// Dota Units File "DOTAUnits" { "Version" "1" //================================================================================= // HERO: Base // Note: This is loaded and overriden/added to by values in the specific heroes chunks. //================================================================================= "npc_dota_units_base" // Units: Base { // General // "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "IsAncient" "0" "IsNeutralUnitType" "0" "SelectionGroup" "" // Units with the same selection group will cycle together when tabbing through owned units "SelectOnSpawn" "0" "CanBeDominated" "1" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "0" "AutoAttacksByDefault" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BaseAttackSpeed" "100" "AttackDamageMin" "1" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "1" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.7" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.75" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "600" // Range within a target can be attacked. "AttackRangeBuffer" "250" // Extra attack range within which the target can move without canceling the attack "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "-1" // -1 means use the models // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "HasAggressiveStance" "0" // Plays alternate idle/run animation when near enemies "FollowRange" "100" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "150" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. "StatusStartingMana" "-1" // -1 means default to full mana // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "NeutralIgnore" "0" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "575" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "575" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.0" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" "WakesNeutrals" "1" "IdleSoundLoop" "" } //================================================================================= // THINKER //================================================================================= "npc_dota_thinker" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_thinker" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Companion //================================================================================= "npc_dota_companion" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_companion" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. "ModelScale" "1" "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_companion.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_companion.vpcf" } //================================================================================= // Generic loadout unit, used for items that cannot be equipped //================================================================================= "npc_dota_loadout_generic" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. "ModelScale" "1" "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. "OverrideWearableClass" "dota_item_wearable" } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Ranged //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_ranged/lane_dire_ranged.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.93" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "21" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "26" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "69" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "43" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "52" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Ranged Super //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_ranged/lane_dire_ranged.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "46" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "51" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "22" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "475" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Ranged Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_ranged/lane_dire_ranged_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "46" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "51" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "22" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "475" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Range //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_ranged/radiant_ranged.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".88" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "21" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "26" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "69" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "43" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "52" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Range Super //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_ranged/radiant_ranged.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "46" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "51" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "22" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "475" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Ranged Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_ranged/radiant_ranged_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "46" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "51" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "22" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "475" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "57" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "34" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "39" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Flagbearer //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_flagbearer" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_flagbearer.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "57" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "34" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "39" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee UPGRADED //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee UPGRADED //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_flagbearer_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_flagbearer.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_melee_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_flagbearer_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee/creep_bad_flagbearer_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "57" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "34" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "39" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_flagbearer" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_flagbearer.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "57" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "34" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "39" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee Super //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee Super //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_flagbearer_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_flagbearer.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_melee_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_flagbearer_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee/radiant_flagbearer_mega.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee_Mega" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.12" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_irresolute" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "flagbearer_creep_aura_effect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "41" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "49" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 1 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" "wearable" "14293" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 1 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 1 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower1_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 2 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 2 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 2 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower2_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 3 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 3 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 3 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower3_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Tower 4 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_tower4" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/tower_good.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Water" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "4" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "21" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "130" "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 1 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" "wearable" "14294" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 1 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 1 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower1_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "88" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "92" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 2 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 2 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 2 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower2_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "2" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 3 TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 3 MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 3 BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower3_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower90" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Tower 4 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_tower4" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_tower002.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Tower.Fire" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_tower45" "MinimapIconSize" "320" "Level" "4" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "21" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "170" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "174" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "BaseAttackSpeed" "110" "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "700" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "700" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "750" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "ProjectileCollisionSize" "50" "RingRadius" "120" "HealthBarOffset" "280" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1100" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Watch Tower //================================================================================= "npc_dota_watch_tower" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_watch_tower" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/outpost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } "npc_dota_mango_tree" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_mango_tree" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/outpost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_teleporters" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_teleporter" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/outpost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Filler //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_fillers" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_filler" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_statue002.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "10" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "68" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "68" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "260" "MinimapIconSize" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Healers //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_healers" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_healer" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_statue001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "filler_ability" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "creep_siege" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "17" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "260" "MinimapIconSize" "375" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1750" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Filler //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_fillers" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_filler" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_column001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "10" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "68" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "68" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "230" "MinimapIconSize" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Healers //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_healers" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_healer" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_statue002.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "filler_ability" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "creep_siege" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "17" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "230" "MinimapIconSize" "375" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1750" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Melee Rax TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_melee_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Melee Rax MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_melee_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks45" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Melee Rax BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_melee_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Range Rax TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_ranged_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Range Rax MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_ranged_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks45" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Range Rax BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_ranged_barracks001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Melee Rax TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_melee001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Melee Rax MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_melee001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks45" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Melee Rax BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_melee_rax_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_melee001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Range Rax TOP //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_top" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_ranged001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Range Rax MID //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_mid" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_ranged001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks45" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Range Rax BOT //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_range_rax_bot" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_building" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_barracks_ranged001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_racks90" "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "9" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BARRACKS" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BARRACKS" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Guys Fort //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_fort" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_fort" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/radiant_ancient001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_ancient" "MinimapIconSize" "400" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "23" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BUILDING" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "350" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "4500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "12" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "2600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "2600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Guys Fort //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_fort" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_fort" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_ancient_base001.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_ancient" "MinimapIconSize" "400" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "backdoor_protection_in_base" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "creep_siege" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "23" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_BUILDING" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "350" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "4500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "12" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "2600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "2600" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Siege //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_siege" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_good_siege/creep_good_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "350" "ModelScale" ".65" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "35" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "46" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Siege Upgraded //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_good_siege/creep_good_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "350" "ModelScale" ".65" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "51" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "62" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Siege Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_good_siege/creep_good_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "350" "ModelScale" ".65" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "51" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "62" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_good.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Siege //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_siege" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_siege/creep_bad_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "250" "ModelScale" ".80" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "35" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "46" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Siege Upgraded //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_siege_upgraded" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_siege/creep_bad_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "250" "ModelScale" ".80" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "51" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "62" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Siege Mega //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_siege_upgraded_mega" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_siege" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_siege/creep_bad_siege.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Bad_Engine" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "250" "ModelScale" ".80" "Level" "4" "CanBeDominated" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "80" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "51" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "62" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "3.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "690" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_siege_bad.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "88" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "59" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "72" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "935" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_SIEGE" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: DotA Fountain //================================================================================= "dota_fountain" { // General // "BaseClass" "ent_dota_fountain" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/dire_fountain002.