update frequency temporalCoverageFrom: type: string description: Temporal coverage start date format: date temporalCoverageToInclusive: type: string description: Temporal coverage end date (inclusive) format: date customJsonAsString: type: string description: Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON format. customJsonLdAsString: type: string description: "Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON LD format.\ \ Contrary to the customJsonAsString field, this string must represent\ \ a JSON LD object and will be affected by JSON LD compaction and expansion.\ \ Due to a technical limitation, the properties can't be booleans." privateCustomJsonAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. privateCustomJsonLdAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonLdAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. The same limitations apply. description: Type-safe data offer metadata for editing an asset as supported by the sovity product landscape. Contains extension points. AssetPage: required: - assets type: object properties: assets: type: array description: Visible Assets items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAsset' description: All data for the Asset Page DataSourceAvailability: type: string description: Differentiate 'Live' Data Offers that have a real data source from 'On Request' Data Offers that contain only a contact email address for requesting an individual data offer. enum: - LIVE - ON_REQUEST UiAsset: required: - assetId - connectorEndpoint - creatorOrganizationName - dataSourceAvailability - isOwnConnector - participantId - title type: object properties: dataSourceAvailability: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DataSourceAvailability' assetId: type: string description: Asset Id connectorEndpoint: type: string description: Providing Connector's Connector Endpoint participantId: type: string description: Providing Connector's Participant ID title: type: string description: Asset Title creatorOrganizationName: type: string description: Asset Organization Name onRequestContactEmail: type: string description: Contact E-Mail address. Only for dataSourceAvailability ON_REQUEST. example: onRequestContactEmailSubject: type: string description: Contact Preferred E-Mail Subject. Only for dataSourceAvailability ON_REQUEST. example: "Department XYZ Data Offer Request - My Product, My API" language: type: string description: Asset Language description: type: string description: Asset Description. Supports markdown. descriptionShortText: type: string description: Asset Description Short Text generated from description. Contains no markdown. isOwnConnector: type: boolean description: Flag that indicates whether this asset is created by this connector. publisherHomepage: type: string description: Asset Homepage licenseUrl: type: string description: License URL version: type: string description: Version keywords: type: array description: Asset Keywords items: type: string description: Asset Keywords mediaType: type: string description: Asset MediaType landingPageUrl: type: string description: Homepage URL associated with the Asset httpDatasourceHintsProxyMethod: type: boolean description: "HTTP Datasource Hint: Proxy Method. Only for dataSourceAvailability\ \ LIVE with an underlying HTTP_DATA Data Source." httpDatasourceHintsProxyPath: type: boolean description: "HTTP Datasource Hint: Proxy Path. Only for dataSourceAvailability\ \ LIVE with an underlying HTTP_DATA Data Source." httpDatasourceHintsProxyQueryParams: type: boolean description: "HTTP Datasource Hint: Proxy Query Params. Only for dataSourceAvailability\ \ LIVE with an underlying HTTP_DATA Data Source." httpDatasourceHintsProxyBody: type: boolean description: "HTTP Datasource Hint: Proxy Body. Only for dataSourceAvailability\ \ LIVE with an underlying HTTP_DATA Data Source." dataCategory: type: string description: Data Category dataSubcategory: type: string description: Data Subcategory dataModel: type: string description: Data Model geoReferenceMethod: type: string description: Geo-Reference Method transportMode: type: string description: Transport Mode sovereignLegalName: type: string description: The sovereign is distinct from the publisher by being the legal owner of the data. geoLocation: type: string description: Geo location nutsLocations: type: array description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions items: type: string description: Locations by NUTS standard which divides countries into administrative divisions dataSampleUrls: type: array description: Data sample URLs items: type: string description: Data sample URLs referenceFileUrls: type: array description: Reference file/schema URLs items: type: string description: Reference file/schema URLs referenceFilesDescription: type: string description: Additional information on reference files/schemas conditionsForUse: type: string description: Instructions for use that are not legally relevant e.g. information on how to cite the dataset in papers dataUpdateFrequency: type: string description: Data update frequency temporalCoverageFrom: type: string description: Temporal coverage start date format: date temporalCoverageToInclusive: type: string description: Temporal coverage end date (inclusive) format: date assetJsonLd: type: string description: Contains the entire asset in the JSON-LD format customJsonAsString: type: string description: Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON format. customJsonLdAsString: type: string description: "Contains serialized custom properties in the JSON LD format.\ \ Contrary to the customJsonAsString field, this string must represent\ \ a JSON LD object and will be affected by JSON LD compaction and expansion.