;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; $Haeder$ ;; Copyright: (c) University of Magdeburg, 2007-2016 ;; License: LGPL, see LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt ;; Contact: hets-users@informatik.uni-bremen.de ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun dol-mode-directory-fn () "Used to find dol-mode directory" (let ((curdir (or (and load-in-progress (file-name-directory load-file-name)) (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))) (file-name-directory curdir)) ) (setq dol-mode-directory (dol-mode-directory-fn)) (let ((hets-base-dir (expand-file-name (concat dol-mode-directory "../..")))) (if (file-executable-p (concat hets-base-dir "/hets")) (setq hets-program (concat hets-base-dir "/hets")) (progn (if (file-executable-p (concat hets-base-dir "/bin/hets")) (setq hets-program (concat hets-base-dir "/bin/hets")) (progn (message (concat "no hets found in " hets-base-dir))) ) ) ) ) (add-to-list 'load-path dol-mode-directory) ;; Files whose extension is .dol or .het will be edited in DOL mode (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.dol\\'" . dol-mode)) '(("\\.het\\'" . dol-mode)) '(("\\.casl\\'" . dol-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (autoload 'dol-mode "dol-mode" "Entering DOL mode..." t) (add-hook 'dol-mode-hook 'turn-on-dol-indent) (message "dol-mode setup complete")