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "dota_fountain" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_ward_obs" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "290" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "310" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0.15" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "1200" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "1200" // Range within a target can be attacked. (was 690) "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/fountain_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1400" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_TOWER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "220" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Healing Ward //================================================================================= "npc_dota_juggernaut_healing_ward" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/juggernaut/jugg_healing_ward.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "healing_ward" "wearable" "8365" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "75" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "75" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "75" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "FollowRange" "250" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } //================================================================================= // Healing Campfire //================================================================================= "npc_dota_healing_campfire" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_debris/creep_camp002a.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } //================================================================================= // Zeus Cloud //================================================================================= "npc_dota_zeus_cloud" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_zeus_cloud" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/zeus/zeus_sigil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "zeus_cloud" "wearable" "8640" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "125" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "125" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "16" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } //================================================================================= // Frozen Sigil //================================================================================= "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil1" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/tuskarr/tuskarr_sigil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "frozen_sigil" "wearable" "8640" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "90" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "90" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "375" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "FollowRange" "250" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "24" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "650" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "650" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil2" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/tuskarr/tuskarr_sigil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "frozen_sigil" "wearable" "8640" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "FollowRange" "250" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "12" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil3" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/tuskarr/tuskarr_sigil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "frozen_sigil" "wearable" "8640" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "110" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "110" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "FollowRange" "250" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "16" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil4" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_tusk_frozen_sigil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/tuskarr/tuskarr_sigil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "UnitLabel" "frozen_sigil" "wearable" "8640" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Type of attack - melee, ranged, etc. "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "120" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "120" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. "FollowRange" "250" // Distance to keep when following // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "16" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } "npc_dota_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/elder_titan/ancestral_spirit.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_elder_titan_ancestral_spirit" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "ConsideredHero" "1" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "elder_titan_echo_stomp_spirit" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "elder_titan_return_spirit" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "elder_titan_natural_order_spirit" // Ability 3 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "315" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "ImmuneToOmnislash" "1" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_elder_titan.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_elder_titan.vpcf" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Kobold //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_kobold" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_kobold/kobold_c/n_creep_kobold_c.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" ".9" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "kobold_tunneler_prospecting" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "13" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "14" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "200" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.38" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "40" "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "14" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "3" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "5" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "290" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "240" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Kobold Guard //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_kobold_tunneler" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_kobold/kobold_b/n_creep_kobold_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "kobold_disarm" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "20" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "21" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "200" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.38" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "40" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "17" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "12" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "14" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "325" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Kobold Taskmaster //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_kobold_taskmaster" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_kobold/kobold_a/n_creep_kobold_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "kobold_taskmaster_speed_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "22" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "24" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "200" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.38" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "110" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "180" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "30" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "21" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "330" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Centaur //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_centaur_outrunner" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_centaur_med/n_creep_centaur_med.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".80" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "mudgolem_cloak_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "18" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "20" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "32" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "18" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "350" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Centaur Chief //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_centaur_khan" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_centaur_lrg/n_creep_centaur_lrg.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "centaur_khan_war_stomp" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "49" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "55" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "90" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "54" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "60" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Fel Beast //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_fel_beast" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ghost_b/n_creep_ghost_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "fel_beast_haunt" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "14" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "15" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.4" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "35" "HealthBarOffset" "175" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "26" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "18" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Furbolg //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_polar_furbolg_champion" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_beast/n_creep_beast.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "4" "ModelScale" ".80" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "centaur_khan_endurance_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "furbolg_enrage_attack_speed" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "39" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "44" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "180" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "66" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "30" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "38" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Furbolg Disrupter //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_furbolg/n_creep_furbolg_disrupter.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "ModelScale" ".95" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "polar_furbolg_ursa_warrior_thunder_clap" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "furbolg_enrage_damage" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "49" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "55" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "215" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "90" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "62" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "66" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "950" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Pine Cone //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_warpine_raider" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/pine_cone/pine_cone.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "ModelScale" "1.1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "warpine_raider_seed_shot" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "6" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "39" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "41" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "76" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "48" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "50" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "850" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Mud Golem //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_golem_b/n_creep_golem_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "4" "ModelScale" "1.1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "mud_golem_hurl_boulder" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "mud_golem_rock_destroy" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "24" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "26" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "32" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "21" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "750" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Mud Golem Split //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem_split" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_golem_b/n_creep_golem_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "4" "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "mud_golem_hurl_boulder" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "10" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "14" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "18" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "6" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "250" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Mud Golem Split - Doom //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_mud_golem_split_doom" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/doom/doom.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "Hero_DoomBringer" // Name of sound set. "Level" "4" "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "mud_golem_hurl_boulder" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "10" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "14" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "18" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "6" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "250" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ogre Mauler //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_ogre_mauler" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_med/n_creep_ogre_med.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ogre_bruiser_ogre_smash" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "22" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "24" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "32" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "22" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ogre Magi //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_ogre_magi" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ogre_lrg/n_creep_ogre_lrg.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ogre_magi_frost_armor" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "18" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "20" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "210" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "48" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "28" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "32" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Worg //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_giant_wolf" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_worg_small/n_creep_worg_small.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "giant_wolf_intimidate" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "15" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "17" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "90" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "40" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "18" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "22" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Alpha Worg //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_alpha_wolf" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_worg_large/n_creep_worg_large.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "alpha_wolf_critical_strike" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "alpha_wolf_command_aura" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "23" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "90" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "60" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "32" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "34" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Vulture //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_wildkin" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_vulture_b/n_creep_vulture_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" ".80" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "enraged_wildkin_tornado" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "18" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "20" // Damage range max. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "26" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "18" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "350" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Enraged Vulture //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_enraged_wildkin" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_vulture_a/n_creep_vulture_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "ModelScale" "1.1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "enraged_wildkin_hurricane" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "enraged_wildkin_toughness_aura" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "50" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "56" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "90" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "58" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "64" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "950" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Satyr Soulstealer //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_soulstealer" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_satyr_c/n_creep_satyr_c.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "4" "ModelScale" ".8" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "satyr_soulstealer_mana_burn" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "forest_troll_high_priest_mana_aura" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "21" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "46" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "18" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "22" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "600" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Satyr Hellcaller //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_hellcaller" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_satyr_a/n_creep_satyr_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "6" "ModelScale" ".95" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "satyr_hellcaller_shockwave" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "satyr_hellcaller_unholy_aura" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "49" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "55" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "210" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "90" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "60" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "66" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "290" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Jungle Stalker //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_jungle_stalker" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_gargoyle/n_creep_gargoyle.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "46" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "64" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "36" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "49" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Elder Jungle Stalker //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_elder_jungle_stalker" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_gargoyle/n_creep_gargoyle.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "6" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" ".95" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "56" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "124" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "108" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "121" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Spawnlord //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_prowler_acolyte" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_satyr_spawn_a/n_creep_satyr_spawn_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "3" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "spawnlord_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "11" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "33" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "38" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.83" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "200" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "50" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "52" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "58" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Spawnlord Master //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_prowler_shaman" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_satyr_spawn_a/n_creep_satyr_spawn_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1.15" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "spawnlord_master_stomp" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "spawnlord_master_freeze" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "59" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "65" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.83" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "58" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "69" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Rock Golem //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_rock_golem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_golem_a/neutral_creep_golem_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ancient_rock_golem_weakening_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "22" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "24" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "37" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "43" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Granite Golem //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_granite_golem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_golem_a/neutral_creep_golem_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "6" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1.3" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "granite_golem_hp_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "8" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "80" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "84" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "124" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "76" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "80" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "600" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Pine Cone //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_ice_shaman" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/ice_biome/giant/ice_giant01.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "6" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1.3" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ice_shaman_incendiary_bomb" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "58" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "62" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_witchdoctor/witchdoctor_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "90" "HealthBarOffset" "240" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "124" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "76" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "80" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "290" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Rock Golem //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_frostbitten_golem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/ice_biome/frostbitten/n_creep_frostbitten_swollen01.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "5" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "frostbitten_golem_time_warp_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "7" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "29" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "31" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "37" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "43" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "900" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Big Thunder Lizard //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_big_thunder_lizard" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_thunder_lizard/n_creep_thunder_lizard_big.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "6" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" ".80" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "big_thunder_lizard_slam" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "big_thunder_lizard_frenzy" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "60" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "65" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "120" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "300" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/thunderlizard_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "90" "HealthBarOffset" "240" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "124" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "76" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "80" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Small Thunder Lizard //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_small_thunder_lizard" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_thunder_lizard/n_creep_thunder_lizard_small.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "5" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" ".65" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "big_thunder_lizard_wardrums_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "32" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "300" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/thunderlizard_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "42" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "49" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Gnoll Assassin //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_gnoll_assassin" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_gnoll/n_creep_gnoll.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "gnoll_assassin_envenomed_weapon" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "30" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "32" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.4" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/gnoll_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "40" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "30" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "18" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ghost //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_ghost" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ghost_a/n_creep_ghost_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ghost_frost_attack" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "45" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "165" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "400" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/ghost_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "42" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "23" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Wraith Ghost //================================================================================= "npc_dota_wraith_ghost" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ghost_a/n_creep_ghost_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ghost_frost_attack" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "45" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "400" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/ghost_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "14" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "12" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "13" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Dark Troll //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_dark_troll" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_troll_dark_a/n_creep_troll_dark_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".70" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "dark_troll_warlord_ensnare" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "24" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "27" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "250" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "250" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "42" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "17" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "19" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Dark Troll Warlord //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_dark_troll_warlord" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_troll_dark_b/n_creep_troll_dark_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "6" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "dark_troll_warlord_raise_dead" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "40" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "45" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "150" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "250" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "250" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "90" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "40" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "46" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "250" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Satyr Trickster //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_satyr_trickster" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_satyr_b/n_creep_satyr_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "satyr_trickster_purge" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "10" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "12" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2.0" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "280" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "280" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/satyr_trickster_projectile.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "24" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "12" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "14" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Forest Troll Berserker //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_forest_troll_berserker" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_forest_trolls/n_creep_forest_troll_berserker.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "berserker_troll_break" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "37" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "28" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "18" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Forest Troll High Priest //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_forest_troll_high_priest" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_forest_trolls/n_creep_forest_troll_high_priest.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".90" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "forest_troll_high_priest_heal" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "forest_troll_high_priest_heal_amp_aura" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "creep_piercing" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "600" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "28" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "18" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "290" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Harpy Scout //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_harpy_scout" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_harpy_a/n_creep_harpy_a.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "0.85" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "harpy_scout_take_off" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "300" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "180" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "26" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "14" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "16" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "280" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Harpy Storm //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_harpy_storm" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_harpy_b/n_creep_harpy_b.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "3" "ModelScale" "0.925" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "harpy_storm_chain_lightning" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "creep_piercing" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "30" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "36" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "125" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "450" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "190" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "42" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "25" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "27" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "125" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "3" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Black Drake //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_black_drake" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_black_drake/n_creep_black_drake.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "3" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" ".6" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "black_drake_magic_amplification_aura" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "20" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "22" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "120" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "300" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/black_drake_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "300" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "95" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "37" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "43" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "950" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Neutral: Ancient - Black Dragon //================================================================================= "npc_dota_neutral_black_dragon" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_black_dragon/n_creep_black_dragon.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "Level" "6" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "black_dragon_fireball" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "black_dragon_splash_attack" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "black_dragon_dragonhide_aura" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "62" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "68" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "135" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "300" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/black_dragon_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "300" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "124" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "76" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "80" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Creeps: necronomicon Warrior Level 1 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_1" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/item_creeps/i_creep_necro_warrior/necro_warrior.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "Level" "5" "ModelScale" "0.4" "IsSummoned" "1" "CanBeDominated" "0" "UnitLabel" "necrowarrior" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "necronomicon_warrior_last_will" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "BaseAttackSpeed" "105" "AttackDamageMin" "45" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0.75" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.56" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "40" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "50" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "50" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "50" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "370" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1300" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Necronomicon Warrior Level 2 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_1" "ModelScale" "0.5" "BaseAttackSpeed" "107" "AttackDamageMin" "55" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "70" // Damage range max. "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. "HealthBarOffset" "160" "MovementSpeed" "375" // Speed "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Necronomicon Warrior Level 3 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_necronomicon_warrior_1" "ModelScale" "0.6" "Ability1" "necronomicon_warrior_mana_burn" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "necronomicon_warrior_last_will" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "necronomicon_warrior_sight" // Ability 3. "BaseAttackSpeed" "109" "AttackDamageMin" "70" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "85" // Damage range max. "BountyXP" "150" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "150" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "150" // Gold earned max. "HealthBarOffset" "165" "MovementSpeed" "380" // Speed "StatusHealth" "900" // Base health. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "VisionDaytimeRange" "1500" // Range of vision during day light. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Necronomicon Archer Level 1 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_1" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/item_creeps/i_creep_necro_archer/necro_archer.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "Level" "5" "ModelScale" "0.4" "IsSummoned" "1" "CanBeDominated" "0" "UnitLabel" "necroarcher" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "necronomicon_archer_aoe" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "BaseAttackSpeed" "105" "AttackDamageMin" "35" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "40" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.7" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "450" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/items2_fx/necronomicon_archer_projectile.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "50" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "50" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "50" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "155" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1300" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Necronomicon Archer Level 2 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_2" { // General // "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_1" "ModelScale" "0.5" "BaseAttackSpeed" "107" "AttackDamageMin" "55" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "60" // Damage range max. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. "HealthBarOffset" "160" "MovementSpeed" "385" // Speed "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Necronomicon Archer Level 3 //================================================================================= "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_necronomicon_archer_1" "ModelScale" "0.6" "Ability1" "necronomicon_archer_purge" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "necronomicon_archer_aoe" // Ability 2. "BaseAttackSpeed" "109" "AttackDamageMin" "70" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "80" // Damage range max. "AttackRange" "550" // Range within a target can be attacked. "BountyXP" "150" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "150" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "150" // Gold earned max. "HealthBarOffset" "165" "MovementSpeed" "425" // Speed "StatusHealth" "900" // Base health. "VisionDaytimeRange" "1500" // Range of vision during day light. } "npc_dota_observer_wards" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_ward_base" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_ward_obs" "MinimapIconSize" "300" "wearable" "7555" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1600" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_sentry_wards" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_ward_base_truesight" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_ward_invis" "MinimapIconSize" "300" "skin" "1" "wearable" "7556" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_courier" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_courier" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/donkey.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "UnitLabel" "courier" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "courier_take_stash_items" "Ability2" "courier_go_to_secretshop" "Ability3" "courier_return_stash_items" "Ability4" "courier_burst" "Ability5" "courier_transfer_items" "Ability6" "courier_shield" "Ability7" "courier_morph" "Ability8" "courier_take_stash_and_transfer_items" "Ability9" "courier_transfer_items_to_other_player" "Ability10" "courier_go_to_enemy_secretshop" "Ability11" "courier_go_to_sideshop" "Ability12" "courier_go_to_sideshop2" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "290" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "35" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "35" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "6" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_COURIER" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "200" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things //Inventory "HasInventory" "1" "IdleExpression" "scenes/default_idle.vcd" "WakesNeutrals" "0" "animation_transitions" { "ACT_DOTA_IDLE" { "regular" "0.5" } "ACT_DOTA_RUN" { "regular" "0.5" } } } "npc_dota_scout" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_scout" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/items/gyrocopter/ti8_gyro_digger_wasp_copter_off_hand/gyro_ti8_bee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "10" "UnitLabel" "scout" "CanBeDominated" "0" "WakesNeutrals" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "ability_scout_bonuses" "Ability2" "" "Ability3" "" "Ability4" "" "Ability5" "" "Ability6" "" "Ability7" "" "Ability8" "" "Ability9" "" "Ability10" "" "Ability11" "" "Ability12" "" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "100" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "75" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "75" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things //Inventory "HasInventory" "1" "IdleExpression" "scenes/default_idle.vcd" "WakesNeutrals" "0" } "npc_dota_flying_courier" // deprecated { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_flying_courier" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/donkey_wings.