\ \ Due to a technical limitation, the properties can't be booleans." privateCustomJsonAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. privateCustomJsonLdAsString: type: string description: Same as customJsonLdAsString but the data will be stored in the private properties. The same limitations apply. description: Type-safe data offer metadata as supported by the sovity product landscape. Contains extension points. UiContractOffer: required: - contractOfferId - policy type: object properties: contractOfferId: type: string description: Contract Offer ID policy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicy' description: Catalog Data Offer's Contract Offer as required by the UI UiDataOffer: required: - asset - contractOffers - endpoint - participantId type: object properties: endpoint: type: string description: Connector Endpoint participantId: type: string description: Participant ID. Required for initiating transfers. asset: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAsset' contractOffers: type: array description: Available Contract Offers items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiContractOffer' description: Catalog Data Offer as required by the UI UiPolicy: required: - errors - policyJsonLd type: object properties: policyJsonLd: type: string description: EDC Policy JSON-LD. This is required because the EDC requires the full policy when initiating contract negotiations. expression: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicyExpression' errors: type: array description: "When trying to reduce the policy JSON-LD to our opinionated\ \ subset of functionalities, many fields and functionalities are unsupported.\ \ Should any discrepancies occur during the mapping process, we'll collect\ \ them here." items: type: string description: "When trying to reduce the policy JSON-LD to our opinionated\ \ subset of functionalities, many fields and functionalities are unsupported.\ \ Should any discrepancies occur during the mapping process, we'll collect\ \ them here." description: Type-Safe OpenAPI generator friendly ODLR policy subset as endorsed by sovity. ContractAgreementCard: required: - asset - contractAgreementId - contractNegotiationId - contractPolicy - contractSigningDate - counterPartyAddress - counterPartyId - direction - terminationStatus - transferProcesses type: object properties: contractAgreementId: type: string description: Contract Agreement ID contractNegotiationId: type: string description: Contract Negotiation ID direction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementDirection' counterPartyAddress: type: string description: Other Connector's Endpoint counterPartyId: type: string description: Other Connector's ID contractSigningDate: type: string description: Contract Agreements Signing Date format: date-time asset: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiAsset' contractPolicy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicy' transferProcesses: type: array description: Contract Agreement's Transfer Processes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementTransferProcess' terminationStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTerminationStatus' terminationInformation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementTerminationInfo' description: Contract Agreement for Contract Agreement Page ContractAgreementDirection: type: string description: Whether the contract agreement is incoming or outgoing enum: - CONSUMING - PROVIDING ContractAgreementTerminationInfo: required: - detail - reason - terminatedAt - terminatedBy type: object properties: terminatedAt: type: string description: Termination's date and time format: date-time reason: title: Termination's reason type: string description: The termination's nature e.g. User Termination detail: type: string description: Detailed message from the terminating party about why the contract was terminated. terminatedBy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTerminatedBy' description: Contract's agreement metadata ContractAgreementTransferProcess: required: - lastUpdatedDate - state - transferProcessId type: object properties: transferProcessId: type: string description: Transfer Process ID lastUpdatedDate: type: string description: Last Change Date format: date-time state: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProcessState' errorMessage: type: string description: Error Message description: A Contract Agreement's Transfer Process ContractTerminatedBy: type: string description: Whether the contract termination was initiated by this EDC or a counterparty EDC. enum: - SELF - COUNTERPARTY ContractTerminationStatus: type: string description: The contract termination status enum: - ONGOING - TERMINATED TransferProcessSimplifiedState: type: string description: Simplified Transfer Process State to be used in UI enum: - RUNNING - OK - ERROR TransferProcessState: required: - code - name - simplifiedState type: object properties: name: type: string description: State name or 'CUSTOM'. State names only exist for original EDC Transfer Process States. code: type: integer description: State code format: int32 simplifiedState: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProcessSimplifiedState' description: Transfer Process State interpreted ContractAgreementPage: required: - contractAgreements type: object properties: contractAgreements: type: array description: Contract Agreement Cards items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementCard' description: Data as required by the UI's Contract Agreement Page ContractAgreementPageQuery: type: object properties: terminationStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractTerminationStatus' description: Filters for querying a Contract Contract Agreement Page ContractDefinitionEntry: required: - accessPolicyId - assetSelector - contractDefinitionId - contractPolicyId type: object properties: contractDefinitionId: type: string description: Contract Definition ID accessPolicyId: type: string description: Access Policy ID