/* 12-3-09 Nathan Seidle SparkFun Electronics OpenLog hardware and firmware are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike v3.0 license. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Feel free to use, distribute, and sell varients of OpenLog. All we ask is that you include attribution of 'Based on OpenLog by SparkFun'. OpenLog is based on the work of Bill Greiman and sdfatlib. Currently SDFat v1.1.4: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat/releases/tag/1.1.4 SerialPort is the work of Bill Greiman and is used to increase the size of the RX buffer: https://github.com/greiman/SerialPort OpenLog is a simple serial logger based on the ATmega328 running at 16MHz. The whole purpose of this logger was to create a logger that just powered up and worked. OpenLog ships with an Arduino/Optiboot 115200bps serial bootloader running at 16MHz so you can load new firmware with a simple serial connection. OpenLog has progressed significantly over the past three years. Please see CHANGELOG.md or GitHub commits for a full trip down memory lane. OpenLog automatically works with 512MB to 64GB micro/SD cards. OpenLog runs at 9600bps by default. This is configurable to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200bps. You can alter all settings including baud rate and escape characters by editing config.txt found on OpenLog. Type '?' to get a list of supported commands. During power up, you will see '12<'. '1' indicates the serial connection is established. '2' indicates the SD card has been successfully initialized. '<' indicates OpenLog is ready to receive serial characters. Recording constant 115200bps datastreams are supported. Throw it everything you've got! To acheive this maximum record rate, please use the SD card formatter from : http://www.sdcard.org/consumers/formatter/. The fewer files on the card, the faster OpenLog is able to begin logging. 200 files is ok. 2GB worth of music and pictures is not. To a lower dir, use 'cd ..' instead of 'cd..'. Only standard 8.3 file names are supported. "12345678.123" is acceptable. "123456789.123" is not. All file names are pushed to upper case. "NewLog.txt" will become "NEWLOG.TXT". Type 'set' to enter baud rate configuration menu. Select the baud rate and press enter. You will then see a message 'Going to 9600bps...' or some such message. You will need to power down OpenLog, change your system UART settings to match the new OpenLog baud rate and then power OpenLog back up. If you get OpenLog stuck into an unknown baudrate, there is a safety mechanism built-in. Tie the RX pin to ground and power up OpenLog. You should see the LEDs blink back and forth for 2 seconds, then blink in unison. Now power down OpenLog and remove the RX/GND jumper. OpenLog is now reset to 9600bps. Please note: The preloaded Optiboot serial bootloader is 0.5k, and begins at 0x7E00 (32,256). If the code is larger than 32,256 bytes, you will get verification errors during serial bootloading. OpenLog regularly shuts down to conserve power. If after 0.5 seconds no characters are received, OpenLog will record any unsaved characters and go to sleep. OpenLog will automatically wake up and continue logging the instant a new character is received. 1.55mA idle 15mA actively writing Input voltage on VCC can be 3.3 to 12V. Input voltage on RX-I pin must not exceed 6V. Output voltage on TX-O pin will not be greater than 3.3V. This may cause problems with some systems - for example if your attached microcontroller requires 4V minimum for serial communication (this is rare). */ #define __PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ //Needed to get SerialPort.h to work in Arduino 1.6.x #include #include //We do not use the built-in SD.h file because it calls Serial.print #include //This is a new/beta library written by Bill Greiman. You rock Bill! https://github.com/greiman/SerialPort #include #include //Allows us to print the available stack/RAM size SerialPort<0, 512, 0> NewSerial; // //We set the TX buffer to zero because we will be spending most of our //time needing to buffer the incoming (RX) characters. //This is the array within the append file routine //We have to keep SerialPort buffer sizes reasonable so that when we drop to //the command shell we have RAM available for the various commands like append #define LOCAL_BUFF_SIZE 255 //Must not be larger than charsToRecord variable size which is currently a byte //512/256 shell works, 5/5 logs passed //800/128 shell works, 3/5 logs passed //672/256 shell works, 2/5 logs passed //722/256 shell fails //850/128 shell fails #include //Needed for sleep_mode #include //Needed for powering down perihperals such as the ADC/TWI and Timers #define SD_CHIP_SELECT 10 //On OpenLog this is pin 10 //Debug turns on (1) or off (0) a bunch of verbose debug statements. Normally use (0) //#define DEBUG 1 #define DEBUG 0 void(* Reset_AVR) (void) = 0; //Way of resetting the ATmega #define CFG_FILENAME "config.txt\0" //This is the name of the file that contains the unit settings #define MAX_CFG "115200,255,255,1,1,1,1,255,255\0" // This is used to calculate the longest possible configuration string. These actual values are not used #define CFG_LENGTH (strlen(MAX_CFG) + 1) //Length of text found in config file. strlen ignores \0 so we have to add it back #define SEQ_FILENAME "SEQLOG00.TXT\0" //This is the name for the file when you're in sequential mode //Internal EEPROM locations for the user settings #define LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING 0x02 #define LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_LSB 0x03 #define LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_MSB 0x04 #define LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR 0x05 #define LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR 0x06 #define LOCATION_VERBOSE 0x07 #define LOCATION_ECHO 0x08 #define LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_HIGH 0x09 #define LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_MID 0x0A #define LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_LOW 0x0B #define LOCATION_IGNORE_RX 0x0C #define LOCATION_MAX_FILESIZE_MB 0x0D // In MODE_ROTATE, this is the maximum size (in MB) that a file is allowed to grow to before starting a new file #define LOCATION_MAX_FILENUMBER 0x0E // In MODE_ROTATE, this is the highest allowed value of newFileNumer in NeLog() before wrapping around to zero #define BAUD_MIN 300 #define BAUD_MAX 1000000 #define MODE_NEWLOG 0 #define MODE_SEQLOG 1 #define MODE_COMMAND 2 #define MODE_ROTATE 3 // Like NEWLOG, but fills a fixed set of files (settable from config) then starts overwriting oldest ones #define MODE_MAX_VALID_MODE MODE_ROTATE // If adding a new mode, set this to the last good mode number const byte stat1 = 5; //This is the normal status LED const byte stat2 = 13; //This is the SPI LED, indicating SD traffic //Blinking LED error codes #define ERROR_SD_INIT 3 #define ERROR_NEW_BAUD 5 #define ERROR_CARD_INIT 6 #define ERROR_VOLUME_INIT 7 #define ERROR_ROOT_INIT 8 #define ERROR_FILE_OPEN 9 #if !DEBUG // Using OpenLog in an embedded environment only if not in debug mode. The reason for this // is that we are out of space if the simple embedded is included #define INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED #define EMBEDDED_END_MARKER 0x08 #endif //These are bit locations used when testing for simple embedded commands. #define ECHO 0x01 #define EXTENDED_INFO 0x02 #define OFF 0x00 #define ON 0x01 SdFat sd; long setting_uart_speed; //This is the baud rate that the system runs at, default is 9600. Can be 1,200 to 1,000,000 byte setting_systemMode; //This is the mode the system runs in, default is MODE_NEWLOG byte setting_escape_character; //This is the ASCII character we look for to break logging, default is ctrl+z byte setting_max_escape_character; //Number of escape chars before break logging, default is 3 byte setting_verbose; //This controls the whether we get extended or simple responses. byte setting_echo; //This turns on/off echoing at the command prompt byte setting_ignore_RX; //This flag, when set to 1 will make OpenLog ignore the state of the RX pin when powering up byte setting_max_filesize_MB; // In MODE_ROTATE, the maximum number of MB that a file is allowed to grow to byte setting_max_filenumber; // In MODE_ROTATE, the maximum file number before wrapping around to 0 //The number of command line arguments //Increase to support more arguments but be aware of the memory restrictions //command #define MAX_COUNT_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS 5 //Used for wild card delete and search struct commandArg { char* arg; //Points to first character in command line argument byte arg_length; //Length of command line argument }; static struct commandArg cmd_arg[MAX_COUNT_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS]; byte feedbackMode = (ECHO | EXTENDED_INFO); //Handle errors by printing the error type and blinking LEDs in certain way //The function will never exit - it loops forever inside blinkError void systemError(byte errorType) { NewSerial.print(F("Error ")); switch (errorType) { case ERROR_CARD_INIT: NewSerial.print(F("card.init")); blinkError(ERROR_SD_INIT); break; case ERROR_VOLUME_INIT: NewSerial.print(F("volume.init")); blinkError(ERROR_SD_INIT); break; case ERROR_ROOT_INIT: NewSerial.print(F("root.init")); blinkError(ERROR_SD_INIT); break; case ERROR_FILE_OPEN: NewSerial.print(F("file.open")); blinkError(ERROR_SD_INIT); break; } } void setup(void) { pinMode(stat1, OUTPUT); //Power down various bits of hardware to lower power usage set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_IDLE); sleep_enable(); //Shut off TWI, Timer2, Timer1, ADC ADCSRA &= ~(1 << ADEN); //Disable ADC ACSR = (1 << ACD); //Disable the analog comparator DIDR0 = 0x3F; //Disable digital input buffers on all ADC0-ADC5 pins DIDR1 = (1 << AIN1D) | (1 << AIN0D); //Disable digital input buffer on AIN1/0 power_twi_disable(); power_timer1_disable(); power_timer2_disable(); power_adc_disable(); readSystemSettings(); //Load all system settings from EEPROM //Setup UART NewSerial.begin(setting_uart_speed); if (setting_uart_speed < 500) // check for slow baud rates { //There is an error in the Serial library for lower than 500bps. //This fixes it. See issue 163: https://github.com/sparkfun/OpenLog/issues/163 // redo USART baud rate configuration UBRR0 = (F_CPU / (16UL * setting_uart_speed)) - 1; UCSR0A &= ~_BV(U2X0); } NewSerial.print(F("1")); #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("MaxFilesize from EEPROM: ")); NewSerial.println(setting_max_filesize_MB); NewSerial.print(F("MaxFilenumber from EEPROM: ")); NewSerial.println(setting_max_filenumber); #endif //Setup SD & FAT if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) systemError(ERROR_CARD_INIT); if (!sd.chdir()) systemError(ERROR_ROOT_INIT); //Change to root directory. All new file creation will be in root. NewSerial.print(F("2")); //Search for a config file and load any settings found. This will over-ride previous EEPROM settings if found. readConfigFile(); if (setting_ignore_RX == OFF) //If we are NOT ignoring RX, then checkEmergencyReset(); //Look to see if the RX pin is being pulled low #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("FreeStack: ")); NewSerial.println(FreeStack()); #endif } void loop(void) { //If we are in new log mode, find a new file name to write to if (setting_systemMode == MODE_NEWLOG || setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE) { //If