#!/usr/bin/env bash # by spiritlhl # from https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs cd /root >/dev/null 2>&1 myvar=$(pwd) ver="2024.11.08" # =============== 默认输入设置 =============== RED="\033[31m" GREEN="\033[32m" YELLOW="\033[33m" PLAIN="\033[0m" SAVE_CURSOR="\033[s" RESTORE_CURSOR="\033[u" HIDE_CURSOR="\033[?25l" SHOW_CURSOR="\033[?25h" _red() { echo -e "\033[31m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _green() { echo -e "\033[32m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _yellow() { echo -e "\033[33m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } _blue() { echo -e "\033[36m\033[01m$@\033[0m"; } reading() { read -rp "$(_green "$1")" "$2"; } utf8_locale=$(locale -a 2>/dev/null | grep -i -m 1 -E "UTF-8|utf8") if [[ -z "$utf8_locale" ]]; then _yellow "No UTF-8 locale found" else export LC_ALL="$utf8_locale" export LANG="$utf8_locale" export LANGUAGE="$utf8_locale" _green "Locale set to $utf8_locale" fi menu_mode=true en_status=false swhc_mode=true test_base_status=false test_cpu_type="" test_disk_type="" test_network_type="" build_text_status=true multidisk_status=false target_ipv4="" route_location="" enable_speedtest=true main_menu_option=0 sub_menu_option=0 sub_of_sub_menu_option=0 break_status=true m_params=() # 解析命令行选项 while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -m) # 处理 -m 选项,关闭菜单模式 menu_mode=false shift # 移动到下一个参数 while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && [[ "$1" != -* ]]; do m_params+=("$1") shift done ;; -i) # 处理 -i 选项,获取IPv4地址 target_ipv4="$2" swhc_mode=false shift 2 ;; -r) # 处理 -r 选项,选择测试回程路由的目标地址 (三网) route_location="$2" shift 2 ;; -en) # 处理 -en 选项,选择使用英文显示 en_status=true shift ;; -base) # 处理 -base 选项,选择仅测试系统信息 menu_mode=false test_base_status=true shift ;; -ctype) # 处理 -ctype 选项,选择测试cpu使用的方式 test_cpu_type="$2" shift 2 ;; -dtype) # 处理 -dtype 选项,选择测试磁盘使用的方式 test_disk_type="$2" shift 2 ;; -mdisk) # 处理 -mdisk 选项,选择测试多个挂载盘,且含系统盘 multidisk_status=true shift ;; -stype) # 处理 -stype 选项,选择测试网速的数据来源,不指定时默认优先使用.net数据 test_network_type="$2" shift 2 ;; -bansp) # 处理 -bansp 选项,禁用测速 enable_speedtest=false shift ;; -banup) # 处理 -banup 选项,禁用分享链接生成 build_text_status=false shift ;; -h) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Executed using parameter mode:" echo "-m Mandatory, Specify the options in the original menu, support up to three levels of selection" echo " For example, executing bash ecs.sh -m 5 1 1 will select the script execution for sub-option 1 under option 1 of option 5 of the main menu." echo " Can specify only 1~3 parameter by default, e.g. -m 1 or -m 1 0 or -m 1 0 0" echo "-en Optional, Can specify which language is used to display the test, unspecified Chinese is used." echo "-i Optional, Can specify the target IPV4 address in the backhaul routing test." echo "-base Optional, Only basic system information is tested, not CPU, hard disk, streaming, backhaul routing, etc." echo "-ctype Optional, Can specify the way to test the cpu, optional gb4 gb5 gb6 corresponds to geekbench version 4, 5, 6 respectively." echo "-dtype Optional, Can specify the program to test the IO of the hard disk, you can choose dd or fio, the former test is fast and the latter test is slow." echo "-mdisk Optional, Can specify to test the IO of multiple mounted disks." echo "-bansp Optional, Can specify not to run speedtest." echo "-banup Optional, Can specify to force not to generate the sharing link." else echo "使用参数模式执行:" echo "-m 必填项,指定原本menu中的选项,最多支持三层选择" echo " 例如执行 bash ecs.sh -m 5 1 1 将选择主菜单第5选项下的第1选项下的子选项1的脚本执行" echo " (可缺省仅指定一个参数,如 -m 1 仅指定执行融合怪完全体,执行 -m 1 0 以及 -m 1 0 0 都是指定执行融合怪完全体)" echo "-en 可选项,可指定测试时使用的是哪种语言进行展示,该指令指定为使用英语,未指定时使用中文" echo "-i 可选项,可指定回程路由测试中的目标IPV4地址,可通过 ip.sb ipinfo.io 等网站获取本地IPV4地址后指定" echo "-r 可选项,可指定回程路由测试中的三网IPV4地址,可选 b g s c 分别对应 北京、广州、上海、成都 的三网地址,如 -r g 指定测试广州地址" echo " 可指定仅测试IPV6三网,可选 b6 g6 s6 分别对应 北京、广州、上海 的三网的IPV6地址,如 -r b6 指定测试北京IPV6地址" echo "-base 可选项,仅测试基础的系统信息,不测试CPU、硬盘、流媒体、回程路由等内容" echo "-ctype 可选项,可指定通过何种方式测试cpu,可选 gb4 gb5 gb6 分别对应geekbench的4、5、6版本,无该指令则默认使用sysbench测试" echo "-dtype 可选项,可指定测试硬盘IO的程序,可选 dd 或 fio 前者测试快后者测试慢,无该指令则默认为都使用进行测试" echo "-mdisk 可选项,可指定测试多个挂载盘的IO,注意这也会测试系统盘且仅使用fio测试" echo "-stype 可选项,可指定测试时使用的是什么平台的测速节点,可选 .cn .com 分别对应 speedtest.cn speedtest.com 数据" echo "-bansp 可选项,可指定强制不测试网速,无该指令则默认测试网速" echo "-banup 可选项,可指定强制不生成分享链接,无该指令则默认生成分享链接" fi exit 1 ;; *) echo "未知的选项: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -n "$target_ipv4" ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then test_area_local=("Yor local public IPV4 address") test_ip_local=("$target_ipv4") else test_area_local=("你本地的IPV4地址") test_ip_local=("$target_ipv4") fi fi # 在menu_mode为false时才打印信息 if [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _blue "Parameter is detected, use parameter mode, read the parameter as follows, display for 4 seconds" else _blue "检测到参数,使用参数模式,读取参数如下,显示4秒" fi echo "menu_mode: $menu_mode" echo "test_base_status: $test_base_status" echo "target_ipv4: $target_ipv4" echo "route_location: $route_location" echo "test_cpu_type: $test_cpu_type" echo "test_disk_type: $test_disk_type" echo "multidisk_status: $multidisk_status" echo "enable_speedtest: $enable_speedtest" echo "build_text_status: $build_text_status" # 读取 -m 选项后的参数 main_menu_option=${m_params[0]:-0} sub_menu_option=${m_params[1]:-0} sub_of_sub_menu_option=${m_params[2]:-0} echo "main_menu_option: $main_menu_option" echo "sub_menu_option: $sub_menu_option" echo "sub_of_sub_menu_option: $sub_of_sub_menu_option" sleep 4 fi # =============== 自定义基础参数 ============== if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then changeLog="VPS Fusion Monster Test From Multi-script" else changeLog="VPS融合怪测试(集百家之长)" fi http_short_url="" https_short_url="" TEMP_DIR='/tmp/ecs' PROGRESS_DIR="/tmp/progress" rm -rf "$PROGRESS_DIR" mkdir -p "$PROGRESS_DIR" PID_FILE="/tmp/pids.txt" rm -rf "$PID_FILE" temp_file_apt_fix="${TEMP_DIR}/apt_fix.txt" WorkDir="/tmp/.LemonBench" test_area_g=("广州电信" "广州联通" "广州移动") test_ip_g=("" "" "") test_area_s=("上海电信" "上海联通" "上海移动") test_ip_s=("" "" "") test_area_b=("北京电信" "北京联通" "北京移动") test_ip_b=("", "", "") test_area_c=("成都电信" "成都联通" "成都移动") test_ip_c=("" "" "") test_area_g6=("广州电信" "广州联通" "广州移动") test_ip_g6=("240e:97c:2f:3000::44" "2408:8756:f50:1001::c" "2409:8c54:871:1001::12") test_area_s6=("上海电信" "上海联通" "上海移动") test_ip_s6=("240e:e1:aa00:4000::24" "2408:80f1:21:5003::a" "2409:8c1e:75b0:3003::26") test_area_b6=("北京电信" "北京联通" "北京移动") test_ip_b6=("2400:89c0:1053:3::69" "2400:89c0:1013:3::54" "2409:8c00:8421:1303::55") BrowserUA="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.74 Safari/537.36" Speedtest_Go_version="1.6.12" # =============== 基础信息设置 =============== REGEX=("debian|astra" "ubuntu" "centos|red hat|kernel|oracle linux|alma|rocky" "'amazon linux'" "fedora" "arch" "freebsd") RELEASE=("Debian" "Ubuntu" "CentOS" "CentOS" "Fedora" "Arch" "FreeBSD") PACKAGE_UPDATE=("! apt-get update && apt-get --fix-broken install -y && apt-get update" "apt-get update" "yum -y update" "yum -y update" "yum -y update" "pacman -Sy" "pkg update") PACKAGE_INSTALL=("apt-get -y install" "apt-get -y install" "yum -y install" "yum -y install" "yum -y install" "pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed" "pkg install -y") PACKAGE_REMOVE=("apt-get -y remove" "apt-get -y remove" "yum -y remove" "yum -y remove" "yum -y remove" "pacman -Rsc --noconfirm" "pkg delete") PACKAGE_UNINSTALL=("apt-get -y autoremove" "apt-get -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "yum -y autoremove" "" "pkg autoremove") CMD=("$(grep -i pretty_name /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(hostnamectl 2>/dev/null | grep -i system | cut -d : -f2)" "$(lsb_release -sd 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep -i description /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(grep . /etc/redhat-release 2>/dev/null)" "$(grep . /etc/issue 2>/dev/null | cut -d \\ -f1 | sed '/^[ ]*$/d')" "$(grep -i pretty_name /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null | cut -d \" -f2)" "$(uname -s)") SYS="${CMD[0]}" [[ -n $SYS ]] || exit 1 for ((int = 0; int < ${#REGEX[@]}; int++)); do if [[ $(echo "$SYS" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') =~ ${REGEX[int]} ]]; then SYSTEM="${RELEASE[int]}" [[ -n $SYSTEM ]] && break fi done # =================== 其他脚本相关设置 =================== export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive rm -rf test_result.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -d "/tmp" ]; then mkdir /tmp fi usage_timeout=true DISPLAY_RUNNING=1 # =============== 脚本退出执行相关函数 部分 =============== trap _exit INT QUIT TERM _exit() { # 终止信号捕获 - ctrl+c echo -e "\n${Msg_Error}Exiting ..." if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _red "An exit operation is detected and the script terminates!" else _red "检测到退出操作,脚本终止!" fi global_exit_action rm_script exit 1 } global_startup_init_action() { # 清理残留, 为新一次的运行做好准备 echo -e "${Msg_Info}Initializing Running Enviorment, Please wait ..." rm -rf "$WorkDir" rm -rf /.tmp_LBench/ mkdir "$WorkDir"/ echo -e "${Msg_Info}Checking Dependency ..." BenchFunc_Systeminfo_GetSysteminfo echo -e "${Msg_Info}Starting Test ..." } global_exit_action() { reset_default_sysctl >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -en "$SHOW_CURSOR" if [ "$build_text_status" = true ]; then build_text if [ -n "$https_short_url" ] || [ -n "$http_short_url" ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _green " ShortLink:" else _green " 短链:" fi if [ -n "$https_short_url" ]; then _blue " $https_short_url" fi if [ -n "$http_short_url" ]; then _blue " $http_short_url" fi fi fi rm -rf ${TEMP_DIR} rm -rf ${WorkDir}/ rm -rf /.tmp_LBench/ rm -rf *00_00 } _exists() { # 查询对应变量或组件是否存在 local cmd="$1" if eval type type >/dev/null 2>&1; then eval type "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 elif command >/dev/null 2>&1; then command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 else which "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi local rt=$? return ${rt} } reset_default_sysctl() { # 还原系统原有的设置 if [ -f /etc/security/limits.conf ]; then cp /etc/security/limits.conf.backup /etc/security/limits.conf rm /etc/security/limits.conf.backup fi if which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -f "$sysctl_conf" ]; then cp "$sysctl_conf_backup" "$sysctl_conf" check_and_cat_file "$sysctl_default" >>"$sysctl_conf" $sysctl_path -p 2>/dev/null cp "$sysctl_conf_backup" "$sysctl_conf" rm "$sysctl_conf_backup" rm "$sysctl_default" fi $sysctl_path -p 2>/dev/null fi } next() { echo -en "\r" [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && printf "%-72s\n" "-" | tr ' ' '-' && return printf "%-72s\n" "-" | sed 's/\s/-/g' } # =============== 组件预安装及文件预下载 部分 =============== checkver() { check_cdn_file running_version=$(sed -n '7s/ver="\(.*\)"/\1/p' "$0") curl -L "${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/ecs.sh" -o ecs1.sh && chmod 777 ecs1.sh downloaded_version=$(sed -n '7s/ver="\(.*\)"/\1/p' ecs1.sh) if [ "$running_version" != "$downloaded_version" ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _yellow "Upgrade script from $ver to $downloaded_version" else _yellow "更新脚本从 $ver 到 $downloaded_version" fi mv ecs1.sh "$0" ./ecs.sh else if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _green "This script is the lastes version." else _green "本脚本已是最新脚本无需更新" fi rm -rf ecs1.sh* fi } check_root() { local root_status=true [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && root_status=false if [ "$en_status" = true ] && [ "$root_status" = false ]; then echo -e "${RED}Please use root user to run this script!${PLAIN}" && exit 1 elif [ "$root_status" = false ]; then echo -e "${RED}请使用 root 用户运行本脚本!${PLAIN}" && exit 1 fi } check_update() { _yellow "Updating package management sources" if command -v apt-get >/dev/null 2>&1; then apt_update_output=$(apt-get update 2>&1) echo "$apt_update_output" >"$temp_file_apt_fix" if grep -q 'NO_PUBKEY' "$temp_file_apt_fix"; then public_keys=$(grep -oE 'NO_PUBKEY [0-9A-F]+' "$temp_file_apt_fix" | awk '{ print $2 }') joined_keys=$(echo "$public_keys" | paste -sd " ") _yellow "No Public Keys: ${joined_keys}" apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys ${joined_keys} apt-get update if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _green "Fixed" fi fi rm "$temp_file_apt_fix" else ${PACKAGE_UPDATE[int]} fi } check_sudo() { _yellow "checking sudo" if ! command -v sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing sudo" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } check_curl() { if ! which curl >/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing curl" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} curl fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then apt-get -f install >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} curl fi } check_wget() { if ! which wget >/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing wget" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} wget fi } check_free() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return if ! command -v free >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing procps" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} procps fi } check_lsb_release() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return if ! command -v lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing lsb-release" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} lsb-release fi } check_timeout() { if command -v timeout >/dev/null 2>&1; then usage_timeout=true else usage_timeout=false fi } check_lscpu() { if ! command -v lscpu >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing lscpu" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} lscpu fi } check_unzip() { if ! command -v unzip >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing unzip" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} unzip fi } check_ip() { if ! command -v ip >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing iproute2 to use ip command" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} iproute2 fi if ! command -v ifconfig >/dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "Installing net-tools to use ifconfig command" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} net-tools fi } check_ping() { _yellow "checking ping" if ! which ping >/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing ping" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} iputils-ping >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} ping >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } check_nc() { _yellow "checking nc" if ! command -v nc >/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing nc" if command -v apt >/dev/null; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} netcat >/dev/null 2>&1 else ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} nc >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } check_tar() { _yellow "checking tar" if ! command -v tar &>/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing tar" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} tar fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then apt-get -f install >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} tar >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } check_lsof() { _yellow "checking lsof" if ! command -v lsof &>/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing lsof" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} lsof fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then apt-get -f install >/dev/null 2>&1 ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} lsof >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } check_haveged() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return _yellow "checking haveged" if ! command -v haveged >/dev/null 2>&1; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} haveged >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then systemctl disable --now haveged systemctl enable --now haveged else service haveged stop service haveged start fi } check_dnsutils() { _yellow "Installing dnsutils" if [ "${Var_OSRelease}" == "centos" ]; then yum -y install dnsutils >/dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install bind-utils >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "${Var_OSRelease}" == "arch" ]; then pacman -S --noconfirm --needed bind >/dev/null 2>&1 else ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} dnsutils >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } checkpip() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && curl -L https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py && chmod +x get-pip.py && python3 get-pip.py && rm -rf get-pip.py && return local pvr="$1" local pip_version=$(pip --version 2>&1) if [[ $? -eq 0 && $pip_version != *"command not found"* ]]; then _blue "$pip_version" else _yellow "installing python${pvr}-pip" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} python${pvr}-pip pip_version=$(pip --version 2>&1) if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then _blue "$pip_version" else _red "python${pvr}-pip installation failed, please install it manually" return fi fi } check_and_cat_file() { local file="$1" # 检测文件是否存在 if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then # 判断文件内容是否为空或只包含空行 if [[ -s "$file" ]] && [[ "$(grep -vE '^\s*$' "$file")" ]]; then : else truncate -s 0 "$file" fi else truncate -s 0 "$file" fi # 检测文件内容是否包含"error",如果包含则不打印文件内容 if grep -q "error" "$file"; then return fi cat "$file" } # 移动光标并清除行 move_and_clear() { local line=$1 echo -en "\033[${line};0H\033[K" } # 显示进度条 display_progress() { local use_tput=false if command -v tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then use_tput=true fi local progress_height=$((${#dfiles[@]} + 2)) # 进度显示所需的行数 # 保存光标位置并隐藏光标 echo -en "$SAVE_CURSOR$HIDE_CURSOR" while [ $DISPLAY_RUNNING -eq 1 ]; do # 将光标移动到保存的位置 echo -en "$RESTORE_CURSOR" if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Download progress:" else echo "下载进度:" fi local all_completed=true for dfile in "${dfiles[@]}"; do if [ -f "$PROGRESS_DIR/$dfile" ]; then local percentage=$(cat "$PROGRESS_DIR/$dfile") if [[ "$percentage" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then percentage=$((percentage > 100 ? 100 : percentage)) printf "%-20s [%-50s] %3d%%\n" "$dfile" "$(printf '#%.0s' $(seq 1 $((percentage / 2))))" "$percentage" if [ "$percentage" -lt 100 ]; then all_completed=false fi else printf "%-20s [%-50s] ???\n" "$dfile" "" all_completed=false fi else printf "%-20s [%-50s] ???\n" "$dfile" "" all_completed=false fi done if [ "$all_completed" = true ]; then break fi sleep 3.5 done # 显示光标 echo -en "$SHOW_CURSOR" echo "" } # 开始整体并发下载并显示进度条 start_downloads() { local dfiles=("$@") # 接收文件列表作为参数 # 初始化进度 for dfile in "${dfiles[@]}"; do echo "0" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$dfile" done # 获取当前光标位置 local current_line=$(tput lines) # 启动后台进程来更新显示 display_progress $current_line & local display_pid=$! # 并发下载并跟踪PID for dfile in "${dfiles[@]}"; do main_download "$dfile" & echo $! >> "$PID_FILE" done wait # 停止显示进程 DISPLAY_RUNNING=0 } download_file() { local url=$1 local output=$2 local progress_file=$3 # 获取文件总大小 local total_size=$(curl -sIkL "$url" | grep -i Content-Length | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\r') if [ -z "$total_size" ] || [ "$total_size" -eq 0 ]; then echo "无法获取 $url 的文件大小,将使用 0 作为默认值。" >&2 total_size=0 fi # 连续检测到下载完成的次数 local complete_count=0 # 连续检测到下载失败的次数 local download_failed=0 while true; do if ! curl -Lk "$url" -o "$output" 2>&1 | \ while true; do if [ -f "$output" ]; then sleep 1 local current_size=$(stat -f%z "$output" 2>/dev/null || stat -c%s "$output" 2>/dev/null) if [ "$total_size" -gt 0 ]; then local progress=$((current_size * 100 / total_size)) else local progress=0 fi echo "$progress" > "$progress_file" sleep 1 # 检查是否下载完成 if [ "$current_size" -ge "$total_size" ]; then complete_count=$((complete_count + 1)) # 只有连续3次检测到下载完成才退出循环 if [ "$complete_count" -ge 3 ]; then break 2 # 退出外层循环 fi else complete_count=0 # 如果不完整,重置计数器 fi fi done; then complete_count=0 download_failed=$((download_failed + 1)) if [ "$download_failed" -ge 2 ]; then echo "curl 和 wget 下载都失败,退出下载。" >&2 return 1 # 返回错误码 fi echo "curl 下载失败,切换到 wget 下载。" >&2 wget -O "$output" "$url" 2>&1 | \ while true; do if [ -f "$output" ]; then sleep 1 local current_size=$(stat -f%z "$output" 2>/dev/null || stat -c%s "$output" 2>/dev/null) if [ "$total_size" -gt 0 ]; then local progress=$((current_size * 100 / total_size)) else local progress=0 fi echo "$progress" > "$progress_file" sleep 1 # 检查是否下载完成 if [ "$current_size" -ge "$total_size" ]; then complete_count=$((complete_count + 1)) # 只有连续3次检测到下载完成才退出循环 if [ "$complete_count" -ge 3 ]; then break 2 # 退出外层循环 fi else complete_count=0 # 如果不完整,重置计数器 fi fi done else break # curl 下载成功,退出外层循环 fi done # 确保最终进度被写入 if [ -f "$output" ]; then local final_size=$(stat -f%z "$output" 2>/dev/null || stat -c%s "$output" 2>/dev/null) if [ "$total_size" -gt 0 ]; then local final_progress=$((final_size * 100 / total_size)) else local final_progress=0 fi echo "$final_progress" > "$progress_file" fi # 如果下载失败两次则返回错误码 [ "$download_failed" -ge 2 ] && return 1 || return 0 } main_download() { local file=$1 case $file in sysbench) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench/archive/1.0.20.zip" local output="$TEMP_DIR/sysbench.zip" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod +x "$output" unzip "$output" -d ${TEMP_DIR} echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; CommonMediaTests) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/CommonMediaTests/releases/download/output/${CommonMediaTests_FILE}" local output="$TEMP_DIR/CommonMediaTests" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod +x "$output" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; media_lmc_check) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck/main/check.sh" local output="$TEMP_DIR/media_lmc_check.sh" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod 777 "$output" old_url="https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcheck.unclock.media&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=visit&edge_flat=false" new_url="https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Foneclickvirt%2FUnlockTests&count_bg=%2323E01C&title_bg=%23555555&icon=sonarcloud.svg&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=hits&edge_flat=false" sed -i "s|$old_url|$new_url|g" "$output" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; # besttrace) # local url="${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/besttrace/2021/${BESTTRACE_FILE}" # local output="$TEMP_DIR/$BESTTRACE_FILE" # download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" # chmod +x "$output" # echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" # ;; nexttrace) NEXTTRACE_VERSION=$(curl -m 6 -sSL "https://api.github.com/repos/nxtrace/Ntrace-core/releases/latest" | awk -F \" '/tag_name/{print $4}') if [ -z "$NEXTTRACE_VERSION" ]; then NEXTTRACE_VERSION=$(curl -m 6 -sSL "https://fd.spiritlhl.top/https://api.github.com/repos/nxtrace/Ntrace-core/releases/latest" | awk -F \" '/tag_name/{print $4}') fi if [ -z "$NEXTTRACE_VERSION" ]; then NEXTTRACE_VERSION=$(curl -m 6 -sSL "https://githubapi.spiritlhl.top/repos/nxtrace/Ntrace-core/releases/latest" | awk -F \" '/tag_name/{print $4}') fi local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/nxtrace/Ntrace-core/releases/download/${NEXTTRACE_VERSION}/${NEXTTRACE_FILE}" local output="$TEMP_DIR/$NEXTTRACE_FILE" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod +x "$output" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; backtrace) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/backtrace/releases/download/output/$BACKTRACE_FILE" local output="$TEMP_DIR/backtrace" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; gostun) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/gostun/releases/download/output/$GOSTUN_FILE" local output="$TEMP_DIR/gostun" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; securityCheck) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/securityCheck/releases/download/output/$SecurityCheck_FILE" local output="$TEMP_DIR/securityCheck" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; portchecker) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://github.com/oneclickvirt/portchecker/releases/download/output/$PortChecker_FILE" local output="$TEMP_DIR/pck" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; yabs) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script/master/yabs.sh" local output="$TEMP_DIR/yabs.sh" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod +x "$output" sed -i '/# gather basic system information (inc. CPU, AES-NI\/virt status, RAM + swap + disk size)/,/^echo -e "IPv4\/IPv6 : $ONLINE"/d' "$output" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; ecsspeed_ping) local url="${cdn_success_url}https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecsspeed/main/script/ecsspeed-ping.sh" local output="$TEMP_DIR/ecsspeed-ping.sh" download_file "$url" "$output" "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" chmod +x "$output" echo "100" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; *) echo "Invalid file: $file" echo "0" > "$PROGRESS_DIR/$file" ;; esac } # =============== 其他相关信息查询 部分 =============== declare -A sysctl_vars=( ["fs.file-max"]=1024000 ["net.core.rmem_max"]=134217728 ["net.core.wmem_max"]=134217728 ["net.core.netdev_max_backlog"]=250000 ["net.core.somaxconn"]=1024000 ["net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter"]=0 ["net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter"]=0 ["net.ipv4.conf.lo.arp_announce"]=2 ["net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce"]=2 ["net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_announce"]=2 ["net.ipv4.ip_forward"]=1 ["net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range"]="1024 65535" ["net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_stale_time"]=120 ["net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_low_latency"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout"]=10 ["net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time"]=10 ["net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps"]=0 ["net.ipv4.tcp_sack"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_fack"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries"]=3 ["net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries"]=3 ["net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog"]=16384 ["net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets"]=8192 ["net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen"]=3 ["net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing"]=1 ["net.ipv4.tcp_rmem"]="8192 262144 536870912" ["net.ipv4.tcp_wmem"]="4096 16384 536870912" ["net.ipv4.tcp_adv_win_scale"]=-2 ["net.ipv4.tcp_collapse_max_bytes"]=6291456 ["net.ipv4.tcp_notsent_lowat"]=131072 ["net.ipv4.udp_rmem_min"]=16384 ["net.ipv4.udp_wmem_min"]=16384 ["net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding"]=1 ["net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding"]=1 ["net.nf_conntrack_max"]=25000000 ["net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max"]=25000000 ["net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait"]=30 ["net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established"]=180 ["net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait"]=30 ["net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait"]=30 ) sysctl_conf="/etc/sysctl.conf" sysctl_conf_backup="/etc/sysctl.conf.backup" sysctl_default="${TEMP_DIR}/sysctl_backup.txt" sysctl_path=$(which sysctl) variable_exists() { local variable="$1" grep -q "^$variable=" "$sysctl_conf" } optimized_kernel() { _yellow "optimizing resource limits" if [ -f /etc/security/limits.conf ]; then cp /etc/security/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.conf.backup cat >/etc/security/limits.conf </dev/null 2>&1; then _yellow "optimizing sysctl configuration" declare -A default_values if [ -f "$sysctl_conf" ]; then if [ ! -f "$sysctl_conf_backup" ]; then cp "$sysctl_conf" "$sysctl_conf_backup" fi while IFS= read -r line; do variable="${line%%=*}" variable="${variable%%[[:space:]]*}" default_value="${line#*=}" default_values["$variable"]="$default_value" done < <($sysctl_path -a) echo "" >"$sysctl_default" for variable in "${!sysctl_vars[@]}"; do value="${sysctl_vars[$variable]}" if variable_exists "$variable"; then sed -i "s/^$variable=.*/$variable=$value/" "$sysctl_conf" else echo "$variable=$value" >>"$sysctl_conf" default_value="${default_values[$variable]}" echo "$variable=$default_value" >>"$sysctl_default" fi done $sysctl_path -p 2>/dev/null fi fi } check_cdn() { local o_url=$1 for cdn_url in "${cdn_urls[@]}"; do if curl -sL -k "$cdn_url$o_url" --max-time 6 | grep -q "success" >/dev/null 2>&1; then export cdn_success_url="$cdn_url" return fi sleep 0.5 done export cdn_success_url="" } check_cdn_file() { check_cdn "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/back/test" if [ -n "$cdn_success_url" ]; then _yellow "CDN available, using CDN" else _yellow "No CDN available, no use CDN" fi } check_time_zone() { _yellow "adjusting the time" if command -v ntpd >/dev/null 2>&1; then if which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then systemctl stop chronyd systemctl stop ntpd else service chronyd stop service ntpd stop fi if lsof -i:123 | grep -q "ntpd"; then echo "Port 123 is already in use. Skipping ntpd command." else # 最多对准时长进行60秒,避免对准时间这个过程耗时过长 if [ "$usage_timeout" = true ]; then timeout 60s ntpd -gq else ntpd -gq fi if which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then systemctl start ntpd else service ntpd start fi fi sleep 0.5 return fi if ! command -v chronyd >/dev/null 2>&1; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} chrony >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if which systemctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then systemctl stop chronyd chronyd -q -t 30 systemctl start chronyd else service chronyd stop chronyd -q -t 30 service chronyd start fi sleep 0.5 } check_nat_type() { _yellow "NAT Type being detected ......" if [[ ! -z "$IPV4" ]]; then if [ -f "$TEMP_DIR/gostun" ]; then chmod 777 $TEMP_DIR/gostun output=$($TEMP_DIR/gostun | tail -n 1) if [[ $output == *"NAT Type"* ]]; then nat_type_r=$(echo "$output" | awk -F ':' '{print $NF}' | awk '{$1=$1;print}') else if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then nat_type_r="The query fails, please try other architectures of https://github.com/oneclickvirt/gostun by yourself" else nat_type_r="查询失败,请自行尝试 https://github.com/oneclickvirt/gostun 的其他架构" fi fi fi fi } check_china() { _yellow "IP area being detected ......" if [[ -z "${CN}" ]]; then if [[ $(curl -m 6 -s https://ipapi.co/json | grep 'China') != "" ]]; then _yellow "根据ipapi.co提供的信息,当前IP可能在中国" read -e -r -p "是否选用中国镜像完成相关组件安装? ([y]/n) " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo "使用中国镜像" CN=true ;; [nN][oO] | [nN]) echo "不使用中国镜像" ;; *) echo "使用中国镜像" CN=true ;; esac else if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $(curl -m 6 -s cip.cc) =~ "中国" ]]; then _yellow "根据cip.cc提供的信息,当前IP可能在中国" read -e -r -p "是否选用中国镜像完成相关组件安装? [Y/n] " input case $input in [yY][eE][sS] | [yY]) echo "使用中国镜像" CN=true ;; [nN][oO] | [nN]) echo "不使用中国镜像" ;; *) echo "不使用中国镜像" ;; esac fi fi fi fi } statistics_of_run-times() { COUNT=$( curl -4 -ksm1 "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FspiritLHLS%2Fecs&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=&edge_flat=true" 2>&1 || curl -6 -ksm1 "https://hits.seeyoufarm.com/api/count/incr/badge.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FspiritLHLS%2Fecs&count_bg=%2379C83D&title_bg=%23555555&icon=&icon_color=%23E7E7E7&title=&edge_flat=true" 2>&1 ) TODAY=$(expr "$COUNT" : '.*\s\([0-9]\{1,\}\)\s/.*') TOTAL=$(expr "$COUNT" : '.*/\s\([0-9]\{1,\}\)\s.*') } # =============== 基础系统信息 部分 =============== systemInfo_get_os_release() { if [ -f "/etc/centos-release" ]; then # CentOS Var_OSRelease="centos" elif [ -f "/etc/fedora-release" ]; then # Fedora Var_OSRelease="fedora" elif [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then # RedHat Var_OSRelease="rhel" elif [ -f "/etc/astra_version" ]; then # Astra Var_OSRelease="astra" elif [ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ]; then # Ubuntu Var_OSRelease="ubuntu" elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then # Debian Var_OSRelease="debian" elif [ -f "/etc/alpine-release" ]; then # Alpine Linux Var_OSRelease="alpinelinux" elif [ -f "/etc/almalinux-release" ]; then # almalinux Var_OSRelease="almalinux" elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then # archlinux Var_OSRelease="arch" elif [ -f "/etc/freebsd-update.conf" ]; then # freebsd Var_OSRelease="freebsd" else Var_OSRelease="unknown" # 未知系统分支 fi if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then DISTRO=$(grep 'PRETTY_NAME' /etc/os-release | cut -d '"' -f 2) fi } get_system_bit() { local sysarch="$(uname -m)" if [ "${sysarch}" = "unknown" ] || [ "${sysarch}" = "" ]; then local sysarch="$(arch)" fi # 根据架构信息设置系统位数并下载文件,其余 * 包括了 x86_64 case "${sysarch}" in "i386" | "i686") LBench_Result_SystemBit_Short="32" LBench_Result_SystemBit_Full="i386" GOSTUN_FILE=gostun-linux-386 # BESTTRACE_FILE=besttracemac CommonMediaTests_FILE=CommonMediaTests-linux-386 SecurityCheck_FILE=securityCheck-linux-386 PortChecker_FILE=portchecker-linux-386 BACKTRACE_FILE=backtrace-linux-386 NEXTTRACE_FILE=nexttrace_darwin_amd64 ;; "armv7l" | "armv8" | "armv8l" | "aarch64" | "arm64") LBench_Result_SystemBit_Short="arm" LBench_Result_SystemBit_Full="arm" GOSTUN_FILE=gostun-linux-arm64 # BESTTRACE_FILE=besttracearm CommonMediaTests_FILE=CommonMediaTests-linux-arm64 SecurityCheck_FILE=securityCheck-linux-arm64 PortChecker_FILE=portchecker-linux-arm64 BACKTRACE_FILE=backtrace-linux-arm64 NEXTTRACE_FILE=nexttrace_linux_arm64 ;; *) LBench_Result_SystemBit_Short="64" LBench_Result_SystemBit_Full="amd64" GOSTUN_FILE=gostun-linux-amd64 # BESTTRACE_FILE=besttrace CommonMediaTests_FILE=CommonMediaTests-linux-amd64 SecurityCheck_FILE=securityCheck-linux-amd64 PortChecker_FILE=portchecker-linux-amd64 BACKTRACE_FILE=backtrace-linux-amd64 NEXTTRACE_FILE=nexttrace_linux_amd64 ;; esac } # https://github.com/LemonBench/LemonBench/blob/main/LemonBench.sh # =========================================================================== # -> 系统信息模块 (Entrypoint) -> 执行 function BenchFunc_Systeminfo_GetSysteminfo() { BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetCPUinfo BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetVMMinfo BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetMemoryinfo BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetDiskinfo BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetOSReleaseinfo # BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetLinuxKernelinfo } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取CPU信息 function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetCPUinfo() { # CPU 基础信息检测 local r_modelname && r_modelname="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP -m1 "(?<=Model name:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_cachesize_l1d_b && r_cachesize_l1d_b="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=L1d cache:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_cachesize_l1i_b && r_cachesize_l1i_b="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=L1i cache:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_cachesize_l1_b && r_cachesize_l1_b="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l1d_b" "$r_cachesize_l1i_b" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1+$2}')" local r_cachesize_l1_k && r_cachesize_l1_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l1_b" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local t_cachesize_l1_k && t_cachesize_l1_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l1_b" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1/1024}')" if [ "$t_cachesize_l1_k" -ge "1024" ]; then local r_cachesize_l1_m && r_cachesize_l1_m="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l1_k" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_cachesize_l1="$r_cachesize_l1_m MB" else local r_cachesize_l1="$r_cachesize_l1_k KB" fi local r_cachesize_l2_b && r_cachesize_l2_b="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=L2 cache:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_cachesize_l2_k && r_cachesize_l2_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l2_b" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local t_cachesize_l2_k && t_cachesize_l2_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l2_b" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1/1024}')" if [ "$t_cachesize_l2_k" -ge "1024" ]; then local r_cachesize_l2_m && r_cachesize_l2_m="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l2_k" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_cachesize_l2="$r_cachesize_l2_m MB" else local r_cachesize_l2="$r_cachesize_l2_k KB" fi local r_cachesize_l3_b && r_cachesize_l3_b="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=L3 cache:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_cachesize_l3_k && r_cachesize_l3_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l3_b" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local t_cachesize_l3_k && t_cachesize_l3_k="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l3_b" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1/1024}')" if [ "$t_cachesize_l3_k" -ge "1024" ]; then local r_cachesize_l3_m && r_cachesize_l3_m="$(echo "$r_cachesize_l3_k" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_cachesize_l3="$r_cachesize_l3_m MB" else local r_cachesize_l3="$r_cachesize_l3_k KB" fi local r_sockets && r_sockets="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=Socket\(s\):).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" if [ "$r_sockets" -ge "2" ]; then local r_cores && r_cores="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=Core\(s\) per socket:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" r_cores="$(echo "$r_sockets" "$r_cores" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1*$2}')" local r_threadpercore && r_threadpercore="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=Thread\(s\) per core:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_threads && r_threads="$(echo "$r_cores" "$r_threadpercore" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1*$2}')" r_threads="$(echo "$r_threadpercore" "$r_cores" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1*$2}')" else local r_cores && r_cores="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=Core\(s\) per socket:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_threadpercore && r_threadpercore="$(lscpu -B 2>/dev/null | grep -oP "(?<=Thread\(s\) per core:).*(?=)" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//g')" local r_threads && r_threads="$(echo "$r_cores" "$r_threadpercore" | awk '{printf "%d\n",$1*$2}')" fi # CPU AES能力检测 # local t_aes && t_aes="$(awk -F ': ' '/flags/{print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -oE "\baes\b" | sort -u)" # [[ "${t_aes}" = "aes" ]] && Result_Systeminfo_CPUAES="1" || Result_Systeminfo_CPUAES="0" # CPU AVX能力检测 # local t_avx && t_avx="$(awk -F ': ' '/flags/{print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -oE "\bavx\b" | sort -u)" # [[ "${t_avx}" = "avx" ]] && Result_Systeminfo_CPUAVX="1" || Result_Systeminfo_CPUAVX="0" # CPU AVX512能力检测 # local t_avx512 && t_avx512="$(awk -F ': ' '/flags/{print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -oE "\bavx512\b" | sort -u)" # [[ "${t_avx512}" = "avx" ]] && Result_Systeminfo_CPUAVX512="1" || Result_Systeminfo_CPUAVX512="0" # CPU 虚拟化能力检测 local t_vmx_vtx && t_vmx_vtx="$(awk -F ': ' '/flags/{print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -oE "\bvmx\b" | sort -u)" local t_vmx_svm && t_vmx_svm="$(awk -F ': ' '/flags/{print $2}' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | grep -oE "\bsvm\b" | sort -u)" if [ "$t_vmx_vtx" = "vmx" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_VirtReady="1" Result_Systeminfo_CPUVMX="Intel VT-x" elif [ "$t_vmx_svm" = "svm" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_VirtReady="1" Result_Systeminfo_CPUVMX="AMD-V" else if [ -c "/dev/kvm" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_VirtReady="1" Result_Systeminfo_CPUVMX="unknown" else Result_Systeminfo_VirtReady="0" Result_Systeminfo_CPUVMX="unknown" fi fi # 输出结果 Result_Systeminfo_CPUModelName="$r_modelname" Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets="$r_sockets" Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores="$r_cores" Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads="$r_threads" Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL1="$r_cachesize_l1" Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL2="$r_cachesize_l2" Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL3="$r_cachesize_l3" } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取内存及Swap信息 function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetMemoryinfo() { # 内存信息 local r_memtotal_kib && r_memtotal_kib="$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_memtotal_mib && r_memtotal_mib="$(echo "$r_memtotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_memtotal_gib && r_memtotal_gib="$(echo "$r_memtotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_meminfo_memfree_kib && r_meminfo_memfree_kib="$(awk '/MemFree/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_meminfo_buffers_kib && r_meminfo_buffers_kib="$(awk '/Buffers/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_meminfo_cached_kib && r_meminfo_cached_kib="$(awk '/Cached/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_memfree_kib && r_memfree_kib="$(echo "$r_meminfo_memfree_kib" "$r_meminfo_buffers_kib" "$r_meminfo_cached_kib" | awk '{printf $1+$2+$3}')" local r_memfree_mib && r_memfree_mib="$(echo "$r_memfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_memfree_gib && r_memfree_gib="$(echo "$r_memfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_memused_kib && r_memused_kib="$(echo "$r_memtotal_kib" "$r_memfree_kib" | awk '{printf $1-$2}')" local r_memused_mib && r_memused_mib="$(echo "$r_memused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_memused_gib && r_memused_gib="$(echo "$r_memused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" # 交换信息 local r_swaptotal_kib && r_swaptotal_kib="$(awk '/SwapTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_swaptotal_mib && r_swaptotal_mib="$(echo "$r_swaptotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_swaptotal_gib && r_swaptotal_gib="$(echo "$r_swaptotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_swapfree_kib && r_swapfree_kib="$(awk '/SwapFree/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo | head -n1)" local r_swapfree_mib && r_swapfree_mib="$(echo "$r_swapfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_swapfree_gib && r_swapfree_gib="$(echo "$r_swapfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_swapused_kib && r_swapused_kib="$(echo "$r_swaptotal_kib" "${r_swapfree_kib}" | awk '{printf $1-$2}')" local r_swapused_mib && r_swapused_mib="$(echo "$r_swapused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_swapused_gib && r_swapused_gib="$(echo "$r_swapused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" # 数据加工 if [ "$r_memused_kib" -lt "1024" ] && [ "$r_memtotal_kib" -lt "1048576" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo="$r_memused_kib KiB / $r_memtotal_mib MiB" elif [ "$r_memused_kib" -lt "1048576" ] && [ "$r_memtotal_kib" -lt "1048576" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo="$r_memused_mib MiB / $r_memtotal_mib MiB" elif [ "$r_memused_kib" -lt "1048576" ] && [ "$r_memtotal_kib" -lt "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo="$r_memused_mib MiB / $r_memtotal_gib GiB" else Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo="$r_memused_gib GiB / $r_memtotal_gib GiB" fi if [ "$r_swaptotal_kib" -eq "0" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="[ no swap partition or swap file detected ]" elif [ "$r_swapused_kib" -lt "1024" ] && [ "$r_swaptotal_kib" -lt "1048576" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="$r_swapused_kib KiB / $r_swaptotal_mib MiB" elif [ "$r_swapused_kib" -lt "1024" ] && [ "$r_swaptotal_kib" -lt "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="$r_swapused_kib KiB / $r_swaptotal_gib GiB" elif [ "$r_swapused_kib" -lt "1048576" ] && [ "$r_swaptotal_kib" -lt "1048576" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="$r_swapused_mib MiB / $r_swaptotal_mib MiB" elif [ "$r_swapused_kib" -lt "1048576" ] && [ "$r_swaptotal_kib" -lt "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="$r_swapused_mib MiB / $r_swaptotal_gib GiB" else Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo="$r_swapused_gib GiB / $r_swaptotal_gib GiB" fi } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取磁盘信息 function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetDiskinfo() { # 磁盘信息 local r_diskpath_root && r_diskpath_root="$(df -x tmpfs / | awk "NR>1" | sed ":a;N;s/\\n//g;ta" | awk '{print $1}')" local r_disktotal_kib && r_disktotal_kib="$(df -x tmpfs / | grep -oE "[0-9]{4,}" | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')" local r_disktotal_mib && r_disktotal_mib="$(echo "$r_disktotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_disktotal_gib && r_disktotal_gib="$(echo "$r_disktotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_disktotal_tib && r_disktotal_tib="$(echo "$r_disktotal_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1073741824}')" local r_diskused_kib && r_diskused_kib="$(df -x tmpfs / | grep -oE "[0-9]{4,}" | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}')" local r_diskused_mib && r_diskused_mib="$(echo "$r_diskused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_diskused_gib && r_diskused_gib="$(echo "$r_diskused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_diskused_tib && r_diskused_tib="$(echo "$r_diskused_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1073741824}')" local r_diskfree_kib && r_diskfree_kib="$(df -x tmpfs / | grep -oE "[0-9]{4,}" | awk 'NR==3 {print $1}')" local r_diskfree_mib && r_diskfree_mib="$(echo "$r_diskfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1024}')" local r_diskfree_gib && r_diskfree_gib="$(echo "$r_diskfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1048576}')" local r_diskfree_tib && r_diskfree_tib="$(echo "$r_diskfree_kib" | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1/1073741824}')" # 数据加工 Result_Systeminfo_DiskRootPath="$r_diskpath_root" if [ "$r_diskused_kib" -lt "1048576" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo="$r_diskused_mib MiB / $r_disktotal_mib MiB" elif [ "$r_diskused_kib" -lt "1048576" ] && [ "$r_disktotal_kib" -lt "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo="$r_diskused_mib MiB / $r_disktotal_gib GiB" elif [ "$r_diskused_kib" -lt "1073741824" ] && [ "$r_disktotal_kib" -lt "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo="$r_diskused_gib GiB / $r_disktotal_gib GiB" elif [ "$r_diskused_kib" -lt "1073741824" ] && [ "$r_disktotal_kib" -ge "1073741824" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo="$r_diskused_gib GiB / $r_disktotal_tib TiB" else Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo="$r_diskused_tib TiB / $r_disktotal_tib TiB" fi } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取虚拟化信息 function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetVMMinfo() { if [ -f "/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt" ]; then local r_vmmtype && r_vmmtype="$(/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt 2>/dev/null)" case "${r_vmmtype}" in kvm) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="KVM" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="kvm" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; xen) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Xen Hypervisor" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="xen" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; microsoft) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Microsoft Hyper-V" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="microsoft" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; vmware) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="VMware" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="vmware" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; oracle) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Oracle VirtualBox" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="oracle" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; parallels) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Parallels" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="parallels" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; qemu) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="QEMU" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="qemu" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; amazon) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Amazon Virtualization" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="amazon" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; docker) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Docker" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="docker" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; openvz) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="OpenVZ (Virutozzo)" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="openvz" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; lxc) Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="lxc" Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="LXC" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; lxc-libvirt) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="LXC (Based on libvirt)" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="lxc-libvirt" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; uml) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="User-mode Linux" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="uml" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; systemd-nspawn) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Systemd nspawn" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="systemd-nspawn" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; bochs) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="BOCHS" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="bochs" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; rkt) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="RKT" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="rkt" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; zvm) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="S390 Z/VM" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="zvm" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 ;; none) Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Dedicated" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="none" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="1" if test -f "/sys/class/iommu/dmar0/uevent"; then Result_Systeminfo_IOMMU="1" else Result_Systeminfo_IOMMU="0" fi return 0 ;; *) echo -e "${Msg_Error} BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetVirtinfo(): invalid result (${r_vmmtype}), please check parameter!" ;; esac fi if [ -f "/.dockerenv" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Docker" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="docker" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 elif [ -c "/dev/lxss" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Windows Subsystem for Linux" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="wsl" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 else if [ -f "/proc/1/cgroup" ] && grep -q "docker" /proc/1/cgroup 2>/dev/null; then Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Docker" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="docker" Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical="0" return 0 fi Result_Systeminfo_VMMType="Dedicated" Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort="none" if test -f "/sys/class/iommu/dmar0/uevent"; then Result_Systeminfo_IOMMU="1" else Result_Systeminfo_IOMMU="0" fi return 0 fi } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取Linux发行版信息 function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetOSReleaseinfo() { local r_arch && r_arch="$(arch)" Result_Systeminfo_OSArch="$r_arch" # CentOS/Red Hat 判断 if [ -f "/etc/centos-release" ] || [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" ]; then Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameShort="centos" local r_prettyname && r_prettyname="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bPRETTY_NAME=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" local r_elrepo_version && r_elrepo_version="$(rpm -qa | grep -oP "el[0-9]+" | sort -ur | head -n1)" case "$r_elrepo_version" in 9 | el9) Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="9" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 ;; 8 | el8) Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="8" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 ;; 7 | el7) Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="7" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 ;; 6 | el6) Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="6" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 ;; *) echo -e "${Msg_Error} BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetOSReleaseinfo(): invalid result (CentOS/Redhat-$r_prettyname ($r_arch)), please check parameter!" exit 1 ;; esac elif [ -f "/etc/lsb-release" ]; then # Ubuntu Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameShort="ubuntu" local r_prettyname && r_prettyname="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bPRETTY_NAME=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersion="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bVERSION=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bVERSION_ID=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 elif [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then # Debian Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameShort="debian" local r_prettyname && r_prettyname="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bPRETTY_NAME=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersion="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bVERSION=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseVersionShort="$(grep -oP '(?<=\bVERSION_ID=").*(?=")' /etc/os-release)" Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull="$r_prettyname ($r_arch)" return 0 else echo -e "${Msg_Error} BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetOSReleaseinfo(): invalid result ($r_prettyname ($r_arch)), please check parameter!" fi } # # -> 系统信息模块 (Collector) -> 获取Linux内核版本信息 # function BenchAPI_Systeminfo_GetLinuxKernelinfo() { # # 获取原始数据 # Result_Systeminfo_LinuxKernelVersion="$(uname -r)" # } # =========================================================================== # =============== sysbench组件检测 部分 =============== get_sysbench_os_release() { local OS_TYPE case "${Var_OSRelease}" in centos | rhel | almalinux) OS_TYPE="redhat" ;; ubuntu) OS_TYPE="ubuntu" ;; debian | astra) OS_TYPE="debian" ;; fedora) OS_TYPE="fedora" ;; alpinelinux) OS_TYPE="alpinelinux" ;; arch) OS_TYPE="arch" ;; freebsd) OS_TYPE="freebsd" ;; *) OS_TYPE="unknown" ;; esac echo "${OS_TYPE}" } InstallSysbench() { local os_release=$1 case "$os_release" in ubuntu | debian) ! apt-get install -y sysbench && apt-get --fix-broken install -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y sysbench ;; redhat | centos) (yum -y install epel-release && yum -y install sysbench) || (dnf install epel-release -y && dnf install sysbench -y) ;; fedora) dnf -y install sysbench ;; arch) pacman -S --needed --noconfirm sysbench && pacman -S --needed --noconfirm libaio && ldconfig ;; freebsd) pkg install -y sysbench ;; alpinelinux) echo -e "${Msg_Warning}Sysbench Module not found, installing ..." && echo -e "${Msg_Warning}SysBench Current not support Alpine Linux, Skipping..." && Var_Skip_SysBench="1" ;; *) echo "Error: Unknown OS release: $os_release" && exit 1 ;; esac } Check_SysBench() { if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sysbench" ] && [ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/sysbench" ]; then local os_release=$(get_sysbench_os_release) if [ "$os_release" = "alpinelinux" ]; then Var_Skip_SysBench="1" else InstallSysbench "$os_release" fi fi # 垂死挣扎 (尝试编译安装) if [ ! -f "/usr/bin/sysbench" ] && [ ! -f "/usr/local/bin/sysbench" ]; then echo -e "${Msg_Warning}Sysbench Module install Failure, trying compile modules ..." Check_Sysbench_InstantBuild fi source ~/.bashrc # 最终检测 if [ "$(command -v sysbench)" ] || [ -f "/usr/bin/sysbench" ] || [ -f "/usr/local/bin/sysbench" ]; then _yellow "Install sysbench successfully!" else _red "SysBench Moudle install Failure! Try Restart Bench or Manually install it! (/usr/bin/sysbench)" _blue "Will try to test with geekbench5 instead later on" test_cpu_type="gb5" fi sleep 3 } Check_Sysbench_InstantBuild() { if [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "centos" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "rhel" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "almalinux" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "debian" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "fedora" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "arch" ] || [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "astra" ]; then local os_sysbench=${Var_OSRelease} if [ "$os_sysbench" = "astra" ]; then os_sysbench="debian" fi echo -e "${Msg_Info}Release Detected: ${os_sysbench}" echo -e "${Msg_Info}Preparing compile enviorment ..." prepare_compile_env "${os_sysbench}" echo -e "${Msg_Info}Downloading Source code (Version 1.0.20)..." mkdir -p /tmp/_LBench/src/ dfiles=(sysbench) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" mv ${TEMP_DIR}/sysbench-1.0.20 /tmp/_LBench/src/ echo -e "${Msg_Info}Compiling Sysbench Module ..." cd /tmp/_LBench/src/sysbench-1.0.20 ./autogen.sh && ./configure --without-mysql && make -j8 && make install echo -e "${Msg_Info}Cleaning up ..." cd /tmp && rm -rf /tmp/_LBench/src/sysbench* else echo -e "${Msg_Warning}Unsupported operating system: ${Var_OSRelease}" fi } prepare_compile_env() { local system="$1" if [ "${system}" = "centos" ] || [ "${system}" = "rhel" ] || [ "${system}" = "almalinux" ]; then yum install -y epel-release yum install -y wget curl make gcc gcc-c++ make automake libtool pkgconfig libaio-devel elif [ "${system}" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "${system}" = "debian" ]; then ! apt-get update && apt-get --fix-broken install -y && apt-get update ! apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends curl wget make automake libtool pkg-config libaio-dev unzip && apt-get --fix-broken install -y && apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends curl wget make automake libtool pkg-config libaio-dev unzip elif [ "${system}" = "fedora" ]; then dnf install -y wget curl gcc gcc-c++ make automake libtool pkgconfig libaio-devel elif [ "${system}" = "arch" ]; then pacman -S --needed --noconfirm wget curl gcc gcc make automake libtool pkgconfig libaio lib32-libaio else echo -e "${Msg_Warning}Unsupported operating system: ${system}" fi } # =============== CPU性能测试 部分 =============== Run_SysBench_CPU() { # 调用方式: Run_SysBench_CPU "线程数" "测试时长(s)" "测试遍数" "说明" # 变量初始化 maxtestcount="$3" local count="1" local TestScore="0" local TotalScore="0" # 运行测试 while [ $count -le $maxtestcount ]; do echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t$count/$maxtestcount \c" sysbench_version=$(sysbench --version 2>&1 | awk '{print $2}') local target_version="1.0.20" if [ "${Var_OSRelease}" == "freebsd" ]; then # freebsd系统下测不准待官方修复,故而设置为0 local TestResult="events per second: 0" # elif [ "$sysbench_version" == "$target_version" ]; then elif [ "$(printf '%s\n' "$sysbench_version" "$target_version" | sort -V | head -n 1)" == "$target_version" ]; then # 版本号大于或等于1.0.20使用新命令检测否则使用旧命令检测 local TestResult="$(sysbench cpu --threads=$1 --cpu-max-prime=10000 --events=1000000 --time=$2 run 2>&1)" else local TestResult="$(sysbench --test=cpu --num-threads=$1 --cpu-max-prime=10000 --max-requests=1000000 --max-time=$2 run 2>&1)" fi local TestScore="$(echo ${TestResult} | grep -oE "events per second: [0-9]+" | grep -oE "[0-9]+")" if [ -z "$TestScore" ]; then TestScore=$(echo "${TestResult}" | grep -oE "total number of events:\s+[0-9]+" | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -v time="$(echo "${TestResult}" | grep -oE "total time:\s+[0-9.]+[a-z]*" | awk '{print $NF}')" '{printf "%.2f\n", $0 / time}') fi local TotalScore="$(echo "${TotalScore} ${TestScore}" | awk '{printf "%d",$1+$2}')" let count=count+1 local TestResult="" local TestScore="0" done local ResultScore="$(echo "${TotalScore} ${maxtestcount}" | awk '{printf "%d",$1/$2}')" if [ "$1" = "1" ]; then if [ "$ResultScore" -eq "0" ] || ([ "$1" -lt "2" ] && [ "$ResultScore" -gt "100000" ]); then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}sysbench test failed, please use this script option '-ctype gb5' to test${Font_Suffix}" else echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}sysbench测试失效,请使用本脚本选项 '-ctype gb5' 进行测试${Font_Suffix}" fi else echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${ResultScore}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}Scores${Font_Suffix}" fi elif [ "$1" -ge "2" ]; then if [ "$ResultScore" -eq "0" ] || ([ "$1" -lt "2" ] && [ "$ResultScore" -gt "100000" ]); then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}sysbench test failed, please use this script option '-ctype gb5' to test${Font_Suffix}" else echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_Red}sysbench测试失效,请使用本脚本选项5中的gb4或gb5测试${Font_Suffix}" fi else echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$4: ${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${ResultScore}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}Scores${Font_Suffix}" fi fi } Function_SysBench_CPU_Fast() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> CPU test in progress (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)${Font_Suffix}" Run_SysBench_CPU "1" "5" "1" "1 Thread(s) Test" sleep 1 if [ -n "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" "5" "1" "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads} Thread(s) Test" elif [ -n "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" "5" "1" "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores} Thread(s) Test" elif [ -n "${cores}" ] && [ "${cores}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${cores}" "5" "1" "${cores} Thread(s) Test" fi else echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> CPU 测试中 (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)${Font_Suffix}" Run_SysBench_CPU "1" "5" "1" "1 线程测试(单核)得分" sleep 1 if [ -n "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}" "5" "1" "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads} 线程测试(多核)得分" elif [ -n "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores}" "5" "1" "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores} 线程测试(多核)得分" elif [ -n "${cores}" ] && [ "${cores}" -ge "2" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then Run_SysBench_CPU "${cores}" "5" "1" "${cores} 线程测试(多核)得分" fi fi } # =============== 网速测试及延迟测试 部分 =============== download_speedtest_file() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 file="./speedtest-cli/speedtest" if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then # _green "speedtest found" return fi file="./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go" if [[ -e "$file" ]]; then # _green "speedtest-go found" return fi local sys_bit="$1" if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then if [ "$speedtest_ver" = "1.2.0" ]; then local url1="https://install.speedtest.net/app/cli/ookla-speedtest-1.2.0-linux-${sys_bit}.tgz" local url2="https://dl.lamp.sh/files/ookla-speedtest-1.2.0-linux-${sys_bit}.tgz" else local url1="https://filedown.me/Linux/Tool/speedtest_cli/ookla-speedtest-1.0.0-${sys_bit}-linux.tgz" local url2="https://bintray.com/ookla/download/download_file?file_path=ookla-speedtest-1.0.0-${sys_bit}-linux.tgz" fi curl --fail -sL -m 10 -o speedtest.tgz "${url1}" || curl --fail -sL -m 10 -o speedtest.tgz "${url2}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # _red "Error: Failed to download official speedtest-cli." rm -rf speedtest.tgz* # _yellow "Try using the unofficial speedtest-go" fi if [ "$sys_bit" = "aarch64" ]; then sys_bit="arm64" fi local url3="https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v${Speedtest_Go_version}/speedtest-go_${Speedtest_Go_version}_Linux_${sys_bit}.tar.gz" curl --fail -sL -m 10 -o speedtest.tar.gz "${url3}" || curl --fail -sL -m 15 -o speedtest.tar.gz "${cdn_success_url}${url3}" else if [ "$sys_bit" = "aarch64" ]; then sys_bit="arm64" fi local url3="https://github.com/showwin/speedtest-go/releases/download/v${Speedtest_Go_version}/speedtest-go_${Speedtest_Go_version}_Linux_${sys_bit}.tar.gz" curl -o speedtest.tar.gz "${cdn_success_url}${url3}" # if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # _green "Used unofficial speedtest-go" # fi fi if [ ! -d "./speedtest-cli" ]; then mkdir -p "./speedtest-cli" fi if [ -f "./speedtest.tgz" ]; then tar -zxf speedtest.tgz -C ./speedtest-cli chmod 777 ./speedtest-cli/speedtest rm -rf speedtest.tgz* elif [ -f "./speedtest.tar.gz" ]; then tar -zxf speedtest.tar.gz -C ./speedtest-cli chmod 777 ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go rm -rf speedtest.tar.gz* else _red "Error: Failed to download speedtest tool." exit 1 fi } install_speedtest() { sys_bit="" local sysarch="$(uname -m)" case "${sysarch}" in "x86_64" | "x86" | "amd64" | "x64") sys_bit="x86_64" ;; "i386" | "i686") sys_bit="i386" ;; "aarch64" | "armv7l" | "armv8" | "armv8l") sys_bit="aarch64" ;; "s390x") sys_bit="s390x" ;; "riscv64") sys_bit="riscv64" ;; "ppc64le") sys_bit="ppc64le" ;; "ppc64") sys_bit="ppc64" ;; *) sys_bit="x86_64" ;; esac download_speedtest_file "${sys_bit}" } get_string_length() { local nodeName="$1" local length local converted converted=$(echo -n "$nodeName" | iconv -f utf8 -t gb2312 2>/dev/null) if [[ $? -eq 0 && -n "$converted" ]]; then length=$(echo -n "$converted" | wc -c) echo $length return fi converted=$(echo -n "$nodeName" | iconv -f utf8 -t big5 2>/dev/null) if [[ $? -eq 0 && -n "$converted" ]]; then length=$(echo -n "$converted" | wc -c) echo $length return fi length=$(echo -n "$nodeName" | awk '{len=0; for(i=1;i<=length($0);i++){c=substr($0,i,1);if(c~/[^\x00-\x7F]/){len+=2}else{len++}}; print len}') echo $length } speed_test() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 local nodeName="$2" if [ ! -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then if [ -z "$1" ]; then if [ "$usage_timeout" = true ]; then timeout 70s ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --ua="${BrowserUA}" >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 else ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --ua="${BrowserUA}" >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 fi else if [ "$usage_timeout" = true ]; then timeout 70s ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --server=$1 --ua="${BrowserUA}" >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 else ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --server=$1 --ua="${BrowserUA}" >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 fi fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local dl_speed=$(grep -oP 'Download: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) local up_speed=$(grep -oP 'Upload: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) local latency=$(grep -oP 'Latency: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) if [[ -n "${latency}" && "${latency}" == *.