# Themes preview Here you can find a preview of all the themes. Some of them may have different colour schemes (in that case you'll find different entries in the same theme, each one named after the colour scheme). ## SharkBlue  ## BurntSienna  ## Default  ## Dreary #### BIB  #### Psycho  #### Deeper  #### Mono  #### Golden  #### Graytone-Blue  ## Dribbblish #### Base  #### White  #### Dark  #### Nord-Light  #### Nord-Dark  #### Beach-Sunset  #### Purple  #### Samurai  #### Gruvbox  #### Gruvbox Material Dark  #### Rosé Pine  #### Lunar  #### Catppuccin Latte  #### Catppuccin Frappe  #### Catppuccin Macchiato  #### Catppuccin Mocha  ## Matte #### Matte  #### Periwinkle |  |  | | :-------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------: | | Light | Dark | #### Porcelain  #### Gray  |  |  | | :-------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------: | | Light | Dark | ## Nightlight  ## Onepunch #### Dark  #### Light  #### Legacy  ## Sleek | | | | :-----------------------------------: | :---------------------------------: | |  |  | | BladeRunner | Cherry | |  |  | | Coral | Deep | |  |  | | Deeper | Elementary | |  |  | | Futura | Nord | |  |  | | Psycho | UltraBlack | |  |  | | Wealthy | Dracula | |  |  | | VantaBlack | RosePine | |  | | | Eldritch | | ## StarryNight #### Base  #### Cotton Candy  #### Forest  #### Galaxy  #### Orange  #### Sky  #### Sunrise  ## text ### Spotify  ### Spicetify  ### Catppuccin | | | | :------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------: | |  |  | | Catppuccin Mocha | Catppuccin Macchiato | |  | | | Catppuccin Latte | | #### Dracula  #### ForestGreen  #### Gruvbox  #### Kanagawa  #### Nord  #### Rigel  #### RosePine |  |  |  | | :----------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------: | | Rose Pine | Rose Pine Moon | Rose Pine Dawn | #### Solarized  #### TokyoNight |  |  | | :--------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------: | | Tokyo Night | Tokyo Night Storm | ## Turntable  ## Ziro #### Blue |  |  | | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Gray |  |  | | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Green |  |  | | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Orange |  |  | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Purple |  |  | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Red |  |  | | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | Dark | Light | #### Rosé Pine |  |  | | :-----------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------: | | Moon | Dawn | |  | | :------------------------------------------: | | Rose-Pine | ## Flow #### Ocean <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-themes/master/Flow/screenshots/ocean.png" alt="img"> #### Pink <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-themes/master/Flow/screenshots/pink.png" alt="img"> #### Silver <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-themes/master/Flow/screenshots/silver.png" alt="img"> #### Violet <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spicetify/spicetify-themes/master/Flow/screenshots/violet.png" alt="img"> ### Blossom <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/72624799/203471073-4a5e6cf0-a5dc-4ecc-9a12-56d5fc716ac4.png" alt="img">