''' (c) 2011 Thomas Holder, MPI for Developmental Biology License: BSD-2-Clause ''' import sys from pymol import cmd, CmdException _auto_arg0_zoom = cmd.auto_arg[0]['zoom'] def _assert_package_import(): if not __name__.endswith('.editing'): raise CmdException("Must do 'import psico.editing' instead of 'run ...'") def split(operator, selection, prefix='entity', *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Create a single object for each entity in selection, defined by operator (e.g. bymolecule, bysegment, ...). Returns the number of created objects. ''' _self.disable(' '.join(_self.get_object_list(selection))) tmp = _self.get_unused_name('_') _self.create(tmp, selection) r = 0 while _self.count_atoms(tmp) > 0: name = _self.get_unused_name(prefix) _self.extract(name, operator + ' first model ' + tmp) r += 1 _self.delete(tmp) return r def split_molecules(selection='(all)', prefix='mol_', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Create a single object for each molecule (covalently connected entity) in selection (ignores solvent). SEE ALSO split_chains, split_states ''' quiet = int(quiet) r = split('bm.', '(%s) and not solvent' % selection, prefix, _self=_self) if not quiet: print(' Found %d non-solvent molecules' % r) def split_chains(selection='(all)', prefix=None, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Create a single object for each chain in selection SEE ALSO split_states ''' count = 0 models = _self.get_object_list(selection) for model in models: for chain in _self.get_chains('(%s) and model %s' % (selection, model)): count += 1 if not prefix: name = '%s_%s' % (model, chain) else: name = '%s%04d' % (prefix, count) _self.create(name, '(%s) and model %s and chain %s' % (selection, model, chain)) _self.disable(model) @cmd.extend def split_segis(selection='all', prefix=None, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Create a single object for each segi in selection SEE ALSO split_chains ''' from . import querying count = 0 for model in _self.get_object_list(selection): sele = f"({selection}) & model {model}" for segi in set(querying.iterate_to_list(sele, "segi", _self=_self)): count += 1 name = f'{prefix}{count:04d}' if prefix else f'{model}_{segi}' _self.create(name, f'({sele}) & segi "{segi}"') _self.disable(model) def rmsf2b(selection='all', linearscale=1.0, var='b', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Determine the root mean square fluctuation (RMSF) per atom for a multi-state object and assign b-factor ARGUMENTS selection = string: atom selection {default: name CA} linearscale = float: if linearscale <= 0, then use real b-factor equation, else use b=(rmsf*linearscale) {default: 1.0} SEE ALSO spheroid, rmsf_states.py from Robert Campbell ''' _assert_package_import() from . import querying from numpy import asfarray, sqrt, pi linearscale = float(linearscale) coords = asfarray(querying.get_ensemble_coords(selection, _self=_self)) n_states, n_atoms, _ = coords.shape if n_atoms == 0 or n_states < 2: raise CmdException('not enough atoms or states') u_sq = coords.var(0).sum(1) # var over states, sum over x,y,z b_array = sqrt(u_sq) * linearscale if linearscale > 0.0 \ else 8 * pi**2 * u_sq _self.alter(selection, var + ' = next(b_iter)', space={'b_iter': iter(b_array), 'next': next}) if not int(quiet): print(' Average RMSF: %.2f' % (sqrt(u_sq).mean())) return b_array def set_sequence(sequence, selection='all', start=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Alters the residue names according to given sequence ARGUMENTS sequence = string: amino acid sequence in one-letter code selection = string: atom selection {default: all} start = int: residue number to start from {default: 1} ''' import re _assert_package_import() from . import three_letter sequence = re.sub(r'\s+', '', sequence) start = int(start) for i, aa in enumerate(sequence): _self.alter('(%s) and resi %d' % (selection, i + start), 'resn=' + repr(three_letter.get(aa.upper(), 'UNK'))) def alphatoall(selection='polymer', properties='b', operator='byca', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Expand any given property of the CA atoms to all atoms in the residue Enhanced version of http://pymolwiki.org/index.php/AlphaToAll ARGUMENTS selection = string: atom selection {default: polymer} properties = string: space separated list of atom properties {default: b} ''' properties = '(' + ','.join(properties.split()) + ')' space = {'props': dict()} _self.iterate('%s (%s)' % (operator, selection), 'props[model,segi,chain,resi] = ' + properties, space=space) _self.alter(selection, properties + ' = props.get((model,segi,chain,resi), ' + properties + ')', space=space) if not int(quiet): print(' Modified %d residues' % (len(space['props']))) def mse2met(selection='all', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Mutate selenomethionine to methionine ''' quiet = int(quiet) x = _self.alter('(%s) and MSE/SE' % selection, 'name="SD";elem="S"') _self.flag('ignore', '(%s) and MSE/' % (selection), 'clear') _self.alter('(%s) and MSE/' % selection, 'resn="MET";type="ATOM"') if not quiet: print('Altered %d MSE residues to MET' % (x)) _self.sort() def polyala(selection='all', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Mutate any residue to Alanine (except Glycines) SEE ALSO stub2ala ''' quiet = int(quiet) _self.remove('polymer and (%s) and not name C+N+O+CA+CB+OXT' % (selection)) _self.alter('polymer and (%s) and not resn GLY' % (selection), 'resn = "ALA"') _self.sort() def stub2ala(selection='all', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Mutate stub residues to ALA SEE ALSO polyala ''' quiet = int(quiet) namesets = dict() lookslike = { # keys are sorted tuples of backbone atoms ('CA',): 'GLY', ('CA', 'CB'): 'ALA', ('CA', 'CB', 'CG1', 'CG2'): 'VAL', ('CA', 'CB', 'CD1', 'CD2', 'CE1', 'CE2', 'CG', 'CZ'): 'PHE', } _self.iterate('(%s) and polymer and (not hydro) and (not name C+N+O+OXT)' % (selection), 'namesets.setdefault((model,segi,chain,resv,resn,resi), set()).add(name)', space={'namesets': namesets, 'set': set}) for key in sorted(namesets): resn = key[-2] name_tuple = tuple(sorted(namesets[key])) key_str = '/%s/%s/%s/%s`%s' % (key[:3] + key[4:]) if name_tuple == ('CA', 'CB', 'CG'): key_str_cg = key_str + '/CG' if not quiet: print('Removing ' + str(key_str_cg)) _self.remove(key_str_cg) name_tuple = ('CA', 'CB') lookslike_resn = lookslike.get(name_tuple, resn) if lookslike_resn != resn: if not quiet: print('Altering %s to %s' % (key_str, lookslike_resn)) _self.alter(key_str, 'resn = %s' % (repr(lookslike_resn))) _self.sort() def remove_alt(selection='all', keep='first', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Remove alternative location atoms. USAGE remove_alt [selection [, keep]] ARGUMENTS selection = string: atom selection keep = string: AltLoc to keep, or 'first' to keep the first observed AltLoc {default: first} ''' if keep == "first": return remove_alt_keep_first(selection, quiet=quiet, _self=_self) if len(keep) != 1: raise CmdException( f"keep must be 'first' or a single letter, got {keep!r}") _self.remove('(%s) and not alt +%s' % (selection, keep), quiet=int(quiet)) _self.alter(selection, '(alt,q)=("",1.0)') _self.sort() def remove_alt_keep_first(selection='*', *, quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' Remove alternative location atoms, keep the first observed. ''' alts = {} expr = "(alt, q) = callback((model, segi, chain, resi, resn, name), alt)" def callback(namekey, alt): return ("#", 0.) if alts.setdefault(namekey, alt) != alt else ("", 1.) tmpsele = _self.get_unused_name("_sele") _self.select(tmpsele, selection) try: _self.alter(tmpsele, expr, space={"callback": callback}) _self.remove(f"{tmpsele} & not alt ''", quiet=quiet) finally: _self.delete(tmpsele) def _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw='', *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Shared code of 'dssp' and 'stride' functions. ''' if raw != 'ss': _self.alter(selection, 'ss = ss_map.get(ss_dict.get((model,chain,resi)), "")', space={'ss_dict': ss_dict, 'ss_map': ss_map}) if raw != '': _self.alter(selection, raw + ' = ss_dict.get((model,chain,resi), "")', space={'ss_dict': ss_dict}) _self.cartoon('auto', selection) _self.rebuild(selection, 'cartoon') def dssp(selection='(all)', exe='', raw='', state=-1, quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Secondary structure assignment with DSSP. http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/ ARGUMENTS selection = string: atom selection {default: all} exe = string: name of dssp executable {default: dsspcmbi} raw = string: atom property to load raw dssp class into {default: ''} EXAMPLE dssp all, /sw/bin/dsspcmbi, raw=text_type color gray color red, text_type H color orange, text_type G color yellow, text_type E color wheat, text_type B color forest, text_type T color green, text_type S set cartoon_discrete_colors, 1 SEE ALSO dss, stride ''' from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import