* ]]; then latency=$(awk '{printf "%.2f", $1}' <<<"${latency}") fi if [[ -n "${dl_speed}" || -n "${up_speed}" || -n "${latency}" ]]; then if [[ $selection =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; then echo -e "${nodeName}\t ${up_speed}Mbps\t ${dl_speed}Mbps\t ${latency}ms\t" else length=$(get_string_length "$nodeName") if [ $length -ge 8 ]; then echo -e "${nodeName}\t ${up_speed}Mbps\t ${dl_speed}Mbps\t ${latency}ms\t" else echo -e "${nodeName}\t\t ${up_speed}Mbps\t ${dl_speed}Mbps\t ${latency}ms\t" fi fi fi fi else if [ -z "$1" ]; then ./speedtest-cli/speedtest --progress=no --accept-license --accept-gdpr >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 else ./speedtest-cli/speedtest --progress=no --server-id=$1 --accept-license --accept-gdpr >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local dl_speed=$(awk '/Download/{print $3" "$4}' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) local up_speed=$(awk '/Upload/{print $3" "$4}' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) if [ "$speedtest_ver" = "1.2.0" ]; then local latency=$(grep -oP 'Idle Latency:\s+\K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) else local latency=$(grep -oP 'Latency:\s+\K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) fi local packet_loss=$(awk -F': +' '/Packet Loss/{if($2=="Not available."){print "NULL"}else{print $2}}' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) if [[ -n "${dl_speed}" || -n "${up_speed}" || -n "${latency}" ]]; then if [[ $selection =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; then echo -e "${nodeName}\t ${up_speed}\t ${dl_speed}\t ${latency}\t $packet_loss" else length=$(get_string_length "$nodeName") if [ $length -ge 8 ]; then echo -e "${nodeName}\t ${up_speed}\t ${dl_speed}\t ${latency}\t $packet_loss" else echo -e "${nodeName}\t\t ${up_speed}\t ${dl_speed}\t ${latency}\t $packet_loss" fi fi fi fi fi } is_ipv4() { local ip=$1 local regex="^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$" if [[ $ip =~ $regex ]]; then return 0 # 符合IPv4格式 else return 1 # 不符合IPv4格式 fi } test_list() { local list=("$@") if [ ${#list[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "列表为空,程序退出" return fi for ((i = 0; i < ${#list[@]}; i += 1)); do id=$(echo "${list[i]}" | cut -d',' -f1) name=$(echo "${list[i]}" | cut -d',' -f2) speed_test "$id" "$name" done } temp_head() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "------------------------------Speedtest---------------------------------" if [[ $selection =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; then if [ -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then echo -e "Location\t Upload\t\t Download\t Delay\t Loss" else echo -e "Location\t Upload\t\t Download\t Delay" fi else if [ -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then echo -e "Location\t Upload\t\t Download\t Delay\t Loss" else echo -e "Location\t Upload\t\t Download\t Delay" fi fi else echo "--------------------自动更新测速节点列表--本脚本原创--------------------" if [[ $selection =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; then if [ -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then echo -e "位置\t 上传速度\t 下载速度\t 延迟\t 丢包率" else echo -e "位置\t 上传速度\t 下载速度\t 延迟" fi else if [ -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then echo -e "位置\t\t 上传速度\t 下载速度\t 延迟\t 丢包率" else echo -e "位置\t\t 上传速度\t 下载速度\t 延迟" fi fi fi } ping_test() { local ip="$1" local result="$(ping -c1 -w3 "$ip" 2>/dev/null | awk -F '/' 'END {print $5}')" echo "$ip,$result" } get_nearest_data() { local url="$1" local data=() local response if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then local retries=0 while [[ $retries -lt 2 ]]; do response=$(curl -sL -m 2 "$url") if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then break else retries=$((retries + 1)) sleep 1 fi done if [[ $retries -eq 2 ]]; then url="${cdn_success_url}${url}" response=$(curl -sL -m 6 "$url") fi else url="${cdn_success_url}${url}" response=$(curl -sL -m 8 "$url") fi while read line; do if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then local id=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') local city=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/ //g' | awk -F ',' '{print $4}') local ip=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') if [[ "$id,$city,$ip" == "id,city,ip" ]]; then continue fi if [[ $url == *"Mobile"* ]]; then city="移动${city}" elif [[ $url == *"Telecom"* ]]; then city="电信${city}" elif [[ $url == *"Unicom"* ]]; then city="联通${city}" fi if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/洛杉矶/US_LosAngeles/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/法兰克福/DE_Frankfurt/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/新加坡/SG_Singapore/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/中国香港/HK_HongKong/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/日本东京/JP_Tokyo/g') fi data+=("$id,$city,$ip") fi done <<<"$response" rm -f /tmp/pingtest # 并行ping测试所有IP for ((i = 0; i < ${#data[@]}; i++)); do { ip=$(echo "${data[$i]}" | awk -F ',' '{print $3}') ping_test "$ip" >>/tmp/pingtest } & done wait # 取IP顺序列表results output=$(cat /tmp/pingtest) rm -f /tmp/pingtest IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a lines <<<"$output" results=() for line in "${lines[@]}"; do field=$(echo "$line" | cut -d',' -f1) results+=("$field") done # 比对data取IP对应的数组 sorted_data=() for result in "${results[@]}"; do for item in "${data[@]}"; do if [[ "$item" == *"$result"* ]]; then id=$(echo "$item" | cut -d',' -f1) name=$(echo "$item" | cut -d',' -f2) sorted_data+=("$id,$name") fi done done sorted_data=("${sorted_data[@]:0:2}") # 返回结果 echo "${sorted_data[@]}" } checknslookup() { _yellow "checking nslookup" if ! command -v nslookup &>/dev/null; then _yellow "Installing dnsutils" ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} dnsutils fi } get_ip_from_url() { nslookup -querytype=A $1 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Name:/ {next;} /^Address: / { print $2 }' } get_nearest_data2() { local url="$1" local data=() local response if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then local retries=0 while [[ $retries -lt 2 ]]; do response=$(curl -sL -m 2 "$url") if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then break else retries=$((retries + 1)) sleep 1 fi done if [[ $retries -eq 2 ]]; then url="${cdn_success_url}${url}" response=$(curl -sL -m 6 "$url") fi else url="${cdn_success_url}${url}" response=$(curl -sL -m 8 "$url") fi ip_list=() city_list=() while read line; do if [[ -n "$line" ]]; then # local id=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') local city=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/ //g' | awk -F ',' '{print $9}') city=${city/市/} city=${city/中国/} local host=$(echo "$line" | awk -F ',' '{print $6}') local host_url=$(echo $host | sed 's/:.*//') if [[ "$host,$city" == "host,city" || "$city" == *"香港"* || "$city" == *"台湾"* ]]; then continue fi if is_ipv4 "$host_url"; then local ip="$host_url" else local ip=$(get_ip_from_url ${host_url}) fi if [[ $url == *"mobile"* ]]; then city="移动${city}" elif [[ $url == *"telecom"* ]]; then city="电信${city}" elif [[ $url == *"unicom"* ]]; then city="联通${city}" fi if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/洛杉矶/US_LosAngeles/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/法兰克福/DE_Frankfurt/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/新加坡/SG_Singapore/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/中国香港/HK_HongKong/g') city=$(echo "$city" | sed 's/日本东京/JP_Tokyo/g') fi if [[ ! " ${ip_list[@]} " =~ " ${ip} " ]] && [[ ! " ${city_list[@]} " =~ " ${city} " ]]; then data+=("$host,$city,$ip") ip_list+=("$ip") city_list+=("$city") fi fi done <<<"$response" rm -f /tmp/pingtest for ((i = 0; i < ${#data[@]}; i++)); do { ip=$(echo "${ip_list[$i]}") ping_test "$ip" >>/tmp/pingtest } & done wait output=$(cat /tmp/pingtest) rm -f /tmp/pingtest IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a lines <<<"$output" results=() for line in "${lines[@]}"; do field=$(echo "$line" | cut -d',' -f1) results+=("$field") done sorted_data=() for result in "${results[@]}"; do for item in "${data[@]}"; do if [[ "$(echo "$item" | cut -d ',' -f 3)" == "$result" ]]; then # if [[ "$item" == *"$result"* ]]; then host=$(echo "$item" | cut -d',' -f1) name=$(echo "$item" | cut -d',' -f2) sorted_data+=("$host,$name") fi done done sorted_data=("${sorted_data[@]:0:2}") echo "${sorted_data[@]}" } speed_test2() { local nodeName="$2" if [ ! -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then if [ -z "$1" ]; then if [ "$usage_timeout" = true ]; then timeout 70s ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 else ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 fi else if [ "$usage_timeout" = true ]; then timeout 70s ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --custom-url=http://"$1"/upload.php >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 else ./speedtest-cli/speedtest-go --custom-url=http://"$1"/upload.php >./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log 2>&1 fi fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local dl_speed=$(grep -oP 'Download: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) local up_speed=$(grep -oP 'Upload: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) local latency=$(grep -oP 'Latency: \K[\d\.]+' ./speedtest-cli/speedtest.log) if [[ -n "${latency}" && "${latency}" == *.* ]]; then latency=$(awk '{printf "%.2f", $1}' <<<"${latency}") fi if [[ -n "${dl_speed}" || -n "${up_speed}" || -n "${latency}" ]]; then if [[ $selection =~ ^[1-5]$ ]]; then echo -e "\r${nodeName}\t ${up_speed} Mbps\t ${dl_speed} Mbps\t ${latency}\t" else length=$(get_string_length "$nodeName") if [ $length -ge 8 ]; then echo -e "\r${nodeName}\t ${up_speed} Mbps\t ${dl_speed} Mbps\t ${latency}\t" else echo -e "\r${nodeName}\t\t ${up_speed} Mbps\t ${dl_speed} Mbps\t ${latency}\t" fi fi fi fi fi } check_to_cn_test() { local provider_list="$1" local use_all="$2" shift 2 local data_array=("$@") if [ "$test_network_type" == ".cn" ]; then data_array=($(get_nearest_data2 "${SERVER_BASE_URL2}/${provider_list}")) >/dev/null 2>&1 wait if [ ${#data_array[@]} -eq 0 ]; then return else unset -f speed_test speed_test() { speed_test2 "$@"; } echo -en "\r测速中 \r" if [ "$use_all" = "true" ]; then test_list "${data_array[@]}" else test_list "${data_array[0]}" fi fi elif [ ${#data_array[@]} -eq 0 ] && [ -z "$test_network_type" ]; then echo -n "该运营商.net的节点列表为空,正在替换为.cn的节点列表。。。" CN=true if [ -f "./speedtest-cli/speedtest" ]; then rm -rf ./speedtest-cli/speedtest (install_speedtest >/dev/null 2>&1) fi data_array=($(get_nearest_data2 "${SERVER_BASE_URL2}/${provider_list}")) >/dev/null 2>&1 wait if [ ${#data_array[@]} -eq 0 ]; then return else unset -f speed_test speed_test() { speed_test2 "$@"; } echo -en "\r测速中 \r" if [ "$use_all" = "true" ]; then test_list "${data_array[@]}" else test_list "${data_array[0]}" fi fi else if [ "$use_all" = "true" ]; then test_list "${data_array[@]}" else test_list "${data_array[0]}" fi fi } speed() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return local ip4=$(echo "$IPV4" | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '[:space:]') if [[ -z "${ip4}" ]]; then return fi temp_head if [ "$test_network_type" != ".cn" ]; then speed_test '' 'Speedtest.net' fi test_list "${ls_sg_hk_jp[@]}" if [ "$en_status" = false ]; then check_to_cn_test "unicom.csv" "true" "${CN_Unicom[@]}" check_to_cn_test "telecom.csv" "true" "${CN_Telecom[@]}" check_to_cn_test "mobile.csv" "true" "${CN_Mobile[@]}" fi } speed2() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return local ip4=$(echo "$IPV4" | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '[:space:]') if [[ -z "${ip4}" ]]; then return fi temp_head if [ "$test_network_type" != ".cn" ]; then speed_test '' 'Speedtest.net' fi if [ "$en_status" = false ]; then check_to_cn_test "unicom.csv" "false" "${CN_Unicom[0]}" check_to_cn_test "telecom.csv" "false" "${CN_Telecom[0]}" check_to_cn_test "mobile.csv" "false" "${CN_Mobile[0]}" fi } # =============== 磁盘测试 部分 =============== Run_DiskTest_DD() { # 调用方式: Run_DiskTest_DD "测试文件名" "块大小" "写入次数" "测试项目名称" mkdir -p /.tmp_LBench/DiskTest >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p ${WorkDir}/data >/dev/null 2>&1 local Var_DiskTestResultFile="${WorkDir}/data/disktest_result" # 将先测试读, 后测试写 echo -n -e " $4\t\t->\c" # 清理缓存, 避免影响测试结果 sync if [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "docker" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "openvz" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "lxc" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "wsl" ]; then echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # 避免磁盘压力过高, 启动测试前暂停1s sleep 1 # 正式写测试 dd if=/dev/zero of=/.tmp_LBench/DiskTest/$1 bs=$2 count=$3 oflag=direct 2>${Var_DiskTestResultFile} local DiskTest_WriteSpeed_ResultRAW="$(cat ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,4} kB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} kB/s|[0-9]{1,4} KB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} KB/s|[0-9]{1,4} MB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} MB/s|[0-9]{1,4} GB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} GB/s|[0-9]{1,4} TB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} TB/s|[0-9]{1,4} kB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} kB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} KB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} KB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} MB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} MB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} GB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} GB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} TB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} TB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} bytes/sec")" DiskTest_WriteSpeed="$(echo "${DiskTest_WriteSpeed_ResultRAW}" | sed "s/秒/s/")" local DiskTest_WriteTime_ResultRAW="$(cat ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} s|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} s|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} 秒|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} 秒")" DiskTest_WriteTime="$(echo ${DiskTest_WriteTime_ResultRAW} | awk '{print $1}')" DiskTest_WriteIOPS=$(awk -v t="${DiskTest_WriteTime}" -v c="${3}" 'BEGIN{ printf "%.0f\n", c / t }') DiskTest_WritePastTime="$(echo ${DiskTest_WriteTime} | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1}')" if [ ${DiskTest_WriteIOPS} -ge 10000 ]; then DiskTest_WriteIOPS=$(awk -v i="${DiskTest_WriteIOPS}" 'BEGIN{ printf "%.2f\n", i / 1000 }') echo -n -e "\r $4\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${DiskTest_WriteSpeed} (${DiskTest_WriteIOPS}K IOPS, ${DiskTest_WritePastTime}s)${Font_Suffix}\t\t->\c" else echo -n -e "\r $4\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${DiskTest_WriteSpeed} (${DiskTest_WriteIOPS} IOPS, ${DiskTest_WritePastTime}s)${Font_Suffix}\t\t->\c" fi # 清理结果文件, 准备下一次测试 rm -f ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} # 清理缓存, 避免影响测试结果 sync if [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "docker" ] && [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMTypeShort}" != "wsl" ]; then if [ -w /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ]; then echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi sleep 0.5 # 正式读测试 dd if=/.tmp_LBench/DiskTest/$1 of=/dev/null bs=$2 count=$3 iflag=direct 2>${Var_DiskTestResultFile} local DiskTest_ReadSpeed_ResultRAW="$(cat ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,4} kB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} kB/s|[0-9]{1,4} KB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} KB/s|[0-9]{1,4} MB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} MB/s|[0-9]{1,4} GB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} GB/s|[0-9]{1,4} TB/s|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} TB/s|[0-9]{1,4} kB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} kB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} KB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} KB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} MB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} MB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} GB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} GB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} TB/秒|[0-9]{1,4}.[0-9]{1,2} TB/秒|[0-9]{1,4} bytes/sec")" DiskTest_ReadSpeed="$(echo "${DiskTest_ReadSpeed_ResultRAW}" | sed "s/s/s/")" local DiskTest_ReadTime_ResultRAW="$(cat ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} s|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} s|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} 秒|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,} 秒")" DiskTest_ReadTime="$(echo ${DiskTest_ReadTime_ResultRAW} | awk '{print $1}')" DiskTest_ReadIOPS="$(echo ${DiskTest_ReadTime} $3 | awk '{printf "%d\n",$2/$1}')" DiskTest_ReadPastTime="$(echo ${DiskTest_ReadTime} | awk '{printf "%.2f\n",$1}')" rm -f ${Var_DiskTestResultFile} # 输出结果 echo -n -e "\r $4\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${DiskTest_WriteSpeed} (${DiskTest_WriteIOPS} IOPS, ${DiskTest_WritePastTime}s)${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${DiskTest_ReadSpeed} (${DiskTest_ReadIOPS} IOPS, ${DiskTest_ReadPastTime}s)${Font_Suffix}\n" rm -rf /.tmp_LBench/DiskTest/ } Function_DiskTest_Fast() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> Disk test in progress (4K Block/1M Block, Direct Mode)${Font_Suffix}" else echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> 磁盘IO测试中 (4K Block/1M Block, Direct Mode)${Font_Suffix}" fi if [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMType}" = "docker" ] || [ "${Result_Systeminfo_VMMType}" = "wsl" ]; then echo -e " ${Msg_Warning}Due to virt architecture limit, the result may affect by the cache !" fi if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}Block Size\t\tWrite Test\t\t\t\tRead Test${Font_Suffix}" else echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}测试操作\t\t写速度\t\t\t\t\t读速度${Font_Suffix}" fi Run_DiskTest_DD "100MB.test" "4k" "25600" "100MB-4K Block" Run_DiskTest_DD "1GB.test" "1M" "1000" "1GB-1M Block" sleep 0.5 } # =============== SysBench - 内存性能 部分 =============== Run_SysBench_Memory() { # 调用方式: Run_SysBench_Memory "线程数" "测试时长(s)" "测试遍数" "测试模式(读/写)" "读写方式(顺序/随机)" "说明" # 变量初始化 maxtestcount="$3" local count="1" local TestScore="0.00" local TestSpeed="0.00" local TotalScore="0.00" local TotalSpeed="0.00" if [ "$1" -ge "2" ]; then MultiThread_Flag="1" else MultiThread_Flag="0" fi # 运行测试 while [ $count -le $maxtestcount ]; do if [ "$1" -ge "2" ] && [ "$4" = "write" ]; then echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t$count/$maxtestcount \c" else echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t\t$count/$maxtestcount \c" fi local TestResult="$(sysbench --test=memory --num-threads=$1 --memory-block-size=1M --memory-total-size=102400G --memory-oper=$4 --max-time=$2 --memory-access-mode=$5 run 2>&1)" # 判断是MB还是MiB echo "${TestResult}" | grep -oE "MiB" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local MiB_Flag="1" else local MiB_Flag="0" fi local TestScore="$(echo "${TestResult}" | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2} ops/sec|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2} per second" | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2}")" local TestSpeed="$(echo "${TestResult}" | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2} MB/sec|[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2} MiB/sec" | grep -oE "[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,2}")" local TotalScore="$(echo "${TotalScore} ${TestScore}" | awk '{printf "%.2f",$1+$2}')" local TotalSpeed="$(echo "${TotalSpeed} ${TestSpeed}" | awk '{printf "%.2f",$1+$2}')" let count=count+1 local TestResult="" local TestScore="0.00" local TestSpeed="0.00" done ResultScore="$(echo "${TotalScore} ${maxtestcount} 1000" | awk '{printf "%.2f",$1/$2/$3}')" if [ "${MiB_Flag}" = "1" ]; then # MiB to MB ResultSpeed="$(echo "${TotalSpeed} ${maxtestcount} 1048576 1000000" | awk '{printf "%.2f",$1/$2/$3*$4}')" else # 直接输出 ResultSpeed="$(echo "${TotalSpeed} ${maxtestcount}" | awk '{printf "%.2f",$1/$2}')" fi # 1线程的测试结果写入临时变量,方便与后续的多线程变量做对比 if [ "$1" = "1" ] && [ "$4" = "read" ]; then LBench_Result_MemoryReadSpeedSingle="${ResultSpeed}" elif [ "$1" = "1" ] && [ "$4" = "write" ]; then LBench_Result_MemoryWriteSpeedSingle="${ResultSpeed}" fi if [ "${MultiThread_Flag}" = "1" ]; then # 如果是多线程测试,输出与1线程测试对比的倍率 if [ "$1" -ge "2" ] && [ "$4" = "read" ]; then LBench_Result_MemoryReadSpeedMulti="${ResultSpeed}" local readmultiple="$(echo "${LBench_Result_MemoryReadSpeedMulti} ${LBench_Result_MemoryReadSpeedSingle}" | awk '{printf "%.2f", $1/$2}')" echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${LBench_Result_MemoryReadSpeedMulti}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}MB/s${Font_Suffix} (${readmultiple} x)" elif [ "$1" -ge "2" ] && [ "$4" = "write" ]; then LBench_Result_MemoryWriteSpeedMulti="${ResultSpeed}" local writemultiple="$(echo "${LBench_Result_MemoryWriteSpeedMulti} ${LBench_Result_MemoryWriteSpeedSingle}" | awk '{printf "%.2f", $1/$2}')" echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${LBench_Result_MemoryWriteSpeedMulti}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}MB/s${Font_Suffix} (${writemultiple} x)" fi else if [ "$4" = "read" ]; then echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${ResultSpeed}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}MB/s${Font_Suffix}" elif [ "$4" = "write" ]; then echo -e "\r ${Font_Yellow}$6:${Font_Suffix}\t\t${Font_SkyBlue}${ResultSpeed}${Font_Suffix} ${Font_Yellow}MB/s${Font_Suffix}" fi fi sleep 0.5 } Function_SysBench_Memory_Fast() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> Memory Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)${Font_Suffix}" Run_SysBench_Memory "1" "5" "1" "read" "seq" "Single Read Test" Run_SysBench_Memory "1" "5" "1" "write" "seq" "Single Write Test" else echo -e " ${Font_Yellow}-> 内存测试 Test (Fast Mode, 1-Pass @ 5sec)${Font_Suffix}" Run_SysBench_Memory "1" "5" "1" "read" "seq" "单线程读测试" Run_SysBench_Memory "1" "5" "1" "write" "seq" "单线程写测试" fi sleep 0.5 } # =============== 机器配置检测 部分 =============== calc_disk() { local total_size=0 local array=$@ for size in ${array[@]}; do [ "${size}" == "0" ] && size_t=0 || size_t=$(echo ${size:0:${#size}-1}) [ "$(echo ${size:(-1)})" == "K" ] && size=0 [ "$(echo ${size:(-1)})" == "M" ] && size=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' / 1024}') [ "$(echo ${size:(-1)})" == "T" ] && size=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' * 1024}') [ "$(echo ${size:(-1)})" == "G" ] && size=${size_t} [ "$(echo ${size:(-1)})" == "E" ] && size=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' * 1024 * 1024}') total_size=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$total_size' + '$size'}') done echo ${total_size} } is_private_ipv4() { local ip_address=$1 local ip_parts if [[ -z $ip_address ]]; then return 0 # 输入为空 fi IFS='.' read -r -a ip_parts <<<"$ip_address" # 检查IP地址是否符合内网IP地址的范围 # 去除 回环,RFC 1918,多播,RFC 6598 地址 if [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 10 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 172 && ${ip_parts[1]} -ge 16 && ${ip_parts[1]} -le 31 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 192 && ${ip_parts[1]} -eq 168 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 127 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 0 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -eq 100 && ${ip_parts[1]} -ge 64 && ${ip_parts[1]} -le 127 ]] || [[ ${ip_parts[0]} -ge 224 ]]; then return 0 # 是内网IP地址 else return 1 # 不是内网IP地址 fi } check_ipv4() { rm -rf /tmp/ip_quality_ipv4 IPV4=$(ip -4 addr show | grep global | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f1 | head -n 1) local response if is_private_ipv4 "$IPV4"; then # 由于是内网IPV4地址,需要通过API获取外网地址 IPV4="" local API_NET=("ipv4.ip.sb" "ipget.net" "ip.ping0.cc" "https://ip4.seeip.org" "https://api.my-ip.io/ip" "https://ipv4.icanhazip.com" "api.ipify.org") for p in "${API_NET[@]}"; do response=$(curl -s4m8 "$p") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && ! echo "$response" | grep -q "error"; then IP_API="$p" IPV4="$response" break fi done fi echo $IPV4 >/tmp/ip_quality_ipv4 } is_private_ipv6() { local address=$1 local temp="0" # 输入为空 if [[ ! -n $address ]]; then temp="1" fi # 输入不含:符号 if [[ -n $address && $address != *":"* ]]; then temp="2" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以fe80开头(链接本地地址) if [[ $address == fe80:* ]]; then temp="3" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以fc00或fd00开头(唯一本地地址) if [[ $address == fc00:* || $address == fd00:* ]]; then temp="4" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以2001:db8开头(文档前缀) if [[ $address == 2001:db8* ]]; then temp="5" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以::1开头(环回地址) if [[ $address == ::1 ]]; then temp="6" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以::ffff:开头(IPv4映射地址) if [[ $address == ::ffff:* ]]; then temp="7" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以2002:开头(6to4隧道地址) if [[ $address == 2002:* ]]; then temp="8" fi # 检查IPv6地址是否以2001:开头(Teredo隧道地址) if [[ $address == 2001:* ]]; then temp="9" fi if [ "$temp" -gt 0 ]; then # 非公网情况 return 0 else # 其他情况为公网地址 return 1 fi } check_ipv6() { rm -rf /tmp/ip_quality_ipv6 IPV6=$(ip -6 addr show | grep global | awk '{print length, $2}' | sort -nr | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d '/' -f1) local response if is_private_ipv6 "$IPV6"; then # 由于是内网IPV4地址,需要通过API获取外网地址 IPV6="" local API_NET=("ipv6.ip.sb" "https://ipget.net" "ipv6.ping0.cc" "https://api.my-ip.io/ip" "https://ipv6.icanhazip.com") for p in "${API_NET[@]}"; do response=$(curl -sLk6m8 "$p" | tr -d '[:space:]') sleep 1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] && ! echo "$response" | grep -q "error"; then IPV6="$response" break fi done fi echo $IPV6 >/tmp/ip_quality_ipv6 } check_ip_info_by_ipinfo() { # ipinfo.io rm -rf /tmp/ipinfo # 获取IPv4的asn、city、region、country # 通过纯curl获取 local ip_info=$(curl -s http://ipinfo.io 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then local ip=$(echo "$ip_info" | grep -o '"ip": "[^"]*' | cut -d'"' -f4) local city=$(echo "$ip_info" | grep -o '"city": "[^"]*' | cut -d'"' -f4) local region=$(echo "$ip_info" | grep -o '"region": "[^"]*' | cut -d'"' -f4) local country=$(echo "$ip_info" | grep -o '"country": "[^"]*' | cut -d'"' -f4) local asn=$(echo "$ip_info" | awk -F'"' '/"org":/{gsub(/^[^:]*: "/, ""); gsub(/"$/, ""); print $0}') if [ -z "$asn" ] || echo "$asn" | grep -qE "(Comodo Secure DNS|Rate limit exceeded)|Your client does not have permission to get URL" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" else local ipv4_city=$(echo "$city") local ipv4_region=$(echo "$region") local ipv4_country=$(echo "$country") if [ -n "$asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region} / ${ipv4_country}" elif [ -n "$asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -z "$ipv4_region" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region}" elif [[ -n $asn && -n $ipv4_city ]]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city}" else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi fi else # 通过模拟浏览器请求获取 local ipv4_asn=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla ipinfo.io/org 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] || echo "$ipv4_asn" | grep -qE "(Comodo Secure DNS|Rate limit exceeded)|Your client does not have permission to get URL" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" else local ipv4_city=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla ipinfo.io/city 2>/dev/null) local ipv4_region=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla ipinfo.io/region 2>/dev/null) local ipv4_country=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla ipinfo.io/country 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${ipv4_asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region} / ${ipv4_country}" elif [[ -n $ipv4_asn && -n $ipv4_city && -n $ipv4_region ]]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${ipv4_asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region}" elif [[ -n $ipv4_asn && -n $ipv4_city ]]; then local ipv4_asn_info="${ipv4_asn}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city}" else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi fi fi # 去除最后一个双引号后的内容 if [[ $ipv4_asn_info == *"\""* ]]; then ipv4_asn_info="${ipv4_asn_info%\"*}" fi if [[ $ipv4_location == *"\""* ]]; then ipv4_location="${ipv4_location%\"*}" fi if [[ $ipv6_asn_info == *"\""* ]]; then ipv6_asn_info="${ipv4_asn_info%\"*}" fi if [[ $ipv6_location == *"\""* ]]; then ipv6_location="${ipv6_location%\"*}" fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv4_asn_info" >>/tmp/ipinfo echo "$ipv4_location" >>/tmp/ipinfo # 获取IPv6的asn、city和region - 无 - 该站点不支持IPV6网络识别 local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" # 返回结果 echo "$ipv6_asn_info" >>/tmp/ipinfo echo "$ipv6_location" >>/tmp/ipinfo } check_ip_info_by_cloudflare() { # cloudflare.com rm -rf /tmp/cloudflare # 获取 IPv4 信息 local ipv4_output=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla https://speed.cloudflare.com/meta 2>/dev/null) # 提取 IPv4 的 asn、asOrganization、city 和 region local ipv4_asn=$(echo "$ipv4_output" | grep -oE '"asn":[0-9]+' | grep -oE '[0-9]+') local ipv4_as_organization=$(echo "$ipv4_output" | grep -oE '"asOrganization":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') local ipv4_city=$(echo "$ipv4_output" | grep -oE '"city":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') local ipv4_region=$(echo "$ipv4_output" | grep -oE '"region":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') if [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_region}" else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi # 去除双引号 if [[ $ipv4_asn_info == *"\""* ]]; then ipv4_asn_info="${ipv4_asn_info%\"*}" fi if [[ $ipv4_location == *"\""* ]]; then ipv4_location="${ipv4_location%\"*}" fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv4_asn_info" >>/tmp/cloudflare echo "$ipv4_location" >>/tmp/cloudflare # 获取 IPv6 信息 sleep 1 local ipv6_output=$(curl -ksL6m6 -A Mozilla https://speed.cloudflare.com/meta 2>/dev/null) # 提取 IPv6 的 asn、asOrganization、city 和 region local ipv6_asn=$(echo "$ipv6_output" | grep -oE '"asn":[0-9]+' | grep -oE '[0-9]+') local ipv6_as_organization=$(echo "$ipv6_output" | grep -oE '"asOrganization":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') local ipv6_city=$(echo "$ipv6_output" | grep -oE '"city":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') local ipv6_region=$(echo "$ipv6_output" | grep -oE '"region":"[^"]+"' | grep -oE '":"[^"]+"' | sed 's/":"//g') if [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} / ${ipv6_region}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_region}" else local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" fi # 去除双引号 if [[ $ipv6_asn_info == *"\""* ]]; then ipv6_asn_info="${ipv6_asn_info%\"*}" fi if [[ $ipv6_location == *"\""* ]]; then ipv6_location="${ipv6_location%\"*}" fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv6_asn_info" >>/tmp/cloudflare echo "$ipv6_location" >>/tmp/cloudflare } check_ip_info_by_ipsb() { # ip.sb rm -rf /tmp/ipsb local result_ipv4=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla https://api.ip.sb/geoip 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] || echo "$result_ipv4" | grep -qE "(Comodo Secure DNS|Rate limit exceeded)|Your client does not have permission to get URL" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" else # 获取IPv4的asn、city、region、country if [ -n "$result_ipv4" ]; then local ipv4_asn=$(expr "$result_ipv4" : '.*asn\":[ ]*\([0-9]*\).*') local ipv4_as_organization=$(expr "$result_ipv4" : '.*isp\":[ ]*\"\([^"]*\).*') local ipv4_city=$(echo $result_ipv4 | grep -oE '"city":"[^"]+"' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d '"') local ipv4_region=$(echo $result_ipv4 | grep -oE '"region":"[^"]+"' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d '"') local ipv4_country=$(echo "$result_ipv4" | grep -oP '(?<="country":")[^"]*') if [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region} / ${ipv4_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_region} / ${ipv4_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_as_organization" ] && { [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] || [ -n "$ipv4_region" ] || [ -n "$ipv4_country" ]; }; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_as_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} ${ipv4_region} ${ipv4_country}" else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv4_asn_info" >>/tmp/ipsb echo "$ipv4_location" >>/tmp/ipsb # 获取IPv6的asn、city、region、country sleep 1 local result_ipv6=$(curl -ksL6m6 -A Mozilla https://api.ip.sb/geoip 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] || echo "$result_ipv6" | grep -qE "(Comodo Secure DNS|Rate limit exceeded)|Your client does not have permission to get URL" >/dev/null 2>&1; then local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" else if [ -n "$result_ipv6" ]; then local ipv6_asn=$(expr "$result_ipv6" : '.*asn\":[ ]*\([0-9]*\).*') local ipv6_as_organization=$(expr "$result_ipv6" : '.*isp\":[ ]*\"\([^"]*\).*') local ipv6_city=$(echo $result_ipv6 | grep -oE '"city":"[^"]+"' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d '"') local ipv6_region=$(echo $result_ipv6 | grep -oE '"region":"[^"]+"' | cut -d ":" -f2 | tr -d '"') local ipv6_country=$(echo "$result_ipv6" | grep -oP '(?<="country":")[^"]*') if [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_country" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} / ${ipv6_region} / ${ipv6_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} / ${ipv6_region}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_country" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} / ${ipv6_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_country" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_region} / ${ipv6_country}" elif [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_as_organization" ] && { [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] || [ -n "$ipv6_region" ] || [ -n "$ipv6_country" ]; }; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_as_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} ${ipv6_region} ${ipv6_country}" else local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" fi else local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" fi fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv6_asn_info" >>/tmp/ipsb echo "$ipv6_location" >>/tmp/ipsb } check_ip_info_by_cheervision() { # ipdata.cheervision.co rm -rf /tmp/cheervision local ipv4_result=$(curl -ksL4m6 -A Mozilla ipdata.cheervision.co 2>/dev/null) # 获取IPv4的asn、city、region if [ -n "$ipv4_result" ]; then local ipv4_asn=$(echo "$ipv4_result" | sed -n 's/.*"asn":\([0-9]*\),.*/\1/p') local ipv4_organization=$(echo "$ipv4_result" | sed -n 's/.*"organization":"\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p') local ipv4_city=$(echo "$ipv4_result" | sed -n 's/.*"city":"\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p') local ipv4_region=$(echo "$ipv4_result" | sed -n 's/.*"region":{"code":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p') if [ -n "$ipv4_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv4_region" ]; then local ipv4_asn_info="AS${ipv4_asn} ${ipv4_organization}" local ipv4_location="${ipv4_city} / ${ipv4_region}" else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi else local ipv4_asn_info="None" local ipv4_location="None" fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv4_asn_info" >>/tmp/cheervision echo "$ipv4_location" >>/tmp/cheervision # 获取IPv6的asn、city、region sleep 1 local ipv6_result=$(curl -ksL6m6 -A Mozilla ipdata.cheervision.co 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$ipv6_result" ]; then local ipv6_asn=$(echo "$ipv6_result" | sed -n 's/.*"asn":\([0-9]*\),.*/\1/p') local ipv6_organization=$(echo "$ipv6_result" | sed -n 's/.*"organization":"\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p') local ipv6_city=$(echo "$ipv6_result" | sed -n 's/.*"city":"\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p') local ipv6_region=$(echo "$ipv6_result" | sed -n 's/.*"region":{"code":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p') if [ -n "$ipv6_asn" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_organization" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_city" ] && [ -n "$ipv6_region" ]; then local ipv6_asn_info="AS${ipv6_asn} ${ipv6_organization}" local ipv6_location="${ipv6_city} / ${ipv6_region}" else local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" fi else local ipv6_asn_info="None" local ipv6_location="None" fi # 返回结果 echo "$ipv6_asn_info" >>/tmp/cheervision echo "$ipv6_location" >>/tmp/cheervision } get_system_info() { local ip4=$(echo "$IPV4" | tr -d '\n') arch=$(uname -m) if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo" ]; then : else disk_size1=($(LC_ALL=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem|udev|docker|snapd' | awk '{print $2}')) disk_size2=($(LC_ALL=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem|udev|docker|snapd' | awk '{print $3}')) disk_total_size=$(calc_disk "${disk_size1[@]}") disk_used_size=$(calc_disk "${disk_size2[@]}") fi if [ -f "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then cname=$(awk -F: '/model name/ {name=$2} END {print name}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//') cores=$(awk -F: '/processor/ {core++} END {print core}' /proc/cpuinfo) freq=$(awk -F'[ :]' '/cpu MHz/ {print $4;exit}' /proc/cpuinfo) ccache=$(awk -F: '/cache size/ {cache=$2} END {print cache}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//') CPU_AES=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes) CPU_VIRT=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'vmx\|svm') up=$(awk '{a=$1/86400;b=($1%86400)/3600;c=($1%3600)/60} {printf("%d days, %d hour %d min\n",a,b,c)}' /proc/uptime) if _exists "w"; then load=$( LANG=C w | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) elif _exists "uptime"; then load=$( LANG=C uptime | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) fi elif [ "${Var_OSRelease}" == "freebsd" ]; then cname=$($sysctl_path -n hw.model) cores=$($sysctl_path -n hw.ncpu) freq=$($sysctl_path -n dev.cpu.0.freq 2>/dev/null || echo "") ccache=$($sysctl_path -n hw.cacheconfig 2>/dev/null | awk -F: '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' || echo "") CPU_AES=$($sysctl_path -a | grep -E 'crypto.aesni' | awk '{print $2}') CPU_VIRT=$($sysctl_path -a | grep -E 'hw.vmx|hw.svm' | awk '{print $2}') up=$($sysctl_path -n kern.boottime | perl -MPOSIX -nE 'if (/sec = (\d+), usec = (\d+)/) { $boottime = $1; $uptime = time() - $boottime; $days = int($uptime / 86400); $hours = int(($uptime % 86400) / 3600); $minutes = int(($uptime % 3600) / 60); say "$days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes" }') if _exists "w"; then load=$(w | awk '{print $(NF-2), $(NF-1), $NF}' | head -n 1) elif _exists "uptime"; then load=$(uptime | awk '{print $(NF-2), $(NF-1), $NF}') fi fi if [ -z "$cname" ] || [ ! -e /proc/cpuinfo ]; then cname=$(lscpu | grep "Model name" | sed 's/Model name: *//g') if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ${PACKAGE_INSTALL[int]} util-linux cname=$(lscpu | grep "Model name" | sed 's/Model name: *//g') fi if [ -z "$cname" ]; then cname=$(cat /proc/device-tree/model) fi fi cname=$(echo -n "$cname" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -E 's/ +/ /g') if command -v free >/dev/null 2>&1; then if free -m | grep -q '内存'; then # 如果输出中包含 "内存" 关键词 tram=$(free -m | awk '/内存/{print $2}') uram=$(free -m | awk '/内存/{print $3}') swap=$(free -m | awk '/交换/{print $2}') uswap=$(free -m | awk '/交换/{print $3}') else # 否则,假定输出是英文的 tram=$( LANG=C free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}' ) uram=$( LANG=C free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $3}' ) swap=$( LANG=C free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $2}' ) uswap=$( LANG=C free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $3}' ) fi else tram=$($sysctl_path -n hw.physmem | awk '{printf "%.0f", $1/1024/1024}') uram=$($sysctl_path -n vm.stats.vm.v_active_count | awk '{printf "%.0f", $1/1024}') swap=$(swapinfo -k | awk 'NR>1{sum+=$2} END{printf "%.0f", sum/1024}') uswap=$(swapinfo -k | awk 'NR>1{sum+=$4} END{printf "%.0f", sum/1024}') fi if _exists "getconf"; then lbit=$(getconf LONG_BIT) else echo ${arch} | grep -q "64" && lbit="64" || lbit="32" fi kern=$(uname -r) if [ -z "$sysctl_path" ]; then tcpctrl="None" fi tcpctrl=$($sysctl_path -n net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then tcpctrl="TCP congestion control algorithm not set" else tcpctrl="未设置TCP拥塞控制算法" fi else if [ $tcpctrl == "bbr" ]; then : else if lsmod | grep bbr >/dev/null; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then reading "Should I turn on bbr before testing? (Enter to leave it on by default) [y/n] " confirmbbr else reading "是否要开启bbr再进行测试?