version: "3.9" services: gateway: image: "spacecloudio/gateway:0.21.5" pull_policy: "if_not_present" # other values never, if_not_present restart: "always" # other values no, on-failure environment: - DEV=true # Turn this to false for production mode - CLUSTER_ID=prod-cluster - CONFIG=/config/config.yaml - ADMIN_USER=admin # Log in username - ADMIN_PASS=1234 # Log in password - ADMIN_SECRET=some-secret # Space cloud uses this secret for parsing jwt tokens for config APIs - LOG_LEVEL=debug # other values info, warn - LOG_FORMAT=json # other values text - DISABLE_UI=false - LETSENCRYPT_STORE=local - REDIS_CONN=redis:6379 - SSL_ENABLE=false - SSL_CERT="" - SSL_KEY="" volumes: - ./sc-config:/config depends_on: - redis - mongo ports: - "4122:4122" redis: image: "redis:6.0" debezium: image: "spacecloudio/dbevents:0.2.0" environment: - "SC_ADMIN_SECRET=some-secret" - "GATEWAY_URL=gateway:4122" depends_on: - gateway - mongo mongo: image: "mongo:4.4" pull_policy: "if_not_present" # other values never, if_not_present restart: "always" # other values no, on-failure hostname: mongodb environment: - MONGO_REPLICA_SET_NAME=rs0 - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root # Log in username - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=example # Log in password, NOTE: if username or password is changed, change the health check command accordingly volumes: - sc-mongo-data:/data/db healthcheck: test: 'test $$(echo "rs.initiate({_id : \"rs0\", members: [ { _id: 0, host: \"mongo:27017\" } ]}).ok || rs.status().ok" | mongo -u root -p example | grep ^1) -eq 1' interval: 10s start_period: 30s command: [ "mongod","--replSet", "rs0", "--bind_ip", "" ] volumes: sc-mongo-data: