# ptflops versions log ## v - Switch from setup.py to pyproject ## v 0.7.2 - Add type annotations and doc strings to the main API. - Add support of HuggingFace/Timm VIT transformers. - Update torchvision benchmark in docs. ## v - Fix failure when using input constructor. ## v 0.7.1 - Experimental support of torchvision.ops.DeformConv2d - Experimental support of torch.functional.* and tensor.* operators ## v 0.7 - Add ConvNext to sample, fix wrong torchvision compatibility requirement. - Support LayerNorm. ## v 0.6.9 - Fix unnecessary warnings. - Improve per layer statistics output. ## v 0.6.8 - Add support of GELU activation. - Fix per layer statistic output in case of zero parameters number. - Cleanup flops and params attrs after ptflops has finished counting. ## v 0.6.7 - Add batch_first flag support in MultiheadAttention hook ## v 0.6.6 - Add hooks for Instance and Group norms. ## v 0.6.5 - Add a hook for MultiheadAttention. ## v 0.6.4 - Fix unaccounted bias flops in Linear. - Fix hook for ConvTranspose*d. ## v 0.6.3 - Implicitly use repr to print a model with extra_repr. ## v 0.6.2 - Fix integer overflow on Windows. - Check if the input object is inherited from nn.Module. ## v 0.6.1 - Add experimental version of hooks for recurrent layers (RNN, GRU, LSTM). ## v 0.6 - Add verbose option to log layers that are not supported by ptflops. - Add an option to filter a list of operations from the final result. ## v 0.5.2 - Fix handling of intermediate dimensions in the Linear layer hook. ## v 0.5 - Add per sequential number of parameters estimation. - Fix sample doesn't work without GPU. - Clarified output in sample. ## v 0.4 - Allocate temporal blobs on the same device as model's parameters are located. ## v 0.3 - Add 1d operators: batch norm, poolings, convolution. - Add ability to output extended report to any output stream. ## v 0.2 - Add new operations: Conv3d, BatchNorm3d, MaxPool3d, AvgPool3d, ConvTranspose2d. - Add some results on widespread models to the README. - Minor bugfixes. ## v 0.1 - Initial release with basic functionality