(回车则默认不开启) [y/n] " confirmbbr fi echo "" if [ "$confirmbbr" != "y" ]; then echo "net.core.default_qdisc=fq" >>"$sysctl_conf" echo "net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=bbr" >>"$sysctl_conf" $sysctl_path -p fi tcpctrl=$($sysctl_path -n net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tcpctrl="None" fi fi fi fi } # =============== 正式输出 部分 =============== print_intro() { echo "--------------------- A Bench Script By spiritlhl ----------------------" if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo " Evaluation Channel: https://t.me/vps_reviews " echo "VPS Fusion Monster Version:$ver" echo "Shell Project: https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs" echo "Go Project: https://github.com/oneclickvirt/ecs" else echo " 测评频道: https://t.me/vps_reviews " echo "VPS融合怪版本:$ver" echo "Shell项目地址:https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs" echo "Go项目地址:https://github.com/oneclickvirt/ecs" fi } get_first_not_none_element() { local array=("$@") for element in "${array[@]}"; do if [[ "$element" != "None" && -n "$element" ]]; then echo "$element" return fi done } run_ip_info_check() { _yellow "run IP information check..." # 并行执行并发查询IP信息 check_ip_info_by_cloudflare & check_ip_info_by_ipinfo & check_ip_info_by_ipsb & check_ip_info_by_cheervision & wait } print_ip_info() { # 存储结果的四个列表 local ipv4_asn_info_list=() local ipv4_location_list=() local ipv6_asn_info_list=() local ipv6_location_list=() # 遍历每个函数的结果文件,读取内容到对应的列表中,按顺序来说越往后越不准 files=("/tmp/ipinfo" "/tmp/ipsb" "/tmp/cloudflare" "/tmp/cheervision") for file in "${files[@]}"; do { read -r asn_info read -r location read -r ipv6_asn_info read -r ipv6_location } <"$file" ipv4_asn_info_list+=("$asn_info") ipv4_location_list+=("$location") ipv6_asn_info_list+=("$ipv6_asn_info") ipv6_location_list+=("$ipv6_location") done # 找到每个列表中最长的第一个元素作为最终结果 local ipv4_asn_info=$(get_first_not_none_element "${ipv4_asn_info_list[@]}") local ipv4_location=$(get_first_not_none_element "${ipv4_location_list[@]}") local ipv6_asn_info=$(get_first_not_none_element "${ipv6_asn_info_list[@]}") local ipv6_location=$(get_first_not_none_element "${ipv6_location_list[@]}") # 删除缓存文件 for file in "${files[@]}"; do rm -rf ${file} done # 获取IPV6的子网掩码 if [ -f "${TEMP_DIR}/eo6s_result" ]; then local ipv6_prefixlen=$(check_and_cat_file "${TEMP_DIR}/eo6s_result") else local ipv6_prefixlen="" fi # 打印最终结果 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then if [[ -n "$ipv4_asn_info" && "$ipv4_asn_info" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV4 ASN : $(_blue "$ipv4_asn_info")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv4_location" && "$ipv4_location" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV4 Location : $(_blue "$ipv4_location")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_asn_info" && "$ipv6_asn_info" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 ASN : $(_blue "$ipv6_asn_info")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_location" && "$ipv6_location" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 Location : $(_blue "$ipv6_location")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_prefixlen" && "$ipv6_prefixlen" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 Subnet Mask : $(_blue "$ipv6_prefixlen")" fi else if [[ -n "$ipv4_asn_info" && "$ipv4_asn_info" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV4 ASN : $(_blue "$ipv4_asn_info")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv4_location" && "$ipv4_location" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV4 位置 : $(_blue "$ipv4_location")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_asn_info" && "$ipv6_asn_info" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 ASN : $(_blue "$ipv6_asn_info")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_location" && "$ipv6_location" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 位置 : $(_blue "$ipv6_location")" fi if [[ -n "$ipv6_prefixlen" && "$ipv6_prefixlen" != "None" && -n "$ipv6_asn_info" && "$ipv6_asn_info" != "None" ]]; then echo " IPV6 子网掩码 : $(_blue "$ipv6_prefixlen")" fi fi } print_system_info() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then if [ -n "$cname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Processor : $(_blue "$cname")" elif [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUModelName" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Processor : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUModelName")" else echo " Processor : $(_blue "Unable to detect Processor")" fi if [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" && "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" = "1" ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets" -ne 0 ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores" -ne 0 ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" -ne 0 ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets} Physical CPUs, ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores} Total Cores, ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads} Total Threads")" elif [ -n "$cores" ]; then echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "$cores")" else echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "Unable to detect CPU Numbers")" fi elif [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" && "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" = "0" ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" && "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" -ne 0 ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}")" elif [ -n "$cores" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "$cores")" else echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "Unable to detect CPU Numbers")" fi else echo " CPU Numbers : $(_blue "$cores")" fi if [ -n "$freq" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Frequency : $(_blue "$freq MHz")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL1" ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL2" ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL3" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Cache : $(_blue "L1: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL1} / L2: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL2} / L3: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL3}")" elif [ -n "$ccache" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU Cache : $(_blue "$ccache")" fi [[ -z "$CPU_AES" ]] && CPU_AES="✘ Disabled" || CPU_AES="✔ Enabled" echo " AES-NI : $(_blue "$CPU_AES")" [[ -z "$CPU_VIRT" ]] && CPU_VIRT="✘ Disabled" || CPU_VIRT="✔ Enabled" echo " VM-x/AMD-V : $(_blue "$CPU_VIRT")" if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " RAM : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo")" elif [ -n "$tram" ] && [ -n "$uram" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " RAM : $(_yellow "$tram MB") $(_blue "($uram MB 已用)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Swap : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo")" elif [ -n "$swap" ] && [ -n "$uswap" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Swap : $(_blue "$swap MB ($uswap MB 已用)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Disk Space : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo")" else echo " Disk Space : $(_yellow "$disk_total_size GB") $(_blue "($disk_used_size GB Usage)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_DiskRootPath" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Boot Disk : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_DiskRootPath")" fi echo " Uptime : $(_blue "$up")" echo " Loads : $(_blue "$load")" if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " OS Release : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull")" elif [ -n "$DISTRO" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " OS Release : $(_blue "$DISTRO")" fi echo " Arch : $(_blue "$arch ($lbit Bit)")" echo " Kernel Version : $(_blue "$kern")" echo " TCP Acceleration : $(_yellow "$tcpctrl")" echo " VM Type : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_VMMType")" [[ -n "$nat_type_r" ]] && echo " NAT Type : $(_blue "$nat_type_r")" else if [ -n "$cname" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 型号 : $(_blue "$cname")" elif [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUModelName" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 型号 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUModelName")" else echo " CPU 型号 : $(_blue "无法检测到CPU型号")" fi if [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" && "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" = "1" ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets" -ne 0 ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores" -ne 0 ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" ] && [ "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" -ne 0 ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUSockets} 物理核心, ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCores} 总核心, ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads} 总线程数")" elif [ -n "$cores" ]; then echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "$cores")" else echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "无法检测到CPU核心数量")" fi elif [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" && "$Result_Systeminfo_isPhysical" = "0" ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [[ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" && "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads" -ne 0 ]] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "${Result_Systeminfo_CPUThreads}")" elif [ -n "$cores" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "$cores")" else echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "无法检测到CPU核心数量")" fi else echo " CPU 核心数 : $(_blue "$cores")" fi if [ -n "$freq" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 频率 : $(_blue "$freq MHz")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL1" ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL2" ] && [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL3" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 缓存 : $(_blue "L1: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL1} / L2: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL2} / L3: ${Result_Systeminfo_CPUCacheSizeL3}")" elif [ -n "$ccache" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " CPU 缓存 : $(_blue "$ccache")" fi [[ -z "$CPU_AES" ]] && CPU_AES="\xE2\x9D\x8C Disabled" || CPU_AES="\xE2\x9C\x94 Enabled" echo " AES-NI指令集 : $(_blue "$CPU_AES")" [[ -z "$CPU_VIRT" ]] && CPU_VIRT="\xE2\x9D\x8C Disabled" || CPU_VIRT="\xE2\x9C\x94 Enabled" echo " VM-x/AMD-V支持 : $(_blue "$CPU_VIRT")" if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 内存 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Memoryinfo")" elif [ -n "$tram" ] && [ -n "$uram" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 内存 : $(_yellow "$tram MB") $(_blue "($uram MB 已用)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Swap : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Swapinfo")" elif [ -n "$swap" ] && [ -n "$uswap" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " Swap : $(_blue "$swap MB ($uswap MB 已用)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 硬盘空间 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_Diskinfo")" else echo " 硬盘空间 : $(_yellow "$disk_total_size GB") $(_blue "($disk_used_size GB 已用)")" fi if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_DiskRootPath" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 启动盘路径 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_DiskRootPath")" fi echo " 系统在线时间 : $(_blue "$up")" echo " 负载 : $(_blue "$load")" if [ -n "$Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 系统 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_OSReleaseNameFull")" elif [ -n "$DISTRO" ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo " 系统 : $(_blue "$DISTRO")" fi echo " 架构 : $(_blue "$arch ($lbit Bit)")" echo " 内核 : $(_blue "$kern")" echo " TCP加速方式 : $(_yellow "$tcpctrl")" echo " 虚拟化架构 : $(_blue "$Result_Systeminfo_VMMType")" [[ -n "$nat_type_r" ]] && echo " NAT类型 : $(_blue "$nat_type_r")" fi } print_end_time() { end_time=$(date +%s) start_time_abs=$(echo $start_time | tr -d -) end_time_abs=$(echo $end_time | tr -d -) time_abs_diff=$((${end_time_abs} - ${start_time_abs})) time=$(echo $time_abs_diff | tr -d -) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then if [ ${time} -gt 60 ]; then min=$(expr $time / 60) sec=$(expr $time % 60) echo " Total spent : ${min} min ${sec} sec" else echo " Total spent : ${time} sec" fi date_time=$(date) echo " Time : $date_time" else if [ ${time} -gt 60 ]; then min=$(expr $time / 60) sec=$(expr $time % 60) echo " 总共花费 : ${min} 分 ${sec} 秒" else echo " 总共花费 : ${time} 秒" fi date_time=$(date) echo " 时间 : $date_time" fi } check_lmc_script() { mv $TEMP_DIR/media_lmc_check.sh ./ } # =============== IP质量检测 部分 =============== # 为true时显示对应的数字序号,否则不显示 translate_status() { if [[ "$1" == "false" ]]; then echo "No" elif [[ "$1" == "true" ]]; then echo "Yes" else echo "$1" fi } google() { local curl_result=$(curl -sL -m 10 "https://www.google.com/search?q=www.spiritysdx.top" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0") rm -rf /tmp/ip_quality_google if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then if echo "$curl_result" | grep -q "二叉树的博客"; then echo "Google search feasibility: YES" >>/tmp/ip_quality_google else echo "Google search feasibility: NO" >>/tmp/ip_quality_google fi else if echo "$curl_result" | grep -q "二叉树的博客"; then echo "Google搜索可行性:YES" >>/tmp/ip_quality_google else echo "Google搜索可行性:NO" >>/tmp/ip_quality_google fi fi } security_check() { local language=$1 cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f "${TEMP_DIR}/securityCheck" ]; then chmod 777 ${TEMP_DIR}/securityCheck else return fi ${TEMP_DIR}/securityCheck -l $language | sed '1d' >>/tmp/ip_quality_security_check } email_check(){ cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f "${TEMP_DIR}/pck" ]; then chmod 777 ${TEMP_DIR}/pck else return fi ${TEMP_DIR}/pck | sed '1d' >>/tmp/ip_quality_email_check } ipcheck() { { google; } & if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then { security_check "en"; } & else { security_check "zh"; } & fi { email_check; } & wait check_and_cat_file "/tmp/ip_quality_security_check" check_and_cat_file "/tmp/ip_quality_google" if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "-------Email-Port-Detection--Base-On-oneclickvirt/portchecker--------" else echo -e "-------------邮件端口检测--基于oneclickvirt/portchecker开源-------------" fi check_and_cat_file "/tmp/ip_quality_email_check" rm -rf /tmp/ip_quality_* } eo6s() { # 获取IPV6的子网掩码 rm -rf $TEMP_DIR/eo6s_result local interface=$(ls /sys/class/net/ | grep -E '^(eth|en)' | head -n 1) if [ -n "$interface" ]; then local current_ipv6=$(curl -s -6 -m 5 ipv6.ip.sb) echo "current_ipv6: ${current_ipv6}" [ -z "$current_ipv6" ] && echo "None" >$TEMP_DIR/eo6s_result && return local new_ipv6="${current_ipv6%:*}:3" ip addr add ${new_ipv6}/128 dev ${interface} sleep 6 local updated_ipv6=$(curl -s -6 -m 5 ipv6.ip.sb) echo "updated_ipv6: ${updated_ipv6}" ip addr del ${new_ipv6}/128 dev ${interface} sleep 6 local final_ipv6=$(curl -s -6 -m 5 ipv6.ip.sb) echo "final_ipv6: ${final_ipv6}" local ipv6_prefixlen="" if command -v ifconfig &> /dev/null; then local output=$(ifconfig ${interface} | grep -oP 'inet6 (?!fe80:).*prefixlen \K\d+') else local output=$(ip -6 addr show dev ${interface} | grep -oP 'inet6 (?!fe80:).* scope global.*prefixlen \K\d+') fi local num_lines=$(echo "$output" | wc -l) if [ $num_lines -ge 2 ]; then ipv6_prefixlen=$(echo "$output" | sort -n | head -n 1) else ipv6_prefixlen=$(echo "$output" | head -n 1) fi if [ "$updated_ipv6" == "$current_ipv6" ] || [ -z "$updated_ipv6" ]; then echo "128" >$TEMP_DIR/eo6s_result else echo "$ipv6_prefixlen" >$TEMP_DIR/eo6s_result fi else echo "Unknown" >$TEMP_DIR/eo6s_result fi } cdn_urls=("http://cdn1.spiritlhl.net/" "http://cdn2.spiritlhl.net/" "http://cdn3.spiritlhl.net/" "https://fd.spiritlhl.top/" "https://cdn0.spiritlhl.top/" "https://cdn.spiritlhl.net/") ST="OvwKx5qgJtf7PZgCKbtyojSU.MTcwMTUxNzY1MTgwMw" speedtest_ver="1.2.0" SERVER_BASE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/speedtest.net-CN-ID/main" SERVER_BASE_URL2="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/speedtest.cn-CN-ID/main" pre_check() { check_update check_root check_sudo check_curl optimized_kernel run_ip_info_check & check_ipv6 & check_ipv4 & check_ip check_cdn_file check_wget systemInfo_get_os_release check_lsof check_time_zone start_time=$(date +%s) # 同步时间后再进行计时 Check_SysBench global_startup_init_action cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 ! _exists "wget" && _red "Error: wget command not found.\n" && exit 1 check_china wait IPV4=$(check_and_cat_file /tmp/ip_quality_ipv4) IPV6=$(check_and_cat_file /tmp/ip_quality_ipv6) if [ -n "$IPV6" ] && [ -n "$IPV4" ]; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Detecting and verifying IPV6 subnet mask size is in progress, it will take about 10~15 seconds" else echo "正在检测和验证IPV6的子网掩码大小,大概需要10~15秒" fi eo6s & fi if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Please wait patiently for the background tasks to finish" else echo "请耐心等待后台任务执行完毕" fi check_haveged check_free check_timeout check_lscpu check_unzip check_tar check_nc checknslookup wait if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Finish background task" else echo "后台任务执行完毕" fi } sjlleo_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then return fi cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f $TEMP_DIR/CommonMediaTests ]; then mv $TEMP_DIR/CommonMediaTests ./ echo "------------流媒体解锁--基于oneclickvirt/CommonMediaTests开源-----------" _yellow "以下测试的解锁地区是准确的,但是不是完整解锁的判断可能有误,这方面仅作参考使用" ./CommonMediaTests | grep -v 'github.com/oneclickvirt/CommonMediaTests' _yellow "解锁Netflix,Youtube,DisneyPlus上面和下面进行比较,不同之处自行判断" else _red "CommonMediaTests下载失败所以不进行测试" fi } cpu_judge() { local benchmark_type=$1 local benchmark_name="" if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then case $benchmark_type in sysbench) benchmark_name="SysBench_CPU_Fast" echo "---------------------------CPU-Sysbench-Test----------------------------" ;; geekbench4) benchmark_name="4" echo "--------------------------CPU-Geekbench4-Test---------------------------" ;; geekbench5) benchmark_name="5" echo "--------------------------CPU-Geekbench5-Test---------------------------" ;; geekbench6) benchmark_name="6" echo "--------------------------CPU-Geekbench6-Test---------------------------" ;; *) echo "Invalid benchmark type" return ;; esac else case $benchmark_type in sysbench) benchmark_name="SysBench_CPU_Fast" echo "----------------------CPU测试--通过sysbench测试-------------------------" ;; geekbench4) benchmark_name="4" echo "-----------------CPU测试--感谢yabs开源geekbench4测试--------------------" ;; geekbench5) benchmark_name="5" echo "-----------------CPU测试--感谢yabs开源geekbench5测试--------------------" ;; geekbench6) benchmark_name="6" echo "-----------------CPU测试--感谢yabs开源geekbench6测试--------------------" ;; *) echo "Invalid benchmark type" return ;; esac fi if [ "$benchmark_type" == "sysbench" ]; then Function_SysBench_CPU_Fast else mv $TEMP_DIR/yabs.sh ./ local output=$(./yabs.sh -s -- -f -i -n "-$benchmark_name" 2>&1 | tail -n +9) if [[ $output =~ "Single Core" ]]; then output=$(echo "$output" | grep -v 'curl' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' | sed '1,2d') echo "$output" else if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Test failed please replace with another" else echo "测试失败请替换另一种方式" fi fi fi cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 } memory_script() { if command -v sysbench >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "----------------------------Memory-Test---------------------------------" else echo "---------------------内存测试--感谢lemonbench开源-----------------------" fi Function_SysBench_Memory_Fast fi } basic_script() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "----------------------------Basic-Information---------------------------" else echo "---------------------基础信息查询--感谢所有开源项目---------------------" fi print_system_info print_ip_info # cpu和内存测试 cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 if [ "$test_base_status" = false ]; then if [ -z "$test_cpu_type" ] || [ "$test_cpu_type" = "sysbench" ]; then cpu_judge sysbench elif [ "$test_cpu_type" = "gb4" ]; then cpu_judge geekbench4 elif [ "$test_cpu_type" = "gb5" ]; then cpu_judge geekbench5 elif [ "$test_cpu_type" = "gb6" ]; then cpu_judge geekbench6 fi memory_script fi } io1_script() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "------------------------Disk-dd-Read/Write-Test-------------------------" else echo "------------------磁盘dd读写测试--感谢lemonbench开源--------------------" fi Function_DiskTest_Fast } io2_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 cp $TEMP_DIR/yabs.sh ./ if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "-----------------------Disk-fio-Read/Write-Test-------------------------" else echo "---------------------磁盘fio读写测试--感谢yabs开源----------------------" fi echo -en "\rRunning fio test..." local output=$(./yabs.sh -s -- -i -n -g 2>&1 | tail -n +9) if [[ $output =~ "Block Size" ]]; then output=$(echo "$output" | grep -v 'curl' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' | sed '1,2d') echo -en "\r" echo "$output" else echo -en "\r" if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Test failed please replace with another" else echo "测试失败请替换另一种方式" fi fi rm -rf yabs.sh } io3_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "-----------------------Multi-Disk-Read/Write-Test-----------------------" else echo "----------------------多盘读写测试--感谢yabs开源------------------------" fi # 获取非以vda开头的盘名称 disk_names=$(lsblk -e 11 -n -o NAME | grep -v "vda" | grep -v "snap" | grep -v "loop") if [ -z "$disk_names" ]; then echo "No eligible disk names found. Exiting script." return fi # 存储盘名称和盘路径的数组 declare -a disk_paths # 遍历每个盘名称并检索对应的盘路径,并将名称和路径存储到数组中 for disk_name in $disk_names; do disk_path=$(df -h | awk -v disk_name="$disk_name" '$0 ~ disk_name { print $NF }') if [ -n "$disk_path" ]; then disk_paths+=("$disk_name:$disk_path") fi done # 遍历数组,打开对应盘路径并检测IO if [ ${#disk_paths[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for disk_path in "${disk_paths[@]}"; do disk_name=$(echo "$disk_path" | cut -d ":" -f 1) path=$(echo "$disk_path" | cut -d ":" -f 2) if [ -n "$path" ]; then cd "$path" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then continue fi echo -e "---------------------------------" echo "Current disk: ${disk_name}" echo "Current path: ${path}" if [ ! -f "yabs.sh" ]; then cp $TEMP_DIR/yabs.sh ./ fi echo -en "\rRunning fio test..." local output=$(./yabs.sh -s -- -i -n -g 2>&1 | tail -n +9) echo -en "\r" if [[ $output =~ "Block Size" ]]; then output=$(echo "$output" | grep -v 'curl' | sed '$d' | sed '$d' | sed '1,2d') echo "$output" else if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Test failed please replace with another" else echo "测试失败请替换另一种方式" fi fi rm -rf yabs.sh fi cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 done echo -e "---------------------------------" else echo "No extra disk" return fi rm -rf yabs.sh } io_judge() { local par="$1" if [ "$par" = "all" ] && [ "$test_disk_type" = "" ]; then io1_script sleep 0.5 io2_script return elif [ "$par" = "io2" ] && [ "$test_disk_type" = "" ]; then io2_script return fi if [ "$multidisk_status" = true ]; then io1_script sleep 0.5 io3_script elif [ "$test_disk_type" = "dd" ]; then io1_script elif [ "$test_disk_type" = "fio" ]; then io2_script fi } RegionRestrictionCheck_script() { if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "-------------------------Streaming-Unlock-Test--------------------------" _yellow " The following is an IPV4 network test, if there is no IPV4 network there is no output" echo 0 | bash media_lmc_check.sh -E -M 4 2>/dev/null | grep -A999999 '============\[ Multination \]============' | sed '/=======================================/q' _yellow " The following is an IPV6 network test, if there is no IPV6 network there is no output" echo 0 | bash media_lmc_check.sh -E -M 6 2>/dev/null | grep -A999999 '============\[ Multination \]============' | sed '/=======================================/q' else echo -e "----------------流媒体解锁--感谢RegionRestrictionCheck开源--------------" _yellow " 以下为IPV4网络测试,若无IPV4网络则无输出" echo 0 | bash media_lmc_check.sh -M 4 2>/dev/null | grep -A999999 '============\[ Multination \]============' | sed '/=======================================/q' _yellow " 以下为IPV6网络测试,若无IPV6网络则无输出" echo 0 | bash media_lmc_check.sh -M 6 2>/dev/null | grep -A999999 '============\[ Multination \]============' | sed '/=======================================/q' fi } lmc999_script() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "---------------------------TikTok-Unlock-Test---------------------------" else echo -e "---------------TikTok解锁--感谢lmc999的源脚本及fscarmen PR--------------" fi local Ftmpresult=$(curl $useNIC --user-agent "${UA_Browser}" -sL -m 10 "https://www.tiktok.com/") if [[ "$Ftmpresult" = "curl"* ]]; then _red "\r Tiktok Region:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed (Network Connection)${Font_Suffix}" return fi local FRegion=$(echo $Ftmpresult | grep '"region":' | sed 's/.