About Spryker

What is the Spryker Commerce OS (SCOS)?

The Spryker Commerce OS or SCOS is a completely modular, API-first, headless commerce technology for transactional business models in a B2B or B2C context. Given the decoupled application and API based integration with all possible customer touchpoints (front ends) such as traditional B2B or B2C e-commerce shops, marketplaces, mobile applications for commercial or customer service purposes or newer touchpoints like voice, bots or IoT (smart hardware), the Spryker Commerce OS enables a significantly shorter time-to-market and ROI as well as total cost of ownership (TCO) due to applying all digital best practices.

What is the “Legacy Demoshop” ?

The “Legacy Demoshop” is our previous implementation example boilerplate that until April 2018 was our project implementation starting point for projects using the Spryker Commerce OS. It was released and licensed under an MIT license.

Why did we change it?

Although never intended this way, customers and partners used the Demoshop as a starting point and expected a clear update path for everything they base their custom code upon and demanded much more predictability and reliability in terms of potential BC breaks and general support. This is why we now ship our B2B/B2C Demo Shops as part of the product under our commercial license with all support and LTS rules being the same as for individual Spryker Commerce OS modules (note: The B2B/B2C Demo Shops are n-potential combination of exactly the same module from the full, 500+ modules strong SCOS).

By doing this we:

  • Reduced the amount of project level code.
  • Increased the number of modules supported by Spryker and made them upgradable.
  • Implemented industry best practices by applying Atomic Design principles.

Moreover, this move allowed us to improve data exchange scalability and reliability between the storefront part Yves and the Backend Zed. This is referred to as Publish and Sync architecture, which is a new way to handle data exchange.

We now ship two new demo shops, to showcase our functionality and help you choose the best possible starting point. Our focus is on functionality and reliability providing a scope of functionality relevant to you and a version that will follow the same release frequency and rules as the rest of the product. You can now start with a B2B Shop and B2C Shop . These demo shops, include all new functionality and are already based on the listed above enhancements.

What if I built my project based on the Demoshop boilerplate?

As the Spryker Commerce OS is a highly modular product you will be able to incorporate any new functionality that you need to support your business requirements. New functionality is available for you and Publish and Sync is compatible with Collectors and can be used together in a project.

I am a new customer where should I start?

If you are new to Spryker, please choose either our B2B Shop or B2C shop , based on your business requirements. This way, your application will stay as lean as needed. These Shops are what we believe to be the right combination of modules and functionality to fully represent B2C and B2B commerce respectively. You will get a fully integrated product that is consistent in the way the technology is presented and its functionality. The B2B shop and B2C shop are our recommended starting point for all standard commerce projects. Alternatively, if you are a sophisticated user or when you have a complex business case that does not require one of the two demo shops, you can start by cherry-picking needed modules directly from the SCOS. Released under a commercial license, we provide stable and predictable release cycles supported by an LTS flag (12 months). This makes it an ideal solution for building your business with certainty while benefiting from a reliable, backward compatible and fully regression tested version. With that said, if you still need a functionality we offer that is not included in the shop flavor you chose, you are still free to add or remove any feature and functionality from our larger range of functionality as you need.