Orders: Reference Information

This topic contains the reference information that you need to know when managing orders in the Sales > Orders section.

Orders Page

On the Overview of Orders page, you see the following:

Attribute Description
# Sequence number.
Order Reference Order ID.
Created Order creation date.
Customer Full Name Name of the customer who placed the order.
Email Email of the customer who placed the order.
Order State Status of the order.
Grand Total Total price of the order.
Number of Items Number of items included in the order.
Actions Set of actions you can perform on the order.

By default, the last created order goes on top of the table.

On the Orders page, you see the following:

  • Order number, reference, and the creation date
  • Customer name and email
  • Order state, the grand total of the order, and the number of items ordered
  • Actions that you can do on this page

On this page, you can also:

  • Sort orders by the order number, order reference, created date, customer email, and the number of items ordered.
  • Filter orders by the creation date, customer email, and name.

Order Statuses

You can set different statuses for your order. The following describes the statuses you can select:

Order Status Description
Pay Select this status once you receive the payment for the order from your customer.
Ship Select this status once the order is shipped.
Stock-update Select this status when you update the number of available products of products in the Products > Availability section.
Close Select this status when your customer has successfully received the ordered items and is satisfied with their quality.
Return Select this status if the customer returns you either all or several items from the order.
Refund Select this status in case of refund.

Statuses flow:

  • Payment pending - the initial order statuses.
  • When you select Pay, the status becomes exported.
  • When you select Ship, the status becomes shipped.
  • When you select Stock-update, the status becomes delivered.
  • When you select Close, the status becomes closed.
  • In case the customer returns the ordered items: when you select Return, the status becomes returned.
  • In case of a return, when you select Refund, the status becomes refunded.


Last review date: Sep 24, 2019