Search Widget for Concrete Products Overview

MSMulti-store MCMulti-currency

With the search widget, the customer doesn't need to go to the product details page to add items. Search widget adds a search box to a Shopping cart, Shopping List, and Quick Order Page allowing the users to easily search and add concrete products directly from shopping cart/list pages. The widget includes the search field for concrete products and the quantity field. A shopper can search for products by SKU or concrete Product name. What the customers only have to do is to start typing the Name or the product SKU and the appropriate suggestions will appear in the drop-down. The suggested options enable shoppers to complete the search quickly.

Using the search widget, online shoppers are able to find products assigned specifically to the stores the users are in. Also, only products corresponding to user's currency and price mode settings are searched for.

Here's an example of what the search widget looks like on:

The module relations can be schematically represented in the following way:


Last review date: Mar 13th, 2019