Shipment Module Overview

The main concepts regarding shipping that are modeled in the database are :

  • shipment carrier
  • shipment method

The schema below shows how the sales order and shipment method entities are modeled in the database:

Shipment diagram

A sales order has an associated sales shipment entity which has an associated sales expense. The values of these entities are calculated and stored during the creation of the sales order, using the current state of shipment method, shipment method plugins, shipment method price, shipment carrier, and tax set data.

Note: The sales order can have additional, not shipment-related expenses.

For a shipment carrier, the following information must be entered from the Zed Admin UI:

  • Glossary key name - ID of the glossary key that holds the name of the shipment carrier (internationalization purpose)
  • Name - name of the shipment carrier
  • Is Active - if this flag is set to false, then the shipment methods linked to the current shipment carrier are also disabled

Multiple shipment methods can be added to a shipment carrier. For each shipment method the following details must be entered from the Zed Admin UI:

  • Tax Set - shipment method must have an associated tax rate
  • Glossary Key Name - ID of the glossary key that holds the name of the shipment method (internationalization purpose)
  • Glossary Key Description - ID of the glossary key that holds the description of the shipment method (internationalization purpose)
  • Name - name of the shipment method
  • Price
  • Is Active - flag that allows to disable/enable the shipment method

Additional behaviors can be attached to a shipment method from the Zed Admin UI:

  • Availability Plugin - name of the plugin that checks the availability for this shipment method
  • Delivery Time Plugin - name of the plugin that can calculate the delivery time for this shipment method
  • Price Calculation Plugin - name of the plugin that can calculate the price for this shipment method

For each glossary key linked to a shipment carrier or methods, the corresponding entry for each locale configured in the application must be added to the glossary keys.

For more information about the shipment method plugins, visit Shipment Methods Plugins page.

Current Constraints

Currently, the feature has the following functional constraints which are going to be resolved in the future.

  • a shipment method created in the Backoffice is available across all the stores of a project

  • It is possible to define a store relation for a shipment method on a project level using an availability plugin that defines if a shipment method is to be shown during checkout

See also:


Last review date: Dec. 4th, 2017