Adyen - Installation and Configuration

To integrate Adyen into your project, first you need to install and configure the Adyen module. This topic describes how to do that.


To install the Adyen module, run

composer require spryker-eco/adyen


General Configuration

You can find all necessary configurations in vendor/spryker-eco/adyen/config/config.dist.php

The table below describes all general configuration keys and their values.

Configuration Key Type Description
$config [AdyenConstants::MERCHANT_ACCOUNT] string Name of the merchant account
$config [AdyenConstants::REQUEST_CHANNEL] string Name of the communication channel with Adyen, has to be "Web"
$config [AdyenConstants::SDK_CHECKOUT_SECURED_FIELDS_URL] string JS SDK URL to encrypt Credit Card secure fields
$config [AdyenConstants::SDK_CHECKOUT_ORIGIN_KEY] string Origin key of JS SDK that generated based on project base URL
$config [AdyenConstants::MULTIPLE_PARTIAL_CAPTURE_ENABLED] bool Defines if multiple capture is enabled. "false" by default
$config [AdyenConstants::SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER_COUNTRIES_MANDATORY] array List of countries with SSN mandatory
$config [AdyenConstants::IDEAL_ISSUERS_LIST] array List of iDeal issuers
$config [AdyenApiConstants::API_KEY] string API key, provided by Adyen
$config [AdyenApiConstants::GET_PAYMENT_METHODS_ACTION_URL string URL for getting available payment methods via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::MAKE_PAYMENT_ACTION_URL] string URL for making payment via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::PAYMENTS_DETAILS_ACTION_URL] string URL for payment details via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::AUTHORIZE_ACTION_URL] string URL for authorizing via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::AUTHORIZE_3D_ACTION_URL] string URL for authorizing via 3D API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::CAPTURE_ACTION_URL] string URL for capturing via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::CANCEL_ACTION_URL] string URL for canceling via API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::REFUND_ACTION_URL] string URL for refunding via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::CANCEL_OR_REFUND_ACTION_URL] string URL for canceling or refunding an API call (when it's not possible to know if payment is already captured)
$config [AdyenApiConstants::TECHNICAL_CANCEL_ACTION_URL] string URL for technical cancellation via an API call
$config [AdyenApiConstants::ADJUST_AUTHORIZATION_ACTION_URL] string URL for adjusting and authorized amount via an API call

Specific Configuration

The table below describes specific payment method configuration keys and their values. These configurations are also available in vendor/spryker-eco/adyen/config/config.dist.php

Configuration Key Type Description
$config [AdyenConstants::SOFORT_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after payment with Sofort
$config [AdyenConstants::CREDIT_CARD_3D_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after passing the 3D secure
$config [AdyenConstants::IDEAL_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after payment with iDeal
$config [AdyenConstants::PAY_PAL_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after payment with PayPal
$config [AdyenConstants::ALI_PAY_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after payment with AliPay
$config [AdyenConstants::WE_CHAT_PAY_RETURN_URL] string URL to return customer after payment with WeChatPay
$config [AdyenConstants::CREDIT_CARD_3D_SECURE_ENABLED] bool Defines if 3D secure is enabled for Credit Card payments

Having specified necessary configuration keys, add payment methods to State Machine (OMS) configuration in the following file:

To complete the payment modification requests (cancel, capture, refund), it's necessary to configure notification on Adyen merchant Backend side.

Credit Card with 3D secure authorization requires additional configuration on the project level.

What's next?

Once you are done with the installation and configuration of the CrefoPay module, integrate Adyen into your project.


Last review date: November, 16th, 2018