FROM 84codes/crystal:latest-alpine as build WORKDIR /app RUN mkdir -p /app/bin # Add dependencies commonly required for building crystal applications # hadolint ignore=DL3018 RUN apk add \ --update \ --no-cache \ git RUN git clone WORKDIR /app/mdns RUN shards update --ignore-crystal-version --skip-postinstall --skip-executables # Build application RUN crystal build ./examples/ --release --error-trace SHELL ["/bin/ash", "-eo", "pipefail", "-c"] RUN mv ./query_responder ../bin/query_responder # Extract binary dependencies (uncomment if not compiling a static build) WORKDIR /app RUN for binary in /app/bin/*; do \ ldd "$binary" | \ tr -s '[:blank:]' '\n' | \ grep '^/' | \ xargs -I % sh -c 'mkdir -p $(dirname deps%); cp % deps%;'; \ done # Build a minimal docker image FROM scratch WORKDIR / ENV PATH=$PATH:/ # These are required for communicating with external services COPY --from=build /etc/hosts /etc/hosts # This is your application COPY --from=build /app/deps / COPY --from=build /app/bin / # Run the app ENTRYPOINT ["/query_responder"]