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "10" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "UnitLabel" "courier" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "courier_return_to_base" "Ability2" "courier_go_to_secretshop" "Ability3" "courier_return_stash_items" "Ability4" "courier_take_stash_items" "Ability5" "courier_transfer_items" "Ability6" "courier_shield" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "10" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "275" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "349" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "125" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "125" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "150" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_COURIER" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "200" // Range of vision at night time. // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things //Inventory "HasInventory" "1" "IdleExpression" "scenes/default_idle.vcd" "WakesNeutrals" "0" } "npc_dota_witch_doctor_death_ward" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_witch_doctor_death_ward" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/witchdoctor/witchdoctor_ward.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Hero_WitchDoctor_Ward" // Name of sound set. "Level" "3" "wearable" "602" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_Pure" "AttackRate" "0.22" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "600" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_witchdoctor/witchdoctor_ward_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1000" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SIEGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "135" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_shadowshaman_serpentward" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/shadowshaman/shadowshaman_totem.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "ShadowShaman_Ward" // Name of sound set. "Level" "3" "ModelScale" "1.15" "SelectionGroup" "Shaman_Wards" "wearable" "8371" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "50" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "650" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "650" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_shadowshaman/shadow_shaman_ward_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "31" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "22" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "30" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "4" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman.vpcf" } "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_1" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "85" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "85" // Damage range max. } "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shadow_shaman_ward_1" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "120" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "120" // Damage range max. } // Venomancer Plague Wards "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_venomancer_plagueward" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/venomancer/venomancer_ward.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Hero_VenomancerWard" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.8" "SelectionGroup" "Venomancer_Wards" "UnitLabel" "plaguewards" "wearable" "684" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_piercing" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "12" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "16" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.4" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "600" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_venomancer/venomancer_plague_ward_projectile.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "15" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "15" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "120" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_venomancer_plague_ward.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_venomancer_plague_ward.vpcf" } "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_1" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "20" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "24" // Damage range max. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "17" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "17" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "230" // Base health. } "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_1" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "32" // Damage range max. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "30" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "19" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "19" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "340" // Base health. } "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_4" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_venomancer_plague_ward_1" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "36" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "40" // Damage range max. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "35" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "21" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "21" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. } "npc_dota_lesser_eidolon" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/enigma/eidelon.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.75" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Eidolons" "UnitLabel" "eidolons" "wearable" "8638" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_enigma_eidolon.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_enigma_eidolon.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "30" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "14" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "20" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.2" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "425" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_enigma/enigma_base_attack_eidolon.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "10" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "14" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "280" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "180" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_eidolon" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lesser_eidolon" "ModelScale" "0.8" "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. "AttackDamageMin" "24" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "30" // Damage range max. "HealthBarOffset" "135" "MovementSpeed" "310" // Speed "StatusHealth" "200" // Base health. "AttackRange" "450" // Range within a target can be attacked. } "npc_dota_greater_eidolon" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lesser_eidolon" "ModelScale" "0.85" "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. "AttackDamageMin" "34" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "40" // Damage range max. "HealthBarOffset" "140" "MovementSpeed" "340" // Speed "StatusHealth" "220" // Base health. "AttackRange" "475" // Range within a target can be attacked. } "npc_dota_dire_eidolon" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lesser_eidolon" "ModelScale" ".9" "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "60" // Magical protection. "AttackDamageMin" "44" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "HealthBarOffset" "145" "MovementSpeed" "370" // Speed "StatusHealth" "240" // Base health. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. } "npc_dota_furion_treant" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/furion/treant.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Furion_Treant" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.80" "Level" "2" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Furion_Treants" "wearable" "8363" "UnitLabel" "treants" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "15" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "18" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "12" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "8" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "8" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_furion_treant.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_furion_treant.vpcf" } "npc_dota_furion_treant_large" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/furion/treant.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Furion_Treant" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.20" "Level" "2" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Furion_Treants" "UnitLabel" "big_treants" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "creep_siege" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "102" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "114" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.4" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "30" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "18" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "24" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "360" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "2.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1650" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_furion_treant.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_furion_treant.vpcf" } "npc_dota_furion_hedgerow" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1.0" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_invoker_forged_spirit" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_invoker_forged_spirit" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/invoker/forge_spirit.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Range" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "3" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Invoker_Forged_Spirits" "wearable" "8625" "UnitLabel" "forged_spirits" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "forged_spirit_melting_strike" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.2" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "900" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_invoker/invoker_forged_spirit_projectile.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1000" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "31" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "32" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "46" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "270" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "5" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "5" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "4.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_invoker_forge_spirit.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_invoker_forge_spirit.vpcf" } "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderling" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderling" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/broodmother/spiderling.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".3" // old 1.0 "Level" "3" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Spiders" "UnitLabel" "spiderling" "PathfindingSearchDepthScale" "0.1" "DisableDamageDisplay" "1" "wearable" "746" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "broodmother_poison_sting" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "broodmother_spawn_spiderite" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "13" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "15" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "9" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "9" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "9" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_broodmother_spiderling.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_broodmother_spiderling.vpcf" } "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderite" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_broodmother_spiderling" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/broodmother/spiderling.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.23" // old 0.7 "Level" "2" "IsSummoned" "1" "SelectionGroup" "Spiderite" "UnitLabel" "spiderite" "DisableDamageDisplay" "1" "wearable" "746" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "9" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "10" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "3" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "3" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "3" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "120" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_dark_troll_warlord_skeleton_warrior" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_troll_skeleton/n_creep_skeleton_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.1" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "hill_troll_rally" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "neutral_upgrade" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "11" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "13" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.56" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "90" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "4" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "2" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "4" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "250" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "200" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_wraith_king_skeleton_warrior" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_troll_skeleton/n_creep_skeleton_melee.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.1" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "29" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.56" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "300" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "115" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALLEST" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "175" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king.vpcf" } "npc_dota_clinkz_skeleton_archer" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_clinkz_skeleton_archer" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/clinkz/clinkz_archer.vmdl"// Model. "SoundSet" "Hero_Clinkz" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.1" "wearable" "669" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_clinkz_skeleton_archer.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_clinkz_skeleton_archer.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "clinkz_searing_arrows" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "clinkz_tar_bomb" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "clinkz_burning_barrage" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability10" "special_bonus_unique_clinkz_1" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "5" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "5" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.7" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "1000" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_clinkz/clinkz_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "200" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "100" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } "npc_dota_enraged_wildkin_tornado" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/attachto_ghost/attachto_ghost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "16.0" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "tornado_tempest" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //------------------------------------------e---------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "125" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "300" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "300" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_wind_waker_tornado" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/attachto_ghost/attachto_ghost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "16.0" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //------------------------------------------e---------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "550" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_roshan" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_roshan" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/roshan/roshan.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Roshan" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1" "Level" "30" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "roshan_revengeroar" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "roshan_teleport" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "roshan_slam" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "roshan_inherent_buffs" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "roshan_devotion" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "roshan_bash" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "roshan_spell_block" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "30" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "55" // Magical protection (percentage). // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "75" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "75" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "2.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "150" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1000" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "400" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "200" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "290" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "110" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "6000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "20" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision at night time. // Inventory //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HasInventory" "1" } "npc_dota_miniboss" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_miniboss" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/divine_sentinel/divine_sentinel_cube.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Roshan" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "Level" "30" "IsAncient" "1" "CanBeDominated" "0" "RenderablePortrait" { "Particles" { "particles/neutral_fx/miniboss_10th_anniversary_loadout.vpcf" "loadout" } } // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "miniboss_unyielding_shield" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "miniboss_reflect" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "miniboss_radiance" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "20" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "55" // Magical protection (percentage). // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "250" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "250" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "110" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "20" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision at night time. // Inventory //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HasInventory" "1" } "npc_dota_roshan_halloween" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_roshan_halloween" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/roshan_halloween/roshan_halloween.