Project Implementation - Zed API

For the API and the API bundles to get activated we need to configure our own service provider stack in the Zed ApplicationDependencyProvider class:

     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Silex\ServiceProviderInterface[]
    protected function getApiServiceProviders(Container $container)
        $providers = [
            // Add Security/CORS service providers
            // Add Auth service providers
            new RequestServiceProvider(),
            new SslServiceProvider(),
            new ServiceControllerServiceProvider(),
            new RoutingServiceProvider(),
            new ApiRoutingServiceProvider(),
            new PropelServiceProvider(),

        if (Environment::isDevelopment()) {
            $providers[] = new WhoopsErrorHandlerServiceProvider();

        return $providers;

     * @return \Spryker\Zed\Api\Communication\Plugin\ApiServiceProviderPlugin
    protected function getApiServiceProvider()
        $controllerListener = new ApiControllerListenerPlugin();
        $serviceProvider = new ApiServiceProviderPlugin();

        return $serviceProvider;

In the ZedBootstrap class we activate this service provider stack based on the URI:

     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD)
     * @return void
    protected function setUp()
        if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ApiConfig::ROUTE_PREFIX_API_REST) === 0) {


     * @return void
    protected function registerApiServiceProviders()
        foreach ($this->getApiServiceProvider() as $provider) {

     * @return \Silex\ServiceProviderInterface[]
    protected function getApiServiceProvider()
        return $this->getProvidedDependency(ApplicationDependencyProvider::SERVICE_PROVIDER_API);

As an alternative you can have your own rest.php PHP entry point and configure your server/container nginx to route into a different ZedBootstrap setup.

This own stack uses the minimal service providers needed exlusively to run the API.

Steps for installation when migrating an older demoshop version:

Update spryker/propel-query-builder to ^0.2.0


See also: