#!/usr/bin/env bash # by spiritlhl # from https://github.com/spiritLHLS/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script ver="2023." cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 _red() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _green() { echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _yellow() { echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _blue() { echo -e "\033[36m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } reading() { read -rp "$(_green "$1")" "$2"; } RED="\033[31m" PLAIN="\033[0m" REGEX=("debian" "ubuntu" "centos|red hat|kernel|oracle linux|alma|rocky" "'amazon linux'" "fedora" "arch") RELEASE=("Debian" "Ubuntu" "CentOS" "CentOS" "Fedora" "Arch") PACKAGE_UPDATE=("! apt-get update && apt-get --fix-broken install -y && apt-get update" "apt-get update" "yum -y update" "yum -y update" "yum -y update" "pacman -Sy") PACKAGE_INSTALL=("apt-get -y install" "apt-get -y install" "yum -y install" "yum -y install" "yum -y install" "pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed") PACKAGE_REMOVE=("apt-get -y remove" "apt-get -y remove" "yum -y remove" "yum -y remove" "yum -y remove" "pacman -Rsc --noconfirm") PACKAGE_UNINSTALL=("apt-get -y autoremove" "apt-get -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "") CMD=("$(grep -i pretty_name /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(hostnamectl 2>/dev/null | grep -i system | cut -d : -f2)" "$(lsb_release -sd 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep -i description /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(grep . /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep . /etc/issue 2>/dev/null | cut -d \\ -f1 | sed '/^[ ]*$/d')" "$(grep -i pretty_name /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)") SYS="${CMD[0]}" [[ -n $SYS ]] || exit 1 for ((int = 0; int < ${#REGEX[@]}; int++)); do if [[ $(echo "$SYS" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') =~ ${REGEX[int]} ]]; then SYSTEM="${RELEASE[int]}" [[ -n $SYSTEM ]] && break fi done utf8_locale=$(locale -a 2>/dev/null | grep -i -m 1 -E "UTF-8|utf8") if [[ -z "$utf8_locale" ]]; then echo "No UTF-8 locale found" else export LC_ALL="$utf8_locale" export LANG="$utf8_locale" export LANGUAGE="$utf8_locale" echo "Locale set to $utf8_locale" fi [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "${RED}请使用 root 用户运行本脚本!${PLAIN}" && exit 1 checkver() { running_version=$(grep "ver=\"[0-9]\{4\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}" "$0" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/oalive.sh -o oalive1.sh && chmod +x oalive1.sh downloaded_version=$(grep "ver=\"[0-9]\{4\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}" oalive1.sh | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') if [ "$running_version" != "$downloaded_version" ]; then _yellow "更新脚本从 $ver 到 $downloaded_version" mv oalive1.sh "$0" uninstall _yellow "5秒后请重新设置占用,已自动卸载原有占用" sleep 5 bash oalive.sh else _green "本脚本已是最新脚本无需更新" rm -rf oalive1.sh* fi } checkupdate() { _yellow "Updating package management sources" ${PACKAGE_UPDATE[int]} >/dev/null 2>&1 } boinc() { _green "\n Install docker.\n " if ! systemctl is-active docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $SYSTEM = "CentOS" ]; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} yum-utils yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo && ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io systemctl enable --now docker else ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} docker.io fi fi docker ps -a | awk '{print $NF}' | grep -qw boinc && _yellow " Remove the boinc container.\n " && docker rm -f boinc >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$SYSTEM" == "Ubuntu" ] || [ "$SYSTEM" == "Debian" ]; then docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name boinc -v /var/lib/boinc:/var/lib/boinc -e "BOINC_CMD_LINE_OPTIONS=--allow_remote_gui_rpc --cpu_usage_limit=20" boinc/client elif [ "$SYSTEM" == "Centos" ]; then docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name boinc -v /var/lib/boinc:/var/lib/boinc -e "BOINC_CMD_LINE_OPTIONS=--allow_remote_gui_rpc --cpu_usage_limit=20" boinc/client:centos else echo "Error: The operating system is not supported." exit 1 fi systemctl enable docker _green "CPU限制安装成功" _green "Boinc is installed as docker and using" } calculate() { curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/cpu-limit.sh -o cpu-limit.sh && chmod +x cpu-limit.sh mv cpu-limit.sh /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/cpu-limit.service -o cpu-limit.service && chmod +x cpu-limit.service mv cpu-limit.service /etc/systemd/system/cpu-limit.service line_number=7 total_cores=0 if [ -f "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then total_cores=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) else total_cores=$(nproc) fi if [ "$total_cores" == "2" ] || [ "$total_cores" == "3" ] || [ "$total_cores" == "4" ]; then cpu_limit=$(echo "$total_cores * 20" | bc) else cpu_limit=25 fi sed -i "${line_number}a CPUQuota=${cpu_limit}%" /etc/systemd/system/cpu-limit.