Merchants and Merchant Relations

MCMulti-currency MLMulti-language MSMulti-store

B2B commerce is all about commerce transactions between businesses or companies who market their goods or services to other companies. In the B2B partnership, which is usually based on contracts, the selling company is also referred to as merchant and the buyer is often represented by a business unit of a buying company. In Spryker B2B shop system, merchant relation entity is used to connect merchants and buyers together. Merchants and merchant to buyer relations can be managed through a dedicated area of the Administration Interface, where shop administrators can view, create, edit and delete merchants and merchant relations.

If you are:


Shop Administrator

Get a general idea of the feature Get a general idea of the feature
Import merchants into the system Add, edit, delete a merchant
Import merchant relations into the system Add, edit, delete a merchant relation
Integrate the Merchant Contracts v. 201903.0 into your project Import merchants into the system
  Import merchant relations into the system

Check out this video tutorial on how to set up Merchants and Merchant Relations