## fijiquakes.R ## Fiji earthquakes data 'qk' ## + function showzone() to display map area. ## ## Copyright (C) 2015 Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner require(datasets) require(mapdata) if(!exists("monochrome")) stop("File startup.R has not been sourced.") qk <- ppp(quakes$long, quakes$lat, c(164, 190), c(-39,-10)) clearzone <- function() { map('world2Hires', xlim=c(164, 190), ylim=c(-39,-10), col=0) } showzone <- function(annotate=TRUE, solid=TRUE, mono=monochrome, ..., col.land, col.text, do.axes=TRUE) { if(missing(col.land)) col.land <- if(mono) NULL else "green" if(missing(col.text)) col.text <- if(mono) NULL else "blue" map('world2Hires', xlim=c(164, 190), ylim=c(-39,-10), col=col.land, fill=solid, ...) if(do.axes) map.axes() if(annotate) annotatezone(col=col.text) } annotatezone <- function(...) { text(c(170.8, 169.3, 169.9, 177.5, 187.4), c(-37.7, -23.5, -14.4, -15.6, -12.7), c("New Zealand", "New Caledonia", "Vanuatu", "Fiji", "Samoa"), ...) }