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "RoshanDT" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1" "Level" "30" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AbilityLayout" "6" "Ability1" "roshan_halloween_apocalypse" "Ability2" "roshan_halloween_wave_of_force" "Ability3" "roshan_halloween_toss" "Ability4" "roshan_halloween_burn" "Ability5" "roshan_halloween_fireball" "Ability6" "roshan_halloween_summon" "Ability7" "roshan_halloween_shell" "Ability8" "roshan_halloween_greater_bash" "Ability9" "roshan_halloween_levels" "Ability10" "roshan_halloween_angry" "Ability11" "roshan_halloween_candy" "Ability12" "roshan_halloween_spell_block" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "29" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection (percentage). // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "150" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "150" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "150" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1000" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "1789" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "105" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "600" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "110" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "295" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.8" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health - this is set via roshan_halloween_base_health ConVar "StatusHealthRegen" "35" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "5000" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "150" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision at night time. // Inventory //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HasInventory" "1" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_roshancamp" "MinimapIconSize" "450" //---------------------------------------------------------------- "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_roshan_halloween.vsndevts" } //================================================================================= // Halloween Roshan Minion //================================================================================= "npc_dota_roshan_halloween_minion" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/baby_rosh_halloween/baby_rosh_dire/baby_rosh_dire.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "250" "ModelScale" "1.25" "Level" "8" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "250" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "300" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.26" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "5000" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "120" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "1000" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "2400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "2400" // Range of vision at night time. } // "ent_dota_radiant_candybucket" { // General // "BaseClass" "ent_dota_radiant_candybucket" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/pumpkin_bucket.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_candybucket" "MinimapIconSize" "500" "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. "ModelScale" "1" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. } // "ent_dota_dire_candybucket" { // General // "BaseClass" "ent_dota_radiant_candybucket" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/pumpkin_bucket.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_candybucket" "MinimapIconSize" "500" "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. "ModelScale" "1" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. } //================================================================================= // Warlock Units //================================================================================= // Major Imp "npc_dota_warlock_major_imp" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- //"Model" "models/items/warlock/golem/greevil_master_greevil_golem/greevil_master_greevil_golem.vmdl" // Model. "Model" "models/heroes/warlock/warlock_demon.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_warlock_imp" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" ".60" "IsSummoned" "1" "ScaleSet" "ScaleSet_imp" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "warlock_imp_explode_major" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "20" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "200" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.38" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "110" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "50" "HealthBarOffset" "180" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "30" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "10" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "HasInventory" "0" } // Minor Imp "npc_dota_warlock_minor_imp" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/warlock/warlock_demon.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_warlock_imp" "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" ".40" "IsSummoned" "1" "ScaleSet" "ScaleSet_imp" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "warlock_imp_explode" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "1" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "10" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "11" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "2" // Speed of attack. "BaseAttackSpeed" "200" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.38" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "80" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "40" "HealthBarOffset" "150" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "17" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "3" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "3" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "50" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "HasInventory" "0" } // Golem "npc_dota_warlock_golem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/warlock/warlock_demon.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_warlock_golem" "SoundSet" "Hero_WarlockGolem" // Name of sound set. "IdleSoundLoop" "Hero_WarlockGolem.Spawn_Loop" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "LoadoutScale" "1.19" "ConsideredHero" "1" "UnitLabel" "golem" "wearable" "8362" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_warlock_golem.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "warlock_golem_flaming_fists" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "warlock_golem_permanent_immolation" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // this should be 33, switch it back once we implement Resistant Skin // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "90" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "110" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.26" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "225" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "240" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "98" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "VoiceFile" "soundevents/voscripts/game_sounds_vo_warlock_golem.vsndevts" //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } //================================================================================= // Beastmaster Units //================================================================================= "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/beastmaster/beastmaster_bird.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_beastmaster_hawk" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.2" "IsSummoned" "1" "UnitLabel" "hawk" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "beastmaster_hawk_dive" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "77" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "30" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "30" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "150" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" "WakesNeutrals" "0" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_axe.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_axe.vpcf" } "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/beastmaster/beastmaster_beast.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_beastmaster_boar" "SoundSet" "Beastmaster_Boar" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.65" "IsSummoned" "1" "UnitLabel" "boar" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "beastmaster_boar_poison" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "20" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "20" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.25" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "550" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_beastmaster/beastmaster_boar_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1500" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "125" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "60" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "26" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "38" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "320" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_axe.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_axe.vpcf" } //================================================================================= // Brewmaster Units //================================================================================= "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/brewmaster/brewmaster_earthspirit.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth" "IdleExpression" "scenes/brewmaster/brewmaster_spirits_exp_idle_01.vcd" // custom facial animation idle "SoundSet" "Brewmaster_Earth" // Name of sound set. "Level" "7" "ModelScale" "0.85" "IsSummoned" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" "UnitLabel" "brewmaster_earth" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "brewmaster_earth_hurl_boulder" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "brewmaster_earth_spell_immunity" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "brewmaster_earth_pulverize" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "generic_hidden" "Ability5" "generic_hidden" "Ability6" "brewmaster_primal_split_cancel" // Ability 6 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "15" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.25" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "330" // Speed. "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "400" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_1" "Level" "8" "ModelScale" "0.9" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "45" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "55" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_earth_1" "Level" "8" "ModelScale" ".95" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "7" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "75" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "85" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "175" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "370" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "3200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "6" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/brewmaster/brewmaster_windspirit.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm" "IdleExpression" "scenes/brewmaster/brewmaster_spirits_exp_idle_01.vcd" // custom facial animation idle "SoundSet" "Brewmaster_Storm" // Name of sound set. "IdleSoundLoop" "Brewmaster_Storm.Move_Loop" "Level" "7" "ModelScale" "0.85" "IsSummoned" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" "UnitLabel" "brewmaster_storm" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "brewmaster_storm_dispel_magic" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "brewmaster_storm_cyclone" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "brewmaster_storm_wind_walk" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "generic_hidden" "Ability5" "generic_hidden" "Ability6" "brewmaster_primal_split_cancel" // Ability 6 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "15" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.4" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "600" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_brewmaster/brewmaster_storm_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1200" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed. "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "900" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "8" "ModelScale" "0.9" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "35" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "45" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_storm_1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "8" "ModelScale" ".95" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "55" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "65" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "175" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "6" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/brewmaster/brewmaster_firespirit.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire" "IdleExpression" "scenes/brewmaster/brewmaster_spirits_exp_idle_01.vcd" // custom facial animation idle "SoundSet" "Brewmaster_Fire" // Name of sound set. "IdleSoundLoop" "Brewmaster_Fire.Move_Loop" "Level" "7" "ModelScale" "0.85" "IsSummoned" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" "UnitLabel" "brewmaster_fire" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "brewmaster_fire_permanent_immolation" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "brewmaster_fire_phase" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "generic_hidden" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "generic_hidden" "Ability5" "generic_hidden" "Ability6" "brewmaster_primal_split_cancel" // Ability 6 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "65" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "75" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "550" // Speed. "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "750" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_2" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_1" "Level" "8" "ModelScale" "0.9" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "8" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "115" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "125" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_3" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_fire_1" "Level" "8" "ModelScale" ".95" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "16" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "165" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "175" // Damage range max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "175" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "6" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_void_1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/brewmaster/brewmaster_voidspirit.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_brewmaster_void" "IdleExpression" "scenes/brewmaster/brewmaster_spirits_exp_idle_01.vcd" // custom facial animation idle "SoundSet" "Brewmaster_Earth" // Name of sound set. "IdleSoundLoop" "" "Level" "7" "ModelScale" "0.85" "IsSummoned" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" "UnitLabel" "brewmaster_void" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_brewmaster.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "brewmaster_void_astral_pull" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "generic_hidden" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "generic_hidden" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "generic_hidden" "Ability5" "generic_hidden" "Ability6" "brewmaster_primal_split_cancel" // Ability 6 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "20" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "45" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "55" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "450" // Speed. "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "750" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_brewmaster_void_2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_void_1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "8" "ModelScale" "0.9" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "55" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "65" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_brewmaster_void_3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_brewmaster_void_1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "8" "ModelScale" ".95" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "65" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "75" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "0.8" // Speed of attack. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "175" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "6" // Health regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_unit_tombstone1" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_tombstone" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_tower.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".8" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" "wearable" "8630" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_tombstone.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_tombstone.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "125" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "125" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "20" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_tombstone2" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_tombstone" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_tower.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".8" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" "wearable" "8630" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "150" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "150" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "24" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_tombstone3" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_tombstone" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_tower.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".8" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" "wearable" "8630" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "175" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "175" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "28" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_tombstone4" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_tombstone" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_tower.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".8" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" "wearable" "8630" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "200" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "200" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "32" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_minion.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.05" "Level" "1" "CanBeDominated" "0" "wearable" "8630" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_zombie.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_zombie.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "33" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "36" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALLEST" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "375" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "900" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie_torso" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_undying_zombie" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/undying/undying_minion_torso.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.05" "Level" "1" "CanBeDominated" "0" "wearable" "8630" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_zombie.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_zombie.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "undying_tombstone_zombie_deathstrike" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "33" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "36" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "100" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALLEST" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "375" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "900" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "900" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_pugna_nether_ward" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/pugna/pugna_ward.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "Pugna_NetherWard" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "wearable" "8627" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "145" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "16" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_item_wraith_pact_totem" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/props_gameplay/wraith_pact.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "Pugna_NetherWard" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1.5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "145" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "150" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "8" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_templar_assassin_psionic_trap" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/lanaya/lanaya_trap_crystal_invis.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_templar_assassin_psionic_trap" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Templar_Traps" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "templar_assassin_self_trap" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "25" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_rattletrap_cog" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/rattletrap/rattletrap_cog.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_rattletrap_cog" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1.7" "wearable" "8636" "IgnoreAddSummonedToSelection" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_rattletrap_rocket" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "0" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "575" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "575" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_broodmother_web" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_broodmother_web" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "broodmother_spin_web_destroy" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_stormspirit_remnant" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // static_remnant_vision_radius_day "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // static_remnant_vision_radius_night // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_ember_spirit_remnant" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_earth_spirit_stone" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/attachto_ghost/attachto_ghost.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_earth_spirit_stone" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "4" "ModelScale" "12" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_slark_visual" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_weaver_swarm" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/weaver/weaver_bug.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "1.90" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "90" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "32" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "34" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "321" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "321" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ATTACHED" } "npc_dota_death_prophet_torment" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/weaver/weaver_bug.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "1.90" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.35" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "60" "HealthBarOffset" "90" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "8" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "321" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "321" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_gyrocopter_homing_missile" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/gyro/gyro_missile.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "220" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "50" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "50" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "6" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_plasma_field" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_metamorphosis_fear" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" //"VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. //"VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Lycan Wolves //================================================================================= "npc_dota_lycan_wolf1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/lycan/summon_wolves.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "SoundSet" "Lycan_Wolf" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" "ModelScale" "0.9" "UnitLabel" "lycan_wolf" "UseNeutralCreepBehavior" "0" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_lycan_wolf.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_lycan_wolf.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "40" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "22" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "24" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.2" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "90" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "21" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "21" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "400" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "325" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_lycan_wolf2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "0.95" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "30" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.1" // Speed of attack. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "26" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "26" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "420" // Speed. "MagicalResistance" "50" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "375" // Base health. } "npc_dota_lycan_wolf3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "3" "ModelScale" ".975" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- //"Ability1" "lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility" // Ability 1 // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "34" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "36" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "36" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "36" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "440" // Speed. "MagicalResistance" "60" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "425" // Base health. } "npc_dota_lycan_wolf4" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf1" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Level" "4" "ModelScale" ".99" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- //"Ability1" "lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility" // Ability 1 //"Ability2" "lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike" // Ability 2 // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDamageMin" "40" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "42" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "0.9" // Speed of attack. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "41" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "41" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "460" // Speed. "MagicalResistance" "70" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "475" // Base health. } "npc_dota_lycan_wolf_lane" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lycan_wolf4" // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "lycan_summon_wolves_critical_strike" // Ability 1 //"Ability2" "lycan_summon_wolves_invisibility" // Ability 2 // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "10" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "15" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "15" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed. } //================================================================================= // Lone Druid Spirit Bears //================================================================================= "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/lone_druid/spirit_bear.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear" "SoundSet" "LoneDruid_SpiritBear" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" ".65" "ConsideredHero" "1" "UnitLabel" "spirit_bear" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_lone_druid_bear.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_lone_druid_bear.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "lone_druid_spirit_bear_return" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "lone_druid_spirit_bear_demolish" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "lone_druid_savage_roar_bear" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "lone_druid_spirit_bear_entangle" // Ability 4 "Ability5" "lone_druid_spirit_bear_fetch" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "28" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "28" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.85" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.43" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_ALL" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "215" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "300" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "300" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "300" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "4" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "MinimapIconSize" "2000" //Inventory "HasInventory" "1" } "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" "ModelScale" ".72" "AttackRate" "1.75" // Speed of attack. "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.5" // Mana regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" "ModelScale" ".72" "AttackRate" "1.65" // Speed of attack. "MovementSpeed" "330" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1400" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "6" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.5" // Mana regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear4" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" "ModelScale" ".78" "AttackRate" "1.55" // Speed of attack. "MovementSpeed" "360" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1700" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "7" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.5" // Mana regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear5" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_lone_druid_bear1" "ModelScale" ".85" "AttackRate" "1.45" // Speed of attack. "MovementSpeed" "390" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.6" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "8" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "300" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.5" // Mana regeneration rate. } "npc_dota_visage_familiar1" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_visage_familiar" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/visage/visage_familiar.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Visage_Familiar" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.66" "Level" "2" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "UnitLabel" "visage_familiars" "AutoAttacksByDefault" "0" "ConsideredHero" "1" "wearable" "600" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_visage_familiar.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_visage_familiar.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "visage_summon_familiars_stone_form" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "35" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "25" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "400" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "180" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_visage/visage_familiar_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "41" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. // overridden by familiar_bounty in visage.txt "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // overridden by familiar_bounty in visage.txt // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "420" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_visage_familiar2" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_visage_familiar1" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "50" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "50" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "400" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "180" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_visage/visage_familiar_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. } "npc_dota_visage_familiar3" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_visage_familiar1" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "75" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "75" // Damage range max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "700" // Base health. } "ent_dota_halloffame" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/creeps/roshan/aegis.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "ent_dota_halloffame" "ModelScale" "0.90" } "ent_dota_promo" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "ent_dota_promo" "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_wisp_spirit" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_wisp_spirit" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "12" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "1" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "1" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "DrawParticlesWhileHidden" "1" } "npc_dota_beastmaster_axe" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "12" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "1" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "1" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "350" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "350" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "DrawParticlesWhileHidden" "1" } "npc_dota_troll_warlord_axe" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "12" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "1" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "1" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "DrawParticlesWhileHidden" "1" } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Melee Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_melee_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_melee_diretide/creep_radiant_melee_diretide.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "n_creep_Melee" "ModelScale" "0.93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "62" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "38" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "48" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Range Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_goodguys_ranged_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_radiant_ranged_diretide/creep_radiant_ranged_diretide.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "ModelScale" ".88" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "21" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "26" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/neutral_fx/ghost_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "41" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "43" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "53" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "185" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Melee Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_melee_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_melee_diretide/creep_bad_melee_diretide.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" ".93" "Level" "3" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "2" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "19" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "23" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "500" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "100" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "62" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "38" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "48" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "550" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Ranged Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_creep_badguys_ranged_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_lane" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/lane_creeps/creep_bad_ranged_diretide/creep_bad_ranged_diretide.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.93" "Level" "5" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "21" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "26" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "500" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_badguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "41" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "43" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "53" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "150" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "325" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "300" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.75" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "750" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "750" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Good Siege Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_siege_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_diretide" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/baby_rosh_halloween/baby_rosh_radiant/baby_rosh_radiant.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "n_creep_Ranged" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "350" "ModelScale" "1.5" "Level" "8" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "100" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "125" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.26" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "120" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "250" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "3000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "1000" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= // Creeps: Bad Siege Diretide //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_siege_diretide" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_diretide" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/baby_rosh_halloween/baby_rosh_dire/baby_rosh_dire.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_siege" "MinimapIconSize" "250" "ModelScale" "1.5" "Level" "8" "IsAncient" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "100" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "125" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.26" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "120" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "100" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "250" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "3000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "1000" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_halloween_chaos_unit" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/items/furion/treant_stump.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Zombie" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.1" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "37" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "45" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "10000" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "25" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "5" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "7" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "250" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_roquelaire" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/props_gameplay/roquelaire/roquelaire.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_roquelaire" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.1" "IsSummoned" "0" "UnitLabel" "roquelaire" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "165" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "500" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "50" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "300" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "300" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "WakesNeutrals" "0" } "npc_dota_greevil" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "UnitLabel" "greevil" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "37" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "45" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "200" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "360" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "800" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_loot_greevil" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_loot_greevil" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/greevil_shopkeeper/greevil_shopkeeper.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.2" "Level" "1" "UnitLabel" "greevil" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "37" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "45" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.6" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "200" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "200" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "10000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_black" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_black" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_black_nightmare" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_black_brain_sap" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_bane" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_bane.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_blue" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_blue" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_blue_cold_feet" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_blue_ice_vortex" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_ancient_apparition" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_ancient_apparition.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_red" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_red" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_red_earthshock" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_red_overpower" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_ursa" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_ursa.