# Configuration file for BetterWordTokenizer (segment.py) # Set whether the tokenizer should be case sensitive or not (true/false) case_sensitive: false # Characters that cannot start word tokens (no regex escaping needed) start: ({[]})"“”'‘’`»;:–—\/&#*@-,…|_¨ # Characters that cannot appear within words (no regex escaping needed) within: ({[]})"“”'‘’»;–—\/*%…?!,|_¨ # Characters that cannot end word tokens (in addition to the characters defined above) (no regex escaping needed) end: `:&#@,.|_¨ # Multi-character punctuation (Python regular expression) multi: (?:\-{2,}|\.{2,}|(?:\. ){2,}\.) # Decimal numbers (Python regular expression) number: \d+,\d+ # Miscellaneous Python regular expressions matching tokens (names should begin with 'misc_') misc_url: (?:http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(?:\.[\w\-_]+)+(?:[\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])? misc_email: (?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@(?:(?:\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(?:\]?)(?!\w) misc_smiley: (?:(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=\A))(?:(?:(?:>[:;=+])|[>:;=+])[,*]?[-~+o]?(?:\)+|\(+|\}+|\{+|\]+|\[+|\|+|\\+|/+|>+|<+|D+|[@#!OoPpXxZS$03])|>?[xX8][-~+o]?(?:\)+|\(+|\}+|\{+|\]+|\[+|\|+|\\+|/+|>+|<+|D+))(?=\s|\Z)) # Abbreviations, one per line, without final period (nothing but abbreviations should be added beyond this point) abbreviations: a.a a.d agr a.k.a alt ang anm art avd avl b.b betr b.g b.h bif bl.a b.r.b b.t.w civ.ek civ.ing co dir div d.m doc dr d.s d.s.o d.v d.v.s d.y dåv d.ä e.a.g e.d eftr eg ekon e.kr dyl e.d em e.m enl e.o etc e.u ev ex exkl f farm f.d ff fig f.k f.kr f.m f.n forts fr fr.a fr.o.m f.v.b f.v.t f.ö följ föreg förf gr g.s h.h.k.k.h.h h.k.h h.m ill inkl i.o.m st.f jur kand kap kl lb leg lic lisp m.a.a mag m.a.o m.a.p m.fl m.h.a m.h.t milj m.m m.m.d mom m.v.h möjl n.b näml nästk o o.d odont o.dyl omkr o.m.s op ordf o.s.a o.s.v pers p.gr p.g.a pol prel prof rc ref resp r.i.p rst s.a.s sek sekr sid sign sistl s.k sk skålp s.m s.m.s sp spec s.st st stud särsk tab tekn tel teol t.ex tf t.h tim t.o.m tr trol t.v u.p.a urspr utg v w v.d å.k ä.k.s äv ö.g ö.h ök övers