contractPolicyId: type: string description: Contract Policy ID assetSelector: type: array description: Criteria for the contract items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiCriterion' description: Contract Definition List Entry for Contract Definition Page ContractDefinitionPage: required: - contractDefinitions type: object properties: contractDefinitions: type: array description: Contract Definition Entries items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractDefinitionEntry' ContractNegotiationSimplifiedState: type: string description: Simplified Contract Negotiation State to be used in UI enum: - IN_PROGRESS - AGREED - TERMINATED ContractNegotiationState: required: - code - name - simplifiedState type: object properties: name: type: string description: State name or 'CUSTOM'. State names only exist for original EDC Contract Negotiation States. code: type: integer description: State code format: int32 simplifiedState: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractNegotiationSimplifiedState' description: Contract Negotiation State interpreted UiContractNegotiation: required: - contractNegotiationId - createdAt - state type: object properties: contractNegotiationId: type: string description: Contract Negotiation Id createdAt: type: string description: Contract Negotiation Creation Time format: date-time contractAgreementId: type: string description: Contract Agreement Id state: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractNegotiationState' description: Contract Negotiation Information DashboardDapsConfig: required: - jwksUrl - tokenUrl type: object properties: tokenUrl: type: string description: Your Connector's DAPS Token URL jwksUrl: type: string description: Your Connector's DAPS JWKS URL description: DAPS Config DashboardMiwConfig: required: - authorityId - tokenUrl - url type: object properties: url: type: string description: Your Connector's MIW's URL tokenUrl: type: string description: Your Connector's MIW's Token URL authorityId: type: string description: Your Connector's MIW's Authority ID description: Managed Identity Wallet (MIW) Config DashboardPage: required: - connectorCuratorName - connectorCuratorUrl - connectorDescription - connectorEndpoint - connectorMaintainerName - connectorMaintainerUrl - connectorParticipantId - connectorTitle - numAssets - numContractAgreementsConsuming - numContractAgreementsProviding - numContractDefinitions - numPolicies - transferProcessesConsuming - transferProcessesProviding type: object properties: numAssets: type: integer description: Number of Assets format: int32 numPolicies: type: integer description: Number of Policies format: int32 numContractDefinitions: type: integer description: Number of Contract Definitions format: int32 numContractAgreementsConsuming: type: integer description: Number of consuming Contract Agreements format: int64 numContractAgreementsProviding: type: integer description: Number of providing Contract Agreements format: int64 transferProcessesConsuming: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardTransferAmounts' transferProcessesProviding: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardTransferAmounts' connectorEndpoint: type: string description: Your Connector's Connector Endpoint connectorParticipantId: type: string description: Your Connector's Participant ID connectorTitle: type: string description: Your Connector's Title connectorDescription: type: string description: Your Connector's Description connectorCuratorUrl: type: string description: Your Organization Homepage connectorCuratorName: type: string description: Your Organization Name connectorMaintainerUrl: type: string description: Your Connector's Maintainer's Organization Homepage connectorMaintainerName: type: string description: Your Connector's Maintainer's Organization Name connectorDapsConfig: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardDapsConfig' connectorMiwConfig: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DashboardMiwConfig' description: Data as required by the UI's Dashboard Page DashboardTransferAmounts: required: - numError - numOk - numRunning - numTotal type: object properties: numTotal: type: integer description: Number of Transfer Processes format: int64 numRunning: type: integer description: Number of running Transfer Processes format: int64 numOk: type: integer description: Number of successful Transfer Processes format: int64 numError: type: integer description: Number of failed Transfer Processes format: int64 description: Number of Transfer Processes for given direction. PolicyDefinitionDto: required: - policy - policyDefinitionId type: object properties: policyDefinitionId: type: string description: Policy Definition ID policy: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UiPolicy' description: Policy Definition as required for the Policy Definition Page PolicyDefinitionPage: required: - policies type: object properties: policies: type: array description: Policy Definition Entries items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolicyDefinitionDto' description: All data for the policy definition page as required by the UI TransferHistoryEntry: required: - assetId - assetName - contractAgreementId - counterPartyConnectorEndpoint - counterPartyParticipantId - createdDate - direction - lastUpdatedDate - state - transferProcessId type: object properties: transferProcessId: type: string description: Transfer Process ID createdDate: type: string description: Created Date format: date-time lastUpdatedDate: type: string description: Last Change Date format: date-time state: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProcessState' contractAgreementId: type: string description: Contract Agreement ID direction: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContractAgreementDirection' counterPartyConnectorEndpoint: type: string description: Other