*"region"//' | cut -f2 -d'"') if [ -n "$FRegion" ]; then _green "\r Tiktok Region:\t\t${Font_Green}【${FRegion}】${Font_Suffix}" return fi local STmpresult=$(curl $useNIC --user-agent "${UA_Browser}" -sL -m 10 -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip" -H "Accept-Language: en" "https://www.tiktok.com" | gunzip 2>/dev/null) local SRegion=$(echo $STmpresult | grep '"region":' | sed 's/.*"region"//' | cut -f2 -d'"') if [ -n "$SRegion" ]; then _yellow "\r Tiktok Region:\t\t${Font_Yellow}【${SRegion}】(可能为IDC IP)${Font_Suffix}" return else _red "\r Tiktok Region:\t\t${Font_Red}Failed${Font_Suffix}" return fi } spiritlhl_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "----IP-Quality-Detection--Base-On-oneclickvirt/securityCheck---------" _yellow "Data for reference only, does not represent 100% accurate, if and the actual situation is not consistent with the manual query multiple database comparison" else echo -e "-------------IP质量检测--基于oneclickvirt/securityCheck使用-------------" _yellow "数据仅作参考,不代表100%准确,如果和实际情况不一致请手动查询多个数据库比对" fi ipcheck } backtrace_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then return fi cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -f "${TEMP_DIR}/backtrace" ]; then chmod 777 ${TEMP_DIR}/backtrace curl_output=$(${TEMP_DIR}/backtrace -s=false 2>&1) else return fi echo -e "----------------三网回程--基于oneclickvirt/backtrace开源----------------" grep -sq 'sendto: network is unreachable' <<<$curl_output && _yellow "纯IPV6网络无法查询" || echo "${curl_output}" | grep -v 'github.com/oneclickvirt/backtrace' | grep -v '正在测试' | grep -v '测试完成' | grep -v 'json decode err' } fscarmen_route_script() { [ "${Var_OSRelease}" = "freebsd" ] && return if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then return fi cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "---------------------回程路由--感谢fscarmen开源及PR---------------------" rm -f /tmp/ecs/ip.test local test_area_4 local test_ip_4 local test_area_6 local test_ip_6 if [ "$swhc_mode" = false ]; then test_area_4=("你本地的IPV4地址") test_ip_4=("$target_ipv4") elif [ -n "$route_location" ] && [[ "$route_location" =~ ^(b|g|s|c)$ ]]; then declare -n test_area_4="test_area_$route_location" declare -n test_ip_4="test_ip_$route_location" elif [ -n "$route_location" ] && [[ "$route_location" =~ ^(b6|g6|s6)$ ]]; then declare -n test_area_6="test_area_$route_location" declare -n test_ip_6="test_ip_$route_location" else test_area_4=("${!1}") test_ip_4=("${!2}") fi local ip4=$(echo "$IPV4" | tr -d '\n') local ip6=$(echo "$IPV6" | tr -d '\n') # 不存在IPV4网络,存在IPV6网络,未指定使用哪个城市的三网地址测试,默认修改为使用广州三网IPV6地址 if [[ -z "${ip4}" ]] && [[ -n "$ip6" ]] && [ -z "$route_location" ]; then declare -n test_area_6="test_area_g6" declare -n test_ip_6="test_ip_g6" fi if [[ ! -z "${ip4}" ]] && [[ "$route_location" != "b6" && "$route_location" != "g6" && "$route_location" != "s6" ]]; then if [ "$swhc_mode" = false ]; then _green "核心程序来自ipip.net或nexttrace,请知悉!" >/tmp/ecs/ip.test else _green "依次测试电信/联通/移动经过的地区及线路,核心程序来自ipip.net或nexttrace,请知悉!" >/tmp/ecs/ip.test fi for ((a = 0; a < ${#test_area_4[@]}; a++)); do # "$TEMP_DIR/$BESTTRACE_FILE" "${test_ip_4[a]}" -g cn 2>/dev/null | sed "s/^[ ]//g" | sed "/^[ ]/d" | sed '/ms/!d' | sed "s#.* \([0-9.]\+ ms.*\)#\1#g" >>/tmp/ip_temp # if [ ! -s "/tmp/ip_temp" ] || grep -q "http: 403" /tmp/ip_temp || grep -q "error" /tmp/ip_temp 2>/dev/null; then # rm -rf /tmp/ip_temp # RESULT=$("$TEMP_DIR/$NEXTTRACE_FILE" "${test_ip_4[a]}" --nocolor 2>/dev/null) # RESULT=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '^[0-9 ]') # PART_1=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '^[0-9]\{1,2\}[ ]\+[0-9a-f]' | awk '{$1="";$2="";print}' | sed "s@^[ ]\+@@g") # PART_2=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '\(.*ms\)\{3\}' | sed 's/.* \([0-9*].*ms\).*ms.*ms/\1/g') # SPACE=' ' # for ((i = 1; i <= $(echo "$PART_1" | wc -l); i++)); do # [ "$i" -eq 10 ] && unset SPACE # p_1=$(echo "$PART_2" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null # p_2=$(echo "$PART_1" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null # echo -e "$p_1 \t$p_2" >>/tmp/ip_temp # done # fi rm -rf /tmp/ip_temp RESULT=$("$TEMP_DIR/$NEXTTRACE_FILE" "${test_ip_4[a]}" --nocolor 2>/dev/null) RESULT=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '^[0-9 ]') PART_1=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '^[0-9]\{1,2\}[ ]\+[0-9a-f]' | awk '{$1="";$2="";print}' | sed "s@^[ ]\+@@g") PART_2=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '\(.*ms\)\{3\}' | sed 's/.* \([0-9*].*ms\).*ms.*ms/\1/g') SPACE=' ' for ((i = 1; i <= $(echo "$PART_1" | wc -l); i++)); do [ "$i" -eq 10 ] && unset SPACE p_1=$(echo "$PART_2" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null p_2=$(echo "$PART_1" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null echo -e "$p_1 \t$p_2" >>/tmp/ip_temp done if [ "$swhc_mode" = false ]; then ori_ipv4="${test_ip_4[a]}" IFS='.' read -ra parts <<<"$ori_ipv4" if [ "${#parts[@]}" -ge 2 ]; then parts[2]="xxx" parts[3]="xxx" new_ipv4="${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}.${parts[2]}.${parts[3]}" _yellow "${test_area_4[a]} $new_ipv4" >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test else _yellow "${test_area_4[a]} xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test fi else _yellow "${test_area_4[a]} ${test_ip_4[a]}" >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test fi cat /tmp/ip_temp >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test rm -rf /tmp/ip_temp done elif [[ -n "$ip6" ]] || [[ "$route_location" =~ ^(b6|g6|s6)$ ]]; then _green "依次测试电信/联通/移动经过的地区及线路,核心程序来自nexttrace,请知悉!" >/tmp/ecs/ip.test for ((a = 0; a < ${#test_area_6[@]}; a++)); do rm -rf /tmp/ip_temp RESULT=$("$TEMP_DIR/$NEXTTRACE_FILE" "${test_ip_6[a]}" --nocolor 2>/dev/null) RESULT=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep -E -v '^(NextTrace|MapTrace|\[NextTrace API\]|IP|traceroute to)') PART_1=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '^[0-9]\{1,2\}[ ]\+[0-9a-f]' | awk '{$1="";$2="";print}' | sed "s@^[ ]\+@@g") PART_2=$(echo "$RESULT" | grep '\(.*ms\)\{3\}' | sed 's/.* \([0-9*].*ms\).*ms.*ms/\1/g') SPACE=' ' for ((i = 1; i <= $(echo "$PART_1" | wc -l); i++)); do [ "$i" -eq 10 ] && unset SPACE p_1=$(echo "$PART_2" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null p_2=$(echo "$PART_1" | sed -n "${i}p") 2>/dev/null echo -e "$p_1 \t$p_2" >>/tmp/ip_temp done _yellow "${test_area_6[a]} ${test_ip_6[a]}" >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test cat /tmp/ip_temp >>/tmp/ecs/ip.test rm -rf /tmp/ip_temp done fi output=$(check_and_cat_file /tmp/ecs/ip.test) if [ -z "${output// /}" ]; then echo "Hop limit" else echo "$output" fi rm -f /tmp/ecs/ip.test } ecs_ping() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then return fi echo -e "-----------------------全国延迟检测--本脚本原创-------------------------" if [ -f "${TEMP_DIR}/ecsspeed-ping.sh" ]; then ping_output=$(bash ${TEMP_DIR}/ecsspeed-ping.sh 2>&1) else return fi echo "${ping_output}" | grep "|" } ecs_net_all_script() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 [ "$enable_speedtest" = false ] && return # s_time=$(date +%s) rm -rf ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt speed | tee ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt # e_time=$(date +%s) # time=$((${e_time} - ${s_time})) if [ -f ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt ]; then if ! grep -qE "(Speedtest.net|洛杉矶|新加坡|香港|联通|电信|移动|日本|中国)" ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt; then export speedtest_ver="1.0.0" rm -rf ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt rm -rf ./speedtest-cli* (install_speedtest >/dev/null 2>&1) speed fi fi rm -fr speedtest-cli } ecs_net_minal_script() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 [ "$enable_speedtest" = false ] && return # s_time=$(date +%s) rm -rf ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt speed2 | tee ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt # e_time=$(date +%s) # time=$((${e_time} - ${s_time})) if [ -f ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt ]; then if ! grep -qE "(Speedtest.net|洛杉矶|新加坡|香港|联通|电信|移动|日本|中国)" ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt; then export speedtest_ver="1.0.0" rm -rf ./speedtest-cli/speedlog.txt rm -rf ./speedtest-cli* (install_speedtest >/dev/null 2>&1) speed2 fi fi rm -fr speedtest-cli } end_script() { next print_end_time next } # =============== 分区选择 部分 =============== all_script() { pre_check if [ "$1" = "B" ]; then if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(gostun CommonMediaTests nexttrace backtrace securityCheck portchecker yabs media_lmc_check) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_dnsutils check_ping ls_sg_hk_jp=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/ls_sg_hk_jp.csv")) CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest & check_lmc_script & check_nat_type & clear print_intro basic_script wait ecs_net_all_script >${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_net_output.txt & io_judge "all" sjlleo_script >${TEMP_DIR}/sjlleo_output.txt & RegionRestrictionCheck_script >${TEMP_DIR}/RegionRestrictionCheck_output.txt & lmc999_script >${TEMP_DIR}/lmc999_output.txt & spiritlhl_script >${TEMP_DIR}/spiritlhl_output.txt & backtrace_script >${TEMP_DIR}/backtrace_output.txt & fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] >${TEMP_DIR}/fscarmen_route_output.txt & echo "正在并发测试中,大概2~3分钟无输出,请耐心等待。。。" wait check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/sjlleo_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/RegionRestrictionCheck_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/lmc999_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/spiritlhl_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/backtrace_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/fscarmen_route_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_net_output.txt else _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." dfiles=(securityCheck portchecker ecsspeed_ping) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_dnsutils check_ping ls_sg_hk_jp=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/ls_sg_hk_jp.csv")) CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest & check_lmc_script & check_nat_type & clear print_intro basic_script wait ecs_net_all_script >${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_net_output.txt & io1_script sleep 0.5 spiritlhl_script >${TEMP_DIR}/spiritlhl_output.txt & ecs_ping >${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_ping.txt & echo "正在并发测试中,大概2~3分钟无输出,请耐心等待。。。" wait check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/spiritlhl_output.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_ping.txt check_and_cat_file ${TEMP_DIR}/ecs_net_output.txt fi else # 顺序测试 if [[ -z "${CN}" || "${CN}" != true ]]; then _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace backtrace CommonMediaTests securityCheck portchecker gostun yabs media_lmc_check) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_dnsutils check_ping ls_sg_hk_jp=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/ls_sg_hk_jp.csv")) CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_lmc_script check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io_judge "all" sjlleo_script RegionRestrictionCheck_script lmc999_script spiritlhl_script backtrace_script fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] wait ecs_net_all_script else _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." dfiles=(ecsspeed_ping securityCheck portchecker gostun) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_dnsutils check_ping ls_sg_hk_jp=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/ls_sg_hk_jp.csv")) CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_lmc_script check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io1_script sleep 0.5 spiritlhl_script ecs_ping wait sleep 1 ecs_net_all_script fi fi # block_port_script end_script } minal_script() { pre_check get_system_info _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." dfiles=(gostun yabs) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." check_ping CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io_judge "io2" ecs_net_minal_script end_script } minal_plus() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." wait # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace backtrace CommonMediaTests gostun yabs media_lmc_check) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_lmc_script check_dnsutils check_ping CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io_judge "io2" sjlleo_script RegionRestrictionCheck_script lmc999_script backtrace_script fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] ecs_net_minal_script end_script } minal_plus_network() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace backtrace gostun yabs) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_ping CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io_judge "io2" backtrace_script fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] ecs_net_minal_script end_script } minal_plus_media() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." dfiles=(CommonMediaTests gostun yabs media_lmc_check) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_dnsutils check_lmc_script check_ping CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script io_judge "io2" sjlleo_script RegionRestrictionCheck_script lmc999_script ecs_net_minal_script end_script } network_script() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace backtrace securityCheck portchecker) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." check_ping ls_sg_hk_jp=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/ls_sg_hk_jp.csv")) CN_Unicom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Unicom.csv")) CN_Telecom=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Telecom.csv")) CN_Mobile=($(get_nearest_data "${SERVER_BASE_URL}/CN_Mobile.csv")) [ "$enable_speedtest" = true ] && _yellow "checking speedtest" && install_speedtest clear print_intro spiritlhl_script backtrace_script fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] # block_port_script ecs_net_all_script end_script } media_script() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." dfiles=(CommonMediaTests media_lmc_check) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." check_dnsutils check_lmc_script clear print_intro sjlleo_script RegionRestrictionCheck_script lmc999_script end_script } hardware_script() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." if [ "$test_base_status" = false ]; then dfiles=(yabs gostun) else dfiles=(gostun) fi start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." get_system_info check_nat_type clear print_intro basic_script if [ "$test_base_status" = false ]; then io_judge "all" fi end_script } port_script() { exit 1 pre_check pre_download XXXX get_system_info clear print_intro # block_port_script end_script } sw_script() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace backtrace ecsspeed_ping) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." check_ping clear print_intro backtrace_script fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] ecs_ping end_script } network_script_select() { pre_check _yellow "Concurrently downloading files..." # besttrace dfiles=(nexttrace) start_downloads "${dfiles[@]}" _yellow "All files download successfully." clear print_intro if [[ "$1" == "g" ]]; then fscarmen_route_script test_area_g[@] test_ip_g[@] elif [[ "$1" == "s" ]]; then fscarmen_route_script test_area_s[@] test_ip_s[@] elif [[ "$1" == "b" ]]; then fscarmen_route_script test_area_b[@] test_ip_b[@] elif [[ "$1" == "c" ]]; then fscarmen_route_script test_area_c[@] test_ip_c[@] else echo "Invalid argument, please use 'g', 's', 'b', or 'c'." return 1 fi end_script } rm_script() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf speedtest.tgz* rm -rf wget-log* rm -rf media_lmc_check.sh* rm -rf CommonMediaTests rm -rf besttrace rm -rf nexttrace rm -rf LemonBench.Result.txt* rm -rf speedtest.log* rm -rf test rm -rf yabs.sh* rm -rf speedtest.tgz* rm -rf speedtest.tar.gz* rm -rf speedtest-cli* rm -rf geekbench_claim.url* rm -rf "$PROGRESS_DIR" rm -rf "$PID_FILE" } build_text() { cd $myvar >/dev/null 2>&1 if { [ -n "${menu_mode}" ] && [ "${menu_mode}" = false ]; } || { [ -n "${StartInput}" ] && [ "${StartInput}" -eq 1 ]; } || { [ -n "${StartInput}" ] && [ "${StartInput}" -eq 2 ]; } || { [ -n "${StartInput1}" ] && [ "${StartInput1}" -ge 1 ] && [ "${StartInput1}" -le 4 ]; }; then sed -i -e '1,/-------------------- A Bench Script By spiritlhl ---------------------/d' test_result.txt # 下面这个删除在FreeBSD中也删的不干净 sed -i -e 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]\+[a-zA-Z]//g' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/^$/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Preparing system for disk tests.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Generating fio test file.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 4k block size.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 64k block size.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 512k block size.