Product Image Management


Make your shop more appealing and give your customers a better idea of what they are buying . Group several images into sets and link them to products. One product can have several named and localized sets of images, for example to present standard or seasonal highlights. Different image sets can be used in CMS Pages and Blocks, for marketing and promotional purposes or simply to increase branding in your store.

  • One product can have several named and localized sets of images
  • Small and large images
  • Adjustable sort order of images in a set
  • Create different image sets for different use cases on different pages per product

Current Constraints

Currently, the feature has the following functional constraints which are going to be resolved in the future.

You can assign images to a product inside the Backoffice or via this import:


  • when there is more than one image assigned to a product, you can not define the order of the images to be displayed in the front end