Multiple and Shared Shopping Lists

MCMulti-currency MLMulti-language MSMulti-store

In the B2B world, shopping lists are used as templates for frequently bought items. For example, a retail store might be keeping a list of items they buy periodically to replenish stock.

Sometimes, customers might need more than one shopping list, say, one for products they buy every day, one for weekly shopping and one more to use once a month. Also, shopping lists are often created and used not by one and the same person all the time, therefore for most companies it is vital to be able to share shopping lists among company users. For example, a chief might have created a shopping list which they might want to share with all or individual business unit members, granting them different levels of access rights. Spryker Shopping Lists feature allows you to create and manage one or multiple shopping lists as well as share them within an entire business unit or with individual users belonging to the business unit. Moreover, business units and its members can be granted different privileges on the shopping list: no access at all, read-only or full access.

Shopping lists as such enable your customers to fast and easy order frequently purchased items, which is important to retain existing customers and gain new ones. The shared shopping lists simplify purchasing process, as not only the shopping list owner can use it to place orders, but also the team members with whom it has been shared. Ability to assign various levels of access rights to shopping lists, gives your customers more flexibility for order placements and enhances their data security.


Check out this video tutorial on using shopping lists.