Discontinued Products Feature Overview

Out of Stock vs. Discontinued Products

While we try to keep all the items in stock, we occasionally run out of products. In such a case the concrete product is tagged as out of stock and cannot be added to cart:

Once the stock is updated with the positive number - the concrete product will be available for purchase.

Products are discontinued when the manufacturer or a current distributor has communicated that the product will no longer be produced. Still, the discontinued product may have stock (the stock number can either be positive or negative).

Discontinued products have a certain period of time when they will still be shown on the website (active_until). After this period ends - the products will become deactivated.

Only concrete products can become discontinued.

The schema below illustrates the relations between discontinued products, abstract and concrete products:


See also:

  • Learn how to mark product as "Discontinued" in Admin UI


Last review date: Mar 1, 2019