--- title: فیلم Anna 2019 category: general tags: فیلم خسته تلاش تنها ایمان_به_خود پیوسته --- سلام بر تو ای خواننده حال و یا آینده اتفاقات زیادی افتاده 4 ماهه اخیر، دوستان جدید پیدا کردم، یه سری درسای جدید یاد گرفتم یه سری درسایی که افتادم و دوباره زندگی امتحانشو گرفت. همیشه میگفتم که زمانی مخاطب با فیلم و داستان ارتباط عمیقی برقرار میکنه که حس مشابهی که در اون فیلم و کتاب به تصویر کشیده شده رو تجربه کرده باشه. فیلم آنا رو توصیه میکنم ببینید. در ادامه چند تا از مکالمات و جملات فیلم رو آوردم. We all have turning points in our lives, most of the time we cant see them, until they're in our rear-view mirror. Every intersection offers several possibilities, you just have to pick the right road, sometimes those choices have to be made quickly. -------------- Anna: Is this my life now?! waiting to catch a bullet between my eyes? Alex: Dont let anyone get in your head, there are other ways. Anna: You give me some bullshit speech about choices and path and promise me my f***ing freedom in five years. You thought I was gonna be long dead before that, didnt you? Alex:Well, not everyone makes it through, I gave you that. But you've got a shot, for now enjoy the moment. Give yourself time, Anna. The play's in your favor. Let the current move beneath you, powers will shift, enemies can vanish, do what you can to stay alive, time will do the rest. Anna: If I find a way to get free one day, would you be on my side? Alex: I'll do my best. --------------- Anna: Is it all you have to offer? Lenny: I dont believe you're in the position to negotiate. Anna: Fine, then kill me. All you're offering is the same shit I'm getting from my people, be slave or die. Anna: Dont you consider yourself better than the Russians? Lenny: Well, historically sure. Anna: Then make me a better offer. Lenny: My boundary with the negotiation is limited. Anna: I wont be too demanding. Lenny: Alright tell me what'll make you happy. Anna: Freedom and protection ---------------- Olga: “It takes more than intelligence to act intelligently.” Dostoyevsky. Anna: “Like a captive cast to the bottom of a deep dry well, I know not who I am, not what awaits me. Yes, it’s clear to me that in this cruel and obstinate struggle with Satan, I’m fated to emerge victorious. Then mind and matter shall fuse in perfect harmony, and the reign of universal will shall begin.” Chekhov ----------------- Anna: I’ve seen your face. It means, I either leave with you, or I don’t leave at all. Alex Tchenkov: You see? I told you, you had a sharp mind. Anna: No. I don’t like any of your proposals. [she cuts her own wrist] Alex Tchenkov: I think you’ve made the wrong decision. Anna: You talk about turning points and choices. Those are just pretty words, if it means it’s going to take me to another shitty town, in another shitty box. Alex Tchenkov: You have a right to make your own choices in your life. Go here, go there. Say yes, say no. But what you can’t do is reject life itself. Your life was a gift. Who gave it to you? Anna: My parents. Alex Tchenkov: And this is how you honor them? This is what your father would want for you? Their lives are over. But yours isn’t. Have a little faith. Anna: Last time I put my faith in men, look where it got me. Alex Tchenkov: Never put your faith in men, Anna. Put faith in yourself. [Anna puts her hand on the cut on her wrist to stop the bleeding] Alex Tchenkov: Good. ------------------------- Anna: When I was a kid I used to play with Matryoshka dolls, I love opening them up and looking at their beautiful faces, it's a woman inside of a woman inside of a woman, inside of a woman. Now if there would be a doll made of me, what it would she be? A daughter? A girlfriend? Russian spy? A model? American spy? If you go to the very smallest doll and look inside what is she? I never knew, now I like to find out. Whatever we had each of us, brought me here, gave me will to live and face to myself, something I'll never forget. ------------------------- what do you want most in the world, Anna? My freedom. ------------------------- “Attackers may sometimes regret bad moves, but it is much worse to forever regret an opportunity you allowed to pass you by.” Garry Kasparov مهم ترین چیزی که میشه از این فیلم یاد گرفت این بود که فقط خودتی که می تونی به خودت کمک کنی. منتظر کسی نموند، با اینکه مامور CIA بهش قول داده بود که بعد از انجام اون ماموریت آزاده و میتونه بره دنبال زندگی خودش. > فقط خودتی که می تونی به خودت کمک کنی. [یکی از آهنگ های این فیلم.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzj1R_9G4TM)