1.12.0 / 2022-11-15 =================== * Regen manpages * Bump year * Fix lint Metrics/AbcSize on check_page * Fix test/static_test.rb with relative path * Add relative link test fail * Fix test/static_test.rb with relative path * Nokigumbo is merged into nokogiri 1.12~ 1.11.1 / 2021-01-10 =================== * Add nokogumbo doc * nokogumbo support for ruby engine * Add support for nokogumbo * Add jruby to github actions * Merge pull request #24 from @marocchino / patch-1 * Some minor improvements * Remove travis ci * Init github actions ci 1.11.0 / 2021-01-08 =================== * Merge pull request #23 from @marocchino / ruby-3-support * Use webrick's escape instead of encode_www_form_component * Support ruby 3 * Fix doc for ValidateWebsite::Core initialize * Switch to gitlab ci and remove 2.{3,4} support * Update rubocop to 0.76.0 1.10.0 / 2020-07-03 ================== * Fix build for Ruby 2.3 and 2.4 * Remove rbx-3 from build * Remove minitest-focus and fix minitest 6 warnings * Fix html5_validator option and change html5_validator_service_url * Add Ruby 2.7 to CI and update jruby * Update rubocop and fix offences * Remove Ruby 2.2 support and update rubocop 1.9.3 / 2019-04-11 ================== * Update tidy_ffi to 1.0 * Avoid testing tidy bug with js 1.9.2 / 2019-03-09 ================== * Load schema when needed instead of boot 1.9.1 / 2019-03-05 ================== * Improve start message for static validator * Update travis config * Fix bundler to <2 on travis (dropped support Ruby < 2.3) 1.9.0 / 2018-12-25 ================== * Update deps paint; slop; webmock * Remove Ruby 2.1 support * Force nonet and disable substitute entities on xhtml parse * Use coveralls for code coverage v1.8.1 / 2018-03-25 =================== * Change document to local dtd only when needed * Switch to asciidoctor to generate manpage v1.8.0 / 2017-08-24 =================== * Update manpages * Update rubies and jruby on travis * Remove encoding and other Style/SymbolArray fixes * Add tidy validator for html5 v1.7.0 / 2017-04-08 =================== * Use w3c_validators and remove multipart_body gem * Drop Ruby 2.0.0 * Update webmock to 2.3 * Load xsd on init to avoid conflicting chdir v1.6.0 / 2016-09-24 =================== * Update spidr and rubocop * Use more upto date validator service and https v1.5.8 / 2016-06-27 =================== * Update manpages * Exclude urls on static crawl * Fix warning: instance variable not initialized v1.5.7 / 2016-06-13 =================== * Fix JRuby CI build * Update JRuby and other rubies on Travis * Update rubocop to v0.40 * Add env variable VALIDATOR_NU_URL support v1.5.6 / 2016-03-02 =================== * Fix error with redirect and extract images (see #16) * Display version number * Rubocop fixes * Updates deps v1.5.4 / 2015-12-08 =================== * Fix URI must be ascii only error v1.5.3 / 2015-11-08 =================== * Fix test_files on gemspec * Use File.expand_path for jruby * Update minitest and webmock * Capture output on spec * Move jruby- to allow failures * Added jruby- to travis * Options hash is mandatory on ValidateWebsite::Core * Added rubocop on default rake task * Remove unnecessary spacing * Rakefile: add --display-style-guide option to rubocop v1.5.0 / 2015-07-27 =================== * Bump to 1.5.0 * Added license badge * Document --css-syntax option * Fix --pattern option only string * Extract CSS methods to Utils class * Added css_syntax option checking css errors * Call method only on :not_found enabled * Rename spec to test * Add inch documentation badge * Use Crass gem to extract urls * Update README * Only display cop on task * Fix rubocop build and add custom task v1.1.0 / 2015-07-07 =================== * Bump to 1.1.0 * Enable rubocop on travis build * Fix default_args method has too many lines * Fix crawl#spidr_crawler ABC size * Fix Core#validate ABC size * Fix Static#check_static_file ABC size * Fix Static#crawl ABC size * Fix check_static_not_found css urls * Refacto check_static_not_found method * Syntax fix: use next in Enumarator * README: typo * Refactor: create ValidateWebsite::{Static,Crawl} classes * Refactor Validator * Syntax fixes * Syntax fixes * Update travis * Fix markup option * Cleanup default options * Better args options manage between crawl and static * Fix jruby ignore tests * Move on stop support Ruby 1.9 * Opps forget spec data * Fix ignore option for static crawl and non html5 * Use slop 4.2 v1.0.5 / 2015-05-25 =================== * Bump to 1.0.5 * Added option html5-validator-service-url * Update paint to 1.0 * Add ruby-head to travis * Remove docker stuff [ci skip] * Allow customize html5 validator service url v1.0.4 / 2015-03-10 =================== * Bump to 1.0.4 * Fix issue #12 with excessive requests to validator.nu * Added failing test for issue #12 v1.0.3 / 2015-02-27 =================== * Bump to 1.0.3 * Fix static not found with anchor link (see #14) * Added fig config * bundle update * travis: added 2.2.0 version v1.0.2 / 2015-02-18 =================== * Bump to 1.0.2 * Fix issue #13 * Added failing test for issue #13 * Bump year on LICENSE file v1.0.1 / 2015-02-15 =================== * Bump to 1.0.1 * Revert "Remove shebang its already handle by RubyGems" * Fix html5 validator service url (see #11) * Update year and manpages * Remove shebang its already handle by RubyGems * spec/core_spec.rb: codestyle * Use each_with_object instead of inject * Ignore asciidoc generated files * Extract spidr_crawler for less complexity in crawl * Improve jekyll sample code * Merge pull request #10 from marocchino/improve-readme * Improve jekyll sample code v1.0.0 / 2014-10-18 =================== * Bump to 1.0.0 :exclamation: * Can set cookies from command line * Can set cookies * Documentation update * Options notfound => not_found * Can change user-agent * Move internet connection check to private * use next instead of return for check static links * update screenshot * rubocop fixes (complexity, line too long) * remove matcher rspec (obsolete) * fix not found on static webpage * update linuxfr webpage and add static for tests * Fix URI::InvalidURIError * Fix Errno::ENOENT error * Make tests fail for static not found * Use slop for ARGV parsing and remove some options * Fix not_found_error and print not founds status * Make tests fail for check_static_not_found * Add status line v0.9.5 / 2014-09-23 =================== * Bump to 0.9.5 * Change internal verbose option * Print green dot when quiet * Fix options parser strings * Line is too long fix * Coding style * Replace class var with a class instance var * Use next to skip iteration * Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code * spec wrong validation_type * Prefer `$ERROR_INFO` from the English library over `$!` * Use fail instead of raise to signal exceptions * Coding style fix v0.9.0 / 2014-09-20 =================== * Bump to 0.9.0 * documentation update * README: add Jekyll static site validation task * move crawler from anemone to spidr gem v0.8.1 / 2014-09-18 =================== * bump to 0.8.1 * fix require set v0.8.0 / 2014-09-18 =================== * gemspec: fix pessimistic dependency * gemspec: fix open-ended deps and bump to 0.8.0 * travis: remove jruby-head * README cleanup * README added badges and screenshot * spec/validator_spec.rb: cleanup * fix jruby build use Nokogiri::HTML intead of Nokogiri::XML * travis: cache bundler * move http testing to webmock * travis: added config * use set instead of array for links * fix: use HTML5_VALIDATOR_SERVICE * validate_website/core: code quality crawl * validate_website/core: code quality extract_urls_from_img_script_iframe_link * validate_website/core: code quality internet connection * gemspec: added pry for development * explanatory comments for classes * validate_website/validator: code quality * Change color gem from rainbow to paint * Fix html5 validator spec * README: rubygems package dont exist anymore * Added some comment v0.7.9 / 2013-03-18 =================== * Bump to v0.7.9 * html5: change host because having some timeout * README: more readeable * README: use markdown * Added info about internet_connection. * Indent fakeweb_helper. v0.7.7 / 2012-07-23 =================== * Bump to v0.7.7 * Update doc: Use dependency package default Ruby version * Add ignore_errors option on validate-website-static * Add contributors and incr year. v0.7.6 / 2012-04-18 =================== * Bump version to 0.7.6 * Documentation for --ignore-errors * Merge default opts on crawl and static validator. * Add spec for :ignore_errors option * Add -i option for ignoring certain validation err v0.7.5 / 2012-02-07 =================== * Bump version to 0.7.5 * Ignore *.gem files. * Add rspec matcher be_w3c_valid * Get errors from http://validator.nu for HTML5 * Add encodings. * README fixes. v0.7.1 / 2011-12-25 =================== * Bump version to 0.7.1 * Make test fail for issue #4 * Merge pull request #4 from nono/patch-1 * Merge pull request #5 from GunioRobot/clean * Remove whitespace [Gun.io WhitespaceBot] * Update lib/validate_website/core.rb * Move to minitest * Requirement fixes for tests * Quiet in tests * [Documentation] Validator for use on other application. * Remove rubygems hooks, use bundler. v0.7.0 / 2011-06-06 =================== * Bump version to 0.7.0 * Check CSS files urls for static files * Cleanup, useless body variable and not_found check * Same options parse for static and crawl * Document --site option for validate-website-static. * Move to private validate extract_urls check_static_not_found * Move crawl static logic to Core class and extract urls from img script iframe * Opps exit status 64 already used for failure markup. * Add --color, --no-color options. * Rescue on missing arg or invalid options parse. v0.6.5 / 2011-06-05 =================== * Bump version to 0.6.5 * Add some todos. * Update dependencies. * Use gemspec for build validate-website gem. * README updates. * HTML5 support using Validator.nu Web Service. * Merge branch 'master' of github.com:spk/validate-website * add alias for task spec * README fix space v0.6.1 / 2011-04-11 =================== * Bump version to 0.6.1 * update doc and README * Add :markup_validation and :not_found to validate-website-static * add contributors, it is never too late * follow recommendation from rubygems-test * share to data directory * Add Gemfile (bundler) v0.6.0 / 2010-12-26 =================== * Bump version to 0.6.0 * Add Runner class for executables * Add option parser and document validate-website-static * Can pass Hash options to ValidateWebsite::Core * Add ValidateWebsite module to avoid conflicts * Update README requirements v0.5.7 / 2010-12-10 =================== * Add validate-website-static executable * Cleanup: remove spk-html5 and use upstream anemone * ValidateWebsite code improvement for options * Change Validator initialize argument * Add linuxfr html5 page (should be valid) v0.5.3 / 2010-12-05 =================== * Bump version to 0.5.3 * Add -q, --quiet option (Only report errors) * Improve installation documentation for Debian users * print note on validating website * rename internal option :error_verbose to :validate_verbose v0.5.2 / 2010-11-05 =================== * Bump version to 0.5.2 * Using my fork of html5 Rubygem * Show line for html5 parser errors v0.5.1 / 2010-11-04 =================== * Bump version to 0.5.1 * Fix issue with 1.9.2 and CSS url (use first instead of to_s) * Move get_url to private access * Better requirement and remove require 'rubygems' from spec/spec_helper.rb v0.5.0 / 2010-11-01 =================== * Bump version to 0.5.0 * Change exit status * Fix html4 validation by falling back to dtd validation * Add failing test on html4 strict * Update documentation * Sync options with anemone * Improve documentation and add manpage * Add experimental html5 support * Show properly errors with verbose option * Update RSpec to version 2.0 and add spec task v0.4.1 / 2010-10-24 =================== * Bump version to 0.4.1 * Move to_file to private access * Pass missing options to crawl (see on github #2) * Add Validator spec file, rename and add html test on validate_website_spec v0.4.0 / 2010-09-14 =================== * Bump version to 0.4.0 * add lib/xhtml/xhtml-basic11.dtd file * lib/validator.rb: cleanup and rescue on Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError * Add --[no-]markup-validation option * typo capitalize help * added debug options for anemone, and verbose option for validator errors * include ColorfulMessages on ValidateWebsite class v0.3.5 / 2010-08-25 =================== * Bump version to 0.3.5 and add spec directory to pkg files * Add default for ValidateWebsite initialize and crawl opts * added test on css * added development dependency: rspec and fakeweb * Refactor validate website and crawl url in css * updated REAME.rdoc * added option -c for adding cookies * added verbose option * lib/validate_website.rb: bug fix on bad uri case bin/validate-website: minor change, use «unless» instead of «if not» * search 404 in img, link, script and iframe tags * Rename README to README.rdoc * Update readme and gem spec * Add not_found option (thanks to François de Metz) * exit code depend of validation result * only try to validate html file * fix some ruby 1.9 issue * fix some validation issue with no dtd or xsd * update readme * move to anemone web-spider, and use XML Schema for validation of XHTML * add optparse options * create a gem * initial commit