in MODE_NEWLOG, then just append the file name that newLog() returns and ignore return value of appendFile() //If in MODE_ROTATE, then as long as appendFile() keeps returning 0 (meaning the file is full and a new one // needs to be started) keep creating new files and logging new data. If appendFile() returns a 1 then the escape // sequence has been triggered so drop out of this while() loop and let commandShell() run. while ((appendFile(newLog()) == 0) && (setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE)) { } // While loop purposely empty } //If we are in sequential log mode, determine if seqLog.txt has been created or not, and then open it for logging if (setting_systemMode == MODE_SEQLOG) seqLog(); //Once either one of these modes exits, go to normal command mode, which is called by returning to loop() commandShell(); } //Log to a new file everytime the system boots //Checks the spots in EEPROM for the next available LOG# file name //Updates EEPROM and then appends to the new log file. //In MODE_NEWLOG and MODE_SEQLOG, limited to 65535 files but this should not always be the case. //In MODE_ROTATE maximum number is limited to setting_max_filenumber before wrapping around to 0 char* newLog(void) { byte msb, lsb; unsigned int newFileNumber; SdFile newFile; //This will contain the file for SD writing //Combine two 8-bit EEPROM spots into one 16-bit number lsb = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_LSB); msb = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_MSB); newFileNumber = msb; newFileNumber = newFileNumber << 8; newFileNumber |= lsb; //If both EEPROM spots are 255 (0xFF), that means they are un-initialized (first time OpenLog has been turned on) //Let's init them both to 0 if ((lsb == 255) && (msb == 255)) { newFileNumber = 0; //By default, unit will start at file number zero EEPROM.write(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_LSB, 0x00); EEPROM.write(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_MSB, 0x00); } //The above code looks like it will forever loop if we ever create 65535 logs //Let's quit if we ever get to 65534 //65534 logs is quite possible if you have a system with lots of power on/off cycles if (newFileNumber == 65534) { //Gracefully drop out to command prompt with some error NewSerial.print(F("!Too many logs:1!")); return (0); //Bail! } // For MODE_ROTATE, we want to loop back around to filenmber 0 if we've gone beyond what our maximum is if ((setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE) && (newFileNumber > setting_max_filenumber)) { newFileNumber = 0; } //If we made it this far, everything looks good - let's start testing to see if our file number is the next available #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("Found file number: ")); NewSerial.println(newFileNumber); #endif //There is a weird EEPROM power-up glitch that causes the newFileNumber to advance //arbitrarily. This fixes that problem. /// TODO: (BPS) I don't understand why this is here. Your file number is then always one less than what's in EEPROM, which doesn't make sense. /// I'm commenting this out so that we always use the actual filenumber stored in EEPROM // if (newFileNumber > 0) newFileNumber--; static char newFileName[13]; //Bug fix from ystark's pull request: https://github.com/sparkfun/OpenLog/pull/189 // When in MODE_ROTATE, we don't care if the file exists, or if it is empty, or anything. We will always // blindly create whatever the next filename is and use it. if (setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE) { sprintf_P(newFileName, PSTR("LOG%05u.TXT"), newFileNumber); //Splice the new file number into this file name } else { // For all other modes, search for next available log spot while (1) { sprintf_P(newFileName, PSTR("LOG%05u.TXT"), newFileNumber); //Splice the new file number into this file name // O_CREAT - create the file if it does not exist // O_APPEND - seek to the end of the file prior to each write // O_WRITE - open for write // O_EXCL - if O_CREAT and O_EXCEL are set, open() shall fail if file exists //Try to open file, if it opens (file doesn't exist), then break if (newFile.open(newFileName, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRITE)) break; //Try to open file and see if it is empty. If so, use it. if (newFile.open(newFileName, O_READ)) { if (newFile.fileSize() == 0) { newFile.close(); // Close this existing file we just opened. return (newFileName); // Use existing empty file. } newFile.close(); // Close this existing file we just opened. } //Try the next number newFileNumber++; if (newFileNumber > 65533) //There is a max of 65534 logs { NewSerial.print(F("!Too many logs:2!")); return (0); //Bail! } } newFile.close(); //Close this new file we just opened } newFileNumber++; //Increment so the next power up uses the next file # //Record new_file number to EEPROM lsb = (byte)(newFileNumber & 0x00FF); msb = (byte)((newFileNumber & 0xFF00) >> 8); EEPROM.write(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_LSB, lsb); // LSB if (EEPROM.read(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_MSB) != msb) EEPROM.write(LOCATION_FILE_NUMBER_MSB, msb); // MSB #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("Stored file number: ")); NewSerial.println(newFileNumber); NewSerial.print(F("Created new file: ")); NewSerial.println(newFileName); #endif return (newFileName); } //Log to the same file every time the system boots, sequentially //Checks to see if the file SEQLOG.txt is available //If not, create it //If yes, append to it //Return 0 on error //Return anything else on success void seqLog(void) { SdFile seqFile; char sequentialFileName[strlen(SEQ_FILENAME) + 1]; //Limited to 8.3 strcpy_P(sequentialFileName, PSTR(SEQ_FILENAME)); //This is the name of the config file. 