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_yellow" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_yellow" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_yellow_ion_shell" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_yellow_surge" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_dark_seer" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_dark_seer.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_white" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_white" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_white_purification" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_white_degen_aura" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_omniknight" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_omniknight.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_white" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_white" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_black" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_black" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_red" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_red" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_blue" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_blue" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_yellow" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_yellow" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_green" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_green" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_green_living_armor" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_green_overgrowth" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_treant" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_treant.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_orange" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_orange" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_orange_dragon_slave" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_orange_light_strike_array" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_lina" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_lina.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_purple" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_miniboss_purple" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Miniboss_Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1.5" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "greevil_miniboss_purple_venomous_gale" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "greevil_miniboss_purple_plague_ward" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "greevil_miniboss_sight" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "25" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "71" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "78" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Precache //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "precache" { "model" "models/heroes/venomancer/venomancer_ward.vmdl" } "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_venomancer" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_venomancer.vsndevts" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "2" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "5" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_orange" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_orange" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_purple" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_purple" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_greevil_minion_green" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_greevil_minion_green" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/greevil/greevil.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Greevil" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "IsNeutralUnitType" "1" "AnimationModifier" "miniboss" "MinimapIconSize" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "15" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "31" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "34" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.8" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.5" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "128" // Range within a target can be attacked. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "160" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "300" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "600" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "1" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "2" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_phoenix_sun" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/phoenix/phoenix_egg.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "Phoenix_Sun" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "wearable" "630" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_phoenix_sun.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_phoenix_sun.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "450" "RingRadius" "85" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_ignis_fatuus" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/keeper_of_the_light/kotl_wisp.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_ignis_fatuus" "SoundSet" "Phoenix_Sun" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "MinimapIconSize" "300" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "150" "RingRadius" "85" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Bots //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackDesire" "1.5" // How much bots want to attack them vs other non-hero things } //================================================================================= // Mars Bulwark Soldier //================================================================================= "aghsfort_mars_bulwark_soldier" { // Script // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/mars/mars_soldier.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "Hero_Mars" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" "Ability2" "" "Ability3" "" "Ability4" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "3" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "50" "AttackDamageMax" "50" "AttackRate" "0.5" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.26" "AttackAcquisitionRange" "200" "AttackRange" "200" "ProjectileModel" "" "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "70" "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" "BountyGoldMin" "0" "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "15000" "StatusHealthRegen" "10" "StatusMana" "150" "StatusManaRegen" "10" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "HasInventory" "0" "ImmuneToOmnislash" "1" } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_target_dummy" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_target_dummy" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/donkey.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "350" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "5000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_looping_sound" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_looping_sound" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_invisible_vision_source" { "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" "VisionDaytimeRange" "200" "VisionNighttimeRange" "200" } "npc_dota_techies_land_mine" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techiesfx_mine.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_mines" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_LandMines" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "wearable" "8644" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_techies_land_mine.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_techies_land_mine.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "15" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "15" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // has to be move ground because something about neutral camps "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "64" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "64" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_techies_stasis_trap" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techiesfx_stasis.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_mines" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_LandMines" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "wearable" "8643" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "6" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "10" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // has to be move ground because something about neutral camps "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_bounty_hunter_bear_trap" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techiesfx_stasis.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_mines" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_LandMines" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "wearable" "8643" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "6" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "10" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // has to be move ground because something about neutral camps "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_techies_remote_mine" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techies_remote_cart.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_mines" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_RemoteMines" "wearable" "8645" "UnitLabel" "techies_remotemines" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "techies_remote_mines_self_detonate" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "6" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "10" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "200" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "700" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "700" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } // Techies Minefield Sign "npc_dota_techies_minefield_sign" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_minefield_sign" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/techies/techies_sign.vmdl" // Model. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_minefield_sign" "wearable" "8646" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_techies_land_mine.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_techies_land_mine.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } // Treant Eyes In The Forest "npc_dota_treant_eyes" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_treant_eyes" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. //"Model" "models/heroes/techies/techies_sign.vmdl" // Model. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_treant_ult" "MinimapIconSize" "320" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } "npc_dota_lich_ice_spire" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/lich/ice_spire.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_lich_ice_spire" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.8" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsOther" "1" "SelectionGroup" "icespire" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "350" "RingRadius" "65" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "20" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "20" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "10" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } // PA Kill Event Gravestone "npc_dota_phantomassassin_gravestone" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_phantomassassin_gravestone" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/attachto_ghost/pa_gravestone_ghost.vmdl" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } "npc_dota_phantom_assassin_ground_dagger" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_phantom_assassin_ground_dagger" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/phantom_assassin_ground_dagger.vmdl" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.5" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } //================================================================================= // 2015 CNY Ram //================================================================================= "npc_dota_goodguys_cny_beast" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_cny_beast" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/nian/nian_creep.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "cny_beast" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_nian" "MinimapIconSize" "500" "ModelScale" "0.4" "Level" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "RunAIWhenControllableByPlayer" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "cny_beast_force_attack" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "cny_beast_teleport" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "85" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "85" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "120" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "250" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "250" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "250" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "250" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "50" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "50" // Range of vision at night time. //---------------------------------------------------------------- "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_chen" // Inventory //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HasInventory" "1" // Creature Data //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Creature" { //Basic AI State //------------------------------------------------------------ "DefaultState" "Invade" "States" { "Invade" { "Name" "Invade" "Aggression" "100.0" "Avoidance" "0.0" "Support" "0.0" } } "CanRespawn" "1" //Level Up Parameters //------------------------------------------------------------ "HPGain" "350" "DamageGain" "35" "ArmorGain" "1" "MagicResistGain" "5" "MoveSpeedGain" "5" "BountyGain" "50" "XPGain" "50" "DefaultState" "Invade" } } //================================================================================= // 2015 CNY Beast //================================================================================= "npc_dota_badguys_cny_beast" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_cny_beast" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/nian/nian_creep.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "cny_beast" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_nian_dire" "MinimapIconSize" "500" "ModelScale" "0.4" "Level" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "ConsideredHero" "1" "RunAIWhenControllableByPlayer" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "cny_beast_force_attack" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "cny_beast_teleport" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "4" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "85" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "85" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.3" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "800" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "120" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "250" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "250" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "250" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "250" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "5.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "500" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "1.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" //---------------------------------------------------------------- "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_chen" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "50" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "50" // Range of vision at night time. // Inventory //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HasInventory" "1" // Creature Data //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Creature" { //Basic AI State //------------------------------------------------------------ "DefaultState" "Invade" "States" { "Invade" { "Name" "Invade" "Aggression" "100.0" "Avoidance" "0.0" "Support" "0.0" } } //Level Up Parameters //------------------------------------------------------------ "HPGain" "350" "DamageGain" "35" "ArmorGain" "1" "MagicResistGain" "5" "MoveSpeedGain" "5" "BountyGain" "50" "XPGain" "50" "DefaultState" "Invade" "CanRespawn" "1" } } // Fake unit used to preview spirits "dota_death_prophet_exorcism_spirit" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/death_prophet/death_prophet_ghost.vmdl" // Model. "wearable" "8652" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_error" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1.4" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HUGE" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "16" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "20" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_dark_willow_creature" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/dark_willow/dark_willow_wisp.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_dark_willow_creature" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "150" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "150" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "600" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "600" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" "DrawParticlesWhileHidden" "1" } "npc_dota_mutation_pocket_roshan" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/creeps/roshan/roshan.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Roshan" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1" "Level" "30" "IsAncient" "1" "IsBoss" "1" "IsRoshan" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "roshan_spell_block" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "roshan_bash" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "roshan_slam" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "roshan_inherent_buffs" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "roshan_devotion" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "18.0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "55" // Magical protection (percentage). // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MELEE_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "75" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "75" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "2.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.6" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "150" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "150" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "1000" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "150" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "150" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "150" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "110" "HealthBarOffset" "400" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "270" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "6000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "20" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1400" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_grimstroke_ink_creature" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/grimstroke/ink_phantom.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" "Level" "2" "ModelScale" "1.3" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_grimstroke_ink_creature.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_grimstroke_ink_creature.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" "Ability2" "" "Ability3" "" "Ability4" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" "AttackDamageMax" "0" "AttackRate" "1.0" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" "AttackRange" "0" "ProjectileModel" "" "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "RingRadius" "80" "HealthBarOffset" "200" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "10" "BountyGoldMin" "10" "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // this is set in code "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" "FollowRange" "-100" // Needs to be negative so it doesn't scale down when it gets close // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "200" "VisionNighttimeRange" "200" // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ATTACHED" } "npc_dota_seasonal_snowman" { // General "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_snowman" "Model" "models/props_frostivus/frostivus_snowman.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_frostivus2018_snowman" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_frostivus2018_snowman" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_frostivus/frostivus_snowman.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "2.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "12" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "260" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "2000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_dragon" { // General "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_dragon" "Model" "models/props_gameplay/lion_dance.