## RequireHelper RequireHelper is a small Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin which allows you to insert file paths relative to your project root, or a custom subfolder. I wrote it to save me some time when writing Javascript using the CommonJS style: ```javascript var Baz = require('foo/bar/baz'); ``` ### Usage Activate RequireHelper by pressing its shortcut key (default is Ctrl+Alt+O). Select the file you want by typing its name and press enter. The path, relative to your base is inserted into the document. ### Configuration There are two configuration options. These can be set in your `Preferences.sublime-settings` file, or in your project file, under the key of `settings`. *(Examples below)* - `require_helper_base` - This is the directory inside your project which should be searched for files. - `require_helper_remove_regex` - If you want to remove characters from the filename before inserting, you can specify a regex here. #### Example In my project, all my javascript files are in a subfolder called `/app`. This is the contents of my project file (you can get to this file by selecting `Project -> Edit Project` ```javascript { "folders": [ { "path": "/home/nick/dev/myproject" } ], "settings": { "require_helper_base": "app", "require_helper_remove_regex": "\\.js$" } } ``` For example, when I select a file which is on disk at `/home/nick/dev/myproject/app/foo/bar.js`, then `'foo/bar` is inserted into the document.