PHPStan is a static code analyzer that introspects the code without running it and catches various classes of bugs prior to unit testing.


To install PHPStan, run:

composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan


1. Run the following command to generate autocompletion and prevent any error messages that might occur due to the incomplete classes:

vendor/bin/console dev:ide:generate-auto-completion

2. Run this command to start analyzing:

php -d memory_limit=2048M vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -c vendor/spryker/spryker/phpstan.neon vendor/<spryker | spryker-eco | spryker-middleware>/<MODULE>/ -l 2

Note that running this command with the level 2 key (-l 2) and having no errors is obligatory, and having no errors with level 5 (-l 5) is highly recommended.

Additional Functionality

Main Configuration File Inheritance

To avoid duplicated code while specifying a different configuration in the parameters section of the phpstat.neon file, it is possible to extend this file and determine only the changes needed for a particular configuration of a module.

See also:


Last review date: Jan 11, 2019