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_cny_balloon" { // General "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_cny_balloon" "Model" "models/props_gameplay/rat_balloon.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_balloon" { // General "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_balloon" "Model" "models/props_consumables/fatsnake/fatsnake.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.25" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_drums" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_drums" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/consumable_drums.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" ".85" "ConsideredHero" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "5000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1" // Range of vision at night time. } //================================================================================= "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_monkey" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_monkey" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/ti9_consumables_monkey.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1.5" "ConsideredHero" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "5000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // heroes won't proc off aoe stuff // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_shovel_baby_roshan" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/courier/baby_rosh/babyroshan_ti9_flying.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "0.75" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // heroes won't proc off aoe stuff // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_shovel_ghost" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. //"Model" "models/items/death_prophet/exorcism/ghost_mugen_augurs_curse/ghost_mugen_augurs_curse.vmdl" // Model. "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_ghost_b/n_creep_ghost_frost.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.1" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "450" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.2" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // heroes won't proc off aoe stuff // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_shovel_stasis_trap" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techiesfx_stasis.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti9_shovel_pudgling" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creature" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/heroes/pudge/pudge.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Hero_Pudge" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds/game_sounds_creature_pudge.vsndevts" "ModelScale" "0.4" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "200" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.2" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. "Creature" { // default pudge cosmetics "AttachWearables" { "Wearable1" { "ItemDef" "47" } "Wearable2" { "ItemDef" "258" } "Wearable3" { "ItemDef" "259" } "Wearable4" { "ItemDef" "260" } "Wearable5" { "ItemDef" "261" } "Wearable6" { "ItemDef" "262" } } } } "npc_dota_aether_remnant" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "Hero_VoidSpirit" "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "particle_folder" "particles/units/heroes/hero_void_spirit" "GameSoundsFile" "soundevents/game_sounds_heroes/game_sounds_void_spirit.vsndevts" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "70" "AttackDamageMax" "70" "AttackRate" "1.5" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.35" "AttackAcquisitionRange" "600" "AttackRange" "600" "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_stormspirit/stormspirit_base_attack.vpcf" "ProjectileSpeed" "1100" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" "MovementTurnRate" "0.7" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "250" "VisionNighttimeRange" "250" // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } //================================================================================= // Sled Penguin //================================================================================= "npc_dota_seasonal_penguin" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creature" "Model" "models/events/frostivus/penguin/penguin.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee_Mega" "ModelScale" "1.8" "Level" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "100" "MagicalResistance" "100" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" "AttackDamageMax" "0" "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "1" "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.467" "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" "AttackRange" "0" "ProjectileModel" "" "ProjectileSpeed" "" // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" "BountyGoldMin" "0" "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" "RingRadius" "45" "HealthBarOffset" "160" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "200" "MovementTurnRate" "0.5" // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" "StatusHealthRegen" "0" "StatusMana" "0" "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" //"UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" //Inventory //"HasInventory" "0" //"Creature" //{ //} } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti10_disco_ball" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti10_disco_ball" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_consumables/disco_ball/ti10_consumable_disco_ball.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "5" "ConsideredHero" "0" "IsAncient" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_HERO" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "25" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "5000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti10_soccer_ball" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti10_soccer_ball" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/soccer_ball.vmdl" // Model. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "2" "ConsideredHero" "0" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "600" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "2" // Turning rate. // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_treant_life_bomb" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techies_remotebomb.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_techies_mines" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_RemoteMines" "wearable" "8645" "UnitLabel" "techies_remotemines" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "treant_lifebomb_explode" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "6" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "10" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "10" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1000" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "700" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "700" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_unit_underlord_portal" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_underlord_portal" // Class of entity of link to. // General // "Model" "models/heroes/abyssal_underlord/abyssal_underlord_portal_model.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_underlord_portal" "IsAncient" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" "UntargetableByExorcismSpirits" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_twin_gate" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_twin_gate" // Class of entity of link to. // General // "Model" "models/heroes/abyssal_underlord/abyssal_underlord_portal_model.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_underlord_portal" "IsAncient" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" "UntargetableByExorcismSpirits" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_broodmother_sticky_web" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/techies/fx_techiesfx_mine.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_broodmother_sticky_web" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "SelectionGroup" "Techies_LandMines" "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "wearable" "8644" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // has to be move ground because something about neutral camps "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "3" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_bounty_hunter_lookout" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/items/lone_druid/bear_trap/bear_trap.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.8" "SelectionGroup" "Templar_Traps" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "25" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "25" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_arcane_scout" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/items/courier/weta_automaton/weta_automaton_flying.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.8" "SelectionGroup" "Templar_Traps" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_centaur_cart" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_generic/wagon_wood_02_centaur.vmdl" // Model. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "0.9" "SelectionGroup" "Centaur_cart" //"wearable" "8646" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "170" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.25" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti11_balloon" { // General "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti11_balloon" "Model" "models/props_consumables/balloons/donkey_2022/donkey_2022.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_seasonal_ti11_balloon_dire" { "BaseClass" "npc_dota_seasonal_ti11_balloon_dire" "Model" "models/props_consumables/balloons/donkey_dire_2022/donkey_dire_2022.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "1" "IsSummoned" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" "MagicalResistance" "0" // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "120" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.4" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "1" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_radiant_ofrenda" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_ofrenda_statue" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_structures/muerta_minigame_effigy.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Creep_Good_Melee" // Name of sound set. "MinimapIcon" "minimap_miscbuilding" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "0" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Attributes //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttributePrimary" "DOTA_ATTRIBUTE_STRENGTH" "AttributeBaseStrength" "0" // Base strength "AttributeStrengthGain" "0" // Strength bonus per level. "AttributeBaseIntelligence" "0" // Base intelligence "AttributeIntelligenceGain" "0" // Intelligence bonus per level. "AttributeBaseAgility" "0" // Base agility "AttributeAgilityGain" "0" // Agility bonus per level. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_FILLER" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "RingRadius" "100" "HealthBarOffset" "475" "MinimapIconSize" "500" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "450" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_GOODGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" "ModelScale" "3" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "500" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "500" // Range of vision at night time. "AttackRangeActivityModifiers" { "attack_normal_range" "0" "attack_long_range" "500" } } "npc_dota_dire_ofrenda" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_radiant_ofrenda" "Model" "models/props_structures/muerta_minigame_effigy.vmdl" // Model. } "npc_dota_muerta_revenant" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/development/invisiblebox.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_muerta_revenant" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "12" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "1" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "1" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_FLY" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" "DrawParticlesWhileHidden" "1" } "npc_dota_lantern" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_lantern" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/lantern/lantern_of_sight.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "" // Name of sound set. "Level" "0" "ModelScale" "1" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_misc_building" "MinimapIconSize" "200" // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_BUILDING" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "800" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "800" // Range of vision at night time. } // Muerta Ofrenda "npc_dota_muerta_ofrenda" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/attachto_ghost/attachto_muerta_ofrenda.vmdl" "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" "MinimapIcon" "minimap_candle" "MinimapIconSize" "600" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "muerta_ofrenda_destroy" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "1.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "HealthBarOffset" "140" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "0" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "0" // Gold earned max. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.5" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. //Inventory "HasInventory" "0" // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "CombatClassAttack" "DOTA_COMBAT_CLASS_ATTACK_HERO" "CombatClassDefend" "DOTA_COMBAT_CLASS_DEFEND_HERO" "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" } "npc_dota_meepo_megameepo_frame" { // General //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Model" "models/heroes/meepo/megameepo.vmdl" // Model. "BaseClass" "npc_dota_base_additive" "SoundSet" "0" // Name of sound set. "Level" "1" "ModelScale" "1.0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1 "Ability2" "" // Ability 2 "Ability3" "" // Ability 3 "Ability4" "" // Ability 4 // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "0" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "0" // Damage range max. "AttackRate" "0.0" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.0" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "0" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "0" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "0" // Speed of projectile. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_SMALL" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "100" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_NEUTRALS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_DEFAULT" } "npc_dota_unit_tidehunter_anchor" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_tidehunter_anchor" "Model" "particles/models/heroes/tidehunter/tidehunter_chain_model.vmdl" // Model. "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "1" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "50" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "50" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "250" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "1.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "32" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "0" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "0" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_unit_roshans_banner" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_unit_roshans_banner" // Class of entity of link to. "Model" "models/props_gameplay/roshans_banner.vmdl" "SoundSet" "Undying_Tombstone" // Name of sound set. "ModelScale" "0.7" "Level" "4" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "IsOther" "1" "precache" { "particle" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_tombstone.vpcf" } "party_hat_effect" "particles/econ/events/anniversary_10th/anniversary_10th_hat_ambient_npc_dota_hero_undying_tombstone.vpcf" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "neutral_spell_immunity" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "5" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "33" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_NO_ATTACK" // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "0" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "200" // Gold earned min. "BountyGoldMax" "200" // Gold earned max. // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "300" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_NONE" // Type of locomotion - ground, air "MovementSpeed" "0" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.0" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "24" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "1200" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_shmup_basic" { // General // "BaseClass" "npc_dota_creep_neutral" "Model" "models/items/visage/visage_vulture_wraith_ability/visage_vulture_wraith_ability.vmdl" "ModelScale" "1.0" "Level" "2" "IsSummoned" "1" "IsAncient" "1" "AutoAttacksByDefault" "0" "ConsideredHero" "0" // Abilities //---------------------------------------------------------------- "Ability1" "" // Ability 1. "Ability2" "" // Ability 2. "Ability3" "" // Ability 3. "Ability4" "" // Ability 4. "Ability5" "" // Ability 5. "Ability6" "" // Ability 6 - Extra. "Ability7" "" // Ability 7 - Extra. "Ability8" "" // Ability 8 - Extra. // Armor //---------------------------------------------------------------- "ArmorPhysical" "0" // Physical protection. "MagicalResistance" "35" // Magical protection. // Attack //---------------------------------------------------------------- "AttackCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_RANGED_ATTACK" "AttackDamageMin" "25" // Damage range min. "AttackDamageMax" "25" // Damage range max. "AttackDamageType" "DAMAGE_TYPE_ArmorPhysical" "AttackRate" "0.5" // Speed of attack. "AttackAnimationPoint" "0.33" // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack. "AttackAcquisitionRange" "400" // Range within a target can be acquired. "AttackRange" "180" // Range within a target can be attacked. "ProjectileModel" "particles/units/heroes/hero_visage/visage_familiar_base_attack.vpcf" // Particle system model for projectile. "ProjectileSpeed" "900" // Speed of projectile. // Bounty //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BountyXP" "41" // Experience earn. "BountyGoldMin" "100" // Gold earned min. // overridden by familiar_bounty in visage.txt "BountyGoldMax" "100" // Gold earned max. // overridden by familiar_bounty in visage.txt // Bounds //---------------------------------------------------------------- "BoundsHullName" "DOTA_HULL_SIZE_REGULAR" // Hull type used for navigation/locomotion. "HealthBarOffset" "130" // Movement //---------------------------------------------------------------- "MovementCapabilities" "DOTA_UNIT_CAP_MOVE_GROUND" "MovementSpeed" "420" // Speed "MovementTurnRate" "0.9" // Turning rate. // Status //---------------------------------------------------------------- "StatusHealth" "500" // Base health. "StatusHealthRegen" "0.0" // Health regeneration rate. "StatusMana" "0" // Base mana. "StatusManaRegen" "0.0" // Mana regeneration rate. // Team //---------------------------------------------------------------- "TeamName" "DOTA_TEAM_BADGUYS" // Team name. "UnitRelationshipClass" "DOTA_NPC_UNIT_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_WARD" // Vision //---------------------------------------------------------------- "VisionDaytimeRange" "400" // Range of vision during day light. "VisionNighttimeRange" "400" // Range of vision at night time. } "npc_dota_shmup_bird" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/events/crownfall/shmup_shooting/the_plague_burner_mount_shmup.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_familiar" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/items/visage/frostivus2018_visage_frostbitten_wing_familiars/frostivus2018_visage_frostbitten_wing_familiars.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_wisp" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/heroes/dark_willow/dark_willow_wisp.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_pterodactyl" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/items/beastmaster/hawk/ti9_cache_beast_master_dinosaurs_telepathy_hawk/ti9_cache_beast_master_dinosaurs_telepathy_hawk.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_fei_lian" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/items/courier/fei_lian_blue/fei_lian_blue_flying.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_dragon" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_black_dragon/n_creep_black_dragon.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_harpy" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/creeps/neutral_creeps/n_creep_harpy_a/n_creep_harpy_a.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } "npc_dota_shmup_splinter_blast" { "include_keys_from" "npc_dota_shmup_basic" "Model" "models/events/crownfall/shmup_shooting/shmup_splinter_blast.vmdl" // Model. "ModelScale" "1.0" } }