
To open this page, go to Products -> Products.

This page is where you can create and manage products and their characteristics throughout your online shop.

Specifically, from this page you can:

Graphic User Interface

To access the Product page, from the Administration Interface's main menu (on the left), click Products and then Products.

Hover your mouse over the numbers to view their description.

5. In the Image tab, click Add image set. Enter an image set name into the Image Set Name field and set URLs for small and large versions.

Even though you can add several image sets, out of the box, there is no place in the back end and front end where several image sets can be displayed for a product. However, if you still do that, the image set going first or having the name 'default' will be applied to the product.

If you add several images to an active image set, specify the order in which they are to be shown in the front end and back end using Sort Order fields. The order of images is defined by the order of entered numbers where the image set with sort order "0" is the first to be shown.

If there are several image sets with the same Sort Order field value, the order in which they have been added defines the order in which they are to be shown.


Last review date: Feb 19, 2019