Multiple Stores

MLMulti-language MSMulti-store MCMulti-currency

With the Spryker Commerce OS you can freely create Multiple Stores for different scenarios that suit your business needs. Build one Store that services multiple countries and languages or setup a different store for each region. Easily share abstract products, discounts and other logics and code between stores or separate your setup for each. You can for example define separate search preferences to create an entirely different set of rankings, rules and settings per store. The Multi Store Setup is very versatile and can be customized to your needs.

There can be multiple stores that represent different countries of the shop.

  • Stores share the same code base but allow to customize logic and templates by inheritance
  • The SQL database can be shared among all stores or there can be a dedicated database per store
  • Hosting infrastructure can be shared or separated for the stores

You can setup the stores together with their settings such as date format or currency and also you can setup the default store for your application.

You can check the list of created stores in Back Office > Administration section > Stores page.

See also: