var init = function () { 'use strict'; var form = document.querySelector('form'), chkbxes = document.querySelectorAll('[id|=flex-basis-auto]'); // Functions var camelCaseProp, checkboxes, getStyleSheet, getClassName, getRuleIndex, preventSubmit, resetRules, resetStyles, setProp, setFlexProp, updateStyles; preventSubmit = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }; getStyleSheet = function () { var styleHash = {}, styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1], i = 0; while(i < styleSheet.cssRules.length) { styleHash[styleSheet.cssRules[i].selectorText] = styleSheet.cssRules[i]; i++; } return styleHash; }; camelCaseProp = function (cssprop) { var propSegments = cssprop.split('-'), propObj = {}; if (propSegments.length > 1) { (seg, index, array) { if (index > 0) { var cc = seg.replace(/^[a-z]/, seg.charAt(0).toUpperCase()); this[index] = cc; } }, propSegments); propObj.standard = propSegments.join(''); propObj.prefixed = 'webkit' + propObj.standard.replace(/^[a-z]/, propObj.standard.charAt(0).toUpperCase()); } else { propObj.standard = cssprop; propObj.prefixed = 'webkit' + cssprop.replace(cssprop.charAt(0), cssprop.charAt(0).toUpperCase()); } return propObj; }; updateStyles = function (e) { var cn = getClassName([0], sel = '.'+cn; if ("flex-basis-auto") > -1) { checkboxes(; return; } if (|shrink|basis)/)) { setFlexProp(cn,,; return; } setProp(sel,,; }; /* Duplicates updateStyles, but uses getAttribute to get start value, not current value */ resetStyles = function (e) { var cn = getClassName([0], sel = '.'+cn; if ("flex-basis-auto") > -1) { checkboxes(; return; } if (|shrink|basis)/)) { setFlexProp(cn,,'value')); return; } setProp(sel,,'value')); }; setProp = function (selector, property, value) { var ccprop = camelCaseProp(property), styles = getStyleSheet(); if (ccprop.standard in styles[selector].style) { styles[selector].style[ccprop.standard] = value; } else { styles[selector].style[ccprop.prefixed] = value; } }; /* Return the class name */ getClassName = function (str) { return str.match(/(demo|alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta)/); }; checkboxes = function (c) { var fb, nte; fb = c.parentElement.previousElementSibling; nte = c.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName('flex-basis-auto-note')[0]; if (c.checked) { fb.disabled = true; nte.hidden = true; nte.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); fb.value = 'auto'; setProp('.'+getClassName([0], 'flex-basis', 'auto'); } else { fb.disabled = false; nte.hidden = false; nte.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false'); } }; resetRules = function (e) { /* Have to duplicate code because we need the attribute value, not the current value. Also need to re-enable fields. */ []'.demo li'), function (fxb, ind) { var dp = document.querySelectorAll('[data-prop=flex-basis]'); setProp('.'+fxb.classList.item(0), 'flex-basis', dp[ind].getAttribute('value')); dp[ind].removeAttribute('disabled'); }); }; setFlexProp = function (selector, fp, value) { var flexprop = fp.split('-'), flexvalue = [], shorthand = document.querySelectorAll('.flex-shorthand-' + selector + '> code'), propval = camelCaseProp('flex'); flexvalue[0] = document.querySelector('#flex-grow-' + selector).value; flexvalue[1] = document.querySelector('#flex-shrink-' + selector).value; flexvalue[2] = document.querySelector('#flex-basis-' + selector).value; setProp('.'+selector, 'flex', flexvalue.join(' ')); shorthand[1].innerHTML = flexvalue[0]; shorthand[2].innerHTML = flexvalue[1]; shorthand[3].innerHTML = flexvalue[2]; }; form.addEventListener('click', function (evt) { if ( { if ( === 'DIV') {'closed'); } } }); form.addEventListener('submit', preventSubmit); form.addEventListener('reset', resetRules); []'.demo li'), function (fxb, ind) { var dp = document.querySelectorAll('[data-prop=flex-basis]'); setProp('.'+fxb.classList.item(0), 'flex-basis', dp[ind].value); }); []'[id|=flex-basis-auto]'), function (cb) { checkboxes(cb); }); []'select, [id|=flex-basis-auto]'), function (sel) { sel.addEventListener('change', updateStyles); }); []'input:not([type=checkbox])'), function (sel) { sel.addEventListener('input', updateStyles); }); setProp('.demo', 'align-items', document.getElementById('align-items-demo').value); }; window.addEventListener('load', init);