AsAbove is a [Sublime Text 2][sublime] package which will duplicate the characters above your cursor or selection. ## Installation ## ### With Package Control ### If you have the [Package Control][package_control] package installed, you can install JSDocs from inside Sublime Text itself. Open the Command Palette and select "Package Control: Install Package", then search for AsAbove and you're done! ### Without Package Control ### Go to your Sublime Text 2 Packages directory and clone the repository using the command below: git clone AsAbove Don't forget to keep updating it, though! ## Usage ## The default hotkey to activate AsAbove is `Ctrl+Shift+'`, however this can be configured in your local `Default (...).sublime-keymap` file. The command is called `as_above`. ## Examples ## Given the text below, and the cursor sitting at the position of the pipe (`|`): var Text = require('path/to/libraries/Text'), User| By activating AsAbove (`Ctrl+Shift+'`) multiple times, you can duplicate the necessary parts of the line above easily. var Text = require('path/to/libraries/Text'), User = require('path/to/libraries/| AsAbove works with selections, multiple cursors and multiple selections. With multiple selections/cursors, they are visited in a bottom-up order so that if there are selections on consecutive lines, the topmost line isn't copied down. // before foo bar qux dah // after making 3 selections on "bar", "qux" & "dah" and activating AsAbove foo foo bar qux [sublime]: [package_control]: