== Declaring Hadoop dependencies Spring for Apache Hadoop provides necessary transitive dependencies via the project's Maven POM files. The default is using Apache Hadoop 2.6.x but there are additional versions available for other Hadoop distributions like Pivotal HD, Hortonworks Data Platform or Cloudera CDH. By specifying the desired version, your project will automatically resolve the correct Hadoop distribution dependencies. [source,xml] .Apache Hadoop 2.6.x ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE ---- [source,xml] .Pivotal HD 2.1 ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE-phd21 ---- [source,xml] .Hortonworks Data Platform 2.2 ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE-hdp22 ---- [source,xml] .Cloudera CDH 5.x ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE-cdh5 ---- [source,xml] .Apache Hadoop 2.4.x ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE-hadoop24 ---- [source,xml] .Apache Hadoop 2.5.x ---- org.springframework.data spring-yarn-boot 2.1.0.RELEASE-hadoop25 ----