'config.sys' is probably a bad idea. //Try to create sequential file if (!seqFile.open(sequentialFileName, O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) { NewSerial.println(F("Error creating SEQLOG")); return; } seqFile.close(); //Close this new file we just opened appendFile(sequentialFileName); } //This is the most important function of the device. These loops have been tweaked as much as possible. //Modifying this loop may negatively affect how well the device can record at high baud rates. //Appends a stream of serial data to a given file //Does not exit until escape character is received the correct number of times, or if the systemMode is MODE_ROTATE // and the current file has gotten too big. Then the file is closed and this function returns. //Returns 0 if SysteMode is MODE_ROTATE and enough bytes have been written to the file so the file is now closed //Returns 1 if the excape sequence has been detected byte appendFile(char* fileName) { SdFile workingFile; unsigned long totalBytesWritten = 0; // Keeps track of the total number of bytes written to the file for MODE_ROTATE unsigned long maxFilesizeBytes = ((unsigned long)setting_max_filesize_MB * (unsigned long)(1048576)); // Cache this for laster #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("setting_max_filesize_MB: ")); NewSerial.println(setting_max_filesize_MB); NewSerial.print(F("maxFileSizeBytes: ")); NewSerial.println(maxFilesizeBytes); #endif if (setting_systemMode != MODE_ROTATE) { // O_CREAT - create the file if it does not exist // O_APPEND - seek to the end of the file prior to each write // O_WRITE - open for write if (!workingFile.open(fileName, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRITE)) systemError(ERROR_FILE_OPEN); } else { // O_CREAT - create the file if it does not exist // O_TRUNC - truncate the file to zero length // O_WRITE - open for write if (!workingFile.open(fileName, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRITE)) systemError(ERROR_FILE_OPEN); } if (workingFile.fileSize() == 0) { //This is a trick to make sure first cluster is allocated - found in Bill's example/beta code workingFile.rewind(); workingFile.sync(); } //This is the 2nd buffer. It pulls from the larger Serial buffer as quickly as possible. //The built-in Arduino serial buffer is 64 bytes: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Serial/Available byte localBuffer[LOCAL_BUFF_SIZE]; byte checkedSpot; byte escapeCharsReceived = 0; const unsigned int MAX_IDLE_TIME_MSEC = 500; //The number of milliseconds before unit goes to sleep unsigned long lastSyncTime = millis(); //Keeps track of the last time the file was synced #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("FreeStack: ")); NewSerial.println(FreeStack()); #endif NewSerial.print(F("<")); //give a different prompt to indicate no echoing digitalWrite(stat1, HIGH); //Turn on indicator LED //Check if we should ignore escape characters //If we are ignoring escape characters the recording loop is infinite (excpet if we are in MODE_ROTATE) and can be made shorter (less checking) //This should allow for recording at higher incoming rates if (setting_max_escape_character == 0) { //Start recording incoming characters //With no escape characters, do this infinitely except if in MODE_ROTATE while (1) { byte charsToRecord = NewSerial.read(localBuffer, sizeof(localBuffer)); //Read characters from global buffer into the local buffer if (charsToRecord > 0) { workingFile.write(localBuffer, charsToRecord); //Record the buffer to the card toggleLED(stat1); //Toggle the STAT1 LED each time we record the buffer // For MODE_ROTATE, we need to keep track of how many bytes we have written to the file. // When it gets more than setting_max_filesize_MB, we exit (so as to close this file and start another) if (setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE) { totalBytesWritten += charsToRecord; // Add these new bytes to our running total if (totalBytesWritten >= maxFilesizeBytes) { workingFile.sync(); workingFile.close(); // Done recording, close out the file digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); // Turn off indicator LED NewSerial.print(F("~")); // Indicate a successful record return (0); // Indicate to caller that we are done writing to this file and desire another } } } //No characters received? else if ( (millis() - lastSyncTime) > MAX_IDLE_TIME_MSEC) //If we haven't received any characters in 2s, goto sleep { workingFile.sync(); //Sync the card before we go to sleep digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); //Turn off stat LED to save power power_timer0_disable(); //Shut down peripherals we don't need power_spi_disable(); //Driving SPI pins low before sleep to attempt to lower microSD card stand-by current //Pins: 10, 11, 12, 13 for (byte x = 10 ; x < 14 ; x++) { pinMode(x, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(x, LOW); } sleep_mode(); //Stop everything and go to sleep. Wake up if serial character received power_spi_enable(); //After wake up, power up peripherals power_timer0_enable(); escapeCharsReceived = 0; // Clear the esc flag as it has timed out lastSyncTime = millis(); //Reset the last sync time to now } } } //We only get this far if escape characters are more than zero //Start recording incoming characters while (escapeCharsReceived < setting_max_escape_character) { byte charsToRecord = NewSerial.read(localBuffer, sizeof(localBuffer)); //Read characters from global buffer into the local buffer if (charsToRecord > 0) //If we have characters, check for escape characters { if (localBuffer[0] == setting_escape_character) { escapeCharsReceived++; //Scan the local buffer for esacape characters for (checkedSpot = 1 ; checkedSpot < charsToRecord ; checkedSpot++) { if (localBuffer[checkedSpot] == setting_escape_character) { escapeCharsReceived++; //If charsToRecord is greater than 3 there's a chance here where we receive three esc chars // and then reset the variable: 26 26 26 A T + would not escape correctly if (escapeCharsReceived == setting_max_escape_character) break; } else escapeCharsReceived = 0; } } else escapeCharsReceived = 0; workingFile.write(localBuffer, charsToRecord); //Record the buffer to the card toggleLED(stat1); //Toggle the STAT1 LED each time we record the buffer // For MODE_ROTATE, we need to keep track of how many bytes we have written to the file. // When it gets more than setting_max_filesize_MB, we exit (so as to close this file and start another) if (setting_systemMode == MODE_ROTATE) { totalBytesWritten += charsToRecord; // Add these new bytes to our running total if (totalBytesWritten >= maxFilesizeBytes) { workingFile.sync(); workingFile.close(); // Done recording, close out the file digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); // Turn off indicator LED NewSerial.print(F("~")); // Indicate a successful record return (0); // Indicate to caller that we are done writing to this file and desire another } } } //No characters recevied? else if ( (millis() - lastSyncTime) > MAX_IDLE_TIME_MSEC) //If we haven't received any characters in 2s, goto sleep { workingFile.sync(); //Sync the card before we go to sleep digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); //Turn off stat LED to save power power_timer0_disable(); //Shut down peripherals we don't need power_spi_disable(); //Driving SPI pins low before sleep to attempt to lower microSD card stand-by current //Pins: 10, 11, 12, 13 for (byte x = 10 ; x < 14 ; x++) { pinMode(x, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(x, LOW); } sleep_mode(); //Stop everything and go to sleep. Wake up if serial character received power_spi_enable(); //After wake up, power up peripherals power_timer0_enable(); escapeCharsReceived = 0; // Clear the esc flag as it has timed out lastSyncTime = millis(); //Reset the last sync time to now } } workingFile.sync(); //Remove the escape characters from the end of the file if (setting_max_escape_character > 0) workingFile.truncate(workingFile.fileSize() - setting_max_escape_character); workingFile.close(); // Done recording, close out the file digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); // Turn off indicator LED NewSerial.print(F("~")); // Indicate a successful record return (1); // Exit to command mode now since excape sequence seen } //The following are system functions needed for basic operation //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //Blinks the status LEDs to indicate a type of error void blinkError(byte ERROR_TYPE) { while (1) { for (int x = 0 ; x < ERROR_TYPE ; x++) { digitalWrite(stat1, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(stat1, LOW); delay(200); } delay(2000); } } //Check to see if we need an emergency UART reset //Scan the RX pin for 2 seconds //If it's low the entire time, then return 1 void checkEmergencyReset(void) { pinMode(0, INPUT); //Turn the RX pin into an input digitalWrite(0, HIGH); //Push a 1 onto RX pin to enable internal pull-up //Quick pin check if (digitalRead(0) == HIGH) return; //Disable SPI so that we control the LEDs SPI.end(); //Wait 2 seconds, blinking LEDs while we wait pinMode(stat2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(stat2, HIGH); //Set the STAT2 LED for (byte i = 0 ; i < 40 ; i++) { delay(25); toggleLED(stat1); //Blink the stat LEDs if (digitalRead(0) == HIGH) return; //Check to see if RX is not low anymore delay(25); toggleLED(stat2); //Blink the stat LEDs if (digitalRead(0) == HIGH) return; //Check to see if RX is not low anymore } //If we make it here, then RX pin stayed low the whole time setDefaultSettings(); //Reset baud, escape characters, escape number, system mode //Try to setup the SD card so we can record these new settings if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_HALF_SPEED)) systemError(ERROR_CARD_INIT); if (!sd.chdir()) systemError(ERROR_ROOT_INIT); //Change to root directory recordConfigFile(); //Record new config settings //Disable SPI so that we control the LEDs SPI.end(); pinMode(stat1, OUTPUT); pinMode(stat2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(stat1, HIGH); digitalWrite(stat2, HIGH); //Now sit in forever loop indicating system is now at 9600bps while (1) { delay(500); toggleLED(stat1); //Blink the stat LEDs toggleLED(stat2); //Blink the stat LEDs } } //Resets all the system settings to safe values void setDefaultSettings(void) { //Reset UART to 9600bps writeBaud(9600); //Reset system to new log mode EEPROM.write(LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING, MODE_NEWLOG); //Reset escape character to ctrl+z EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR, 26); //Reset number of escape characters to 3 EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR, 3); //Reset verbose responses to on EEPROM.write(LOCATION_VERBOSE, ON); //Reset echo to on EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ECHO, ON); //Reset the ignore RX to 'Pay attention to RX!' EEPROM.write(LOCATION_IGNORE_RX, OFF); // Set the maximum filesize in rotate mode to 100MB EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_FILESIZE_MB, 100); // Set the maximum number of files in rotate mode to 60 EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_FILENUMBER, 60); //These settings are not recorded to the config file //We can't do it here because we are not sure the FAT system is init'd } //Reads the current system settings from EEPROM //If anything looks weird, reset setting to default value