version: '3' # Allows deploying docker (both Stream and Task) apps. The Docker-out-of-Docker (DooD) approach is used to allow Skipper # and DataFlow (running inside docker containers) to deploy stream and task docker apps in per-app docker containers. # # How to use: # COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=scdf \ # STREAM_APPS_URI= \ # TASK_APPS_URI= \ # docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose-dood.yml up # # - The docker-compose-dood.yml extends docker-compose.yml by installing the Docker CLI to the DataFlow and Skipper # servers containers and mounting the server's docker sockets to the Host's socket. Therefore allowing the servers to # use the Host's Docker daemon for deploying the apps. The DOCKER_NETWORK property is used to share the docker-compose # network with the app's containers. # # - COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME sets the docker-compose project name. Later is used for naming the network passed to the apps # containers (e.g. SPRING_CLOUD_SKIPPER_SERVER_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK). # # - The STREAM_APPS_URI and TASK_APPS_URI are set to register docker based Stream and Task apps. # # - The DOCKER_PORTRANGE_LOW=.. and DOCKER_PORTRANGE_HIGH=.. are used to set port range for docker apps different # from port range used by the apps running as java processes in-Skipper. The Skipper container reserves and exports # the java-processes running apps. # TIPS: # - If docker-compose exit before the data pipelines are stopped then the containers should be cleaned manually: # docker stop $(docker ps -a -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) # - Set the DOCKER_DELETE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT=false to retain the stopped docker containers so you can check their logs: # docker logs services: dataflow-server: user: root environment: - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_TASK_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME:?COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME must be set when DooD is enabled}_default - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_TASK_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_DELETE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT=${DOCKER_DELETE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT:-true} # The Docker's apps port range must not overlap with the APPS_PORT_RANGE (the ports reserved to be used # by the stream , maven, apps running inside the Skipper container)! The APPS_PORT_RANGE are set # in the docker-compose.yaml#skipper-server. Tip: you can change the APPS_PORT_RANGE instead. - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_TASK_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_PORTRANGE_LOW=20200 - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_TASK_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_PORTRANGE_HIGH=61000 # Override the CTR form maven to docker - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_TASK_COMPOSEDTASKRUNNER_URI=docker://springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-composed-task-runner:${DATAFLOW_VERSION:-2.9.1}${BP_JVM_VERSION:-} - SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_SERVER_URI=${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393} entrypoint: > bin/sh -c " apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y wget && wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp/ && tar -xvf /tmp/docker-latest.tgz --directory /tmp/ && mv /tmp/docker/docker /usr/local/bin && wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp/ && chmod a+x /tmp/ && /tmp/ mysql:3306 -- /cnb/process/web" volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock skipper-server: user: root environment: - SPRING_CLOUD_SKIPPER_SERVER_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_NETWORK=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME:?COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME must be set when DooD is enabled}_default - SPRING_CLOUD_SKIPPER_SERVER_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_DELETE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT=${DOCKER_DELETE_CONTAINER_ON_EXIT:-true} # The Docker's apps port range must not overlap with the APPS_PORT_RANGE (the ports reserved to be used # by the stream , maven, apps running inside the Skipper container)! The APPS_PORT_RANGE are set # in the docker-compose.yaml#skipper-server. Tip: you can change the APPS_PORT_RANGE instead. - SPRING_CLOUD_SKIPPER_SERVER_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_PORTRANGE_LOW=20200 - SPRING_CLOUD_SKIPPER_SERVER_PLATFORM_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS_DEFAULT_DOCKER_PORTRANGE_HIGH=61000 entrypoint: > bin/sh -c " apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y wget && wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp/ && tar -xvf /tmp/docker-latest.tgz --directory /tmp/ && mv /tmp/docker/docker /usr/local/bin && wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp/ && chmod a+x /tmp/ && /tmp/ mysql:3306 -- /cnb/process/web" volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock # Best effort to set default STREAM_APPS_URI and TASK_APPS_URI values. But because those can be overridden by other # composition YAMLs, it is highly recommended to set the STREAM_APPS_URI and TASK_APPS_URI explicitly! app-import-stream: command: > /bin/sh -c " ./ -t 360 dataflow-server:9393; wget -qO- '${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393}/apps' --no-check-certificate --post-data='uri=${STREAM_APPS_URI:-}'; wget -qO- '${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393}/apps/sink/ver-log/3.0.1' --no-check-certificate --post-data='uri=docker:springcloudstream/log-sink-kafka:3.0.1'; wget -qO- '${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393}/apps/sink/ver-log/2.1.5.RELEASE' --no-check-certificate --post-data='uri=docker:springcloudstream/log-sink-kafka:2.1.5.RELEASE'; wget -qO- '${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393}/apps/sink/dataflow-tasklauncher/${DATAFLOW_VERSION:-2.9.1}' --no-check-certificate --post-data='uri=docker:springcloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-tasklauncher-sink-kafka:${DATAFLOW_VERSION:-2.9.1}${BP_JVM_VERSION:-}'; echo 'Docker Stream apps imported'" app-import-task: command: > /bin/sh -c " ./ -t 360 dataflow-server:9393; wget -qO- '${DATAFLOW_URI:-http://dataflow-server:9393}/apps' --no-check-certificate --post-data='uri=${TASK_APPS_URI:-}'; echo 'Docker Task apps imported'"