
The Sales module provides the order management functionality. The functionality is obtained through the ZED UI that renders orders with orders details and the Client API to get customer orders.

Getting Totals for Order

To get the Order with totals, the facade method SalesFacade::getOrderByIdSalesOrder() creates an order level which returns the OrderTransfer with a hydrated grandTotal, subtotal, expense, discounts and more

This is an improvement from the Sales 5.0 version where you had to use SalesAggregatorFacade to get totalks. This version has been deprecated.

Persisting Order Calculated Values

All calculated values are persisted now, when order are first placed. The values are stored by orderSaver plugins from checkout bundle. Check \Pyz\Zed\Checkout\CheckoutDependencyProvider::getCheckoutOrderSavers for currently available plugins.

Some values can change during time when order refunded or partially refunded. Then canceled_amount and refundable_amount are recalculated and new values is persisted. At the same moment totals also change, but it does not overwrite old entry, but creates new row in spy_sales_order_total with this you have a history of order totals from the time order was placed.

The following ER diagram shows persisted calculated values:

Persising order calculated values

Extension Points

HydrateOrderPluginInterface - its an action which happens when SalesFacade::getOrderByIdSalesOrder() method is called. This means that you may want to enrich you OrderTransfer with additional data. This plugins accepts passes OrderTransfer for additional population.

There are already few plugins provided:

  • DiscountOrderHydratePlugin - hydrates OrderTransfer with discount related data as it was stored when order is placed.
  • ProductOptionOrderHydratePlugin - hydrates OrderTransfer with product option related data.
  • ProductBundleOrderHydratePlugin - hydrates OrderTransfer with product bundle related data.
  • ShipmentOrderHydratePlugin - hydrates OrderTransfer with shipment related data.