void readSystemSettings(void) { //Read what the current UART speed is from EEPROM memory //Default is 9600 setting_uart_speed = readBaud(); //Combine the three bytes if (setting_uart_speed < BAUD_MIN || setting_uart_speed > BAUD_MAX) { setting_uart_speed = 9600; //Reset UART to 9600 if there is no speed stored writeBaud(setting_uart_speed); //Record to EEPROM } //Determine the system mode we should be in //Default is NEWLOG mode setting_systemMode = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING); if (setting_systemMode > MODE_MAX_VALID_MODE) { setting_systemMode = MODE_NEWLOG; //By default, unit will turn on and go to new file logging EEPROM.write(LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING, setting_systemMode); } //Read the escape_character //ASCII(26) is ctrl+z setting_escape_character = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR); if (setting_escape_character == 0 || setting_escape_character == 255) { setting_escape_character = 26; //Reset escape character to ctrl+z EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR, setting_escape_character); } //Read the number of escape_characters to look for //Default is 3 setting_max_escape_character = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR); if (setting_max_escape_character == 255) { setting_max_escape_character = 3; //Reset number of escape characters to 3 EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR, setting_max_escape_character); } //Read whether we should use verbose responses or not //Default is true setting_verbose = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_VERBOSE); //if (setting_verbose != ON && setting_verbose != OFF) if (setting_verbose > 1) //0 or 1 are the only valid options { setting_verbose = ON; //Reset verbose to true EEPROM.write(LOCATION_VERBOSE, setting_verbose); } //Read whether we should echo characters or not //Default is true setting_echo = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_ECHO); //if (setting_echo != ON || setting_echo != OFF) if (setting_echo > 1) //0 or 1 are the only valid options { setting_echo = ON; //Reset to echo on EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ECHO, setting_echo); } //Set flags for extended mode options if (setting_verbose == ON) feedbackMode |= EXTENDED_INFO; else feedbackMode &= ((byte)~EXTENDED_INFO); if (setting_echo == ON) feedbackMode |= ECHO; else feedbackMode &= ((byte)~ECHO); //Read whether we should ignore RX at power up //Some users need OpenLog to ignore the RX pin during power up //Default is false or ignore setting_ignore_RX = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_IGNORE_RX); if (setting_ignore_RX > 1) { setting_ignore_RX = OFF; //By default we DO NOT ignore RX EEPROM.write(LOCATION_IGNORE_RX, setting_ignore_RX); } // Readin the max filesize and max filenumber values used in MODE_ROTATE setting_max_filesize_MB = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_FILESIZE_MB); setting_max_filenumber = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_FILENUMBER); } void readConfigFile(void) { SdFile configFile; if (!sd.chdir()) systemError(ERROR_ROOT_INIT); // open the root directory char configFileName[strlen(CFG_FILENAME) + 1]; //Limited to 8.3 strcpy_P(configFileName, PSTR(CFG_FILENAME)); //This is the name of the config file. 'config.sys' is probably a bad idea. //Check to see if we have a config file if (!configFile.open(configFileName, O_READ)) { //If we don't have a config file already, then create config file and record the current system settings to the file #if DEBUG NewSerial.println(F("No config found - creating default:")); #endif configFile.close(); //Record the current eeprom settings to the config file recordConfigFile(); return; } //If we found the config file then load settings from file and push them into EEPROM #if DEBUG NewSerial.println(F("Found config file!")); #endif //Read up to CFG_LENGTH characters from the file. There may be a better way of doing this... char c; uint8_t len; byte settingsString[CFG_LENGTH]; for (len = 0 ; len < CFG_LENGTH ; len++) { c = configFile.read(); if (!(c == ',' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))) break; //Bail if we hit a non-numeric or non-comma character settingsString[len] = c; } configFile.close(); #if DEBUG //Print line for debugging NewSerial.print(F("Text Settings: ")); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) NewSerial.write(settingsString[i]); NewSerial.println(); NewSerial.print(F("Len: ")); NewSerial.println(len); #endif //Default the system settings in case things go horribly wrong long new_system_baud = 9600; byte new_systemMode = MODE_NEWLOG; byte new_system_escape = 26; byte new_system_max_escape = 3; byte new_system_verbose = ON; byte new_system_echo = ON; byte new_system_ignore_RX = OFF; byte new_setting_max_filesize_MB = 100; byte new_setting_max_filenumber = 100; //Parse the settings out byte i = 0, j = 0, settingNumber = 0; char newSettingString[8]; //Max length of a setting is 7, the bps setting = '1000000' plus '\0' byte newSettingInt = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < len; i++) { //Pick out one setting from the line of text for (j = 0 ; settingsString[i] != ',' && i < len && j < 7 ; ) { newSettingString[j] = settingsString[i]; i++; j++; } newSettingString[j] = '\0'; //Terminate the string for array compare newSettingInt = atoi(newSettingString); //Convert string to int if (settingNumber == 0) //Baud rate { new_system_baud = strToLong(newSettingString); //Basic error checking if (new_system_baud < BAUD_MIN || new_system_baud > BAUD_MAX) new_system_baud = 9600; //Default to 9600 } else if (settingNumber == 1) //Escape character { new_system_escape = newSettingInt; if (new_system_escape == 0 || new_system_escape > 127) new_system_escape = 26; //Default is ctrl+z } else if (settingNumber == 2) //Max amount escape character { new_system_max_escape = newSettingInt; if (new_system_max_escape > 254) new_system_max_escape = 3; //Default is 3 } else if (settingNumber == 3) //System mode { new_systemMode = newSettingInt; if (new_systemMode == 0 || new_systemMode > MODE_MAX_VALID_MODE) new_systemMode = MODE_NEWLOG; //Default is NEWLOG } else if (settingNumber == 4) //Verbose setting { new_system_verbose = newSettingInt; if (new_system_verbose != ON && new_system_verbose != OFF) new_system_verbose = ON; //Default is on } else if (settingNumber == 5) //Echo setting { new_system_echo = newSettingInt; if (new_system_echo != ON && new_system_echo != OFF) new_system_echo = ON; //Default is on } else if (settingNumber == 6) //Ignore RX setting { new_system_ignore_RX = newSettingInt; if (new_system_ignore_RX != ON && new_system_ignore_RX != OFF) new_system_ignore_RX = OFF; //Default is to listen to RX } else if (settingNumber == 7) // Rotate mode max filesize in MB setting { new_setting_max_filesize_MB = newSettingInt; #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("MaxFilesize from file: ")); NewSerial.println(new_setting_max_filesize_MB); #endif } else if (settingNumber == 8) // Rotate mode max filenumber setting { new_setting_max_filenumber = newSettingInt; #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("MaxFilenumber from file: ")); NewSerial.println(new_setting_max_filenumber); #endif } else //We're done! Stop looking for settings break; settingNumber++; } //We now have the settings loaded into the global variables. Now check if they're different from EEPROM settings boolean recordNewSettings = false; if (new_system_baud != setting_uart_speed) { //If the baud rate from the file is different from the current setting, //Then update the setting to the file setting //And re-init the UART writeBaud(new_system_baud); //Write this baudrate to EEPROM setting_uart_speed = new_system_baud; NewSerial.begin(setting_uart_speed); //Move system to new uart speed recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_systemMode != setting_systemMode) { //Goto new system mode setting_systemMode = new_systemMode; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING, setting_systemMode); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_system_escape != setting_escape_character) { //Goto new system escape char setting_escape_character = new_system_escape; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR, setting_escape_character); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_system_max_escape != setting_max_escape_character) { //Goto new max escape setting_max_escape_character = new_system_max_escape; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR, setting_max_escape_character); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_system_verbose != setting_verbose) { //Goto new verbose setting setting_verbose = new_system_verbose; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_VERBOSE, setting_verbose); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_system_echo != setting_echo) { //Goto new echo setting setting_echo = new_system_echo; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_ECHO, setting_echo); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_system_ignore_RX != setting_ignore_RX) { //Goto new ignore setting setting_ignore_RX = new_system_ignore_RX; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_IGNORE_RX, setting_ignore_RX); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_setting_max_filesize_MB != setting_max_filesize_MB) { setting_max_filesize_MB = new_setting_max_filesize_MB; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_FILESIZE_MB, setting_max_filesize_MB); recordNewSettings = true; } if (new_setting_max_filenumber != setting_max_filenumber) { setting_max_filenumber = new_setting_max_filenumber; EEPROM.write(LOCATION_MAX_FILENUMBER, setting_max_filenumber); recordNewSettings = true; } //We don't want to constantly record a new config file on each power on. Only record when there is a change. if (recordNewSettings == true) { recordConfigFile(); //If we corrected some values because the config file was corrupt, then overwrite any corruption #if DEBUG NewSerial.println(F("EEPROM updated with new values from file")); } else { NewSerial.println(F("Config file matches system settings")); #endif } //All done! New settings are loaded. System will now operate off new config settings found in file. //Set flags for extended mode options if (setting_verbose == ON) feedbackMode |= EXTENDED_INFO; else feedbackMode &= ((byte)~EXTENDED_INFO); if (setting_echo == ON) feedbackMode |= ECHO; else feedbackMode &= ((byte)~ECHO); } //Records the current EEPROM settings to the config file //If a config file exists, it is trashed and a new one is created void recordConfigFile(void) { SdFile myFile; if (!sd.chdir()) systemError(ERROR_ROOT_INIT); // open the root directory char configFileName[strlen(CFG_FILENAME) + 1]; strcpy_P(configFileName, PSTR(CFG_FILENAME)); //This is the name of the config file. 