Connector's Endpoint counterPartyParticipantId: type: string description: Other Connector's Participant ID assetName: type: string description: Asset Name assetId: type: string description: Asset ID errorMessage: type: string description: Error Message description: Transfer History Entry for Transfer History Page TransferHistoryPage: required: - transferEntries type: object properties: transferEntries: type: array description: Transfer History Page Entries items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferHistoryEntry' description: Data as required by the UI's Transfer History Page ContractNegotiationRequest: required: - assetId - contractOfferId - counterPartyAddress - counterPartyParticipantId - policyJsonLd type: object properties: counterPartyAddress: type: string description: Counter Party Address counterPartyParticipantId: type: string description: Counter Party Participant ID contractOfferId: type: string description: 'Contract Offer Dto ' policyJsonLd: type: string description: Policy JsonLd assetId: type: string description: Asset ID description: Data for initiating a Contract Negotiation InitiateCustomTransferRequest: required: - contractAgreementId - transferProcessRequestJsonLd type: object properties: contractAgreementId: type: string description: Contract Agreement ID transferProcessRequestJsonLd: type: string description: "Partial TransferProcessRequestJsonLd JSON-LD. Fields participantId,\ \ connectorEndpoint, assetId and contractId can be omitted, they will\ \ be overridden with information from the contract." description: Required data for starting a Contract Agreement's Transfer Process InitiateTransferRequest: required: - contractAgreementId - dataSinkProperties - transferProcessProperties type: object properties: contractAgreementId: type: string description: Contract Agreement ID dataSinkProperties: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Data Sink / Data Address description: Data Sink / Data Address transferProcessProperties: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Additional transfer process properties. These are not passed to the consumer EDC description: Additional transfer process properties. These are not passed to the consumer EDC description: "For type PARAMS_ONLY: Required data for starting a Transfer Process" IdAvailabilityResponse: required: - id type: object properties: id: type: string description: ID available: type: boolean description: Object indicates whether an ID for the given object type is already taken or not ContractTerminationRequest: required: - detail - reason type: object properties: detail: title: Termination detail maxLength: 1000 minLength: 0 type: string description: A user explanation to detail why the contract was terminated. reason: title: Termination reason maxLength: 100 minLength: 0 type: string description: A short reason why this contract was terminated description: Data for terminating a Contract Agreement KpiResult: required: - assetsCount - contractAgreementsCount - contractDefinitionsCount - policiesCount - transferProcessDto type: object properties: assetsCount: type: integer description: Counts of assets format: int32 policiesCount: type: integer description: Counts of policies format: int32 contractDefinitionsCount: type: integer description: Counts of contract definitions format: int32 contractAgreementsCount: type: integer description: Counts of contract agreements format: int32 transferProcessDto: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TransferProcessStatesDto' description: EDC-status-defining KPIs TransferProcessStatesDto: required: - incomingTransferProcessCounts - outgoingTransferProcessCounts type: object properties: incomingTransferProcessCounts: type: object additionalProperties: type: integer description: States and count of incoming transferprocess counts format: int64 description: States and count of incoming transferprocess counts outgoingTransferProcessCounts: type: object additionalProperties: type: integer description: States and counts of outgoing transferprocess counts format: int64 description: States and counts of outgoing transferprocess counts description: Counts of incoming and outgoing TransferProcesses and status CatalogFilterExpression: required: - operandLeft - operandRight - operator type: object properties: operandLeft: type: string description: Asset property name example: operator: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CatalogFilterExpressionOperator' operandRight: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CatalogFilterExpressionLiteral' description: Generic expression for filtering the data offers in the catalog CatalogFilterExpressionLiteral: type: object properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CatalogFilterExpressionLiteralType' value: type: string description: Only for type VALUE. The single value representation. valueList: type: array description: "Only for type VALUE_LIST. List of values, e.g. for the IN-Operator." items: type: string description: "Only for type VALUE_LIST. List of values, e.g. for the IN-Operator." description: FilterExpression Criterion Literal CatalogFilterExpressionLiteralType: type: string description: Value type of a filter expression criterion enum: - VALUE - VALUE_LIST CatalogFilterExpressionOperator: type: string description: Operator for filter expressions enum: - LIKE - EQ - IN CatalogQuery: required: - connectorEndpoint type: object properties: connectorEndpoint: type: string description: Target EDC DSP endpoint URL limit: type: integer description: Limit the number of results format: int32 offset: type: integer description: "Offset for returned results, e.g. start at result 2" format: int32 filterExpressions: type: array description: Filter expressions for catalog filtering items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CatalogFilterExpression' description: Catalog query parameters