Category Filters

An essential part of organizing products in a store is to arrange items into categories. Category Filters allow you to refine and customize the way filters are listed when you search by category. With Category Filters you can improve and optimize how visitors to the store locate products.

When a category holds a relatively small amount of products it is easy to simply scroll to locate an item. However, when the volume of products per-category grows to be a long list spanning several pages, it is unreasonable to expect that a customer would stay and look at hundreds of items.

With category filters you can customize your Catalog Page filters. These filters appear in catalog pages and are defined in the Administration Interface.

Customizing category filters is how you use your unique knowledge of your products and consumer behavior to influence and improve your customer's user experience by:

  • Making products easier to locate
  • Selectively removing unnecessary filters from categories
  • Prioritizing the display of filters for specific categories

You can either apply a general filter, or manually create specific settings described in this article.

This page will help you to:

Graphic User Interface

Accessing Category Filters Page

To access the Category Filters page, from the Administration Interface's main menu (on the left), click Search and Filters and then Category Filters

Category filters page has two 2 major areas:

  • Roots node list
  • Category tree

Hover your mouse over the numbers to view their description.

Last review date: Dec. 22nd, 2017