CMS Pages in Search Results

When it comes to search in a webshop, a shop owner should make sure that they can offer the existing and potential customers the content they need. Most often shop visitors search for products on the website. However, they also might need other information, for example, terms and conditions, legal information, contacts etc. that is contained on CMS pages.

Spryker has implemented a specific feature for that: CMS pages in Search Results. This feature allows searching not only for products but for CMS pages content as well. At the same time, the search results pertaining to products and CMS pages do not intervene with each other, as the search result page is split into two tabs: one displays product pages and the other - CMS pages that can be shown either as a grid or as a list. Thus, the shop visitors can easily switch between tabs.

Also, sorting pages by a name and pagination available on the search results page help shop visitors to find the content they are looking for, much quicker and easier, especially, if there are many CMS pages on the store website. Breadcrumbs navigation allows a shop administrator to structure the content and this way reduce the number of steps the visitors of your online shop should perform to return to the previous page.

To sum it up, this advanced tool for browsing and searching will not only enhance the user experience, but will move forward the search functionality of your online shop. That means that shop visitors will be more likely to become or stay your customers who can quickly and easily find the content they are looking for.