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable cpu-limit.service if systemctl start cpu-limit.service; then _green "CPU限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh" else restorecon /etc/systemd/system/cpu-limit.service systemctl enable cpu-limit.service systemctl start cpu-limit.service _green "CPU限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh" fi _green "The CPU limit script has been installed at /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh" } memory() { curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/memory-limit.sh -o memory-limit.sh && chmod +x memory-limit.sh mv memory-limit.sh /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/memory-limit.service -o memory-limit.service && chmod +x memory-limit.service mv memory-limit.service /etc/systemd/system/memory-limit.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable memory-limit.service if systemctl start memory-limit.service; then _green "内存限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh" else restorecon /etc/systemd/system/memory-limit.service systemctl enable memory-limit.service systemctl start memory-limit.service _green "内存限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh" fi _green "The memory limit script has been installed at /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh" } bandwidth() { curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/bandwidth_occupier.sh -o bandwidth_occupier.sh && chmod +x bandwidth_occupier.sh mv bandwidth_occupier.sh /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/bandwidth_occupier.timer -o bandwidth_occupier.timer && chmod +x bandwidth_occupier.timer mv bandwidth_occupier.timer /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/bandwidth_occupier.service -o bandwidth_occupier.service && chmod +x bandwidth_occupier.service mv bandwidth_occupier.service /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service reading "需要自定义带宽占用的设置吗? (y/[n]) " answer if [ "$answer" == "y" ]; then # sed -i '/^bandwidth\|^rate/s/^/#/' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh sed -i '41,47s/^/# /' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh reading "输入你需要的带宽大小(以mbps为单位,例如10mbps输入10): " rate_mbps rate=$((rate_mbps * 1000000)) reading "输入你需要请求的时长(以分钟为单位,例如10分钟输入10): " timeout # sed -i 's/^timeout/#timeout/' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh sed -i '47a\timeout '$timeout'm wget $selected_url --limit-rate='$rate' -O /dev/null &' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh reading "输入你需要间隔的时长(以分钟为单位,例如45分钟输入45): " interval sed -i "s/^OnUnitActiveSec.*/OnUnitActiveSec=$interval/" /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer else _green "\n使用默认配置,45分钟间隔,请求6分钟,请求速率为最大速度的30%" if ! command -v speedtest-cli >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "speedtest-cli not found, installing..." _yellow "Installing speedtest-cli" rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/speedtest.list >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_REMOVE[int]} speedtest >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_REMOVE[int]} speedtest-cli >/dev/null 2>&1 checkupdate ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} speedtest-cli fi if ! command -v speedtest-cli >/dev/null 2>&1; then ARCH=$(uname -m) if [[ "$ARCH" == "armv7l" || "$ARCH" == "armv8" || "$ARCH" == "armv8l" || "$ARCH" == "aarch64" ]]; then FILE_URL="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v1.5.2/speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux_arm64.tar.gz" elif [[ $ARCH == "i386" ]]; then FILE_URL="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v1.5.2/speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux_i386.tar.gz" elif [[ $ARCH == "x86_64" ]]; then FILE_URL="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v1.5.2/speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" else _red "不支持该架构:$ARCH" exit 1 fi wget -q -O speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux.tar.gz $FILE_URL if ! command -v tar >/dev/null 2>&1; then yum install -y tar fi chmod 777 speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux.tar.gz tar -xvf speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux.tar.gz chmod 777 speedtest-go mv speedtest-go /usr/local/bin/ rm -rf README.md* LICENSE* >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf speedtest-go_1.5.2_Linux.tar.gz* >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable bandwidth_occupier.timer if systemctl start bandwidth_occupier.timer; then _green "带宽限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh" else restorecon /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer restorecon /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service systemctl enable bandwidth_occupier.timer systemctl start bandwidth_occupier.timer _green "带宽限制安装成功 脚本路径: /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh" fi _green "The bandwidth limit script has been installed at /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh" } cdn_urls=("https://cdn0.spiritlhl.top/" "http://cdn3.spiritlhl.net/" "http://cdn1.spiritlhl.net/" "https://ghproxy.com/" "http://cdn2.spiritlhl.net/") check_cdn() { local o_url=$1 for cdn_url in "${cdn_urls[@]}"; do if curl -sL -k "$cdn_url$o_url" --max-time 6 | grep -q "success" >/dev/null 2>&1; then export cdn_success_url="$cdn_url" return fi sleep 0.5 done export cdn_success_url="" } check_cdn_file() { check_cdn "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test" if [ -n "$cdn_success_url" ]; then _yellow "CDN available, using CDN" else _yellow "No CDN available, no use CDN" fi } download_speedtest_go_file() { cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 file="/etc/speedtest-cli/speedtest-go" if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then _green "speedtest-go found" return fi local sys_bit="$1" if [ "$sys_bit" = "aarch64" ]; then sys_bit="arm64" fi rm -rf speedtest-go* local url3="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v1.6.0/speedtest-go_1.6.0_Linux_${sys_bit}.tar.gz" wget $url3 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _green "Used speedtest-go" fi if [ ! -d "/etc/speedtest-cli" ]; then mkdir -p "/etc/speedtest-cli" fi if [ -f "./speedtest-go_1.6.0_Linux_${sys_bit}.tar.gz" ]; then tar -zxf speedtest-go_1.6.0_Linux_${sys_bit}.tar.gz -C /etc/speedtest-cli chmod 777 /etc/speedtest-cli/speedtest-go rm -f speedtest-go* else _red "Error: Failed to download speedtest tool." exit 1 fi } install_speedtest_go() { cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 _yellow "checking speedtest" sys_bit="" local sysarch="$(uname -m)" case "${sysarch}" in "x86_64" | "x86" | "amd64" | "x64") sys_bit="x86_64" ;; "i386" | "i686") sys_bit="i386" ;; "aarch64" | "armv7l" | "armv8" | "armv8l") sys_bit="aarch64" ;; "s390x") sys_bit="s390x" ;; "riscv64") sys_bit="riscv64" ;; "ppc64le") sys_bit="ppc64le" ;; "ppc64") sys_bit="ppc64" ;; *) sys_bit="x86_64" ;; esac download_speedtest_go_file "${sys_bit}" } bandwidth_speedtest_go() { install_speedtest_go cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/bandwidth_occupier.timer -o bandwidth_occupier.timer && chmod +x bandwidth_occupier.timer mv bandwidth_occupier.timer /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer curl -L https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script/-/raw/main/bandwidth_occupier.service -o bandwidth_occupier.service && chmod +x bandwidth_occupier.service mv bandwidth_occupier.service /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service file_content=$(cat /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service) new_file_content=$(echo "$file_content" | sed '7s/.*/ExecStart=\/bin\/bash -c '\''for i in {1..10}; do \/etc\/speedtest-cli\/speedtest-go; done'\''/') echo "$new_file_content" >/etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable bandwidth_occupier.timer if systemctl start bandwidth_occupier.timer; then _green "带宽占用安装成功 speedtest-go路径: /etc/speedtest-cli/speedtest-go" fi _green "The speedtest-go has been installed at /etc/speedtest-cli/speedtest-go" } uninstall() { docker stop boinc &>/dev/null docker rm boinc &>/dev/null docker rmi boinc &>/dev/null if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/cpu-limit.service" ]; then systemctl stop cpu-limit.service systemctl disable cpu-limit.service rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/cpu-limit.service rm -rf /usr/local/bin/cpu-limit.sh* kill $(pgrep dd) &>/dev/null kill $(ps -efA | grep cpu-limit.sh | awk '{print $2}') &>/dev/null fi rm -rf /tmp/cpu-limit.pid &>/dev/null _yellow "已卸载CPU占用 - The cpu limit script has been uninstalled successfully." if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/memory-limit.service" ]; then systemctl stop memory-limit.service systemctl disable memory-limit.service rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/memory-limit.service rm -rf /usr/local/bin/memory-limit.sh* rm -rf /dev/shm/file kill $(ps -efA | grep memory-limit.sh | awk '{print $2}') &>/dev/null rm -rf /tmp/memory-limit.pid &>/dev/null _yellow "已卸载内存占用 - The memory limit script has been uninstalled successfully." fi if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service" ]; then systemctl stop bandwidth_occupier systemctl disable bandwidth_occupier rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.service rm -rf /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh* systemctl stop bandwidth_occupier.timer systemctl disable bandwidth_occupier.timer rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer rm -rf /usr/local/bin/speedtest-go &>/dev/null kill $(ps -efA | grep bandwidth_occupier.sh | awk '{print $2}') &>/dev/null rm -rf /tmp/bandwidth_occupier.pid &>/dev/null rm -rf /etc/speedtest-cli &>/dev/null _yellow "已卸载带宽占用 - The bandwidth occupier and timer script has been uninstalled successfully." fi systemctl daemon-reload } check_and_install() { local command_name=$1 local package_name=$2 if ! command -v $command_name >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$command_name not found, installing..." _yellow "Installing $package_name" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} $package_name fi } pre_check() { reading "是否需要更新软件包管理器?y/[n]:" apt_option if [ "$apt_option" == y ] || [ "$apt_option" == Y ]; then checkupdate fi if [[ "$SYSTEM" == "CentOS" ]]; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} epel-release fi ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} dmidecode >/dev/null 2>&1 check_and_install wget wget check_and_install bc bc check_and_install fallocate util-linux check_and_install nproc coreutils check_cdn_file } check_service_status() { service_name="$1" if systemctl is-active --quiet "$service_name"; then _blue "$service_name 已设置" else _blue "$service_name 未设置" fi } check_services_status() { check_service_status "cpu-limit.service" check_service_status "memory-limit.service" if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh" ]; then if grep -qE '^\s*#' <(sed -n '32,38p' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh); then line=$(sed -n '39p' /usr/local/bin/bandwidth_occupier.sh) timeout=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F 'm' '{print $1}') limit_rate=$(echo "$line" | awk -F '--limit-rate=' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') limit_rate_mbps=$(echo "scale=2; $limit_rate/1000000" | bc) on_unit_active_sec=$(grep -oP '^OnUnitActiveSec *= *\K[^ ]+' /etc/systemd/system/bandwidth_occupier.timer) _blue "带宽占用使用配置:每隔 $on_unit_active_sec 分钟占用 $limit_rate_mbps Mbps 速率下载文件 $timeout 分钟" else _blue "带宽占用使用配置:自动检测带宽每隔45分钟占用6分钟以最大带宽的30%速率下载文件" fi _blue "bandwidth_occupier.service 已设置" elif [ -e "/etc/speedtest-cli/speedtest-go" ]; then _blue "带宽占用使用配置:使用speedtest-go每45分钟执行10次进行占用,使用机器最大的带宽" _blue "bandwidth_occupier.service 已设置" else _blue "bandwidth_occupier.service 未设置" fi } main() { _green "当前脚本更新时间(请注意比对仓库说明): $ver" _green "仓库:https://github.com/spiritLHLS/Oracle-server-keep-alive-script" check_services_status echo "选择你的选项:" echo "1. 安装保活服务" echo "2. 卸载保活服务" echo "3. 一键更新脚本" echo "4. 退出程序" while true; do reading "你的选择:" option case $option in 1) pre_check echo "选择你需要占用CPU时使用的程序:" echo "1. 本机DD模拟占用(20%~25%) [推荐]" echo "2. BOINC-docker服务(20%)(https://github.com/BOINC/boinc) [不推荐]" echo "3. 不限制" reading "你的选择:" cpu_option if [ $cpu_option == 2 ]; then boinc elif [ $cpu_option == 3 ]; then echo "" else calculate fi reading "需要限制内存吗? ([y]/n): " memory_confirm if [ "$memory_confirm" != "n" ] && [ "$memory_confirm" != "N" ]; then memory fi reading "需要限制带宽吗? ([y]/n): " bandwidth_confirm if [ "$bandwidth_confirm" != "n" ] && [ "$bandwidth_confirm" != "N" ]; then echo "(1) 使用speedtest-go消耗带宽(无法实时限制流量,消耗时占满机器带宽,但所有机器都能保证有占用)" echo "(2) 使用wget下载测速文件消耗带宽(可实时限制流量,消耗时按百分比占用带宽,但可能在某些机器上执行失败无法占用)" reading "请输入选择的选项(默认回车为选项2): " wget_confirm if [ "$wget_confirm" == "1" ] || [ "$wget_confirm" == 1 ]; then bandwidth_speedtest_go else bandwidth fi fi break ;; 2) uninstall exit 0 break ;; 3) checkver break ;; 4) echo "退出程序" exit 1 break ;; *) echo "无效选项,请重新输入" ;; esac done } main