RatePAY - Invoice

Workflow Scenarios

Payment Flow

Ratepay Invoice Payment Flow Partial

Cancellation Flow

Ratepay Invoice Cancellation Flow

Partial Cancellation Flow

Ratepay Invoice Partial Cancellation Flow

Refund Flow

Ratepay Invoice Refund Flow

Integrating RatePAY Invoice Payment

To integrate invoice payment, you need to: RatePAY invoice payment configuration and call the facade functions.

Setting RatePAY Invoice Configuration

The configuration to integrate invoice payments using RatePAY is:

  • PROFILE_ID: merchant’s login (required).
  • SECURITY_CODE: merchant’s password (required).
  • SHOP_ID: shop identifier (required).
  • SYSTEM_ID: system identifier (required).
  • CLIENT_VERSION: client system version.
  • CLIENT_NAME: client name.
  • RATEPAY_REQUEST_VERSION: request version.
  • MODE: the mode of the transaction, either test or live (required).
  • API_TEST_URL: test mode API url.
  • API_LIVE_URL: live mode API url.

Perform Requests

To perform the needed requests, use the RatePAY State Machine Commands and Conditions. You can also use the facademethods directly which, however, are invoked by the state machine.