subprocess, re import tempfile, os state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) if exe == '': _assert_package_import() from . import which exe = which('dsspcmbi', 'dssp', 'dssp-2', 'mkdssp') args = [exe] try: version_stdout = subprocess.check_output([exe, "--version"]) version = int(re.findall(br"version (\d+)", version_stdout)[0]) except Exception as ex: print(f" dssp-Warning: {ex}") version = 0 if version >= 4: args += ["--output-format", "dssp"] ss_map = { 'B': 'S', # residue in isolated beta-bridge 'E': 'S', # extended strand, participates in beta ladder 'T': 'L', # hydrogen bonded turn 'G': 'H', # 3-helix (3/10 helix) 'H': 'H', # alpha helix 'I': 'H', # 5 helix (pi helix) 'S': 'L', # bend ' ': 'L', # loop or irregular } tmpfilepdb = tempfile.mktemp('.pdb') ss_dict = dict() for model in _self.get_object_list(selection): cmd.multisave(tmpfilepdb, '%s and (%s)' % (model, selection), state, _self=_self) try: process = Popen(args + [tmpfilepdb], stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except OSError as ex: raise CmdException('Cannot execute exe=' + exe) from ex for line in process.stdout: if line.startswith(' # RESIDUE'): break for line in process.stdout: resi = line[5:11].strip() chain = line[11].strip() ss = line[16] ss_dict[model, chain, resi] = ss os.remove(tmpfilepdb) _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw, _self=_self) def stride(selection='(all)', exe='stride', raw='', state=-1, quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Secondary structure assignment with STRIDE. http://webclu.bio.wzw.tum.de/stride/ SEE ALSO dss, dssp ''' from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import tempfile, os state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) ss_map = { 'C': 'L', 'B': 'S', 'b': 'S', 'E': 'S', 'T': 'L', 'G': 'H', 'H': 'H', } tmpfilepdb = tempfile.mktemp('.pdb') ss_dict = dict() for model in _self.get_object_list(selection): _self.save(tmpfilepdb, '%s and (%s)' % (model, selection), state) try: process = Popen([exe, tmpfilepdb], stdout=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) except OSError as ex: raise CmdException('Cannot execute exe=' + exe) from ex for line in process.stdout: if not line.startswith('ASG'): continue chain = line[9].strip('-') resi = line[11:16].strip() ss = line[24] ss_dict[model, chain, resi] = ss os.remove(tmpfilepdb) _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw, _self=_self) def dss_promotif(selection='all', exe='', raw='', state=-1, quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Secondary structure assignment with PROMOTIF. http://www.rubic.rdg.ac.uk/~gail/#Software SEE ALSO dss, dssp, stride ''' from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import tempfile, os, shutil state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) ss_map = { 'B': 'S', 'E': 'S', 'H': 'H', 'G': 'H', } exe = cmd.exp_path(exe) if not exe: _assert_package_import() from . import which motifdir = os.environ.get('motifdir') exe = which('p_sstruc3', 'p_sstruc2', 'promotif.scr', path=[motifdir] if motifdir else None) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpfilepdb = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'xxxx.pdb') tmpfilesst = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'xxxx.sst') ss_dict = dict() try: for model in _self.get_object_list(selection): _self.save(tmpfilepdb, 'model %s and (%s)' % (model, selection), state) process = Popen([exe, tmpfilepdb], cwd=tmpdir, stdin=PIPE) process.communicate(tmpfilepdb + os.linesep) with open(tmpfilesst) as handle: for line in handle: if line.startswith(' num seq.no'): break for line in handle: if not line.strip(): break chain = line[6].strip('-') resi = line[7:12].strip() ss = line[23] ss_dict[model, chain, resi] = ss os.remove(tmpfilesst) except OSError as ex: raise CmdException('Cannot execute exe=' + exe) from ex finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw, _self=_self) def sst(selection='(all)', raw='', state=-1, quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Secondary structure assignment with SST. http://lcb.infotech.monash.edu.au/sstweb/ SEE ALSO dss, dssp, stride ''' import ssl import urllib.request as urllib2 state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) ss_map = { 'C': 'L', 'E': 'S', 'G': 'H', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'H', 'g': 'H', 'h': 'H', 'i': 'H', '3': 'L', '4': 'L', '5': 'L', 'T': 'L', '-': 'L', '|': 