# Ignore everything in the root except the "wp-content" directory. /* !.gitignore !wp-content/ # Ignore everything in the "wp-content" directory, except the "plugins" # "mu-plugins" and "themes" directories. wp-content/* !wp-content/plugins/ !wp-content/themes/ !wp-content/mu-plugins/ # Ignore everything in the "plugins" directory, except the plugins you # specify (see the commented-out examples for hints on how to do this.) wp-content/plugins/* # !wp-content/plugins/my-single-file-plugin.php # !wp-content/plugins/my-directory-plugin/ # Ignore everything in the "themes" directory, except the themes you # specify (see the commented-out example for a hint on how to do this.) wp-content/themes/* !wp-content/themes/infusion # Ignore Node files node_modules # Ignore cache files .sass-cache # Ignore OS X files .DS_Store