--- title: فیلم Destination Wedding category: general tags: فیلم --- How can we be allowed to feel so much for people who don't feel anything for us? ----------------- ...,I got the gun out of his hand, hit him in the face with it, broke his orbital bone. He begged me to kill him. I wouldn't. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't want to fuck up my life. I mean any more than it already was. -------------------------- I'm all fucked up, and I always will be. ----------------------- "Some marriages work out." "Yes, and some people have six fingers" ----------------------------- "Don't you believe that there's someone for everyone?" "I believe that there's nobody for anyone." ------------------------------- "I'd rather be strong and ruined than weak and ruined." "I'm not weak, I just have hope." "That's the same thing." ---------------------------- "It's just very difficult for me to give myself over to any sort of positive activity. It makes me think about how long I've gone without it. Which makes me wanna kill myself." ----------------------------------- People are ridiculous and pathetic, animals that's all. We want to believe that there's some high-minded, cosmic meaning behind love, but the truth is we drawn to, and make most of our decisions based upon, shapes we find appealing, and colors and textures, smell and taste and spatial relations. I mean there's nothing beautiful or transcendent about being human. Ultimately, it's just a filthy business of a revolting species trying to survive. ------------------------------------- "I thought you hate life" "I do, but I'm gonna be dead for a long time, so there's no rush." -------------------------------------------- If the parent-child bond is diseased, you have a better chance of being a sociopath than of being well-adjusted. I consider it a triumph of the will, that there aren't shallow graves dotting my backyard. ----------------------------------- "Do you want kids?" "No, This is a horrible place to be. I'm already alive, I already know shit, but unborn children and non the wiser deserved to be protected from certain things, like being alive in the first place."