'L', ':': 'H', } ss_dict = {} boundary = '' for model in _self.get_object_list(selection): pdbstr = _self.get_pdbstr('%s & guide & (%s)' % (model, selection), state) body = '\r\n'.join([ '--' + boundary, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sstverstr"', 'Content-Type: text/plain', '', 'v1.6', '--' + boundary, 'Content-Disposition: file; name="pdb_file"; filename="abc.pdb"', 'Content-Type: text/plain', '', pdbstr, '--' + boundary + '--', '', ]) body = body.encode('ascii', 'ignore') ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE try: request = urllib2.Request( data=body, url='https://lcb.infotech.monash.edu/sstweb2/formaction.php') request.add_header('User-agent', 'PyMOL ' + cmd.get_version()[0] + ' ' + sys.platform) request.add_header('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary) request.add_header('Content-length', len(body)) lines = urllib2.urlopen(request, context=ctx).readlines() except urllib2.URLError as ex: raise CmdException('URL request failed') from ex lines = (line.decode('ascii', 'ignore') for line in lines) lines = iter(lines) for line in lines: if line.startswith('..........RESIDUE LEVEL'): break else: if not quiet: print(' Warning: SST assignment failed') return next(lines) for line in lines: if line.startswith('...................................END'): break chain = line[2].strip() resi = line[3:9].strip() ss = line[21] ss_dict[model, chain, resi] = ss _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw, _self=_self) def set_phipsi(selection, phi=None, psi=None, state=1, quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Set phi/psi angles for all residues in selection. SEE ALSO phi_psi, cmd.get_phipsi, set_dihedral, DynoPlot ''' for idx in _self.index('byca (' + selection + ')'): x = _self.index('((%s`%d) extend 2 and name C+N+CA)' % idx) if len(x) != 5 or x[2] != idx: print(' Warning: set_phipsi: missing atoms (%s`%d)' % idx) continue if phi is not None: _self.set_dihedral(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], phi, state, quiet) if psi is not None: _self.set_dihedral(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], psi, state, quiet) def update_identifiers(target, source, identifiers='segi chain resi', match='align', quiet=1, *, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION Transfers segi, chain, and resi identifiers from one selection to another. This works by mapping old to new identifiers and alters also not aligned atoms (works if any other atom from the same residue got aligned). ''' from .fitting import MatchMaker with MatchMaker(target, source, match, _self=_self) as mm: key = '(' + ','.join(identifiers.split()) + ',)' tkeys, skeys = [], [] _self.iterate(mm.mobile, 'tkeys.append(%s)' % (key), space=locals()) _self.iterate(mm.target, 'skeys.append(%s)' % (key), space=locals()) t2s = dict(zip(tkeys, skeys)) _self.alter(target, '%s = t2s.get(%s, %s)' % (key, key, key), space=locals()) if 'split_chains' not in cmd.keyword: cmd.extend('split_chains', split_chains) cmd.extend('split_molecules', split_molecules) cmd.extend('rmsf2b', rmsf2b) cmd.extend('set_sequence', set_sequence) if 'alphatoall' not in cmd.keyword: cmd.extend('alphatoall', alphatoall) if 'mse2met' not in cmd.keyword: cmd.extend('mse2met', mse2met) cmd.extend('polyala', polyala) cmd.extend('stub2ala', stub2ala) cmd.extend('remove_alt', remove_alt) cmd.extend('dssp', dssp) cmd.extend('stride', stride) cmd.extend('dss_promotif', dss_promotif) cmd.extend('sst', sst) cmd.extend('set_phipsi', set_phipsi) cmd.extend('update_identifiers', update_identifiers) # tab-completion of arguments cmd.auto_arg[0].update({ 'split_chains': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'split_molecules': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'split_segis': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'rmsf2b': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'mse2met': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'polyala': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'stub2ala': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'remove_alt': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'dssp': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'stride': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'dss_promotif': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'sst': _auto_arg0_zoom, 'set_phipsi': _auto_arg0_zoom, }) cmd.auto_arg[1].update({ 'set_sequence': _auto_arg0_zoom, }) # vi: expandtab:smarttab