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Running fio random mixed R+W disk test with 1m block size.../d' test_result.txt tr '\r' '\n' test_result1.txt mv test_result1.txt test_result.txt sed -i -e '/^$/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/1\/1/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/Block\s*->/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/s)\s*->/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/^该运营商\|^测速中/d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/^Running fio test.../d' test_result.txt sed -i -e '/^checking speedtest/d' test_result.txt if [ -s test_result.txt ]; then # 尝试 HTTP http_short_url=$(curl --ipv4 -sL -m 10 -X POST -H "Authorization: $ST" \ -H "Format: RANDOM" \ -H "Max-Views: 0" \ -H "UploadText: true" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -H "No-JSON: true" \ -F "file=@${myvar}/test_result.txt" \ "http://hpaste.spiritlhl.net/api/upload") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$http_short_url" ]; then # HTTP 请求成功 https_short_url="${http_short_url/http:\/\/hpaste.spiritlhl.net\/u\//https:\/\/paste.spiritlhl.net\/code\/}" http_short_url="${http_short_url/http:\/\/hpaste.spiritlhl.net\/u\//http:\/\/hpaste.spiritlhl.net\/code\/}" else # 如果 HTTP 失败,尝试 HTTPS https_short_url=$(curl --ipv6 -sL -m 10 -X POST -H "Authorization: $ST" \ -H "Format: RANDOM" \ -H "Max-Views: 0" \ -H "UploadText: true" \ -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \ -H "No-JSON: true" \ -F "file=@${myvar}/test_result.txt" \ "https://paste.spiritlhl.net/api/upload") if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$https_short_url" ]; then # HTTPS 请求成功 http_short_url="${https_short_url/https:\/\/paste.spiritlhl.net\/u\//http:\/\/hpaste.spiritlhl.net\/code\/}" https_short_url="${https_short_url/https:\/\/paste.spiritlhl.net\/u\//https:\/\/paste.spiritlhl.net\/code\/}" else # 两种请求都失败 http_short_url="" https_short_url="" fi fi fi fi } comprehensive_test_script_options() { case $StartInputc in 1) wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oooldking/script/master/superbench.sh | bash break_status=true ;; 2) curl -fsL https://ilemonra.in/LemonBenchIntl | bash -s fast break_status=true ;; 3) curl -sL yabs.sh | bash break_status=true ;; 4) wget -qO- bench.sh | bash break_status=true ;; 5) bash <(wget -qO- git.io/ceshi) break_status=true ;; 6) wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teddysun/across/master/unixbench.sh && chmod +x unixbench.sh && ./unixbench.sh break_status=true ;; 7) wget -N --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FunctionClub/ZBench/master/ZBench-CN.sh && bash ZBench-CN.sh break_status=true ;; 0) original_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } comprehensive_test_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _yellow "Scripts with comprehensive tests are as follows" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} superbench VPS test scripts - based on teddysun's secondary open source modifications" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} lemonbench VPS test script" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} YABS VPS Test Script" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} Bench.sh VPS test script by teddysun" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} Aniverse's a.sh VPS Test Script - Special Adaptation Dedicated Service" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} UnixBench VPS Test Script - Special Adaptation for unix Systems" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} Zbench VPS Test Script - Testing in China" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到上一级菜单" echo "" else _yellow "具备综合性测试的脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} superbench VPS测试脚本-基于teddysun的二开" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} lemonbench VPS测试脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} YABS VPS测试脚本-英文论坛常用" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} teddysun的bench.sh VPS测试脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} Aniverse的a.sh VPS测试脚本-特殊适配独服" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} UnixBench VPS测试脚本-特殊适配unix系统" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} Zbench VPS测试脚本-国内测试" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到上一级菜单" echo "" fi while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInputc else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInputc fi comprehensive_test_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInputc="$sub_of_sub_menu_option" comprehensive_test_script_options fi } media_test_script_options() { case $StartInputm in 1) wget -O nf https://github.com/sjlleo/netflix-verify/releases/download/v3.1.0/nf_linux_amd64 && chmod +x nf && ./nf break_status=true ;; 2) wget -O tubecheck https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sjlleo/TubeCheck/CDN/tubecheck_1.0beta_linux_amd64 && chmod +x tubecheck && clear && ./tubecheck break_status=true ;; 3) wget -O dp https://github.com/sjlleo/VerifyDisneyPlus/releases/download/1.01/dp_1.01_linux_amd64 && chmod +x dp && clear && ./dp break_status=true ;; 4) lmc999_script break_status=true ;; 5) bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lmc999/TikTokCheck/main/tiktok.sh) break_status=true ;; 6) bash <(curl -L -s check.unlock.media) break_status=true ;; 7) bash <(curl -Ls unlock.moe) break_status=true ;; 8) bash <(curl -Ls https://cpp.li/openai) break_status=true ;; 9) bash <(curl -Ls https://bash.spiritlhl.net/openai-checker) break_status=true ;; 0) original_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } media_test_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then _yellow "流媒体测试相关的脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} sjlleo的NetFlix解锁检测脚本 " echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} sjlleo的Youtube地域信息检测脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} sjlleo的DisneyPlus解锁区域检测脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} lmc999的TikTok解锁区域检测脚本-本作者优化版本" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} lmc999的TikTok解锁区域检测脚本-原版脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} lmc999的流媒体检测脚本-综合性地域流媒体全测的" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} nkeonkeo的流媒体检测脚本-基于上者的GO重构版本" echo -e "${GREEN}8.${PLAIN} missuo的OpenAI-Checker检测脚本(可能卡住)" echo -e "${GREEN}9.${PLAIN} 本人修改优化的OpenAI-Checker检测脚本(重构优化)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到上一级菜单" echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInputm else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInputm fi media_test_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInputm="$sub_of_sub_menu_option" media_test_script_options fi } network_test_script_options() { case $StartInputn in 1) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhanghanyun/backtrace/main/install.sh -sSf | sh break_status=true ;; 2) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhucaidan/mtr_trace/main/mtr_trace.sh | bash break_status=true ;; 3) wget -qO- git.io/besttrace | bash break_status=true ;; 4) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/return.sh) break_status=true ;; 5) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/nexttrace.sh) break_status=true ;; 6) wget -O jcnf.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Netflixxp/jcnfbesttrace/main/jcnf.sh && bash jcnf.sh break_status=true ;; 7) bash <(curl -L -Lso- https://git.io/superspeed.sh) break_status=true ;; 8) bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/superspeed_uxh) break_status=true ;; 9) bash <(curl -Lso- https://git.io/J1SEh) break_status=true ;; 10) bash <(curl -L -Lso- https://bench.im/hyperspeed) break_status=true ;; 11) bash <(curl -sL bash.icu/speedtest) break_status=true ;; 12) curl -sL network-speed.xyz | bash break_status=true ;; 13) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-net) break_status=true ;; 14) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-cn) break_status=true ;; 15) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-ping) break_status=true ;; 0) original_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } network_test_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then _yellow "网络测试相关的脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} zhanghanyun的backtrace三网回程线路检测脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} zhucaidan的mtr_trace三网回程线路测脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 基于besttrace回程路由测试脚本(带详情信息,可能有bug)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 基于besttrace回程路由测试脚本(二开整合输出,可能有bug)" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 基于nexttrace回程路由测试脚本(第三方IP库,更推荐)" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} 由Netflixxp维护的四网路由测试脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} 原始作者维护的superspeed的三网测速脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}8.${PLAIN} 未知作者修复的superspeed的三网测速脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}9.${PLAIN} 由sunpma维护的superspeed的三网测速脚本" echo -e "${GREEN}10.${PLAIN} 原始作者维护的hyperspeed的三网测速脚本(测速内核不开源)" echo -e "${GREEN}11.${PLAIN} 原始作者维护的多功能测速脚本(部分测速内核不开源)" echo -e "${GREEN}12.${PLAIN} 综合速度测试脚本(全球的测速节点)" echo -e "${GREEN}13.${PLAIN} 本人的ecs-net三网测速脚本(自动更新测速节点,对应 speedtest.net)" echo -e "${GREEN}14.${PLAIN} 本人的ecs-cn三网测速脚本(自动更新测速节点,对应 speedtest.cn)" echo -e "${GREEN}15.${PLAIN} 本人的ecs-ping三网测ping脚本(自动更新测试节点)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到上一级菜单" echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInputn else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInputn fi network_test_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInputn="$sub_of_sub_menu_option" network_test_script_options fi } hardware_test_script_options() { case $StartInputh in 1) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/disk_info.sh) break_status=true ;; 2) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/geekbench4.sh) break_status=true ;; 3) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/geekbench5.sh) break_status=true ;; 4) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/geekbench6.sh) break_status=true ;; 5) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/multi_disk_io_test.sh) break_status=true ;; 0) original_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } hardware_test_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then _yellow "硬件测试合集如下" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 检测本机硬盘(含通电时长)-一般是独服才有用" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} Geekbench4测试" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} Geekbench5测试" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} Geekbench6测试" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 测试挂载的多个磁盘的IO(仅测试挂载盘)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到上一级菜单" echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInputh else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInputh fi hardware_test_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInputh="$sub_of_sub_menu_option" hardware_test_script_options fi } original_script_options() { case $StartInput3 in 1) comprehensive_test_script break_status=true ;; 2) media_test_script break_status=true ;; 3) network_test_script break_status=true ;; 4) hardware_test_script break_status=true ;; 0) start_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } original_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then _yellow "融合怪借鉴的脚本以及部分竞品脚本合集如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 综合性测试脚本合集(比如yabs,superbench等)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 流媒体测试脚本合集(各种流媒体解锁相关)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 网络测试脚本合集(如三网回程和三网测速等)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 硬件测试脚本合集(如gb5,硬盘通电时长等)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到主菜单" echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInput3 else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInput3 fi original_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInput3="$sub_menu_option" original_script_options fi } simplify_script_options() { case $StartInput1 in 1) minal_script | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 2) minal_plus | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 3) minal_plus_network | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 4) minal_plus_media | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 0) start_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } simplify_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _yellow "The streamlined script for the fusion monster is as follows" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} Minimalist version (system information + CPU + memory + disk IO + 4 nodes for speed test) (average run time 3 minutes)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} Lite (System Info + CPU + RAM + Disk IO + Mikado Unlocked + Common Streams + TikTok + Backhaul + Routing + 4 nodes for speed test) (4 minutes average run time)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} Lite Network Edition (4 nodes for system information + CPU + memory + disk IO + backhaul + routing + speed test) (average run time 4 minutes)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} Lite unlocked version (System info + CPU + RAM + Disk IO + Gosanja unlocked + common streams + TikTok + 4 nodes for speed test) (runs for 4 minutes on average)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} Back to the main menu" else _yellow "融合怪的精简脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 极简版(系统信息+CPU+内存+磁盘IO+测速节点4个)(平均运行3分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 精简版(系统信息+CPU+内存+磁盘IO+御三家解锁+常用流媒体+TikTok+回程+路由+测速节点4个)(平均运行4分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 精简网络版(系统信息+CPU+内存+磁盘IO+回程+路由+测速节点4个)(平均运行4分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 精简解锁版(系统信息+CPU+内存+磁盘IO+御三家解锁+常用流媒体+TikTok+测速节点4个)(平均运行4分钟)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到主菜单" fi echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInput1 else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInput1 fi simplify_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInput1="$sub_menu_option" simplify_script_options fi } single_item_script_options() { case $StartInput2 in 1) network_script break_status=true ;; 2) media_script break_status=true ;; 3) hardware_script break_status=true ;; 4) # bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/za/-/raw/main/ipcheck.sh) bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://cdn.spiritlhl.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/ipcheck.sh) break_status=true ;; 5) port_script break_status=true ;; 6) sw_script break_status=true ;; 0) start_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } single_item_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then _yellow "The single test script for fusion monster splitting is as follows" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} Networking (simplified IP quality check + triple network backhaul + triple network routing and latency + 11 speed nodes) (average run time about 6 minutes)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} For unlocking (Gosanja unlocking + common streamer unlocking + TikTok unlocking) (average runtime 30~60 seconds)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} Hardware (basic system information + CPU + RAM + dual disk IO test) (average run time 1½ minutes)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} IP quality check (average runtime 10~20 seconds)" # echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} Common port openings (blocked or not) (average run time about 1 minute) (bugs not fixed yet)" # echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} Triple-net backhaul line + Guangzhou triple-net routing + nationwide triple-net delay (average running 1 minute 20 seconds)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} Back to the main menu" else _yellow "融合怪拆分的单项测试脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 网络方面(简化的IP质量检测+三网回程+三网路由与延迟+测速节点11个)(平均运行6分钟左右)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 解锁方面(御三家解锁+常用流媒体解锁+TikTok解锁)(平均运行30~60秒)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 硬件方面(基础系统信息+CPU+内存+双重磁盘IO测试)(平均运行1分半钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} IP质量检测(15个数据库的IP检测+邮件端口检测)(平均运行10~20秒)" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 常用端口开通情况(是否有阻断)(平均运行1分钟左右)(暂时有bug未修复)" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} 三网回程线路+广州三网路由+全国三网延迟(平均运行1分20秒)" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到主菜单" fi echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInput2 else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInput2 fi single_item_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInput2="$sub_menu_option" single_item_script_options fi } my_original_script_options() { case $StartInput4 in 1) # bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx/za/-/raw/main/ipcheck.sh) bash <(wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://cdn.spiritlhl.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/ipcheck.sh) break_status=true ;; 2) network_script_select 'g' break_status=true ;; 3) network_script_select 's' break_status=true ;; 4) network_script_select 'b' break_status=true ;; 5) network_script_select 'c' break_status=true ;; 6) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/return.sh) break_status=true ;; 7) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/archive/nexttrace.sh) break_status=true ;; 8) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/customizeqzcheck.sh) break_status=true ;; 9) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/archive/disk_info.sh) break_status=true ;; 10) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/archive/geekbench4.sh) break_status=true ;; 11) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/archive/geekbench5.sh) break_status=true ;; 12) bash <(curl -sSL https://github.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/raw/main/archive/geekbench6.sh) break_status=true ;; 13) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-net) break_status=true ;; 14) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-cn) break_status=true ;; 15) bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-ping) break_status=true ;; 16) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spiritLHLS/ecs/main/archive/multi_disk_io_test.sh) break_status=true ;; 17) bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneclickvirt/gostun/main/gostun_install.sh) break_status=true ;; 0) start_script break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } my_original_script() { head_script if $menu_mode; then _yellow "本作者有原创成分的脚本如下" echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 完整的本机IP的IP质量检测(平均运行10~20秒)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 三网回程路由测试(预设广州)(平均运行1分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 三网回程路由测试(预设上海)(平均运行1分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 三网回程路由测试(预设北京)(平均运行1分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 三网回程路由测试(预设成都)(平均运行1分钟)" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} 自定义IP的回程路由测试(基于besttrace)(准确率高,但可能有bug)" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} 自定义IP的回程路由测试(基于nexttrace)(第三方IP库)" echo -e "${GREEN}8.${PLAIN} 自定义IP的IP质量检测(平均运行10~20秒)" echo -e "${GREEN}9.${PLAIN} 检测本机硬盘(含通电时长)(一般是独服才有用)" echo -e "${GREEN}10.${PLAIN} Geekbench4测试(最常见的CPU基准测试)" echo -e "${GREEN}11.${PLAIN} Geekbench5测试(测不动gb6可以试试这个)" echo -e "${GREEN}12.${PLAIN} Geekbench6测试(测的极其缓慢)" echo -e "${GREEN}13.${PLAIN} ecs-net三网测速脚本(自动更新测速节点,对应 speedtest.net)" echo -e "${GREEN}14.${PLAIN} ecs-cn三网测速脚本(自动更新测速节点,对应 speedtest.cn)" echo -e "${GREEN}15.${PLAIN} ecs-ping三网测ping脚本(自动更新测试节点)" echo -e "${GREEN}16.${PLAIN} 测试挂载的多个磁盘的IO(仅测试挂载盘)" echo -e "${GREEN}17.${PLAIN} 检测本机的NAT类型" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 回到主菜单" echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInput4 else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInput4 fi my_original_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInput4="$sub_menu_option" my_original_script_options fi } head_script() { clear if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "#############################################################" echo -e "# ${YELLOW}VPS Fusion Monster Server Test Script${PLAIN} #" echo -e "# Version: $ver #" echo -e "# Update log:$changeLog #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}Author${PLAIN}: spiritlhl #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}TG Channel${PLAIN}: https://t.me/vps_reviews #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}GitHub${PLAIN}: https://github.com/spiritLHLS #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}GitLab${PLAIN}: https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx #" echo "#############################################################" echo "" _green "Number of times the script was run today: ${TODAY}, Cumulative number of runs: ${TOTAL}" if [ "$menu_mode" = true ]; then _green "Please select the option number you want to use" fi else echo "#############################################################" echo -e "# ${YELLOW}融合怪测评脚本${PLAIN} #" echo -e "# 版本(请注意比对仓库版本更新):$ver #" echo -e "# 更新日志:$changeLog #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}作者${PLAIN}: spiritlhl #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}TG频道${PLAIN}: https://t.me/vps_reviews #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}GitHub${PLAIN}: https://github.com/spiritLHLS #" echo -e "# ${GREEN}GitLab${PLAIN}: https://gitlab.com/spiritysdx #" echo "#############################################################" echo "" _green "脚本当天运行次数:${TODAY},累计运行次数:${TOTAL}" if [ "$menu_mode" = true ]; then _green "请选择你接下来要使用的脚本" fi fi } start_script_options() { case $StartInput in 1) all_script "S" | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 2) all_script "B" | tee -i test_result.txt break_status=true ;; 3) simplify_script break_status=true ;; 4) single_item_script break_status=true ;; 5) original_script break_status=true ;; 6) my_original_script break_status=true ;; 7) checkver break_status=true ;; 0) exit 1 break_status=true ;; *) if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo "Input error, please re-enter" else echo "输入错误,请重新输入" fi break_status=false ;; esac } start_script() { head_script if $test_base_status; then # 纯测系统信息 hardware_script | tee -i test_result.txt elif $menu_mode; then if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} Sequential Test - Fusion Monster Complete (all items tested) (average run time 7 minutes) (recommended for machine general)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} Parallel Test - Fusion Monster Complete (all items tested) (runs for 5 minutes on average) (Powerful machines only, do not use for normal machines)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} Fusion Monster Lite Zone (Lite or Single Test Lite version of Fusion Monster)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} Fusion Monster Single Zone (full version of Fusion Monster single test)" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} Third-party scripts area (various test scripts by similar authors)" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} Original area (some test scripts unique to this script)" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} Update this script" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} Exit" else echo -e "${GREEN}1.${PLAIN} 顺序测试--融合怪完全体(所有项目都测试)(平均运行7分钟)(机器普通推荐使用)" echo -e "${GREEN}2.${PLAIN} 并行测试--融合怪完全体(所有项目都测试)(平均运行5分钟)(仅机器强劲可使用,机器普通勿要使用)" echo -e "${GREEN}3.${PLAIN} 融合怪精简区(融合怪的精简版或单项测试精简版)" echo -e "${GREEN}4.${PLAIN} 融合怪单项区(融合怪的单项测试完整版)" echo -e "${GREEN}5.${PLAIN} 第三方脚本区(同类作者的各种测试脚本)" echo -e "${GREEN}6.${PLAIN} 原创区(本脚本独有的一些测试脚本)" echo -e "${GREEN}7.${PLAIN} 更新本脚本" echo " -------------" echo -e "${GREEN}0.${PLAIN} 退出" fi echo "" while true; do if [ "$en_status" = true ]; then read -rp "Please enter the option number:" StartInput else read -rp "请输入选项:" StartInput fi start_script_options if [ "$break_status" = true ] || [ "$menu_mode" = false ]; then break fi done else StartInput="$main_menu_option" start_script_options fi } # =============== 正式执行 部分 =============== rm -rf $TEMP_DIR mkdir -p $TEMP_DIR get_system_bit statistics_of_run-times start_script global_exit_action rm_script