Split Delivery Overview

The Split Delivery feature is designed to ship the same order as shipments to multiple delivery addresses and/or on different dates, and/or with different shipment methods. A shipment is a set of two or more products combined by the same delivery address.

Each shipment defines:

  • Delivery address
  • Shipment method
  • Delivery date requested from a customer

In the Storefront, the Split Delivery feature allows you, as a customer, to set different delivery addresses for the order items, specify the date when you want the items to be delivered and select shipment methods per each shipment.

In the Back Office, the Split Delivery feature allows you, as a Back Office user, to view, update and/or create multiple shipments for an order that had originally one delivery address.

The following scheme illustrates relations between Shipment, ShipmentGui, and Sales modules:

Split Delivery in the Storefront

Keep in mind that the feature works only if there are several product items in one order.

In the Address checkout step, the Define to multiple addresses drop-down option allows you to assign a delivery address per each cart item.

Then, in the Shipment checkout step, you can see the products grouped by the same delivery address. The number of shipments equals the number of the same delivery addresses. For each group, you can select a delivery date (optional) and a shipment method.

See Shop Guide - Checkout for more details on how to add multiple delivery addresses to order items in the Storefront.

Split Delivery in the Back Office

In the Back Office, the shipments are displayed in the Order Items section on the View Order: [Order ID] page.

Here you can perform the following actions on shipments:

  • Create a new shipment group for the whole order
  • Modify a delivery address, a shipment method (without any impact on order totals), and a delivery date
  • Move items between shipments
  • Change the state of each item or all items per shipment

See Orders for more details on how to create and manage shipment groups in the Back Office.


Gift Card Compatibility

Currently, the Split Delivery feature is not compatible with the Gift Cards feature. If you want to buy a Gift card, only one delivery address can be selected for the whole order.

Limitation for Payment Service Providers

Most of payment service providers (PSP) support a single delivery address for a given order, while the Split Delivery feature enables your customers to add multiple shipments to the same order. In this case, you need to modify the configuration of the online store to allow your customers to deliver order items to different addresses. See HowTo - Disable Split Delivery in Yves Interface for information on how to do that.

Product Bundles

With the Split Delivery feature, Product Bundles items can be shipped to different delivery addresses. However, if a product bundle is a part of the order and you don't want it to be split and delivered to different delivery addresses, you need to configure the implementation of the Checkout process on your project level.


See also:


Last review date: Sep 26, 2019