'config.sys' is probably a bad idea. //If there is currently a config file, trash it if (sd.exists(configFileName)) sd.remove(configFileName); //Create config file myFile.open(configFileName, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRITE); //Config was successfully created, now record current system settings to the config file char settingsString[CFG_LENGTH]; //Before we read the EEPROM values, they've already been tested and defaulted in the readSystemSettings function long current_system_baud = readBaud(); byte current_system_escape = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_ESCAPE_CHAR); byte current_system_max_escape = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_ESCAPE_CHAR); byte current_systemMode = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_SYSTEM_SETTING); byte current_system_verbose = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_VERBOSE); byte current_system_echo = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_ECHO); byte current_system_ignore_RX = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_IGNORE_RX); byte current_system_max_filesize_MB = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_FILESIZE_MB); byte current_system_max_filenumber = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_MAX_FILENUMBER); //Convert system settings to visible ASCII characters sprintf_P( settingsString, PSTR("%ld,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\0"), current_system_baud, current_system_escape, current_system_max_escape, current_systemMode, current_system_verbose, current_system_echo, current_system_ignore_RX, current_system_max_filesize_MB, current_system_max_filenumber ); //Record current system settings to the config file myFile.write(settingsString, strlen(settingsString)); myFile.println(); //Add a break between lines //Add a decoder line to the file #define HELP_STR "baud,escape,esc#,mode,verb,echo,ignoreRX,maxFilesize,maxFilenum\0" char helperString[strlen(HELP_STR) + 1]; //strlen is preprocessed but returns one less because it ignores the \0 strcpy_P(helperString, PSTR(HELP_STR)); myFile.write(helperString); //Add this string to the file myFile.sync(); //Sync all newly written data to card myFile.close(); //Close this file //Now that the new config file has the current system settings, nothing else to do! } //Given a baud rate (long number = four bytes but we only use three), record to EEPROM void writeBaud(long uartRate) { EEPROM.write(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_HIGH, (byte)((uartRate & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)); EEPROM.write(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_MID, (byte)(uartRate >> 8)); EEPROM.write(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_LOW, (byte)uartRate); } //Look up the baud rate. This requires three bytes be combined into one long long readBaud(void) { byte uartSpeedHigh = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_HIGH); byte uartSpeedMid = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_MID); byte uartSpeedLow = EEPROM.read(LOCATION_BAUD_SETTING_LOW); long uartSpeed = (0x00FF0000 & ((long)uartSpeedHigh << 16)) | ((long)uartSpeedMid << 8) | uartSpeedLow; //Combine the three bytes return (uartSpeed); } //End core system functions //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= void commandShell(void) { SdFile tempFile; sd.chdir("/", true); //Change to root directory char commandBuffer[30]; byte tempVar; //char parentDirectory[13]; //This tracks the current parent directory. Limited to 13 characters. #if DEBUG NewSerial.print(F("FreeStack: ")); NewSerial.println(FreeStack()); #endif #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED //uint32_t file_index; byte commandSucceeded = 1; #endif //INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED while (true) { #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED if ((feedbackMode & EMBEDDED_END_MARKER) > 0) NewSerial.print((char)0x1A); // Ctrl+Z ends the data and marks the start of result if (commandSucceeded == 0) NewSerial.print(F("!")); #endif NewSerial.print(F(">")); //Read command if (readLine(commandBuffer, sizeof(commandBuffer)) < 1) { #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif continue; } #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 0; #endif //Argument 1: The actual command char* commandArg = getCmdArg(0); //Execute command if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("init")) == 0) { if ((feedbackMode & EXTENDED_INFO) > 0) NewSerial.println(F("Closing down file system")); if (!sd.begin(SD_CHIP_SELECT, SPI_FULL_SPEED)) systemError(ERROR_CARD_INIT); if (!sd.chdir()) systemError(ERROR_ROOT_INIT); //Change to root directory if ((feedbackMode & EXTENDED_INFO) > 0) NewSerial.println(F("File system initialized")); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("?")) == 0) { //Print available commands printMenu(); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("help")) == 0) { //Print available commands printMenu(); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("baud")) == 0) { //Go into baud select menu baudMenu(); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("set")) == 0) { //Go into system setting menu systemMenu(); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("ls")) == 0) { if ((feedbackMode & EXTENDED_INFO) > 0) { NewSerial.print(F("Volume is FAT")); NewSerial.println(sd.vol()->fatType(), DEC); } if (countCmdArgs() == 1) // has no arguments { // Don't use the 'ls()' method in the SdFat library as it does not // limit recursion into subdirectories. commandArg[0] = '*'; // use global wildcard commandArg[1] = '\0'; } else // has argument (and possible wildcards) { commandArg = getCmdArg(1); strupr(commandArg); //Convert to uppercase } // display listing with limited recursion into subdirectories lsPrint(sd.vwd(), commandArg, LS_SIZE | LS_R, 0); #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED commandSucceeded = 1; #endif } else if (strcmp_P(commandArg, PSTR("md")) == 0) { //Argument 2: Directory name commandArg = getCmdArg(1); if (commandArg == 0) continue; if (!sd.mkdir(commandArg)) { //Make a directory in our current folder if ((feedbackMode & EXTENDED_INFO) > 0) { NewSerial.print(F("Error creating directory: ")); NewSerial.println(commandArg); } } #ifdef INCLUDE_SIMPLE_EMBEDDED else { commandSucceeded = 1; } #endif } //NOTE on using "rm