Content Management System

Content Management System is the area where you can create and manage the content of your shop. The content is represented by CMS pages, CMS blocks, and widgets. The management of the shop content can be done in the Administration interface.

CMS page is an extra HTML page of your Spryker shop that you, as shop administrator, can create and edit using the WYSIWYG editor. The examples of CMS pages are About Us, Impressum, Terms and Conditions pages. You can create, view, publish and edit CMS pages in the Pages section. It is possible to create several versions of the same page: keep new changes or discard them and, thus, return to any previous version using the Versioning History functionality.

CMS block is a part of HTML code you can create and manage via the WYSIWYG editor. They can be used for banners, charts, static links, banner images or similar items to be displayed throughout the shop website.

To create, view and edit CMS block appearance and content, go to the Blocks section. Here you can add CMS blocks to a CMS page, which will display the information depending on a CMS block you add, a product detail page or a category product page.

CMS widget is a content snippet you can add and edit in the WYSIWYG editor. As a shop administrator, you can use them to display charts, product lists, or product groups to be shown on one or more pages. With CMS widgets, you can display the page content that can be, for instance, adjustable to some specific marketing events or insert media files to be downloaded by your site visitors.

For some reasons, for example, when you move your website to another location or change a domain name as a result of the business rebranding and do not want to lose all the content, you may need to configure a redirect URL to a new page. Another case to use a URL redirect may be when there are several sites for your shop and you decide to remove one of them to display all the content on one website. All this can be managed in the Redirects section.