# Sōzu ## What is Sōzu? Sōzu is a reverse proxy for load balancing, written in Rust. Its main job is to balance inbound requests across two or more clusters backends to spread the load. * It serves as a termination point for TLS sessions. So the workload of dealing with the encryption is offloaded from the backend. * It can protect the backends by preventing direct access from the network. * It returns some metrics related to the traffic between clients and backends clusters behind it. ## Introduction * [Getting started][gs] * [Configure Sōzu][cg] * [How to use it][hw] * [Why you should use Sōzu][ws] * [Design Motivation][dm] * [Recipes][r] ## Overview * [Architecture Overview][ar] * [Tools & Libraries][tl] ## Going deeper * [Lifetime of a session][li] ## Release Notes TODO ## Presentations & Slides * [Sōzu, a hot reconfigurable reverse HTTP proxy by Geoffroy Couprie](https://youtu.be/y4NdVW9sHtU) * [(FR) Refondre le reverse proxy en 2017 pour faire de l’immutable infrastructure. by Quentin Adam](https://youtu.be/uv3BG1J8YKc) [gs]: ./getting_started.md [cg]: ./configure.md [hw]: ./how_to_use.md [dm]: ./design_motivation.md [ar]: ./architecture.md [tl]: ./tools_libraries.md [ws]: ./why_you_should_use.md [r]: ./recipes.md [li]: ./lifetime_of_a_session.md