Payolution - Invoice Payment

Workflow Scenarios

Payments from Payolution to Merchant are not included in the sequence diagrams since they occur on a regular basis (e.g. every week).

Standard Case

Full Refund Before Payment

Partial Refund Before Payment

Full Refund After Payment

Partial Refund After Payment


Integrating Payolution Invoice Payment

To integrate invoice payments, two simple steps are needed: setting Payolution invoice payment configuration and calling the facade functions.

Setting Payolution Invoice Configuration

The configuration to integrate invoice payments using Payolution is:

  • TRANSACTION_GATEWAY_URL: the gateway URL to connect with Payolution services (required).
  • TRANSACTION_SECURITY_SENDER : the sender id (required).
  • TRANSACTION_USER_LOGIN: the sender username (required).
  • TRANSACTION_USER_PASSWORD: the sender password (required).
  • TRANSACTION_MODE: the mode of the transaction, either test or live (required).
  • TRANSACTION_CHANNEL_PRE_CHECK: a Payolution channel for handling pre-check requests, in case of using Pre-check (optional).
  • TRANSACTION_CHANNEL_INVOICE: a Payolution channel for handling invoice requests except Pre-check as it has its own channel (required).
  • MIN_ORDER_GRAND_TOTAL_INVOICE: the allowed minimum order grand total amount for invoice payments in the shop e.g. the minimum allowed payment is $2 (required).
  • MAX_ORDER_GRAND_TOTAL_INVOICE: the allowed maximum order grand total amount for invoice payments in the shop e.g. the maximum allowed payment is $5000 (required).
  • PAYOLUTION_BCC_EMAIL_ADDRESS: Payolution email address to send copies of payment details to Payolution.

Performing Requests

In order to perform the needed requests, you can easily use the implemented state machine commands and conditions. See Payolution — Performing Requests for a summary. You can also use the facade methods directly which, however, are invoked by the state machine.


See also:


Last review date: Oct. 17th, 2017