Computop - CRIF

General Information About CRIF

Popular with customers, risky for the merchant: Payment methods such as direct debit or purchase on account involve a high level of default risk. Computop Paycontrol, an automated credit rating with all standard credit agencies, combines flexibility and payment security for online business. With Paycontrol you can, amongst other things, automatically obtain information from CRIF without having to connect your shop system to individual information interfaces.

CRIF (formerly Deltavista) provides information on about 80 million individuals, 6 million companies, and 10 million payment, register, and address records from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Calling the Interface

To carry out a CRIF order check via a Server-to-Server connection, go to the following URL:

For security reasons, Paygate rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore please use the correct data type for each parameter.

Integration with Checkout

Integrated into Computop module CRIF provides risk check functionality based on customer, cart, address and other data. CRIF analyzes information and provides result as color response code (GREEN, YELLOW, RED) which corresponds to potential risks. Based on this result payment methods should be filtered. Only allowed payment methods should be displayed on checkout payment page. Module provides possibility to configure list of allowed payment methods for each response color.

First of all you need to add CRIF specific configurations into config_default.php file:

Extend ShipmentStep to add CRIF risk check call before checkout payment step:

Extend StepFactory to update shipment checkout step:

Extend CheckoutPageFactory for project level StepFactory usage:

An example of the configuration can be taken from vendor/spryker-eco/computop/config/config.dist.php file.


Last review date: Jun 14, 2019